Calendula tincture - all the ways to use it for acne on the face, reviews

Traditional medicine is the first thing that most people resort to when they first discover skin problems.

Calendula tincture for acne is considered perhaps the most reliable assistant in the difficult task of fighting for freshness and beauty of the face, and besides, it costs mere pennies and is in the price list of any pharmacy.

Does popular rumor overestimate its capabilities? Let's see how things really are.

Beneficial properties of calendula tincture for facial skin

An alcohol-containing tincture of marigolds is an effective cosmetic product that is easy to use at home.

It has a list of positive properties:

  • prevents aging of the epidermis;
  • normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • cleanses of toxins;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • stimulates collagen production;
  • relieves irritation, including after insect bites;
  • improves color;
  • tightens pores;
  • fights pigment spots and scars;
  • destroys bacteria, fungi, subcutaneous mites;
  • relieves pain on wounds and burns;
  • nourishes the skin thanks to the content of microelements and vitamins.

Calendula not only helps against acne, but also eliminates the remaining traces of acne - wounds, scars.


Photo by Alina Vilchenko: Pexels
Today, the beneficial properties of the flower have been proven by science. Calendula contains several unique components that are especially valuable for skin care:

  • oleic acid – improves blood supply to dermal cells;
  • lupeol – has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • quercetin – antioxidant;
  • carotenoids – activate the synthesis of vitamin A;
  • flavonoids, minerals, vitamins, phytosterols, acids, esters - help solve many skin problems.

Contraindications and possible harm

A strict contraindication to the external use of calendula is allergies or individual intolerance to the plant; due to the strong odor, the condition of asthmatics may worsen. It is not recommended to apply to too dry or sensitive epidermis, open bleeding lesions.

Possible negative consequences:

  • overdrying of the dermis;
  • rash or other allergic reaction, including due to accumulation effects.

In addition, you can only apply the tincture without diluting it with water; you must wipe your face with a diluted solution.

What do you need to remember?

There are several simple requirements that should be taken into account when treating acne with decoctions, ointments, and calendula tincture. Basic Rules:

  • The plant has no contraindications, the only caveat is individual intolerance, so test before using home remedies;
  • in case of a negative skin reaction, the use of the compositions may result in rashes, redness, severe burning - it is prohibited to continue treatment, the procedures should be stopped immediately;
  • when preparing products, strictly adhere to the recommended dosages - exceeding the risk of complications can easily cause serious harm to the skin - cause irritation, increase or decrease the activity of the glands that produce sebum;
  • in case of serious damage to the dermis, it is better to start home treatment after consulting a dermatologist - if necessary, use herbal compositions as auxiliaries in drug therapy.

Another simple rule is not to treat acne with different formulations at the same time. If the impact on formations is carried out with several drugs, take turns, leaving at least an hour break between procedures.

Calendula is a plant that brings undoubted benefits for all types of acne. We should not forget that rashes often appear against the background of serious diseases of the digestive tract, with increased production of hormones, and infection with worms.

It is better to find out the cause of the formations, after eliminating the factor that provokes the rash, begin treatment - it will be possible to cleanse the skin as quickly as possible, without the use of powerful drugs, just with the help of folk herbal remedies.

How to use calendula tincture for acne?

How effective calendula is for acne and how to apply it depends on the type of problem. In any case, it is recommended to first test for a skin reaction - apply a little herbal medicine to the inner surface of the elbow and make sure there are no allergy symptoms: rash, redness, itching. All procedures are carried out after cleansing the face of dirt and makeup, not before going outside. No rinsing required.


During adolescence, due to hormonal changes, acne is more common, which can leave noticeable scars - post-acne. If there is little inflammation, you can apply a clean tincture with a cotton swab to each acne or scar.

If it is necessary to treat a large area, alcohol can leave burns, so it is recommended to dilute the product with water: in equal proportions for oily and normal skin, 1 part marigold and 2-3 parts water for dry skin.

It is recommended to apply it locally three times a day, and wipe it off no more than twice. The first results in acne treatment will appear the very next day, the scars become less noticeable after a week.

For an adult

In adults, acne is located a little deeper, so treatment may take longer. Due to the drawing of pimple contents to the surface, at the beginning of using calendula it may seem that the inflammation has intensified.

After applying and drying the tincture, it is recommended to moisturize the dermis with a suitable cosmetic preparation (it is important that it is non-comedogenic). The frequency of procedures is 2 times a day.

Open comedones

Open comedones look like blackheads and lack inflammation. Calendula infused in an alcohol solution allows you to soften them and bring them out, dry them, disinfect and narrow enlarged pores.

To prevent sebum production from increasing and aggravating the problem, you should use a product diluted with water.

Closed comedones

Alcohol tincture of calendula is unlikely to help with closed subcutaneous acne. It is even possible that the situation will worsen and the formation of additional comedones due to overdried epidermis.

It is better to treat such formations with special medications, and marigolds can be used when the pimple opens - an alcohol remedy will help relieve inflammation and speed up tissue regeneration.

Papules and pustules

Papules are nodules without contents that cause swelling of nearby tissues. Pustules are purulent blisters on the surface of the dermis. Papulopustular acne often causes red or bluish spots and, if left untreated, scars.

Tincture of yellow flowers relieves swelling, has an antiseptic effect, dries out inflammation, and promotes the disappearance of pigmentation and scars. It is used in pure or diluted form, depending on the number of pimples.


Nodules of different sizes on and under the skin occur for many reasons, it can be:

  • papule;
  • several closed comedones connected together;
  • benign or malignant tumor;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • wen.

Consultation with a dermatologist is advisable; without a diagnosis, it is impossible to predict the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies.

Abscess and more severe forms of acne

Large abscesses, especially those located in the deep layers of the dermis, cannot be treated independently, as there is a high risk of complications, including sepsis. A doctor should prescribe a treatment regimen, and calendula will help speed up tissue healing and scar resorption after opening the abscess.

Rules of application

To achieve a favorable result, an alcohol preparation based on calendula is used taking into account the following rules:

  1. The procedures begin by testing the product, distributing a few drops on the forearm. After half an hour, the condition of the skin is checked. The safety of the tincture is evidenced by the absence of visible changes.
  2. Do not use expired medication.
  3. To avoid getting burns, the tincture is not used in its pure form, except for spot cauterization of acne. For sebaceous skin, dilute the drug in filtered water in a ratio of 3:1. For normal skin type, prepare a solution in equal parts. If it is dry and overly sensitive, then the ratio is maintained at 1:3.
  4. Before carrying out the procedures, it is necessary to wash off makeup and cleanse the skin of impurities.
  5. Leave lotions and applications on areas with inflammation for a maximum of 10 minutes. For masks, the time is indicated in the recipe.
  6. Wipe the skin with lotion 1-2 times a day.

Follow the course duration indicated in the recipes used. When repeating it, maintain an interval of 15-20 days.

Recipes with other ingredients

Since it is not always possible to use undiluted alcohol tincture, there are various recipes in which the drug is mixed with other medicines, oils, decoctions, and herbal ingredients. Often such lotions and ointments turn out to be even more effective than a simple tincture, and you can also make masks with them.

Blend for oily skin

A simple mash that has a drying effect. To prepare you will need:

  • 40 ml calendula in alcohol;
  • the same amount of salicylic acid;
  • 2 tablespoons of boiled water or chamomile infusion.

Mix in a bottle, use to wipe problem areas once a day (preferably at night) without a time limit, you can use it constantly, there is no addiction. Shake well before use and do not apply near eyes or lips.

The acid enhances the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of calendula, stimulates local blood circulation, which helps fight post-acne. The mixture is indicated for use by people with oily skin.

Antibacterial remedy for severe inflammation

An effective solution for spot application. Composition and properties:

  1. 40 mm bottle of calendula tincture.
  2. 4 tablets of Levomycetin. Antibiotic, penetrates well into tissues, has a wide spectrum of action.
  3. The same amount of Aspirin. Anti-inflammatory medication, tightens pores, whitens post-acne, softens the contents of acne.

The tablets need to be crushed to a powder and dissolved in the tincture. Apply to acne once a day, if there is an effect, but weak - twice. Duration of use: 1–2 weeks.

It is necessary to use until the acne disappears, otherwise the microorganism that causes the disease may develop resistance to the antibiotic. The solution is effective for shallow inflammations on the surface of the epidermis.

Nourishing mask for healing

Aloe has a beneficial effect on enlarged pores, saturates the dermis with vitamins, moisturizes, heals damage, improves blood circulation, destroys microbes, creates a protective layer, and reduces inflammation.

Honey is an antiseptic, helps with suppuration, and relieves swelling. Has a moisturizing, softening, toning effect.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix equal parts of marigold tincture, aloe juice and honey. Apply the resulting ointment to problem areas or the entire face, leave for 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Application is possible for any type of dermis, the only contraindication is an allergy to bee products.

Course - daily, 30 days. Next, it is important to take at least the same break.


Masks are incredibly useful, they nourish, moisturize, heal, and have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. As part of homemade masks, the properties of calendula are complemented by the properties of other components. Therefore, the solution can have a complex effect on the skin.

For oily skin

The composition will help cleanse pores of sebaceous accumulations, prevent inflammation and the formation of acne. After the procedure, the skin becomes matte, clean and smooth. Compound:

  • calendula tincture – 20 ml. (1.5 tbsp);
  • oat flour (can be replaced with wheat flour);
  • warm purified water – 100 ml. (half a glass).

Combine calendula with water. Add such an amount of flour into the solution, stirring constantly, so that the resulting mixture is thick and reminiscent of sour cream. Keep the mask on your face for 20-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure once every 3-7 days.

After facial cleansing

A calendula compress mask will help to disinfect and soothe the epidermis after cleansing or scrubbing. The product serves as an effective prevention against complications and unpleasant consequences that may arise after cleaning procedures.

Dilute the alcohol-containing tincture with clean water in the proportion: a tablespoon of the drug to 5 tablespoons of water. Prepare a napkin made of soft natural fabric with slits around the eyes and mouth. Soak it in the solution and apply it to your face. This must be done so that the composition does not get into the eyes and lips. If this happens, the solution must be washed off immediately with clean water. After 20 minutes, remove the compress and wipe your face with a cotton swab or blot with a soft cloth.

For dry, irritated skin

Those with dry, poorly moisturized skin can only use alcohol tincture together with substances that will soften its aggressive effect. For example, a composition of tincture and Vaseline will care for dry skin, but will not cause unpleasant consequences, drying out or irritation. Compound:

  • calendula tincture – 2 tablespoons;
  • Vaseline – 2 tablespoons.

Combine the components, stirring until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Spread the composition on the face, after 20 minutes remove with a soft cloth, rinse the face. There is another way to prepare a mask that cares for dry skin. The tincture is mixed with potato starch in arbitrary proportions, but so that the result is a jelly mass. It is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Using calendula tincture together with starch will moisturize the skin, provide useful elements, and make it pleasant and velvety.

How to make a tincture at home?

Store-bought preparations are not always distinguished by their quality and high concentration of useful substances, especially since calendula tincture is easy to prepare at home.


  • medical alcohol or vodka without additives;
  • marigolds without stems and leaves - fresh or dried.

Preferably freshly harvested raw materials, which need to be filled, without crushing, into a 0.5 liter jar and filled to the top with vodka - the drug will dry out the dermis less, or with alcohol - the antibacterial effect will increase.

Leave in a dark place for 10 days, shake daily. Then pour into a dark glass vessel and use as intended. It is recommended to collect flowers in sunny weather, away from roads and cities. Both cultivated and wild varieties are suitable; it is advisable to choose plants with richly colored petals.

If you can’t get fresh marigolds, you can buy dried inflorescences at the pharmacy. It is important to pay attention to the time of collection - the shelf life should not exceed 12 months. The preparation technology is the same; 0.5 liters of alcohol-containing liquid requires 100 g of raw materials.

The finished medicine fully retains its properties for 18 months.

Reviews (from comments on the site)


When acne appears, I always wipe the skin with calendula tincture to disinfect it. I've been using it for several years now. She has never let me down yet. The rashes dry out in 3-4 days. After another day or two they disappear completely.


My skin is very sensitive, and therefore acne appears on my face often. To get rid of them, I use calendula tincture, which I prepare myself. I only apply it to damaged areas, as it dries out the skin a lot. The product helps well, and therefore after a couple of days all the rashes go away.


I often get acne in the summer. To treat them, I use ice made from calendula flowers. It perfectly replaces expensive cosmetic lotion. I wipe my face with it every morning. After this procedure, the skin looks fresh and rested, and is perfectly cleansed. This ice is suitable not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of rashes.

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