Pimples on the head: why they appear, and is it possible to get rid of the rashes

Symptoms of genital herpes

Herpes virus types 1 and 2 cause classic symptoms of the disease:

  • painful rashes in the form of bubbles with clear liquid, which are concentrated in groups on the skin, on the oral mucosa, genitals, pubis, buttocks, and anus;
  • when ulcers form, they burst and fluid flows out;
  • After the bursting ulcers begin to dry out, severe pain is felt, and the ulcers may bleed.

Often people ignore the initial stage - redness, itching and swelling. It is at this stage that treatment of the disease is most effective.

Treatment of acne on the face after menstruation

First, you need to understand whether the occurrence of rashes is related to the menstrual cycle or whether they appeared for other reasons. It is better to entrust this to a specialist. He will study the clinical picture and determine the severity of acne.

One of the drugs that can be used for mild to moderate acne is Clindovit® gel. It must be applied in a thin layer to the skin 2-3 times a day.6

Acne treatment should be regular. You cannot interrupt the course of therapy on your own. If necessary, adjustments to it should also be made by a specialist.

Genital herpes in men

In men, the second type of virus is most common. When engaging in oral sex, approximately 24 percent have type 1 herpes. More often it is a combination of two types of herpes simplex.

The disease in men is characterized by rashes in the penis, testicles, and anus.

During the period of weakening of the body, the virus manifests itself in rashes. And in a latent form it occurs as a chronic pathology. It gradually affects the autonomic and central nervous system, the mucous membranes of the urethra. And when the process is generalized - the liver, brain and other organs.

Herpes appears 2-4 days after infection. It could be:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • pain and aches in the joints and muscles may be observed;
  • there may be tingling and burning of the skin in the groin area;
  • painful urination;
  • the appearance of a pimple or group of pimples on the head of the penis or scrotum.

If no other infection occurs, the symptoms disappear on their own.

The virus is transmitted to a partner through sexual contact - oral, anal or classical. Infection can occur not necessarily when there is a rash on the skin, but also during the asymptomatic period of the disease.

A man also becomes infected from a sick woman, even if she has no symptoms of the disease. The virus is present in vaginal secretions and urine, as well as in saliva. If a woman has herpes on her lips (type 1), it can be transmitted to a man through oral sex, and the rash will appear on the penis.

Answers to frequently asked questions on venereology:

  • How to prepare for an appointment with a venereologist?
  • How to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases?
  • What tests can be done by a venereologist at the clinic?
  • What symptoms should you consult a venereologist for?
  • What diseases does a venereologist treat?
  • What diagnostics can a venereologist perform in your clinic?
  • How to call a venereologist at home?
  • Venereological care at home
  • Venereological care in the clinic
  • What equipment does the venereologist use in our clinic?
  • How to make an appointment with a venereologist?

Genital herpes in women

Infection occurs mainly through unprotected sexual contact with a sick man. Moreover, it is possible to get the virus through oral and anal sex. It is possible that the virus can be transferred by hands to the genitals.

If a woman has herpes, rashes are observed on:

  • labia, groin area, buttocks;
  • in the vestibule of the vagina;
  • in the perineum;
  • on the walls of the vagina, on the cervix;
  • on the rectal mucosa.

Women become infected with herpes more often than men, since there are more accessible areas covered with mucous membrane. It is not necessary that the man have clinical manifestations of the disease in the form of rashes. The virus is found in semen and urine.

Herpes in women can cause early and late miscarriages and damage to the fetus during pregnancy.

Herpes of the bladder and urethral canal is also found. When the disease worsens, urination is very painful and bloody. May be accompanied by bladder pain and fever.

The pathological process may involve the mucous membrane of the rectum (cracks form), pain in the pelvis and in the area of ​​the projection of the uterus, damage to the ovaries (symptoms of irritation of the pelvic nerve coupling). More often, such manifestations occur before or immediately after menstruation.

The nature of the disease is not always determined and recognized. Sometimes women are treated with antiviral and antibacterial drugs to no avail and for a long time.

Genital herpes in children

Children are very susceptible to herpes. A child born from a sick mother runs the risk of contracting herpes at birth. The child's eyes, mouth, and nose are most susceptible. Infection at birth occurs in 40 percent of cases.

Intrauterine infection of the fetus, which more often ends in the death of the child, cannot be ruled out.

The child is at risk of infection during kisses from adults, as well as when they lick the baby's pacifier.

A child is susceptible to the disease both in kindergarten and at school if there are sick children. It has been proven that the herpes virus can even be transmitted through airborne droplets.

Still, genital herpes spreads more often through sexual contact, and the household contact route is not very common. Although the virus easily tolerates low temperatures, it lives in the external environment, outside the human body, for no more than 6 hours.

Teenagers are at risk of becoming infected through unprotected sex.

If herpes is not treated, it causes damage to internal organs.

Herpes in a child manifests itself mainly as rashes on the nose, lips, and neck. But it can also become widespread during an exacerbation, causing myocarditis, meningitis, chronic bronchitis and other inflammatory pathologies of internal organs.

It is possible that herpetic rashes may appear on the genitals of children. In boys - on the penis and scrotum, in girls - on the labia and vagina.

In children under one year of age, herpes occurs in three forms:

  • Generalized - the genitals are affected, rashes are observed on the genitals and in the area of ​​the inguinal folds, body temperature rises. There is a high probability of death, urgent medical attention is required.
  • Localized. Possible rash in a separate area, swelling of the affected area. Bubbles can be on the genitals, on the cornea of ​​the eye. If the eye is affected, blindness may occur.
  • Brain damage. During the first weeks of life, this form of the disease can cause body temperature up to 40 degrees, severe vomiting and convulsions. Next - loss of consciousness and coma. Up to 50 percent of babies die. If help is provided on time, treatment can take up to 6 months; the signs of genital herpes disappear.

Genital herpes in children often manifests itself as rashes in the nasolabial area, but also on the genitals.


A fresh strain of coronavirus infection was registered by WHO on November 26, 2022. Scientists put forward several hypotheses about the reasons for the appearance of the omicron virus:

  1. Infection of humans from animals. It is assumed that changes in the genome of the pathogen could occur in the body of sick rodents or other animals. Viral particles then resumed circulation in the human population.
  2. Mutations of the virus during the long course of COVID-19 in HIV-infected people and people suffering from other types of immunodeficiency.
  3. The coronavirus situation is advanced in a number of countries. If laboratories are insufficiently equipped with equipment for isolating and sequencing the pathogen, new strains and gene mutations may appear that escape the attention of scientists.
  4. Low rates of herd immunity. In the body of persons who have not been vaccinated, conditions for prolonged circulation and mutations in virus particles are more favorable. Poor vaccination efforts in some countries, including South Africa, may have contributed to the emergence of a new strain of SARS-CoV-2.

Infection with the omicron strain of COVID-19 is possible through close contact with a person who releases virus particles into the external environment through coughing and sneezing.
This can also happen if you enter a room where a carrier of the infection has stayed for a long time. Pathogens enter the body through the respiratory tract, less often through the mucous membrane of the eyes, bind to cell receptors and begin to rapidly multiply. Thanks to mutations in the coronavirus genome, the Omicron strain? unlike alpha, delta and gamma, it is more contagious, can cause disease even in the presence of antibodies in recovered and vaccinated people, it is more severe in children, and has a tendency to damage the upper respiratory tract rather than the lungs.

What does genital herpes look like?

Genital herpes is characterized by rashes on the penis, on the head of the penis, in the vagina, on the urethra, on the cervix, in the anus, on the rectal mucosa.

The incubation period lasts from 2 to 14 days. And then the characteristic herpes blisters are visible:

  • small in size, grouped together;
  • filled with a clear liquid that contains a huge number of viruses;
  • after opening the bubbles, an ulcer forms, which dries out with a crust.

Itching and burning occur during the period of redness and swelling of the skin or mucous membrane. Then the pain intensifies with the formation of erosions and ulcers. The size of the affected skin can vary from 0.5 to 3 centimeters.

There may be many bubbles, or there may be just a few. If bacterial flora joins the ulcers, the wounds become covered with purulent plaque.

No blisters form on the mucous membrane of the vulva, but an ulcer immediately appears.

If herpes rashes form on the cervix or vagina, sexual intercourse becomes impossible due to severe pain.

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Discharge from the urethra
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Itching in the vagina
  • Discharge from the genitals
  • Pain in the scrotum
  • Pain when urinating
  • Itching in the urethra
  • Blood in sperm
  • Itching of the vulva
  • Pus on the labia
  • Burning in the urethra
  • Perineal pain
  • Redness of the glans penis
  • Frequent urination
  • Itching of the glans penis
  • Itching of the scrotum
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Foreskin rupture

The appearance of acne before and after menstruation: what do the phases of the cycle have to do with it?

There is a relationship between the phase of the menstrual cycle and changes in skin condition.

Luteal phase

It is characterized by increased production of luteinizing hormone, as well as progesterone. As a result, sebum production also increases. The body can react acutely to external stimuli. Symptoms of PMS may appear, and the skin may become covered with acne.

Follicular phase

The period immediately after the end of menstruation. At this time, an increased amount of estrogen is produced, which affects the metabolism occurring in the epidermis. The sebaceous glands produce less sebum, but the production of hyaluronic acid increases. The skin becomes drier and clears of rashes (if there were any).

Acne does not always go away on its own. If acne is constantly getting worse, you should start using anti-acne medications at the first signs of the disease. One of them is Clindovit® gel based on the antibiotic clindamycin.6

It would seem that under the influence of estrogen, acne should go away after menstruation, but it happens that during this period they just begin to appear. To understand why acne appeared after menstruation, you need to remember the non-hormonal causes of acne.

Ovulatory phase

This is a transition phase when estrogen levels decrease, but progesterone increases. Local immunity weakens, sebum production increases and vulnerability to pathogenic bacteria increases. Due to sudden changes in hormonal levels, a rash may appear.

How does genital herpes become infected?

Infection with genital herpes occurs mainly during sexual contact, less often through kissing, during childbirth, and breastfeeding.

All types of sex - oral, anal and vaginal - can cause the disease. A condom cannot always protect against infection. Latex sometimes does not cover all areas of herpes rashes. Even if the sick partner does not have rashes, infection can occur through saliva or semen.

You cannot become infected with genital herpes if you:

  • using a public toilet;
  • pastel accessories of the patient;
  • sharing soap, washcloths, towels, cutlery and dishes;
  • when swimming in the pool and coming into contact with objects.

The partner may not know about his illness and pass it on to others. And if he knows, he can take medications to suppress the virus. In this case, the risk of transmitting the infection to a sexual partner is reduced to a minimum. In any case, it is worth discussing the degree of risk with your doctor.

Incubation period of genital herpes

The insidiousness of the disease genital herpes is that it can remain in a “dormant” state for years and even a lifetime. But at the same time, the patient is able to transmit it to others.

The incubation period of the disease depends on the type of herpes and the state of the person’s immune system.

It can be primary or secondary:

With primary genital herpes, the latent period is up to 10 days. In the primary form, the disease usually occurs with more severe symptoms than subsequent relapses. But only 10 percent of those infected develop rashes on the genitals in the form of small blisters after the initial infection.

After 2-4 days, the clear liquid inside the pimples becomes cloudier, they burst and weeping ulcers form. All the time, from the beginning of skin redness to ulcers, the affected area itches, itches and hurts. The temperature may rise to 38 degrees and the lymph nodes may enlarge. Even if left untreated, all symptoms disappear within 2-3 weeks. A red spot remains at the site of the ulcers, and then the color of the skin returns to normal. Relapse may occur after several weeks or even years.

Chronic or recurrent herpes disrupts the normal functioning of the reproductive and urinary systems and is difficult to treat. Within 3-5 days, rashes may appear on the genitals, or swelling, soreness, or a burning sensation will simply appear. General health worsens, the person feels weak and tired. The inguinal lymph nodes usually enlarge on one side.

A recurrent form of herpes occurs in 30-50 percent of those infected.

Why do acne occur after menstruation?

So, we found out that the level of hormones in the female body is constantly changing. But if rashes during menstruation become habitual for many, then after it they become an unpleasant surprise. And here are several other reasons for the development of acne4,29:

  • Poor nutrition. Some girls notice a craving for unusual or unhealthy foods before menstruation. Too fatty, hot, spicy, sweet foods are not good for the skin. But its harm may not appear immediately, so try to eat right so that at the end of your period you do not encounter unpleasant consequences in the form of acne.
  • Mistakes in hygiene. Sometimes during menstruation, girls feel depressed and feel like they can take a break from skin care. But a beauty routine requires constant hygiene rituals. The skin needs hydration, nutrition, toning, and exfoliation. The opposite situation also happens - when girls see a pimple on their face, they increase their hygiene, which is also dangerous, since too scrupulous cleansing or exfoliation can damage the hydrolipidic mantle.
  • Stress. Menstruation is different for everyone, and for some girls it turns into real stress. They feel depressed and may even become depressed. This condition may also cause breakouts as cortisol causes the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum.

As you can see, the causes of acne after menstruation may not be directly related to hormones.

The causative agent of genital herpes

The causative agent of herpes simplex is the herpes virus type 1 (HSV), which is characterized by painful rashes on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of blisters (vasicles). They most often affect the face and upper extremities. But they can also occur on the genitals.

Genital herpes is most often simple herpes of the second type. The virus affects the genitals and manifests itself as itchy rashes.

The pathogen enters the body of a healthy person, mainly through sexual contact, but also through blood transfusions and organ transplants. It is transmitted in 40 percent of cases during childbirth - from a sick mother to the child, as well as through the placenta during pregnancy.

The virus is small in size, penetrates through microtraumas, enters the bloodstream and lymph and immediately integrates into healthy cells, causing their death. Viral particles remain inactive for life in the nerve ganglia of the central nervous system.

In case of facial herpes, the virus lives in the ganglia of the trigeminal nerve, in case of genital herpes - in the ganglia of the lumbosacral spine. From there, the virus spreads to all other areas as the outbreak of infection grows.

The virus is characterized by its multifocality. The causative agent of herpes can concentrate in lymphocytes (blood cells) and lead to disruption of immune mechanisms. This is expressed in frequent colds, decreased performance, and enlarged lymph nodes. Herpes also affects the membranes of the brain, can contribute to the occurrence of meningitis, and causes nervous disorders and vegetative-vascular manifestations.

Comedones (blackheads) - symptoms and treatment

The formation of comedones is based on disruption of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. They are located in the deep layers of the skin, at the root of the hair.

The sebaceous glands produce their own secretion - sebum, or sebum. Moving up the pilosebaceous duct, it creates a protective barrier on the skin, gives it elasticity, maintains a normal pH level, and helps retain moisture.

The cells that produce sebum are constantly renewed: they shift towards the mouth of the sebaceous gland, gradually accumulate secretion and are destroyed. The keratinocytes that line the exit duct of the follicle are also constantly renewed and exfoliated.

When the function of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, the following happens:

  • The sebaceous glands begin to produce too much sebum. It turns into a thick sticky mass that completely fills the duct.
  • The formation of keratinocytes intensifies, and there are more cells. They get stuck in thick sebum and clog the outlet duct of the sebaceous gland.

When the lumen of the canal is completely filled, the contents of the pilosebaceous duct begin to press on the walls of the canal. The mouth of the duct expands, eventually forming a comedon. In such an environment, opportunistic flora is activated over time. She begins to absorb excess sebum, which is a nutrient medium for her. As a result, the pilosebaceous follicle becomes inflamed and acne develops [3].

Heredity, hormonal disorders and nutrition

A genetic predisposition to comedones may be associated with one of four characteristics:

  • large sebaceous gland;
  • hypersensitivity of sebaceous gland receptors to sex hormones - androgens;
  • hyperandrogenism - high levels of androgens;
  • increased activity of the enzyme 5-alphareductase with normal levels of sex hormones.

The last feature is associated with the transition of androgen to dihydrotestosterone - DHT. This transition occurs under the influence of the enzyme 5-alphareductase.

DHT controls the activity of the sebaceous glands and the process of keratinization. This hormone binds to androgen receptors in a “lock and key” manner, where the “key” is the hormone and the “lock” is the androgen receptor. But “opening the lock” can only be done with the help of another hormone—insulin or insulin-like growth factor—IGF-1 [3].

Insulin and glucose themselves are necessary for the body. Their level increases after eating any food. But with excessive amounts of sweets, refined and other foods, the concentration of insulin and glucose becomes greater. Moreover, the level of glucose in the blood increases first, and then insulin. And then everything develops according to the same scenario, leading to the active production of sebum and the formation of comedones.

Insulin levels also increase when eating whole milk products. Insulin binds to androgen receptors and increases DHT levels. This hormone, in turn, binds to the receptors of the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of sebum.

Therefore, people who are genetically prone to increased sebum secretion should be especially careful and control the consumption of sweets, dairy and refined products.

Improper skin care

Skin prone to the development of comedonal acne needs proper care.

Soap, harsh scrubs and alcohol products with surfactants only injure the skin, leading to the appearance of new comedones. These products disrupt the skin's pH, its protective barrier, causing it to become overdried. The body will try to restore the skin barrier by increasing sebum production and the formation of keratinocytes. But this will only worsen the skin condition.

People prone to the formation of comedones are also not recommended to use oils, thick creams or massage the skin. Thick creams and oils can further clog the pilosebaceous duct, and increased kneading, rubbing and pressure on the skin can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.


Stressful situations are a trigger factor for comedonal acne [4][5]. This is due to the production of neurotransmitters, in particular substance P. This substance transmits a signal, triggers the process of inflammation, dilates blood vessels and increases capillary permeability.

The sebaceous glands are hypersensitive to substance P. Therefore, neurotransmitters bind to the cells of the sebaceous glands and stimulate their activity. As a result, sebum formation increases [7].

Factors that provoke genital herpes

The virus does not manifest itself until the human body restrains it due to its protective forces - immunity. The trigger for the growth of the virus are factors such as:

  • emotional and physical exhaustion;
  • hypothermia;
  • period;
  • surgical interventions;
  • infectious diseases.

There are cases where the provoking factor was ultraviolet exposure to sunlight.

With good immunity, the virus may not detect itself at all throughout life. In this case, the person acts as a virus carrier and is able to infect others.

Diagnosis of genital herpes

Despite the characteristic rash of herpes, other diagnostic data are also necessary to clarify the diagnosis. These tests also make it possible to determine the type of virus.

The doctor must refer the patient to:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood testing for the presence of hidden infections, primarily herpes viruses;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs;
  • diagnosis of vaginal microflora by examining a vaginal smear.

Sometimes you may need to consult other specialists - a urologist, gynecologist, cardiologist, neurologist.

How to determine the cause

Diagnosis is made based on visual examination, medical history and laboratory tests. It is not always possible to cope with ordinary home remedies, and the use of aggressive substances containing alcohol can worsen the condition of the epidermis. Therefore, to find out why acne appears on the chin, you need to consult a doctor.

If there are menstrual irregularities or hormonal imbalances, women have their blood taken to analyze the level of free testosterone, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones and DHEA-SO4.

Also, in the laboratory, seeding of the contents released from the rashes is carried out. The liquid is placed in a special environment, where the intensity of bacterial growth is visually assessed and inflammatory skin diseases are excluded.

When acne appears on the chin, the causes in women are sought using tests for cholesterol and liver enzymes, and this is also determined by determining the level of potassium in the serum. To rule out polycystic ovary syndrome and other problems in the pelvis, an ultrasound is performed.

What tests need to be taken for genital herpes

A reliable diagnosis and identification of the type of herpes can be made through laboratory and diagnostic tests.

The analyzes can be divided into two main groups:

  • isolation and identification of the herpes virus from scrapings from ulcers and blisters, from blood and urine;
  • determination of antibodies (protective proteins) to the herpes virus in blood serum.

Our laboratory uses a culture method - liquid is taken from herpetic eruptions for examination. She is hooked up to a chicken embryo. By the characteristic lesions of the embryo, one can judge the presence of HSV. The study lasts for two weeks and gives an accurate result about the herpetic nature of the disease.

To determine the type of herpes virus, a proven method is used - polymerase chain reaction. Biomaterial is taken from the rash sites. Within a day or two, a test is carried out, which gives an accurate result of 95-100 percent. The virus can be detected during a relapse. During the period of remission, this method is not used.

Serodiagnosis - the presence of specific antibodies in the blood serum can be determined 4-7 days after infection. After 2-3 weeks the virus reaches its peak. The test gives an idea of ​​the growth of the focus of infection, and also allows you to determine which class of herpes viruses the pathogen belongs to. A similar analysis is carried out twice with an interval of several days.

Treatment of genital herpes

Herpes cannot be cured completely. But it is possible to suppress the growth of the pathogen quite effectively. Medicine has in its arsenal a list of various drugs that allow not only to successfully fight viruses, but also to achieve lasting clinical results. Medicinal effects make it possible to keep the virus under control and prevent it from becoming more active.

There are two main directions in treatment:

  • use of antiviral drugs based on acyclovir-containing drugs;
  • complex therapy, including immunotherapy and antiviral effects.

During outbreaks of the disease, creams Zavirax, Vatrex, Acyclovir-Acri, Virolex are usually used. They also come in tablet form.

If the herpes virus has caused immunodeficiency, then means are used to increase the body's defenses. The virus provokes colds, so during the season of respiratory viral infections, drugs are used that promote the production of interferon in the body. These are herbal immunostimulants Immunal, synthetic drugs ArbidolA, ViferonA, Kipferon. It is advisable to use them before the start of the cold season - in autumn weather or spring hypovitaminosis.

For patients suffering from a recurrent form of herpes, the doctor usually prescribes Taktivin, Timalin, Timogen, Myelopid, and so on. In this case, the immunogram is monitored.

Tablet forms of medications are best combined with creams, gels and ointments.

Ointments for genital herpes

Ointments are always used to treat herpes. Some of the most effective are:

  • Acyclovir
    , it is prescribed most often, it quickly suppresses the reproduction of the virus, the rash goes away in a short time.
  • Valtrex
    has approximately the same effect as Acyclovir. But it allows Acyclovir to remain in the body longer. Used in more complex situations.
  • Zovirax
    is the same Acyclovir, only its original version. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on breaking the DNA helix of the virus.
  • Famvir
    is a new drug. It is prescribed for recurrent herpetic infections, including in people who have reduced immunity.
  • Erazaban
    . It has a unique antiviral effect, not only destroys the virus, but also prevents it from entering a healthy cell. The cream is applied to the rash, as well as to the area of ​​skin around it. The product prevents the formation of bubbles if applied during the period of skin redness.
  • Virgan
    is a special gel that is used for ophthalmoherpes. It disrupts the formation of viral hereditary material. Its action is similar to Acyclovir.
  • Oxolinic ointment
    is an excellent antiviral agent. It is widely used, including for the fight against herpes.
  • Herpferon ointment
    can be used both for the treatment and prevention of genital herpes. This ointment contains acyclovir, an antiviral agent, as well as interferon, an antiviral protein, the deficiency of which is believed to lead to relapses of the disease.

Creams and ointments are best used at the first manifestations of herpes - at the stage of formation of redness and swelling, when the rash has not yet formed.

Do not touch herpes rashes with your hands. Otherwise, it’s easy to spread the virus into your eyes later.

There will be a risk of severe damage to the cornea. If immunity is greatly reduced, then ophthalmoherpes can cause herpetic encephalitis with a high probability of death.

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Calling a venereologist to your home
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Prevention of casual sex
  • Urethral swab
  • Cervical smear
  • Anal swab
  • Vaginal smear
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Tests for STIs
  • Mushroom tests
  • Diagnosis of prostate diseases
  • Prostate massage
  • Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Diagnosis of scrotal diseases
  • Testing for STIs at home
  • Ultrasound of the prostate
  • Ultrasound of the penis
  • Tests for syphilis
  • Make an appointment with a venereologist

Prognosis and prevention

How long COVID-19 caused by omicron lasts depends on concomitant diseases, the state of immunity, the timeliness and correctness of the treatment.
Since the disease is usually mild and complications are less common, the prognosis is most often favorable. However, the high infectivity of the pathogen and, accordingly, a large number of patients seeking outpatient care can overwhelm the healthcare system. In this regard, the prevention of infection with omicron is so important. This includes the following activities:

  • use of personal respiratory protection – masks and respirators;
  • frequent hand washing and disinfection, use of gloves;
  • maintaining social distance of 1.5-2 meters in crowded places.

Vaccination plays a special role in the fight against coronavirus. Scientists have confirmed the effectiveness of the drugs “Sputnik V” and “Sputnik Light” against the omicron strain. The risk of infection remains even after vaccination, but thanks to the vaccine, the virus can be blocked at the initial stage of penetration into the body, making the disease more likely to be mild or asymptomatic.

Prevention of genital herpes

The main preventive method is personal sexual abstinence, exclusion of casual sexual contacts, and the use of condoms:

  • If casual sex occurs, it is necessary, without delaying for long, to undergo a full examination for the presence of hidden sexually transmitted infections.
  • If signs of herpes or other suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a medical facility, get tested and begin timely treatment.
  • It is worth excluding situations when you have to use other people’s hygiene products - towels, washcloths; everyone should have their own set of hygiene products, including in the family.
  • It is not recommended to kiss children on the lips or use someone else's lipstick.
  • If infection occurs, the patient must take medications to contain the virus and prevent the spread of infection.

Considering that the virus can be in the body undetected, it is worth regularly undergoing preventive tests to make sure that you are not carrying the virus.

It is also worth supporting the body and its immunity. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, maintain intimate hygiene.

There is no 100% guarantee against infection. However, risky factors should be avoided. If casual sex occurs, herpferon ointment should be used for prevention within the next hour or two. And then be sure to get tested for antibodies.


Skin rashes come in different types. Some of them are painful and dangerous, others are more likely to cause cosmetic discomfort. The color of the formations is also different: from white and pink to black. Conventionally, they are divided into inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The latter include open and closed comedones. And there are many more types of first rashes. These are superficial, nodular and purulent pustules, cystic nodules, subcutaneous pimples on the chin, the causes of which can be found out by accurately determining the type of rash.

Let's talk in more detail about the main types.

Open and closed comedones

The first are plugs that arise in the ducts of the exocrine glands. Outwardly, they look like black dots. Their color ranges from light gray to dark brown. The fatty contents darken due to oxygen exposure.

Closed comedones are non-inflamed bumps that are located under the epidermis. The color of the rash is flesh-colored. They are not always noticeable, but can be felt with your fingers. Such internal pimples on the chin in women cannot be squeezed out, the reasons for this are simple: independent “treatment” of the skin and extraction of the contents leads to the appearance of scars and signs of post-acne.

Papules and pustules

The first are cavityless nodules located above the skin. They have a dense or soft consistency. Pustules are purulent cavity elements with a white head and liquid contents.

Papules may be superficial, appearing as red, outlined dots, or nodular. The latter differ in the size and presence of the inflammatory focus. Such internal pimples on the chin are painful on palpation; the cause may lie in inflammation of the hair follicle. No obvious purulent contents are observed.

Subcutaneous acne

An annoying problem that is difficult to deal with due to the fact that the source of inflammation is located deep under the dermis. The rashes are painful, take a long time to mature, and if you try to squeeze them out, traces remain in the form of fistulas, redness and even scars. It is difficult to quickly cure such a problem. Diagnostics, including laboratory tests, is of great importance.

Why do large or small internal pimples appear on the chin? There are several factors:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased immunity;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • frequent deep peeling;
  • demodex.

Pink and whiteheads

Another variety is very similar in name, but very different in origin. It is a mistake to believe that rosacea and whiteheads differ only in color.

The first rash is characteristic of rosacea, a chronic dermatological disease. It is manifested by dilated capillaries, redness, swelling, as well as the presence of papules and pustules. Why such subcutaneous pimples appear on the chin is not entirely clear. The progression of the disease is influenced by hereditary factors, disturbances in vascular tone, and changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Whiteheads are otherwise called milia, prosyanki or retention cysts. Outwardly, they look like small light subcutaneous nodules. The inside is filled with keratin mixed with sebum. The formations do not hurt or become inflamed unless they are injured. Their usual localization is the eyelids, T-zone and area around the eyes.

Complication of genital herpes

Genital herpes leads to serious consequences. Once in the body, it causes not only skin rashes and itching. It can cause:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • meningitis, inflammation of the membranes of the brain;
  • damage to the pelvic nerves;
  • miscarriage, fetal death, premature birth;
  • damage to organs and systems in a newborn child;
  • blindness;
  • neuralgic manifestations;
  • frequent colds, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • infertility;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • provokes cystitis, vasiculitis, thrush.

Complications of herpes are difficult to treat. The herpes nature of the disease is difficult to diagnose. Sometimes people do not associate these illnesses with herpes infection.

In order to correctly diagnose the causes of the disease, it is recommended to undergo a herpes test.

If herpes appears frequently and in large numbers, this indicates serious disruptions in the immune system. In such cases, you will need the help of an immunologist.

Development of acne as a consequence of endocrine disorders

Acne after thirty mainly affects women. As a result of disruption of the endocrine system in the body, patients experience an increased amount of androgens, the so-called male sex hormones. This factor causes acne.

In addition to acne, women develop hyperandrogenism, which is manifested by seborrhea and hirsutism, that is, hair growth in places typical of men, male pattern baldness, and sometimes even a deepening of the voice. These disorders lead to so-called masculinization.


The production of excessive androgens in women may be adrenal or ovarian. In the first case, hyperandrogenism is caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia or the formation of hormonally active adrenal tumors that intensively produce hormones. This condition is quite rare.

Typically, hyperandrogenism is associated with excess production of androgens by the ovaries, most often caused by polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease is a rather complex problem in gynecological endocrinology, which affects about 10-15% of women of childbearing age.

The content of androgens in the body is determined using laboratory tests. Women are also characterized by rare ovulations or even their complete absence, which often makes it difficult to get pregnant.

It is important to remember that the most common manifestation of hormonal imbalance is irregular menstruation. If this symptom occurs, you should always consult an endocrinologist.

Which doctor treats genital herpes

Genital herpes is treated by a venereologist. A venereologist is a specialized specialist who deals with the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, as it is transmitted primarily through sexual contact.

In our clinic, the venereologist has extensive experience and specialization in treating adults and children from genital herpes.

In case of existing complications of herpes, he can refer the patient for additional consultation with a neurologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, urologist, or proctologist.

A dermatologist, a doctor who treats diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, can also provide assistance. The dermatologist at our clinic has gained extensive experience in treating all major types of herpes.

Where to go for genital herpes

It is necessary to seek diagnosis and treatment of genital herpes at a specialized medical institution. Advantages of seeking help from our clinic:

  • We accept appointments any day, seven days a week, which is very convenient for working citizens;
  • There is a service to call a doctor at home (diagnosis, treatment, monitoring of recovery);
  • an individual approach to each client is carried out;
  • comfortable and favorable conditions for patients have been created;
  • has its own laboratory to conduct the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies;
  • doctors and all medical personnel work in a single team and jointly manage the patient, any issues during treatment are resolved, and if necessary, a medical council is created;
  • always friendly attitude;
  • confidentiality.

All clinic services are certified. We are responsible and provide guarantees. Calling a dermatologist to your home for genital herpes

In some cases, the patient cannot visit the clinic in person. Or for some reason he doesn’t want to do this. Our clinic offers a doctor's home call. You can contact us on any convenient day and discuss the doctor’s arrival time.

The service is popular due to a number of advantages:

  • a doctor’s visit to your home is very convenient for people with limited mobility – pensioners, frail people, disabled people, blind people, post-operative people;
  • Complete anonymity of treatment is maintained;
  • at home, the doctor provides the same services as within the walls of the medical institution;
  • all types of tests can be taken at home, they will be sent to the laboratory in special containers;
  • a doctor at home can conduct instrumental diagnostics if necessary (ECG, ultrasound, x-ray);
  • the doctor will talk about prevention methods, recommend what to do to avoid infecting household members through contact, and how to prevent relapse of the disease.

A doctor can come to your home on the same day of treatment.

Pimples on the head: why they appear, and is it possible to get rid of the rashes

Despite the fact that formations under the hair can be hidden from the eyes of others with a stylish hairstyle or a fashionable headdress, acne on the head causes a lot of trouble for their owners, associated primarily with itching and painful sensations when scratching.

In addition, it is impossible to see a comedon or papule - the condition of a pimple must be assessed by touch, and this also causes a certain psychological discomfort. The described problem is not always cosmetic and may indicate the presence of quite serious diseases in the body.

For this problem, we recommend contacting our Private Practice clinic, where highly competent dermatologists will determine the cause of the rash and prescribe the correct course of treatment. You can make an appointment at a convenient time: we are open 7 days a week from 09:00 to 21:00.

Internal and external causes of acne on the head

The patient himself can provoke the growth of rashes. Specialists at our clinic consider such reasons to be external. A dermatologist usually works with them. Often the following actions of patients lead to the appearance of acne in the hair:

  • insufficient head hygiene - infrequent washing provokes blockage of the sebaceous glands, and shaving with dull trimmers and razors causes irritation of the skin, on which rashes may appear;
  • hypothermia - in this case, acne first appears on the back of the head and temples, as the most unprotected areas, and also with thin skin;
  • improper selection and use of cosmetics - shampoos that dry out the skin, too frequent dyeing with aggressive coloring compounds disrupt the water-fat balance of the epidermis of the head, creating an ideal environment for the appearance of acne. This also includes regular blow-drying and washing your hair with excessively chlorinated water;
  • wearing hats made of synthetic fabric for a long time - the skin sweats in them, the ducts become clogged, and the sebaceous glands begin to actively secrete secretions, after which the appearance of purulent acne on the head is only a matter of time;
  • taking steroid drugs.

Internal causes are more serious. In this case, acne on the head may indicate:

  • hormonal disorders. Particularly often, as a result of hormonal imbalance, acne occurs on the scalp in premenopausal women, during pregnancy and with polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as in adolescents during the period of the so-called hormonal storm. In men, such symptoms may indicate a malfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • incorrect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: for example, acne in the temple area indicates that it is time to check the liver and gallbladder, and rashes in the back of the head indicate abnormalities in the intestinal microflora;
  • weakened immunity, in which entire colonies of staphylococci and streptococci are found in the patient’s body during tests in the laboratory of our medical center;
  • chronic stress;
  • diseases acquired through sexual contact.

In addition, the appearance of formations in the scalp can be caused by poor nutrition with excess consumption of processed fats and simple carbohydrates.

Diagnosis and treatment

In our Private Practice clinic, specialists always use comprehensive treatment for acne in the hair, aimed not only at ridding the patient of external manifestations, but also at eliminating internal causes. In order to identify them, first of all, a comprehensive study is prescribed, which includes:

  • blood tests - general, biochemical formula and certain types of hormones;
  • scrapings from the scalp;
  • stool analysis to study the state of intestinal microflora;
  • if necessary, ultrasound of internal organs;
  • studies to exclude the presence of STDs.

Only after determining the cause of acne, the clinic’s specialized specialists - a dermatologist, venereologist, endocrinologist and others - get down to business, jointly developing treatment tactics with both external means and drugs for internal use.

If you regularly have rashes on your head, this is a “signal” from the body that something is wrong. Don’t let the disease get worse, consult a doctor on time and be healthy!

You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling
+7+7 (495) 980-13-16

Sex with genital herpes

If a person knows that he is infected with the genital herpes virus, he, due to moral requirements, should not infect sexual partners and warn about this in advance.

During sexual contact, the risk of infection is highest. If there is an oral form, then it is enough to transmit the virus even through kissing or oral sex. In the vaginal form, the virus is transmitted during sexual vaginal contact. If the patient has rashes in the anus and rectum, there is a high risk of infection during anal sex.

A condom does not always guarantee 100% protection, since the rash area includes areas not covered by latex.

If sexual partners decide to take risks consciously, they should first undergo treatment for the virus and discuss the risks with their doctor. During remission, suppression of the source of infection, infection is unlikely.

If sexual contact occurs without the use of protective equipment, it is recommended to use herpferon, a drug that destroys the virus, within the next 1-2 hours.

Homemade beauty recipes

They have existed since ancient times. Among them there are those that help get rid of unpleasant rashes. Many of them are harmless and do not require consultation with a specialist, but it is still better not to self-medicate.

So, knowing why pimples appear or have already appeared in the chin area, you can use the following safe methods to eliminate them:

  • Using aloe juice. This plant is known for its bactericidal effects. Nectar is used in its pure form to wipe problem areas or in combination with other ingredients. Its leaves can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Cucumber masks. Cucumber juice tones and helps tighten pores. Lotions are often made from grated vegetables. To do this, pour boiling water over the pulp and leave for three hours.
  • Soda. If rashes do not appear due to demodex, then you can use a lotion based on this product. To do this, soda is mixed with sugar and dissolved in warm water.

How to prevent getting genital herpes

No one is immune from herpes infection. Most people get the virus in childhood - from their mother and other family members through kissing. This is the herpes simplex virus type 1. It was believed that it could not affect the genitals. However, practice has shown that such a development of events is possible.

It is impossible to prevent infection one hundred percent, but you can try to protect yourself by following a few rules:

  • during pregnancy planning, undergo a full examination of the body for the presence of herpes of the first and second types;
  • remain faithful to your sexual partner, do not have casual sexual contacts;
  • in case of casual sexual intercourse, you should be examined for hidden infections;
  • do not use other people’s lipsticks, manicure accessories, towels, or razors;
  • wash hands after contact with rashes;
  • monitor intimate hygiene;
  • keep the bathroom clean:
  • do not kiss a child on the lips, especially during an exacerbation of herpes on the lips.

You should take care of your health, increase your immunity through an active life and good nutrition, and give up bad habits.

Publication date 2019-11-10

Perioral dermatitis: symptoms

Symptoms of this disease are small round or oval-shaped papules located primarily around the mouth and on the chin. In some cases, papules, as mentioned above, can be found on the wings of the nose, on the bridge of the nose, on the temples and cheeks, as well as around the eyes. In some cases, papules may be filled with clear fluid.

The color of the papules, depending on the stage of the disease - exacerbation or remission - can vary from pale pink with a bluish tint to bright red. In some cases, papules are accompanied by hyperemia (general redness) of the skin, or may not cause a change in skin color. A distinctive feature of this type of dermatitis is considered to be a characteristic (light) strip of healthy skin around the mouth, which can be up to 4 mm wide. In turn, the localization of papules can be different - from single formations to groups of several pimples with clearly defined edges. In the case of a large number of papules located nearby, the skin becomes rough, which is felt well when touched.

Also, symptoms of perioral dermatitis, especially during an exacerbation of the disease, may include:

  • dryness and tightness of the skin;
  • skin itching;
  • burning.

However, in a large number of cases, patients do not observe or experience any additional concern with dermatitis.

The sooner you start treating oral dermatitis on the face, the easier and faster it will be cured. That is why, when you detect the first signs of a possible disease, you must seek advice from a dermatologist.


Initial appointment

An initial appointment with a specialist involves a thorough examination of the patient, as well as drawing up a preliminary medical history (recording complaints, symptoms, concomitant diseases), which allows making preliminary assumptions regarding the cause of the disease. Additionally, tests and other diagnostic measures may be prescribed to clarify the clinical picture and understand how to treat oral dermatitis on the face.


Diagnosis of this type of dermatitis is necessary as a way to differentiate from diseases with similar manifestations - eczema, herpes simplex, rosacea, etc.

Diagnostic measures in this case include:

  • dermatoscopy: allows you to assess the general condition of the skin, the degree of development of pathology through a thorough examination of neoplasms;
  • scrapings of skin material from the affected areas: bacterial culture of the test material makes it possible to determine the presence and type of infection (for example, candida);
  • Allergy tests for staphylococcus and streptococcus: also allow you to determine the sensitivity of the skin to these agents and identify their presence.

Treatment plan

If the tests confirm the initially suspected diagnosis of oral dermatitis, the treatment prescribed by a specialist will be comprehensive (using ointments and other medications, as well as diet) aimed at eliminating the manifestations of the disease on the face.

The impact on perioral dermatitis on the face when developing a treatment regimen involves two successive stages leading to the gradual disappearance of the rash:

  • At the first stage, it is necessary to completely abandon cosmetics (primarily decorative cosmetics) and ointments with corticosteroids. The latter are most often recommended to be discontinued gradually, reducing the dose and quantity, otherwise the so-called “withdrawal syndrome” may occur, which leads to an exacerbation of all existing symptoms - redness, swelling of the face, burning, itching. At this stage, it is most often assumed to use antihistamines (which relieve itching and burning), as well as herbal medications to relieve local inflammation. Additionally, reflexology can be used, which is an effect on active points on the skin of the face, either by simple pressure or with the help of special needles, to reduce the unpleasant manifestations of dermatitis.
  • Second stage: after the acute phase of the disease passes, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, which are designed to destroy the infection and are selected taking into account the infectious agent. Antibiotics are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, who has the ability to adjust their composition and dose taking into account the patient’s body’s reaction to them. Particular care should be taken when treating oral dermatitis during pregnancy: in this case, taking antibiotics is contraindicated, and full treatment is possible only after the birth of the child (normalization of hormonal levels is also important). During pregnancy, only partial relief of the symptoms of the disease - burning, itching, etc. - is possible with the use of medications that are safe for the fetus. The same applies to therapeutic measures for dermatitis in children: treatment in this case can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise it can harm the child’s health.

In addition to the described methods of influence, the patient may be recommended:

  • strengthen the immune system and take vitamins;
  • establish intestinal microflora;
  • adhere to a diet: a diet for this type of dermatitis involves avoiding fried, fatty and spicy foods, increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed, and preferring boiled rather than fried foods. During the period of taking antibiotics, you must completely abstain from alcohol.

Treatment result

Most often, if you follow medical recommendations, it is possible to cure perioral dermatitis. In some cases, a course of treatment is assumed rather than a one-time treatment. In this case, taking antibiotics can usually last quite a long time (several weeks), and the overall course of treatment can last from several months to a couple of years.


Because dermatitis is a multifactorial disease with an unidentified underlying cause, preventive measures include the following:

  • careful use of cosmetics, primarily foundations, as well as ointments based on corticosteroids;
  • compliance with personal hygiene measures;
  • strengthening the immune system (taking vitamins, reducing psychophysical stress, etc.);
  • proper nutrition with plenty of fruits and vegetables;
  • monitoring the state of the digestive system;
  • control of hormone levels, especially during pregnancy.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you should not wait long, you must seek advice from a specialist, undergo an appropriate examination and begin therapy, since in order to achieve the best results, treatment of oral dermatitis must begin as early as possible - in this case it can be cured in a relatively short time .

You can make an appointment with a specialist at the Energo clinic either by phone or by using a special form for registering patients on the clinic’s website.

Take care of your beauty and health!

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