Sulfur ointment for acne on the face: effectiveness, detailed instructions for use, advice and reviews from experts

Sulfur ointment is a long-known pharmaceutical drug that can solve many skin problems. This product has become widely known because the product is inexpensive, widely available and effective.

The list of what the drug helps with is very impressive; you just need to familiarize yourself in detail with all the rules for using this drug. Sulfur ointment can be bought in pharmacies, or you can prepare it yourself by purchasing all the necessary ingredients and containers at the pharmacy.

Composition of sulfur ointment

Sulfur ointment has several simple components: a petroleum jelly base, an emulsifier and sulfur itself. The simple composition, as well as the antiseptic properties of the drug, contribute to fairly long storage after opening.


The product has a white dense consistency. The basis of the medicinal substance is Vaseline. Vaseline is a safe and hypoallergenic substance, which, as a rule, is the basis of any medical ointment. It is what gives the products a plastic and thick consistency and has softening, healing and moisturizing properties.


Sulfur is the main active ingredient in the drug. It is sulfur that promotes the treatment and healing of many skin rashes, diseases, wounds and burns. Sulfur is found in different quantities. It can contain 33g, 10 or 6g of sulfur. The concentration of the active substance depends on what task needs to be dealt with. The only drawback of this ingredient is the unpleasant odor, which has decent durability.

Water, emulsifier

Water is a necessary element for the connection of all components of sulfur ointment. An emulsifier is added to ensure uniformity and maintain consistency. It is used in very small quantities, so it does not cause any harm to the skin.

How does scar formation occur?

Scar formation is a natural healing process of the skin after damage (Fig. 7). Initially, the wound surface becomes covered with crusts, and the traumatic defect itself begins to be filled with soft granulation tissue. Gradually, the granulation tissue is replaced by dense fibrous connective tissue (collagen), which is produced by cells called fibroblasts.

Fibroblasts actively produce collagen at the site of skin damage for 3-4 months, which usually leads to a gradual elevation of the scar above the skin level and the formation of a bumpy surface. At the same time, blood capillaries actively grow, causing the scar to become red. Over time, the over-formed collagen begins to gradually break down, and the number of capillaries decreases (the scar decreases in size, becomes smooth, less hard and more elastic, less red).

The period of scar maturation - we have already said above that external cream or ointment for scars and scars - can only give an effect if they are used during the period of scar maturation, during which the scar undergoes active transformation. For example, if at the beginning of this period the scar only increases in size and becomes redder, then over time its reverse transformation begins to occur. Gradually, the scar decreases in size (due to the degradation of excess collagen), and after an average of 7 months it begins to fade due to a decrease in the number of capillaries.

The period of scar maturation begins from the moment of complete epithelization of the wound surface (when there are no longer crusts), and will last on average up to 1 year. But in some patients this period can take only 4-6 months, and in rare patients it can take up to 2 years, and this difference in time depends on several factors. For example, the size of the original wound/scar size, whether there is skin tension in the scar area, and age (patients under 30 years of age have a slower rate of scar maturation than patients over 55 years of age).

Important: Clinical studies show that the slower the rate of scar maturation, the worse its final appearance.

Effect of the drug

Sulfur ointment has a very powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and disinfecting effect. That is why the drug has a wide range of applications for a wide variety of diseases.

Sulfur penetrates damaged skin, forming stable compounds with other substances, thereby affecting pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. The drug is active against many microorganisms, various fungi and other parasites that cause skin lesions.

For what diseases should sulfur ointment be used?

Since ancient times, sulfur ointment has been in the medicine cabinet not only for people with skin diseases, but also for young people prone to periodic rashes on the face. For a long time, sulfur ointment was the most popular acne remedy.

The high effectiveness of this product suggests use for almost all possible microbial and fungal skin lesions. The remedy is most widely used for the following diseases:

  • Acne;
  • Rash;
  • Seborrhea;
  • Lichen;
  • Scabies;
  • Burn wounds;
  • Inflammations caused by insect bites;
  • Skin fungus;
  • Nail fungus;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Dermatitis.

This remedy can solve many problems associated with various skin diseases, especially in the early stages. It is necessary to use sulfur ointment for certain lesions in a course, following all recommendations.

Sulfur ointment for acne, pimples and other inflammations on the skin of the face and body

This remedy can be used both for serious and large-scale skin lesions and for local inflammation.

For single pimples on the face or body, you must first cleanse the skin with tar or baby soap, apply the product in a thick layer to the affected area and leave for 1-2 hours. Next, you need to remove the residue with a cotton swab. For deep subcutaneous acne, it is better to leave the product overnight.

Continue treatment until inflammation disappears completely. At the same time, it is important not to use makeup products that clog pores.

If acne is widespread, you must completely avoid makeup for the entire duration of treatment. The product should be applied in a not very thick layer over the entire affected skin, as well as around the main lesions. Leave for 30-50 minutes, repeat 2 times a day. Typically, the course of such treatment lasts 1-3 months.

Use for seborrhea

For seborrhea, treatment can be quite long. Apply ointment to the affected areas, after cleansing the skin. It is necessary to leave the product for 1-3 hours, and do at least 2 such procedures per day. Seborrheic lesions must be treated by rubbing for several minutes.

Application for various dermatitis

For dermatitis, this remedy is used as follows: apply the substance to the redness in a thin layer and do not rinse off. After complete absorption, the procedure must be repeated. It is better to apply in the evening, before bed. If it is possible to wrap the surface of the skin with a bandage, it is necessary to make a compress. Apply a small layer of the product, apply it to the affected area and wrap it with a bandage overnight - this method will facilitate faster treatment.

Use for scabies

Sulfur ointment for scabies is used quite often.
This is a budget-friendly and effective remedy for serious skin diseases, so you need to stock up on ointment for the entire duration of treatment. For scabies, it is necessary to completely clean the skin using tar or sulfur soap. Then you need to dry it without using a fabric towel, you can use paper ones. Treat the skin with a layer of sulfur ointment, paying special attention to the elbow bends, the area under the knees, behind the ears, etc.

In the first 2-3 days, the product should be constantly on the body; when absorbed, it must be reapplied. Afterwards, it must be removed by thoroughly cleansing with soap and applied again. Treatment lasts about 1.5 weeks.

Fungal infections of the skin

In case of fungal infections of the skin, it is necessary to apply the product in a thick layer to the affected areas, if possible, secure with a gauze bandage or bandage. It is advisable to apply the product as often as possible, renewing the layer every 3 hours. The product should be on the skin for at least 3-4 hours a day. Treatment should be continued until the disease is completely eliminated, and it is also necessary to use medication.

Fungal infections of the nail plates

Sulfur ointment for nail fungus is not used as often, but is nevertheless an effective remedy. The product must be applied to a bandage in a thick layer and wrapped around the finger with the infected nail, changing the bandage 3-4 times a day. Continue treatment for several weeks until the fungus is completely eliminated.


For psoriasis, the course can last several months. It is necessary to apply a thick layer daily in the evening. In the morning, remove the residue with a cotton swab and wash the skin with soapy water.


Sulfur ointment can be used for burns as a disinfectant. It is necessary to apply a thin layer around the burn, without getting into the affected area.

Application for various types of lichen

Ringworm is a common disease and highly contagious, so it is important to begin effective treatment immediately. In this case, regardless of the type of lichen, it is necessary to resort to drug treatment. Sulfur ointment will have a disinfecting and regenerating effect. In case of lichen, it is necessary to clean the skin with a soap solution, then apply an alcohol solution to the affected areas. After complete drying, apply sulfur ointment in a thick layer in the evening. In the first 2-3 days it is forbidden to take a shower, you can only renew the ointment layer. With comprehensive treatment and compliance with all hygiene rules, lichen can be quickly cured.

Types of scars (scars) –

Scars on the skin are usually divided into several categories. There are normotrophic, hypertrophic, keloid and atrophic scars/scars.

  • Normotrophic scars (Fig. 1) are flat, pale scars, which are an example of normal scarring (most patients experience these). They differ in that they are flush with the surface of the skin, or protrude very slightly above it. At first they will be red or dark red in color, but over time they will become increasingly paler and flatter.
  • Keloid scars/scars (Fig. 5) – are formed as a result of excessive collagen formation at the wound site. The peculiarity of these scars is that scar tissue continues to grow far beyond the wound itself - even after the wound has already healed. Moreover, if hypertrophic scars are still capable of reduction and can be smoothed out over several years, then the size of keloid scars does not change over time.

  • Atrophic scars (Fig. 6) - they look like indentations on the surface of the skin (minus tissue), i.e. located below the surface of the skin. This is what scars on the face look like after chickenpox or acne. The treatment of atrophic scars has significant differences from the treatment of other types of scars, and you can read more about this in the article at the link above.

What are the contraindications to the use of this product?

The only contraindication to the use of this ointment is intolerance to the components. It is also not recommended for direct application to open wounds and burns, as a negative effect may occur.

A side effect of using this product may be a thermal burn. It occurs if the substance has been applied to sensitive areas of the skin for a long time, for example, on the skin around the eyes, lips and other areas. In case of increased sensitivity of the skin, it is also necessary to use the drug with caution. Do not apply sulfur ointment to mucous membranes.


The main contraindication to the use of sulfur ointment is individual intolerance to the active substance. If the skin reacts sharply with allergic rashes to contact with sulfur, treatment with the ointment will have to be canceled and another remedy used.

In addition, with extensive damage to the body by fungal or bacterial infections, there is a high risk of getting sulfur poisoning - if more than 30% of the skin is covered with the drug. If scabies spreads throughout the body, use less dangerous sprays.

If the patient has not previously had experience with sulfur ointment treatment, it is recommended to first test it on the wrist by applying a small amount of the product. If redness or burning occurs, you will have to stop using sulfur ointment.

Price for sulfur ointment

The product can be considered the most inexpensive and widely available; it can be found in almost every pharmacy. The product is sold in glass jars or metal tubes of 25g, 30 or 40g. The price of sulfur ointment varies between 25-70 rubles, depending on the volume. The low price plays a particularly important role in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • scabies,
  • lichen,
  • seborrhea and psoriasis, since these diseases require a fairly large amount of the product.

How to get rid of scars -

How to get rid of scars will depend on the type of scar, as well as its age. There are several treatments that can help make them less noticeable and improve their appearance. Keep in mind that, unfortunately, it is hardly possible to improve, but completely get rid of scars without a trace.

In this section of the article we will focus on –

  • cream for scars and scars (Dermatix, Kelo-Kote),
  • silicone bandages (plasters),
  • scar massage and pressure bandages,
  • laser scar removal,
  • surgical removal of scars.

Also used to treat scars are:

  • medium or deep chemical peeling,
  • dermabrasion technique (skin resurfacing),
  • cosmetic camouflage (make-up or tattoo on scars).

Feedback on the application from the forum

Numerous reviews from doctors and patients about this product, which have remained positive for many years, make this drug one of the most popular on the pharmaceutical market for the treatment of skin diseases. The product has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness and safety; it has a wide range of applications and a low price. Sulfur ointment can be used during pregnancy, since the drug is non-toxic, and treatment can last a long period of time without having a negative effect on the human body. In some cases, it can be used without any additional drug treatment.

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