Video Papillomas on the eyelids and their treatment
Papilloma on the eyelid: causes and treatment
Causes Diagnostics Treatment Advantages of treatment of papillomas in MHC Treatment prices Prevention Video Papillomas
calluses with black spots
Causes of calluses with blackheads and their treatment
Causes of calluses with black spots appear under the influence of various factors: Constant mechanical stress
Hydrogen peroxide for the face for wrinkles around the eyes, acne, for narrowing pores, whitening, with soda, bodyaga, yeast, according to Neumyvakin
Hydrogen peroxide for the face for wrinkles around the eyes, acne, for narrowing pores, whitening, with soda, bodyaga, yeast, according to Neumyvakin
Hydrogen peroxide is the common name for hydrogen peroxide, a powerful antiseptic. Its antibacterial, disinfectant and
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Place Name Characteristics in the ranking Best Russian face creams from 40 to 50
Dry nasal mucous membranes
When a “cold” appears on the lips, it is always unpleasant. But similar rashes in the nose,
A lapis pencil can be used to remove small single papillomas
Lapis pencil for papillomas. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Papillomas, or warts, are benign neoplasms of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the papilloma virus
Bacteriostatic effect of the substance
Is it possible to apply Levomekol to an open wound: use and contraindications
Composition and effect of Levomekol ointment Indications and contraindications for the use of Levomekol ointment Levomekol ointment -
The SM-Clinic cardiologist spoke about the causes of facial swelling in adults
Facial swelling is not only a cosmetic defect, if it appears frequently or is accompanied
Spider veins
Now treatment of rosacea with laser is possible even on tanned skin! Even in summer!
What are spider veins and what are the methods for eliminating them? 7 clinics in Moscow with
A small problem with great discomfort is a subungual callus on the foot. What is it and how to get rid of it?
What it is? A callus is an area of ​​keratinized epithelium that has been layered for a long time.
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