Folk remedies: how to remove a wart using celandine

Just like pimples and acne, papillomas spoil the appearance of the skin, but unlike inflammations, they do not go away on their own. They need to be removed. Find out how to get rid of papillomas on your face.

The appearance of any neoplasms on the face is an unpleasant thing. Moreover, they will not disappear on their own, and all cosmetics are powerless against them. You will have to look for a different approach to papillomas.

Celandine: pros and cons

Benefits of celandine for removing papillomas:

  • low cost and general availability - the medicinal plant grows everywhere;
  • naturalness of ingredients;
  • Painless (minimal discomfort compared to other methods of removing papillomas);
  • ease of use.

The disadvantages of the product include:

  • impossibility of use in winter (with the exception of pharmaceutical products based on selenium): a fresh plant is active only during the period of active flowering from May to June;
  • after removing warts with celandine extract, scars sometimes remain;
  • not suitable for people with allergies and hypersensitivity;
  • duration of treatment.

Composition and properties of celandine

Celandine is a shrubby perennial plant that has medicinal properties due to its composition. For medicinal purposes, the plant is used only in its flowering form.

The composition of this plant includes: alkaloids, natural antibiotics, vitamin C, vitamin A, malic and citric acids. Thanks to this composition, celandine has an excellent local effect on many skin lesions and diseases.

Celandine juice literally burns the wart, but no pain is felt, since the alkaloids contained in the composition block the pain. It must be remembered that celandine juice causes burns on the skin and therefore collection is done only with gloves and a mask.

As a result of all of the above, the question often arises: how to properly remove warts with celandine. It's very simple, there are several ways.

One of these is burning the wart directly with the juice of the plant. The second way is to purchase pharmaceutical forms of medicines containing celandine juice. This method is more reliable, since the pharmacy forms contain instructions for cauterizing warts with celandine. The third method is to prepare your own decoction based on a medicinal plant.

If you use celandine to burn out warts on your own, without consulting a doctor, remember that this must be done carefully.

What do you need to know before treatment?

Any skin growth can be malignant. Therefore, before removing papillomas yourself, it is recommended to consult a doctor to rule out cancer. Treatment of papillomas with celandine should be based on the following principles:

  • Be sure to check skin sensitivity before starting treatment;
  • it is prohibited to exceed the recommended doses of the substance;
  • It is recommended to work with a fresh plant using rubber gloves;
  • treatment with celandine is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Celandine is not used for children under 5 years of age;
  • avoid contact with healthy skin;
  • Before spot application to the nipples, moisten the skin around the nipple with any fatty cream - it will protect healthy skin from accidental contact with celandine and chemical burns;
  • If you experience very severe burning or pain during use, rinse immediately with running water. A slight burning sensation is normal and does not require additional action.

Contraindications and possible harm

The aggressive effect of celandine juice on the epidermis can cause burns or irritation due to improper application, especially when it comes to warts in intimate places. As a result of removing warts and other growths with plant extracts, scars and scars often appear on the face. Before starting home therapy, you should consult your doctor to make sure the tumor is benign.

In case of extensive skin damage by warts, it is necessary to undergo special diagnostic individual examinations.

It is contraindicated to use celandine and its derivatives in case of an allergic reaction. The therapy should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. A high risk of deterioration of health exists in patients suffering from asthma, epilepsy, and central nervous system disorders.

Use of celandine for children

Celandine-based products should be used with extreme caution and only after consultation with a doctor to remove warts in children. Before using any plant-based product, it is recommended to treat the skin around the growth with a nourishing cream. This will protect delicate baby skin from the risk of irritation or burns.

Use of celandine for children should be done with great caution due to the high toxicity of the products. It is necessary to control the entire process of using drugs, avoiding contact with the oral cavity or eyes. As soon as the wart begins to darken, treatment with the extract should be stopped. It is contraindicated to apply the product more than once a day. It should also not be used by children under 3 years of age.

What papillomas can be removed using celandine?

The biologically active ingredients of celandine allow you to remove almost any papilloma or wart. But depending on the location of the skin papilla, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • It is not recommended to remove warts on the delicate skin of the eyelids, lips, nipples, external genitalia, as well as on the mucous membranes yourself in order to avoid chemical burns and scars;
  • Warts in other areas can be removed after a sensitivity test is performed;
  • When removing papillomas on the face, you need to be very careful to avoid chemical burns and scarring of the skin;
  • Removing plant papillomas will be more effective if you take a warm foot bath and steam the skin of your feet before the procedure. If the layer of keratinized epithelium on the heel is too thick, you can additionally go through pumice.

Pros and cons of using celandine

The advantages of using celandine in the treatment of warts are many, since it has been used for quite a long time. Here are some benefits of celandine for warts:

  • Celandine grows in most areas of our country;
  • There is no feeling of pain when using it, since it contains alkaloids;
  • The effectiveness of celandine for combating warts has been proven over time;
  • This method is the most inexpensive for treating warts.

But there are also disadvantages of use, such as prohibition when used on areas with delicate skin - face, neck and intimate areas.

Celandine is also dangerous for children; it can cause poisoning. And the plant is practically impossible to find within the city limits, which means you will have to go outside the city to create a medicine.

Celandine decoction

Since skin papillomas are only a symptom of a viral infection, it is important not only to remove them locally, but also to reduce the burden on the body caused by HPV. To date, there are no effective methods for removing the virus from the body, but a decoction of celandine can reduce its concentration, strengthen the immune system and get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Recipe for oral decoction

Pour 125 g of dry raw material into 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Strain the resulting broth and take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course of the party is a week. After a two-day break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

In addition to oral administration for the treatment of papillomas, it is recommended to undergo a cleansing procedure with a celandine enema.

Course of cleansing enemas with celandine juice

  1. 1 tablespoon of fresh celandine juice ± 2 liters of warm water. Repeat 10 procedures per day.
  2. Take a break for 20 days.
  3. 1 tablespoon of plant juice + 2 liters of water (10 procedures).
  4. Break for 20 days.
  5. 2 tablespoons of juice + 2 liters of water (10 procedures).

Also, a decoction of celandine can be used as a night compress. Before the procedure, it is best to steam the skin in a hot bath.

Compress recipe with celandine

Boil 1 tablespoon of dry material in a glass of water for 10-12 minutes. Moisten the resulting decoction with gauze and cover the papilloma area with it. Pack it up and head out for the night. Repeat for 10-15 days.

Celandine extract

You can buy an infusion of celandine at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Due to the alcohol content in the composition, the shelf life of the product is significantly extended, so it can be used all year round.

Extract recipe

Ingredients: 100 ml fresh juice, 50 ml vodka. It is necessary to mix the ingredients and leave for a day. Use papilloma extract daily for a three-week course.

Note: Celandine extract is very active, so take precautions.

Please read the following rules:

  • It is recommended to prepare celandine juice using rubber gloves;
  • Before using the extract for an allergy test: Apply a small amount of product to the skin around your elbow and wait half an hour. If there is no skin reaction, you can use celandine extract. In case of redness, itching and pain, wash off the product and consult a doctor;
  • In one course of treatment, no more than 5-6 warts can be treated, so as not to exceed the maximum concentration of toxic substances in the body.

What are papillomas

The formation of skin papillomas is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).
“More than 30% of the world’s population has HPV, but many people don’t even know about it, since the pathogen may not manifest itself in any way,” says Anna Torosyan, a dermatovenereologist at the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. — The papilloma virus circulates in the human body, but the protective functions of the immune system suppress pathogenic cells. Benign skin formations can occur in both older people and children, while acrochordas (thread-like papillomas) occur in approximately 50% of pensioners (papillomas in the armpits, groin, neck and around the eyes). There are three ways of transmission of the virus - sexual, household contact (through microtraumas of the skin) and perinatal (from mother to child). As a rule, formations occur in people at a time when the immune system is especially weakened, for example, after suffering from influenza and other infectious diseases. Pregnant women and people with bad habits are also susceptible to the formation of papillomas. Promiscuous sexual intercourse, as well as sexual contact with a person who is a carrier of the virus, is also a risk factor for the occurrence of papillomas.” To date, more than 200 types of such viruses are known. “They can be both oncogenic (that is, causing cancerous tumors) and non-oncogenic,” says Maria Istomina, a dermatovenerologist at the SM-Cosmetology clinic. — Most often, formations on the face occur due to the non-oncogenic human papillomavirus. Papilloma is not difficult to distinguish from other skin problems. Most often this is a pale pink formation protruding above the skin. Sometimes it can rise on a small stalk above the surface of the skin. The size of papillomas varies from 0.2 cm to 0.5 cm. Sometimes their size can reach 1 cm in diameter. Such formations, as a rule, do not fester. Papillomas, once formed, no longer change and do not go away on their own.” To get rid of tumors on the skin of the face, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Celandine oil

Celandine essential oil is a gentle papilloma virus that has all the healing properties of celandine and is easy to use. You can easily make this oil yourself.

Recipe for oil with celandine

Ingredients: 100 g of dry celandine, 150-200 ml of sunflower oil (or any other unrefined oil).

Pour in herbal oil until it completely covers the plant. Leave for a week in a cool place. Strain and apply the oil twice a day until they dry out and fall off on their own.

Decoction, extract or oil?

When choosing a method for removing papillomas, you should take into account the location of the warts, skin sensitivity and treatment goals.

  1. The decoction is effective as a complex therapy for papilloma, as it reduces the risk of tumor formation and strengthens the immune defense.
  2. The extract is the most active form of using celandine for papillomas and warts, but there is an increased risk of side effects and microtrauma to the skin. The extract should be used with extreme caution.
  3. The oil has a milder effect compared to celandine extract, but the treatment takes a little longer.

Pharmacy products

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers many drugs based on celandine, so using fresh plant juice is out of the question. Which remedy is more effective in the fight against papillomas?

Mountain celandine

Mountain celandine is a pharmaceutical preparation for the correction of cosmetic skin defects. It is based on an extract of celandine and herbs growing on Lake Baikal. Also included are string, bitterness, dog's paw, rhododendron.

The drug is a viscous fragrant liquid, onto which a cotton swab is applied to a pinpoint papillary spot of smaller diameter than the papilloma (avoid contact with mucous membranes, it can cause a chemical burn). It is used once a day until the papilloma is removed, on average for 5-7 days.

So, celandine is a natural, time-tested and quite effective remedy for removing papillomas. But, like any other drug, it requires proper use and compliance with precautions. In addition to the external removal of warts, restorative procedures, vitamin therapy and increased immunity play an important role in the treatment of papilloma.

Wart removers

Modern pharmaceutical companies produce many forms and types of drugs based on celandine. Traditional healers recommend combining pharmacy and home remedies. In this case, there is an increase in the body's resistance to most infections, the manifestations of papillomavirus are reduced, and in some cases, with proper use, growths and warts never appear again.

In folk medicine, they use remedies prepared at home from fresh or dried herbs. Infusions of vodka juice and concentrated decoctions are particularly effective in treating human papillomavirus.

A medicinal decoction is prepared from the dried branches and inflorescences of the plant in the amount of a tablespoon and 200 ml of water for 5 minutes. It is recommended to drink a tablespoon 3 times a day, combined with applying pharmaceutical cream or celandine ointment to problem areas of the skin.


Lekker Superclean pencil is used for local removal of warts and papillomas. The product is very effective and allows treatment with minimal damage to healthy areas of the skin. The first results become noticeable within 4-5 days.

The growths are smeared with a pencil 2 times a day until they darken. Immediately before the procedure, warts must be steamed with warm water. The main components of a pencil are celandine and alkalis. The components of the product allow you to eliminate the formation and stop the spread of the virus.


“Super celandine” (1 ml) and “Super celandine” (1.2 ml) are liquid solutions of transparent consistency, which, despite the name, do not contain celandine. The preparations are produced on the basis of potassium and sodium alkalis. As a result of application, they burn out the affected tissues, causing their necrosis. The wart first turns black, and after a few days it completely disappears.

In accordance with the instructions for use, the solution must be applied pointwise for 3 to 7 days. Then you need to take a break and observe the wart. If it does not disappear, you can take another course. The drug is so aggressive on the skin that it can cause chemical burns. For this reason, it is not recommended to use these drugs to remove growths on the face, as scars may remain.


Cream "Clandestine" consists of natural ingredients:

  • celandine extract;
  • vitamin E;
  • calendula oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • chamomile extract.

It is used to treat warts on the soles of the feet, in the armpits, on the buttock folds and other hard-to-reach places. It should be used several times a day in accordance with the instructions or doctor's orders until the growths disappear. The healing properties of the drug have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral effects.

Ointment with celandine

An ointment with glycerin based on celandine extract allows you to get rid of skin growths with minimal risk of scar tissue formation. Local application of the ointment promotes an intensive effect on the warts themselves, without entering the systemic bloodstream, but neutralizing the virus throughout the entire area of ​​formation.

The ointment contains:

  • alkaloids;
  • saponins;
  • resinous substances;
  • carotenoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • essential and fatty oils.

All these components allow you to effectively remove growths on the face, nose, neck, and intimate places using ointment. It acts quite gently, causing virtually no irritation and leaving no scars. The death of affected tissues begins from the first minutes of application. In most cases, a week's therapy with a glycerin-containing product is sufficient.

Drops and extract

“Mountain celandine” is the name of a pharmaceutical drug that is available in the form of drops or balm. The product is sold in small bottles with an applicator. “Mountain Celandine” can also be presented in the form of cosmetic oil in a 30 ml bottle.

The liquid has a viscous consistency and dark brown color. In addition to celandine extract, it contains impurities of string, golden rhododendron, and gentian.

The undiluted product is applied directly to the wart itself in a thin layer; contact of liquid with healthy areas of the skin is unacceptable. It should be applied twice a day. It is not recommended to go out into fresh air for 2 hours after the procedure.

Infusion for internal and external use

At home, you can independently prepare a remedy based on celandine juice:

  1. The freshly harvested plant along with its roots is thoroughly washed under running water and cut into 2-2.5 cm pieces.
  2. The resulting raw material must be passed through a meat grinder, and then thoroughly squeezed using a clean cloth.
  3. It is recommended to keep the juice in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
  4. Then 500 ml of vodka is added to 1 liter of juice.

You can use the infusion to burn warts or take it orally (orally), starting with 5 drops per day. Gradually, 1 drop is added to the initial dose every day, bringing the total number to 20. Afterwards, the medicine is taken in full for a month. After 30 days you should take a 10-day break. After this, if necessary, you can conduct another course.

This method of application is advisable for those who are contraindicated for surgical or laser removal of warts. The treatment regimen is quite simple, but guarantees complete elimination of ugly growths within the first weeks of use. However, due to the characteristics of the plant, more than three such courses cannot be carried out during the year. The product promotes overall strengthening of the body and improves immunity. For people with particularly sensitive skin, before applying the juice, you need to lubricate problem areas with water.

The herbs minced with a meat grinder can also be kept for 14 days with the addition of olive oil. The output is celandine oil, which is used for local applications to large areas affected by warts.

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