Tar soap for acne on the face - methods of use

With the development of modern cosmetology and the information they have read on the Internet, most girls prefer to use store-bought lotions, foams and similar products to wash and cleanse their skin. Replacing commercially-produced commercial acne masks with homemade masks with tar soap will “show” a visible result and “bring” the expected effect.

Tar soap for the face against acne has been popular for centuries and is rightfully still relevant today. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers used tar as a universal remedy for many problems. Using soap with tar, they even got rid of lice, facial mites, scabies and lichen. But the most effective and widespread use was and remains the fight against facial rashes and skin diseases: pimples, blackheads, ulcers, boils, pigmentation, acne, eczema and the like.

The healing properties of birch tar

Birch tar has long been used as an anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent, as it contains more than 10,000 substances that have a positive effect on the body.

Chemical component of tarEffect on the body
PhytoncidesThey have bactericidal properties and increase immunity
Organic acidsAffect the acid-base balance, stimulate the regenerative functions of the body
ResinsSupporting skin microflora
GuaiacolAntipruritic and drying properties
CreosolsAntiseptic, antiparasitic properties

The pharmaceutical industry uses birch tar to make medicines used in the treatment of skin diseases. Tar is included in the composition of multicomponent liniments and ointments - Vishnevsky, Wilkinson.


Birch tar in combination with soap heals wounds, scratches, and dries out inflammatory elements. Unlike ordinary tar, it does not change the color of skin and hair. Suitable for the prevention of skin and viral ailments. The pungent odor of the product remains on the body for no more than 10 minutes. Designed for all types of fabrics, does not cause irritation.

Oils includedCastor, Coconut, Olive, Palm
PeculiaritiesHandmade soap
ManufacturerSoap-making, Russia
Weight100 gr

The price of soap starts from 106 rubles and ends at 155 rubles.


  1. Added cosmetic oils.
  2. Natural ingredients.
  3. Handmade.


Can only be purchased online.

“I have normal skin without oily shine. There are allergic reactions in the form of red spots, and from time to time, pinpoint subcutaneous pimples appear. I consider tar soap a healing agent; it has strong antibacterial properties. I prefer to use it when necessary. Recently, internal painful acne began to appear on my back and face. I decided to purchase this soap with oil additives. This product has skin care properties. After opening the package, a resinous smell of petroleum products is felt. I used the product daily for one week. During this time, the pimples resolved and the wounds dried out.”

Areas of application of tar soap

Soap has a disinfecting and healing effect, so its use will be useful for:

  • treatment of pediculosis;
  • mycoses of the legs;
  • dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • preventive intimate hygiene, treatment of thrush;
  • diseases of the scalp (seborrhea);
  • prevention of colds (lubrication of the nasal passages);
  • treatment of acne (acne);
  • excessive sweating to normalize the activity of the sweat glands.

Pure traditions

In the production of soap, purified birch bark tar recommended for the pharmaceutical industry was used. Glycerin in the product prevents dry skin, but does not affect the antibacterial properties of the drug.

Additional componentsGlycerol
EffectNourishes, moisturizes
Weight140 g
, Russia, Kazan

Cost 23 - 64 rubles.


  1. The smell of tar is slightly perceptible.
  2. Foams well.
  3. Performs antibacterial functions.


It wears out quickly.

“I can recommend this version of soap to those who don’t really like the smell of tar. After opening the package, you notice a milky-soapy smell, the aroma of tar is barely perceptible. After washing, the aroma is almost not felt, but the product tightens the skin, so I additionally use a moisturizer. Use soap as a hand sanitizer. I believe that the natural composition is safer than the aggressive components of other antibacterial products. Soap quickly helps deal with acne and scratches. The wounds heal within a couple of days.”

Tar soap for acne: how to use

Soap dries out the skin, making it indispensable for treating acne. The product is quite aggressive, so using tar soap requires following certain rules:

  1. Treatment should be carried out daily for at least 14 days.
  2. During the treatment period, it is not recommended to use scrubs and alcohol lotions.
  3. The procedure with tar soap should be completed by applying moisturizer to the face.
  4. Do not use the product to treat thin, dry facial skin.
  5. Before initial use, do a test on the inside of your wrist - soap can cause an allergic reaction.

For prevention, it is enough to wash your face with tar soap for acne.

The regularity of washing with tar soap depends on your skin type:

  • normal and mixed type – 1 time per day;
  • oily skin – 2 times a day;
  • dry skin – 3 times a week.

The soap has a specific smell, which quickly disappears after being washed off the skin.

The product can also be used to prepare masks and applications.

Tar soap mask for acne

The procedure is recommended for profuse acne with purulent contents. In a non-metallic bowl, beat a small amount of thick soap foam and apply to the face for 5 minutes, without touching the orbital area of ​​the eyes. As the foam dries, you may experience a feeling of “tightening” of the skin - this is a normal reaction of the body to the healing components of tar. After leaving the mask for the required time, rinse off first with warm and then with cold water.

Mini-applications for single acne

For small rashes or single acne on dry or normal skin, it is not necessary to cover the entire face with foam so as not to dry out healthy skin. In this case, you can make applications separately for each acne. To do this, you need to cut a thin strip of dry soap, apply it to the desired area, and then use foam soap to secure the dry strip on your face. You can seal it with a piece of napkin and leave it overnight. It is good to apply such applications to acne that has just appeared, then by the morning they usually disappear and the redness decreases.

Foam procedure for treating acne on the body

To treat acne on the body, it is enough to use tar soap foam instead of regular shower gel. To do this, use a soapy washcloth to treat areas of the body with acne in a circular motion. You can leave the foam for a few minutes, then rinse off the soap and take a contrast shower.

Mask “Clean Skin” for comedones (blackheads)

1 tsp. edible gelatin pour 1 tbsp. l. hot water, leave for 15 minutes to swell. 1 tsp. Add liquid tar soap to the gelatin solution, mix carefully, without foaming if possible. The consistency of the mask should be thick. Apply to face, leave for 10 minutes. If the mask is completely frozen, it must be carefully rolled up using upward movements. If the mask does not roll off, it can be washed off with water at room temperature. To narrow the pores, cleared of comedones, you should then wash your face with cold water.

The mask should not be used for pustular nodules and inflamed papules.


The soap is made from natural ingredients with the addition of vegetable oils and is suitable for daily use. Tar - has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. In combination with soap, it quickly cleanses the skin, accelerates metabolic processes in tissue cells, promotes rejuvenation, and accelerates hair growth.

Active IngredientOleum Rusci - natural birch tar
Weight140 g
ManufacturerStork, Russia, St. Petersburg

Budget cost from 20 to 25 rubles.


  1. Completely natural composition.
  2. Quickly dries out pimples.
  3. Cleanses the scalp from dandruff.



“I used the soap for one week, during which time there was not a single pimple left on my face. I used foam to wash my face. I secured the result with a white clay mask with five drops of lavender oil. Keep the composition on your face for 15 minutes. I didn’t have such good skin even after washing with expensive gels. The soap smells like campfire and smoked fish.”

Making anti-acne soap at home

It is not difficult to make tar soap yourself. This product will have a less aggressive effect on the skin, while maintaining its healing effect. When using homemade soap, there is no overdrying of the epidermis and no peeling.

To make a homemade product you will need:

  • a piece of unscented soap;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical birch tar.

Grate the soap, place the shavings in a water bath and melt. Pour 50 ml of water into the liquid mass, stirring. Over low heat, bring the soap mass to a sticky state, pour in 2 tbsp. l. tar, mix. To soften and aroma the soap, if desired, you can add 1 tsp to the hot mass. honey, 0.5 tsp. peach oil or herbal decoction instead of water. Cool to room temperature, pour into molds - silicone or children's for sand. Leave until completely hardened at room temperature for 2-3 days. The soap is ready!

The only drawback of the home remedy is that it doesn’t lather well. But this problem can be solved simply - when soaping, you should use a cosmetic facial sponge.


A unique type of soap with natural birch tar improves blood supply to the skin and promotes tissue regeneration. The composition of the cosmetic product is completely natural, without artificial dyes, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Recommended for use on problem skin, for face and neck care. The soap is thoroughly foamed and applied to the face. If necessary, repeat the procedure. It is recommended to store in a cool, dark place for no more than 36 months.

Active IngredientBirch bark tar
ViewLump in box
Weight75 gr
, Russia

Price 20 - 50 rub..


  1. Natural composition.
  2. Suitable for oily skin.
  3. Quickly removes acne.


With caution for sensitive skin types.

“I constantly use tar soap. This is the first time I purchased a product from this manufacturer. It lathers well and the aroma is not particularly strong compared to other products with tar. Cleanses the skin well and is not particularly drying. All inflammation disappears the next morning. Acne on the back goes away within a week. Now I use it to wash my hands. Soap cleanses perfectly and is an excellent antiseptic.”

The effectiveness of acne treatment with tar soap

Among the many expensive modern acne medications, tar soap is a natural product that can be used to deal with acne on a budget. But we should not forget that soap only treats the external manifestations of the disease. If the internal cause of the disease is not eliminated, then acne will appear in new lesions. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist and, if necessary, undergo tests to determine the cause of the disease. This could be a hormonal imbalance, an excess of testosterone or estrogen in the body, taking hormonal medications, lack of sulfur, or taking steroids. Having adjusted the internal balance in the body, it will not be difficult to remove residual external manifestations of acne with the help of inexpensive medicated soap.


After using the product, many may feel slight tightness. Don't be scared - this is just a reaction to natural ingredients. You can get rid of such unusual sensations with the help of cream. Those with dry skin should resort to this product only when necessary – due to acne or pimples. Also important is individual intolerance.

Reviews about the use of tar soap

Does tar soap help with acne? Like any product, tar soap has positive and negative reviews from patients treated with it. Negative reviews come from patients who try to treat only external signs, driving the problem itself inside the body.

If the treatment is structured correctly, there will definitely be positive results. Before consulting a dermatologist, you should try to independently remove the cause of acne - this could be the abuse of sweet, fatty, fried foods, fast food snacks, excessive consumption of beer and strong alcohol. Sometimes it is enough to remove these excesses, and new acne lesions no longer appear. In this case, tar soap helps against acne.

The positive aseptic properties of tar soap in the treatment of acne, reduction of oily shine and disinfection of purulent acne rashes easily outweigh the minor side effects of its use. Minimal cost, ease of use and good treatment results make tar soap for acne a very popular remedy. Birch tar has come to our time from time immemorial, but has not lost its relevance to this day, against the backdrop of synthetic and chemical medications. This is a medicine that Nature itself gave to people. Get treatment and be healthy!


Tar is a good natural antiseptic, improves blood supply to tissues, copes with frostbite, and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Soap with this active ingredient has antiseptic properties and easily cleanses the skin. Regular use of tar soap helps get rid of skin fungus, seborrhea, boils, and acne.

Additional IngredientsPalm and coconut oil
Weight90 g
, Russia

Prices start from 19 rubles and go up to 45 rubles.


  1. Relieves inflammation.
  2. Made according to GOST.


Dries the skin.

“I used to use tar soap for a specific situation. Now using it on an ongoing basis as preventive protection. I use it for washing and washing the body, foot baths, preventing animals from fleas, washing clothes and insoles. For body and face using soap twice a month.”



Tar soap, the harm and usefulness of which have long been known, has already helped many. Did you know that this product consists of 90% soap, and the remaining 10% comes from birch tar? So, the last component is the most unique and useful that can only be in this product. Tar soap, the benefits and harms of which have been known to medicine since ancient times, is used for such common diseases as furunculosis, eczema, as well as for various dermatological ailments. This remedy is regularly used to care for patients who are unable to move, in particular when bedsores form. Soap can also heal cracked heels, abrasions, burns, and frostbite. This product is suitable for almost all skin types, which is its irreplaceable advantage. The only thing that can be confusing when using tar soap is its pungent smell. But even here you can find a way out - hide it in a soap dish so that the unusual “amber” does not spread throughout the room. Do not be afraid that after use the unpleasant odor will remain for a long time, because it will disappear within a few minutes. Let's figure out in what cases this irreplaceable and universal remedy will help.



The soap contains 1% natural tar and anti-inflammatory components. It has antiseptic properties and accelerates tissue regeneration. Intended for: seborrhea, psoriasis, neuroallergodermatosis, teenage rashes. Stimulates blood flow to the surface of the skin, exfoliates dead epithelial tissue.

IncludedBirch tar, witch hazel extract, aloe vera gel, ginseng, chamomile, mint, sage, beet extract
Quantity500 ml
, Russia Moscow

Prices in stores 450 - 850 rubles.


  1. A bottle with a dispenser retains the specific smell of soap.
  2. The composition is more gentle compared to regular soap.
  3. Added 10 anti-inflammatory natural ingredients


  1. Liquid.
  2. Doesn't lather well on sponge.
  3. Soap contains benzyl alcohol, sodium laureth sulfate

“The soap smells like tar, but I love that smell, so there were no problems. I have been using the drug for 3 weeks. During this time, the deep, painful rashes resolved. There are few comedones on my face, but the soap eliminated a few closed ones perfectly. The product is very drying, I use a moisturizer after it.”

Prophylactic masks

To refresh your facial skin and give it freshness and elasticity, nourish it with nutrients and tone it, prepare a mask according to the following recipe:

  • 1 part softened soap;
  • 5 parts full fat milk or cream;
  • 1 part cinnamon.

Mix soap, milk or cream with cinnamon thoroughly and apply to face for 20 minutes.

At this time, prepare a chamomile decoction - pour 10 g of chamomile with one glass of water and boil for five minutes. Dilute the broth in 2-3 liters of water and wash. You can also wash your face with plain tap water and wipe your face with chamomile infusion.

Is it suitable for washing?

Tar soap is a universal cosmetic and hygiene product. Few people know that it is not only intended for the body. There is an opinion that this remedy is used exclusively for medicinal purposes. In fact, it has not only a healing effect. It is suitable for washing your face, can be used as a regular soap, you can wash your face with it, and wash your eyes.

In addition, dermatologists recommend it for washing those who experience various dermatitis, itchy skin and inflammatory processes on the skin of the face. With regular use, it can eliminate sources of irritation, making the complexion even, tighten pores, and rid the dermis of pimples, acne and oily shine.

This soap is harmless; it is used for bathing children whose bodies have wounds, abrasions, and scratches. Tar soap quickly heals cracks and injuries, restoring cell structure.

What are black dots on the nose? Why do blackheads appear on the nose (main reasons)

Such a cosmetic defect, insignificant at first glance, like blackheads, not only causes great harm to the health of the skin of the face, but also gives girls insecurity, as well as the opportunity to feel complex about their appearance. Blackheads are clogged pores that can turn into pimples over time. The dots appear not only on the wings of the nose, but also around and under the nose. You can remove spots on your nose not only with the help of special professional partings to remove blackheads, but also with prepared home remedies. The most well-known causes of dots on the nose are suggested in the table below.

1. Hormonal imbalance, which occurs in most teenagers and pregnant women.— First of all, contact an endocrinologist and undergo an examination that will help draw up a treatment plan;
— Provides proper facial skin care.
2. Incorrectly selected cosmetics.— Eliminate the use of cheap cosmetics and fatty creams;
3. A side effect of medications that often contain a huge amount of different hormones.— Get tested for hormone levels such as estrogen, testosterone and others;
- Replace the medicine with a less concentrated drug.
4. Poor nutrition. Excessively sweet, fatty and fried foods are almost the main cause of acne. - Switch to proper nutrition;
— Eliminate sugar and fried foods from your diet;

— Replace high-carbohydrate foods with protein foods.

5. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking and even coffee!)— Refuse alcoholic beverages;
— Quit smoking and drinking coffee;

— Start leading a healthy lifestyle and going to the gym.

6. Insufficient hygiene. If you don’t wash your face on time, your pores will become clogged due to excess oiliness and sweating on your face. - Wash your face on time;
— In the gym, wipe your face with damp hypoallergenic wipes;

- Avoid wearing makeup when you go to the gym;

— Always remove makeup before going to bed.

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