What types of face masks are there: 11 types and types in cosmetology

Any skin imperfections, be it acne or age-related changes, require immediate action aimed at eliminating these defects.
In this case, complete, well-chosen care plays an important role. As more powerful auxiliary artillery, a variety of face masks come to the rescue, which are designed to nourish, moisturize and cleanse the skin. Their active components penetrate deep into the structure of the epidermis, saturating it with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. In order for the effect of purchased or homemade masks to be as pronounced as possible, it is recommended to first prepare your face for their application. Thus, on well-cleaned and steamed skin, the effect of cosmetic products will be increased many times due to a more intensive opening of the pores. In addition, masks, like any other skin care products, must be selected taking into account all the needs of your specific skin type.

Classification of face masks

Manufacturers of cosmetic products have done their best, offering their customers a huge range of masks to solve any skin problems. The effect of the finished product depends on the consistency of the product, its form of production, as well as on all the components included in the composition. In order to choose a truly worthwhile face mask among the impressive amount of cosmetics, you should understand in more detail all the nuances of the presented classification.

By release form

  • With a cream or gel structure. Suitable for both salon skin care and independent use at home. Unlike gel masks, masks with a creamy consistency are characterized by a more nourishing effect, which means they will become indispensable assistants in the care of dry sensitive skin. The effect of both gel and cream textures can be varied: cleansing, toning, nourishing or rejuvenating.

Masks with a creamy texture are suitable for salon procedures.

  • Paraffin . Often used before dry cleaning in order to thoroughly soften and moisturize the skin. Thanks to this preliminary preparation, further active components act with double strength, but do not injure sensitive areas at all. Apply paraffin compositions in a slightly warmed molten form and leave them on the face until they completely harden. After the procedure, the skin is incredibly soft, moisturized, and free of any feeling of tightness.
  • Fabric . A fairly popular type of mask that does not require specific application skills. It is enough to apply a textile napkin impregnated with a special composition with active substances to the cleansed skin surface. For convenience, the fabric base has small holes for the eyes, nose and mouth area. The use of such products is simple and convenient, so fabric ones are ideal for home care. The effect of the procedure depends on what composition the textile napkin was impregnated with.
  • Film . As a rule, there is no need for subsequent rinsing of the active composition. The applied gel-like texture completely hardens after the specified amount of time, forming a thin film on the surface of the face. To clean your face, you just need to carefully remove the frozen layer of the product. This must be done with extreme caution, as sudden movements can cause significant discomfort.

It is recommended to remove film masks from top to bottom, and not vice versa. Otherwise, the film will pull out the fluff, invisible to the eye, located over the entire surface of the skin.

  • Alginate . They gained particular popularity quite recently. Previously, they were used exclusively in beauty salons, but today girls can afford such care even at home. The difficulty is that the pre-dry powder must be diluted with water in precise proportions to obtain the desired consistency. In addition, the diluted composition hardens very quickly, so after adding purified water, you must immediately apply the resulting consistency to your face without delay.

Alginate masks are popular professional cosmetic products. They are used for both the face and body.

  • Collagen . They are made on the basis of lyophilized collagen with the addition of other active ingredients. The effect of the product is increased due to the presence of vitamins, AHA acids and natural extracts of plant origin. Collagen masks have a powerful rejuvenating effect, help smooth out static and expression wrinkles, and also perfectly tighten the oval of the face.
  • Plaster . The difficult-to-use composition is suitable only for salon use. The consistency is applied under the close supervision of a specialist who controls the holding time of the finished composition. This cosmetic procedure boasts a powerful anti-aging lifting effect. In addition, during the application of the active ingredients, the epidermis heats up to forty degrees, which helps to increase blood flow in the skin cells.
  • Biomatrices . New in the cosmetics industry. The effect is achieved due to the high concentration of active substances. The base of the product is a thin layer created from seaweed or collagen. To improve its properties, it is impregnated in a special solution, which contains various highly dosed active ingredients. Read more about algae masks.
  • Silicone . Recommended by cosmetologists to eliminate age-related changes in the skin. They come in the form of a bandage or in the form of a gel or powder consistency. Most often, silicone masks are used to correct sagging face shape. During the procedure, the cosmetologist, using an active composition, fixes weakened areas of the epithelium, thereby giving the skin the necessary tone. After a systematic course of such procedures, a visible tightening and rejuvenation effect is observed.
  • Bubble (oxygen). Apply to the surface of the face using a special plastic spatula. After application, the homogeneous mass transforms into a foam-like texture with small bubbles. This reaction occurs due to the effect of oxygen on the structure of the active components. As a result, microparticles penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, providing the dermis with more thorough cleansing and gentle care.

Homemade natural masks

With regular use, they demonstrate a pronounced result of moisturizing, cleansing and nourishing, however, unlike salon procedures, home courses do not always have an immediate effect. As a rule, to achieve a visible effect, it is necessary to pamper the skin on an ongoing basis with active ingredients selected taking into account the needs of the skin. The most popular are deep cleansing masks for those with oily, problematic dermis.

  • For acne . The active ingredients regulate the production of sebaceous glands and also help reduce enlarged pores. Effective acne masks are best used specifically on problem areas so that the drying effect of the product does not thin the delicate areas of the skin.

You can use different homemade face masks on different areas.

  • Steaming . Necessary for thorough deep cleansing of pores from accumulated dust, dirt and residues of decorative cosmetics. After the steaming procedure, skin imperfections become more susceptible to mechanical and chemical effects.

By effect

  • Cleansing . Masks with a cleansing effect are necessary for our skin for high-quality and timely removal of the stratum corneum of the epithelium. With age, exfoliation processes occur much more slowly, which is why pimples, blackheads and the first signs of aging appear. Cleansing masks eliminate dead cells, open pores, thereby affecting the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Hydration . Moisturizing masks are recognized as the most universal care products for any type of skin. The main active ingredients are hyaluronic and lactic acids, as well as natural plant extracts, which ensure the restoration of the water-lipid balance of the skin.
  • Nutrition . The dry, sensitive type of dermis, which is most susceptible to the formation of tightness and flaking, is especially in need of deep nutrition. Nourishing masks based on fatty base oils effectively nourish dry areas, restore softness and a pleasant feeling of comfort to the skin.
  • Bleaching . As a rule, women encounter the problem of age spots in later life. However, there are situations when you want to get rid of freckles or the consequences of acne in the form of post-acne. In this case, whitening masks based on acids and vitamin C work, which are recommended for use in the autumn-winter period of the year.
  • Calming . Products with a soothing effect relieve irritation, remove redness and restore the integrity of the skin. The composition of such masks should be hypoallergenic, with a sufficient amount of d-panthenol, vitamin E and other softening ingredients.
  • Combating problem areas. Often the most problematic area is considered to be the T-zone, where the production of sebaceous glands is characterized by increased activity. Masks for problem skin have a drying, antiseptic and regenerating effect, and also help normalize all metabolic processes in the tissues of the dermis.

Problem areas of the skin are individual for each person, so the mask must be applied based on need.

  • Anti-aging effect. To restore the protective properties of the skin and increase elastin production, special anti-aging compounds with a pronounced lifting effect are used. Anti-aging masks, as a rule, contain collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme q10, which help eliminate facial and static wrinkles, filling them from the inside.

By skin type

  • For normal . Those with a normal type are the luckiest of all, since such skin does not require a fabulous amount of care products. Face masks, in this case, should moisturize well in the warm season, and sufficiently nourish the dermis throughout the winter. It is enough to use cleansing compositions once a week.
  • Prone to allergies. It is not recommended to use products containing petroleum refining components, parabens, dyes, fragrances and other components of chemical origin. It is best to give preference to pharmacy products or use proven home recipes.
  • For sensitive people . Masks for sensitive skin should act as gently as possible on the surface of the epidermis. Any aggressive, strong ingredients can cause redness and painful burning. Therefore, it is better to abandon concentrated cleansing masks, giving preference to soft products with a creamy texture.
  • For fatty . Clogged pores, blackheads, constant rashes - this is an incomplete list of all the problems of oily skin. As noted earlier, the effect of masks for those with problematic dermis should be aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reducing the production of sebum.
  • For dry . But in the case of dry skin, you should act in exactly the opposite way. There should not be any products with a drying effect, be it badyaga or clay in its pure form (clay masks). It is recommended to give preference to masks based on basic liquid oils and butters with an intense nutritional effect.
  • With pigmentation . Fruit acids, such as tartaric, lactic and glycolic, work best with age spots. At home, you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice, which has powerful whitening properties.

Masks against age spots have a whitening effect.

  • Combined . In summer, combination skin tends to be oily, so in the warmer months, owners of this type should choose masks with a mattifying effect. In winter, the skin, on the contrary, becomes more sensitive and prone to dryness, which means you should limit yourself to restorative products with good nutritional and moisturizing effects.

Expert advice

Photo: Pexels.com

According to the recommendations of dermocosmetologist Elena Stratova, to restore the hydro-lipid layer, even dry skin needs the use of soft scrubs, for example, based on jojoba oil, so before using the mask you can either use moisturizing tonics or do scrubbing. But St. Petersburg cosmetologist Igor Patrin shared about the properties of oil masks on his YouTube channel. So, despite the benefits of oil masks, it is important to choose cold-pressed vegetable oils, since this technique allows you to preserve various antioxidants, trace elements, lipids, and fats. Moreover, despite the fact that oil creates a film on the surface of the face that retains moisture, it can also cause dryness and the formation of acne, since its excessive use will erode the lipid layer and lead to the oxidation of beneficial substances, turning them into harmful ones. In particular, its harmful effects are enhanced by the influence of UV rays. Masks from leading manufacturers often contain antioxidants that prevent the destruction of valuable substances contained in the oil.


Masks with a cleansing effect (cleansing) have a whole range of useful functions. They remove dirt from pores, even out complexion, mattify, reduce inflammation and prepare the skin for further skin care procedures.

Remarkable results are demonstrated by peeling masks, which, thanks to the acids and abrasive particles they contain, exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epithelium. Moisturizing and nourishing compositions, in turn, are designed to nourish the epidermis with all useful substances.

With the systematic use of masks, the following visible results are observed:

  • facial wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • pores are narrowed due to deep cleansing of accumulated dirt;
  • the overall tone of the face is evened out, a healthy glow appears;
  • dryness and flaking are eliminated.

Mechanism of action on the skin

Although masks are credited with almost magical properties, the main task of all cosmetics is to cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin. Moreover, the results from the procedures can only be achieved in combination with a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. Since metabolism is an individual feature, for an external effect you need to consult a nutritionist and cosmetologist, and with their recommendations, choose the appropriate mask. Most products act only on the outer stratum corneum of the skin, while the rest must receive beneficial substances from food.


Cleansing cosmetic products are based on components with an absorbent effect to achieve the best mattifying effect. These include clay, healing mud, and algae. Read about mud masks in this material. Products with small abrasive particles have exfoliating properties. These can be ground apricot and raspberry seeds, as well as crushed sea salt and synthetic abrasives.

Girls with sensitive skin should give preference to peeling masks with a small percentage of fruit acids, which very carefully and delicately remove dead cells. To deeply moisturize the skin, products containing hyaluronic and lactic acids are used.

For girls with sensitive skin, after washing off the mask, you may need to apply a moisturizer.

Masks based on animal collagen also have a moisturizing effect. Read more about moisturizing face masks in this article. Shea butter, olive oil, wheat germ oil and avocado oil are the main components of intensive nourishing masks. In addition, vitamin E, d-panthenol and aloe vera extract have a calming effect.

Fruit acids

Fruit acids are an excellent option for skin renewal and peeling.

  • Apple;
  • Pyruvic;
  • Lemon;
  • Phytic;
  • Koyevaya.

This is a list of the main acids that will help:

  • Get rid of dead skin cells of the epidermis;
  • Even out complexion;
  • Lighten age spots;
  • Level out the overall terrain.

However, you should not get carried away with acids, as they can cause irritation and damage to the new skin. It should be used with caution and do not forget about a preliminary allergy test on the wrist.

Advantages and disadvantages of masks

As has already been noted several times, cosmetic face masks have a huge number of advantages. They eliminate various skin defects, even out the relief of the skin, relieve irritation and swelling, and also return the necessary tone to the fading mature dermis.

However, in addition to the existing advantages, it is worth highlighting some disadvantages:

  1. It is very difficult for those with capricious sensitive skin to choose an effective and, most importantly, safe composition.
  2. Although store-bought masks are considered more effective, they still contain harmful components.
  3. With prolonged use, an addictive effect is observed when the product ceases to fulfill all its stated promises.


Honey is an excellent choice for a mask. This component is almost universal for most types of masks, because it:

  • Cleanses the skin;
  • Renews and stimulates the regeneration of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • Reduces inflammation;
  • Effectively moisturizes;

It also increases blood circulation, helps normalize skin oiliness and prevent premature aging.

How to choose

In the selection process, it is very important to focus on products that:

  • will suit your skin type;
  • will help solve specific problems, be it dryness or acne;
  • correspond to your age category;
  • will not cause any difficulties during application.

The manufacturer indicates all the necessary information on the product packaging. An important factor that is worth paying attention to is the shelf life of the product. Remember that the shelf life is noticeably reduced after opening the container. Especially if the product is developed based on plant extracts of natural origin.

Sometimes it is difficult to detect the expiration date or production date of a face mask, but it is sure to be there.

Selection rules

First of all, a cosmetic mask must match the type of face, otherwise its use may cause a negative effect. The high cost of a product does not mean that this product is the best and that after using it all problems will disappear. Big money is paid for a well-known brand. In addition to the type of face, the application should be selected for a specific problem. This could be acne, high oil content or excessive dryness, age spots and other defects and imperfections. What daily facial skin care should be like is described in the article.

Problems that a good face mask should solve.

Rating of face masks

  • Vichy soothing mineral mask . Restores the water balance of the skin, relieves irritation and itching. The hypoallergenic formula of the product does not contain dangerous synthetic substances. You can read more about the vichy soothing mineral face mask here.
  • Vichy “Double Radiance” mineral peeling mask. Microparticles in combination with fruit acids effectively but gently cleanse the skin of dust. The product is developed on the basis of thermal water, which saturates the cells with all useful macro and microelements.
  • Turmeric Cranberry Seed Skin Radiance Mask, Kiehl¢s . Crushed cranberry seeds act as abrasive particles, which help gently cleanse the dermis. The mask evens out the complexion, removes signs of fatigue and gives the skin a natural glow.
  • Night moisturizing restorative Aqua source Ever plump Night, Biotherm . During sleep, it saturates dehydrated cells with healing moisture, restoring the skin a pleasant feeling of comfort. In the morning, the face looks more rested, and facial wrinkles become less noticeable.
  • Night cream-mask “Luxury nutrition” L¢oreal Paris. Effectively combats dryness, tightness and flaking of the skin. Promotes the healing of small wounds and also protects the skin during the cold season.
  • Fabric mask “Moisturizing + Comfort” for dry and sensitive skin, Garnier. A budget product that has become a real sales leader. It is enough to apply a fabric mask for a few minutes so that the skin is saturated with valuable vitamins and receives an incredible dose of hydration.
  • Intensely moisturizing mask Hydraphase Intense, LaRoshe-Posay. A pharmaceutical product that does not contain any harmful parabens or fragrances. Suitable for those with sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation.
  • Deep pore cleansing mask, Clarifying Clay Masque, Skin Ceuticals. A powerful formula based on clay and hydroacids regulates the sebaceousness of the secretory glands, reduces pores, and effectively fights imperfections such as acne and blackheads.

Price: 4500 rubles.

  • Mask “Magic of clay. Cleansing and mattifying", L¢oreal Paris. Suitable for those with problematic oily skin. Relieves inflammation, smoothes texture, eliminates hated oily sheen. Read more about the L'Oreal Magic Clay mask here.
  • Korean snail-gold hydrogel mask with Tony Moly snails. Korean cosmetics surprise their customers with incredible quality. Masks based on snail mucin, which have a rejuvenating, regenerating and moisturizing effect, deserve special love. You can read more about hydrogel masks at the link.
  • Black Mask. An indispensable assistant in the fight against acne and blackheads. You can read more about the Black Mask in the material. The effect is visible after the first use: pores become smaller, and facial skin acquires an even, healthy tone without an oily sheen.

Read about popular Japanese masks in this material.

Basic principles of application

Before application, it is necessary to cleanse the facial skin of accumulated impurities and decorative cosmetics using a cleansing gel. The resulting effect will depend on how well the face is cleansed. For deep penetration of active ingredients, it is recommended to pre-steam the epidermis by taking a regular bath or making a steam bath based on essential oils and herbs.

Keep the mask on your face for exactly the same amount of time as indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Then vary the allowable exposure time based on your skin's reaction. After the procedure, use a moisturizer if necessary.


The most significant reason for refusing face masks is the presence of damage to the dermis of the face. These could be cuts, deep scratches, burns or furunculosis.

Individual intolerance or allergies are not so important, since it is enough to replace the unfavorable component with another and the application can be applied. It is not recommended to use homemade masks at elevated temperatures caused by inflammation, severe tumors or oncology. You cannot apply therapeutic and prophylactic applications to your face after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Precautionary measures

  1. You should not use concentrated formulations more than twice a week. It is best to carry out systematic courses consisting of 8-10 procedures, and then take a short break.
  2. Masks with a whitening effect should be used with extreme caution during periods of high solar activity. Be sure to apply Sanskrin after use before going outside.
  3. The result of the procedure will be much more effective if you hold the mask in a horizontal position.

Be sure to pay attention to the precautions, they are indicated on the packaging.


  1. Face masks are a powerful auxiliary artillery that helps eliminate various skin imperfections.
  2. The result of the procedure will depend on the form of the product, its active components and correct application.
  3. Under no circumstances choose plaster masks or products with a high acid content (aggressive with acids) for home use. Such compositions are used under the strict supervision of a qualified cosmetologist.
  4. And, finally, remember that an excess of cosmetic procedures, as well as a lack of them, can harm the health of your skin. Follow moderation and take a short break between courses.
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