Papilloma on the eyelid: causes and treatment

Causes Diagnostics Treatment Advantages of treatment of papillomas in MGK Treatment prices Prevention Video

Papillomas on the eyelids look like small skin growths that resemble warts in appearance. The number and size of such formations are different.

Papillomas on the eyelid are benign formations that cause mainly cosmetic problems. In some cases (localization close to the edge of the eyelids, large size of formations, inflammation), papillomas cause physical discomfort, which is an indication for their removal. Long-term papillomas have a tendency to become malignant.

Treatment prices

The cost of surgical removal of papilloma on the eyelid depends on the number of elements removed and their location, ranging from 5,500 rubles. Various methods can be used, incl. laser (in this case the price will be from 5,000 rubles) - this issue is decided by the attending physician during the examination.

Histological examination (if necessary) is paid additionally (RUB 2,500).

By contacting the Moscow Eye Clinic, you will receive a quick and reliable diagnosis of papillomas on the eyelids and their effective treatment. All questions you are interested in can be asked to specialists by calling 8 and (499) 322-36-36 or via Skype consultation on the website.

Make an appointment


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The cause of papillomas on the eyelids is infection with a virus from the papillomavirus family. The virus is transmitted from person to person through household or sexual contact; carriage of the virus is widespread. To become infected with the papilloma virus, microscopic damage to the skin is enough.

For a long period, the papilloma virus can remain in the body without manifesting itself. It is believed that the direct formation of papillomas is associated with a weakened immune system as a result of stress, lack of sleep, after illness, an unsuccessful visit to a solarium, etc. With age, the likelihood of papillomas increases, this is due to weakened immunity in older people.

The impact of VSD attacks on patients’ vision, causes of disorders, methods of treatment and prevention

Panic disorder is a mental illness characterized by recurrent panic attacks. The DSM-5 defines panic attacks as “sudden attacks of intense fear or discomfort that reach a peak within a few minutes.” People with this disorder live in fear of another panic attack. The patient may experience physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and hyperhidrosis. In the outdated classification, panic disorder was called vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

Although the symptoms of the disorder are overwhelming and frightening, they can be controlled and resolved with treatment. Prescribing the correct treatment is the key to quickly getting rid of VSD.

Treatment of papillomas on the eyelids

If suspicious formations appear on the skin of the eyelids, you should not put off visiting a doctor, because it is difficult to diagnose yourself, and correct diagnosis is the key to effective treatment.

After the appearance of papillomas on the eyelids, they slowly but steadily increase in size, so it would be optimal to treat them soon after detection, without waiting for their size and number to increase, as well as for the development of complications of the disease. Due to the anatomical proximity to the eyeball, papillomas on the eyelid are recommended to be removed.

Self-medication for eyelid papillomas is not acceptable and can lead to dire consequences. Attempts to cauterize papillomas with alcohol-containing solutions do not get rid of the formations, but can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. It is unacceptable to try to cauterize or trim the papilloma; this can cause inflammation or bleeding from the wound.

There is no effective drug treatment for eyelid papilloma; the only treatment is removal of the formations. Removal of papillomas is carried out on an outpatient basis in a one-day procedure, using local anesthesia.

Papillomas are removed by laser, electrocoagulation, cryodestruction (cauterization with liquid nitrogen) or surgery. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages, so the method of removing formations is determined by the attending ophthalmologist, based on the individual situation.

Causes of weakened immunity leading to the formation of papillomas

  • colds, infections;
  • overvoltage of any kind, stress;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • lack of vitamins,
  • drinking alcohol and smoking.

The growth of papillomas can be caused by careless handling. Their nature is benign and comes with varying degrees of oncological activity. Only a doctor can find out this by organizing suitable studies and prescribing the appropriate procedures.

Video of surgery to remove multiple papillomas

The duration of the recovery period after removal of papillomas on the eyelids depends on the location of the formation. The most problematic in terms of healing are papillomas located at the edge of the eyelids in the immediate vicinity of the eyeball; moreover, after their removal, scars often form that subsequently require laser resurfacing.

How to remove growth

The choice of means to rid a patient of papilloma in the eye area is made based on individual characteristics, the degree of damage to the eyelids, and the volume of pathological growths.

In general, regardless of the method, papilloma removal includes the following steps:

1. Cleansing the surgical field using a non-alcoholic antiseptic (chlorhexidine, furatsilin).2. Fixation of the eyelid to prevent involuntary eye movements.3. Local anesthesia by layer-by-layer injection of anesthetic.4. Removing the build-up.5. Antiseptic treatment.6. Applying a sterile dressing.

The procedure does not last long, depending on the number of tumors, on average it takes from 5 to 20 minutes.


To prevent infection with the papilloma virus, you should follow everyday hygiene recommendations: regularly wash your hands, use individual towels and bed linen, etc. Particular attention should be paid to eye hygiene, for example, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, use swimming goggles when visiting the pool, etc. Since papillomas usually form in people with weakened immune systems, you need to pay attention to your diet, rest regularly, and adhere to a healthy lifestyle life, avoid overwork and hypothermia.


Acetic essence can burn out papilloma along with the root. Apple cider vinegar has a milder effect. The product should only be applied to the wart itself and should not be allowed to come into contact with healthy skin. Pure vinegar is not recommended.

There are several recipes for medicinal tinctures with vinegar:

  • Vinegar with lemon. The cut fruit is kept in acid for 2 weeks. Then lemon slices are applied to the wart and secured with a bandage overnight.
  • Vinegar and flour. They are mixed until thick and used for application to papillomas. After complete drying, the mixture is removed.
  • Vinegar and wood ash.
  • Vinegar and garlic. The cloves are marinated in malic acid and applied to the growths.

Advantages of treatment of papillomas on the eyelids and prices at MGK

Removal of papilloma on the eyelids should only be performed by a specialist who has undergone professional training and has the appropriate skills. To avoid possible complications, this procedure should be entrusted to an experienced doctor. At the Moscow Eye Clinic you will be able to undergo all the necessary tests, based on the results of which the attending physician will recommend the most effective treatment methods in your case.

Removal of papillomas on the eyelids is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. During the procedure, sterile instruments and disposable consumables are used, which eliminates the risk of infectious complications.

Minimally invasive surgical interventions on the eyelids at the Moscow Eye Clinic are performed by ophthalmologist Zargaryan Asmik Erdzhanikovna, who performs all types of minor operations on the eyelids using a minimally invasive surgical technique using the SURGITRON radiosurgical device (USA). The surgical treatment of eyelid neoplasms at the clinic is also carried out by ophthalmologists Yulia Valerievna Yakovleva and.


Dagaev Adam Huseinovich 5/5 (1 rating)

Honey. portal:

Briefly about the main thing:

If you decide to get rid of papillomas, there are 2 ways: The first is to remove papillomas in the clinic, preferably from an oncologist. The advantages of this method are obvious - maximum efficiency and safety. The second method is removal at home using drugs that can be bought in pharmacies. The advantage of this method is its low cost, however, for safe removal, I recommend first consulting with an oncologist. If treatment of papillomas with none of the above methods is effective, it is worth checking your immunity. To do this, it is better to consult an immunologist.

Have you decided to part with your papillomas? This can be done at addresses in St. Petersburg (Asafieva 7/1)

Treatment of eye tumors

Treatment depends on its nature. Moreover, they can manifest themselves in infants and adults. However, the main types of treatment for such manifestations should be indicated:

Drug treatment

It will be effective if we are talking about an infectious lesion. In these cases, it is necessary to take measures to destroy the infection. Accordingly, antibiotics are taken. For example, this is how inflammation of the tear duct is treated. To prevent recurrence of symptoms, you should complete the full course of treatment. But first you need to find out exactly the type of tumor.


Often it is of an aesthetic nature. For example, papilloma and warts are removed using laser intervention. Typically, surgery is not required. If the tumor is temporary, it should be treated with antibiotics, ointments or folk remedies.

Laser removal

It is the most popular method of getting rid of formations. Timely intervention will help protect yourself from a malignant tumor. Moreover, such removal occurs quickly, in a clinical setting, and does not require long-term recovery or hospitalization.

Treatment with folk remedies

The most effective folk remedies for removing barley or millet. It is quite enough to warm up the affected area. This will neutralize the effect of the infection and resolve the resulting abscess.

How to recognize warts: symptoms and signs

An inexperienced person may confuse warts with other skin growths, for example, moles, calluses, melanomas.

The main differences between warts and moles:

  • moles have a dark or black tint, while warts have a light color;
  • warts grow tightly together with the skin, moles are separate structures, as if glued to the body;
  • moles are soft and smooth to the touch, warts are hard, hard and rough.

It is also easy to distinguish a wart from a callus. When pressing on the growth, painful sensations will occur, and if it peels off, traces of hemorrhages will be visible underneath it. Under the callus is new, tender skin.

You can distinguish a wart from a melanoma by color and shape. This dangerous disease is characterized by heterogeneous red and black shades, proliferation and an uneven contour.

It is not difficult for a dermatologist to make the correct diagnosis using a visual examination. But a good specialist will not be content with just a simple inspection. He will definitely use a special magnifying device - a dermatoscope. If there is a suspicion of a pathogenic process, scraping of the surface layer will be required.

In the case of anogenital warts (located around the anus and on the genitals), consultation with a gynecologist or proctologist is necessary.

How long does it take for a wart to heal after laser removal?

Removing a wart with a laser practically does not injure the skin, but in any case there is a burn that heals in three stages.

At the first stage , a scab is formed, that is, a crust that protects the wound from infection.

At the second stage, gradual healing of the wound under the crust occurs.

At the third stage , the scab is rejected and the skin is restored. Young skin, of course, will initially be lighter, that is, the site of the removed wart will be visible, but subsequently the color will become the same as that of nearby tissues.

To ensure that the wound does not become inflamed or fester after laser removal of a wart, you need to take care of it, so the healing process will go faster. The healing period depends on many factors, which are indicated in the table.

Factors Duration of wound healing
Size and shape of the wart. If the papilloma is less than a centimeter in diameter, the wound after the procedure will heal in two weeks. If the wart is more than a centimeter in diameter, the wound will heal within a month.
The state of the body's immune system. With strong immunity, the recovery period will be minimal.
Accurately follow the doctor’s recommendations after the operation. The wound must be taken care of so that infection does not get inside, otherwise healing will take several months.

Lots of warts

Sometimes a person develops a large number of warts on his face.

The reasons for this may be a disease called epidermodysplasia verruciformis.

Rashes appear that look like flat warts.

Most often they are quite large.

Arranged in groups.

The total number of warts is large.

They often merge with each other.

In appearance, such rashes can sometimes be confused with senile warts or solar keratosis.

Unlike many other types of warts, these pose a real threat to life.

Because they can develop into squamous cell carcinoma.

It is not always diagnosed in the early stages.

Considering that a large number of warts appear, it is very difficult to notice that any of them has changed shape or outline.

First, cancer develops locally.

Over time it can become invasive.

The color of such formations can be black or brown.

Hypopigmentation is less common.

In this case, the warts on the face turn white.

They have either a round or oval shape.

Sometimes warts reach large sizes and merge, forming a “geographic map”.

It is on the face that these formations most often transform into a malignant tumor.

Although they can also be located on the body and limbs.

Like simple warts, epithelial dysplasia is localized in areas of scratching and scratching.

What consequences are possible after removing a wart with a laser?

Removing warts with a laser is a gentle procedure, but the following consequences are possible:

  • If the wound is not treated properly, it will take a long time to heal.
  • An infection may occur, causing inflammation.
  • The formation of scars and cicatrices, disruption of epidermal pigmentation, that is, a dark or white area may remain at the site of the wart.
  • If the patient's skin is very delicate, thermal injury may occur. It can also occur if a specialist has configured the instrument incorrectly.
  • Allergy to photo exposure and anesthesia.

scars remain after laser removal of warts ?

  • Insufficient qualification of the surgeon.
  • Predisposition of the patient's skin to scar formation.
  • Failure to follow recommendations during the rehabilitation period leads to infection of the damaged surface.
  • When large and deep warts are removed, a wound remains that deepens under the papillary layer of skin.

When removing warts with a laser on your hands, décolleté or face, think about how to protect yourself from scarring. Modern means for preventing rough scars help to retain water in the tissues, so connective tissue, which forms the basis of scars, is not formed. Use gels based on hydrocolloid substances.

When the crust that has formed on the wound falls off, apply one percent hydrocortisone ointment for a week and a half. The ointment will reduce the likelihood of scarring and promote rapid healing. Baneocin powder is also suitable. For prevention, purchase Mediderma, Panavir or Contractubex. The action of Panavir is based on the antiviral effect and suppression of DNA synthesis, which reduces the risk of the formation of new warts.

To break down dead tissue and increase skin elasticity, apply creams and gels containing fruit acids to the damaged area. This causes the scars to become flat and then lighten. It is important that the product you use includes hyaluronic acid, which creates a very thin film that maintains skin moisture, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, and revitalizes rough tissue. Before purchasing medicinal cosmetics, you should consult your doctor.

It is important not only to choose the right product, but also to start using it as early as possible, because this way the scar will heal faster.

If, after removing warts with a laser, a large scar remains, most likely, procedures will be required to smooth it out: microwave therapy, cryodestruction or electrocoagulation.

Burn. During wart removal, the laser has the same effect on the patient's skin as the sun's rays, causing the treated area to turn red. If the patient has very sensitive skin, then after the procedure there is not only a burn, but also swelling and severe redness of the skin. Sometimes watery blisters appear. In this case, it is very important to follow the recommendations for caring for the wound, otherwise the patient may be left with a dark scar that will be very noticeable on the skin. If, despite good care of the treated area, the burn and redness do not go away, you should not self-medicate and should consult a doctor. The burn may become larger if the operated area is exposed to sunlight.

High temperature, inflammation, pain. The patient should not be alarmed if he experiences these symptoms, because this is a normal reaction of the body to laser wart removal. Redness and swelling sometimes appear in the wound area, which usually disappear within five days.

After removing a wart with a laser, the inflammation should subside within a few days. If the patient scratches the wound, an infection may occur, causing inflammation. Usually in such situations, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and antiseptics. An antiseptic is applied to the wound three times a day. To speed up healing, you can use local products to treat the wound. The doctor will advise how best to do this. The best antiseptic is potassium permanganate, which is used to treat the wound and its edges.

If the edges of the wound diverge, it hurts a lot. The wound may become inflamed and pus appears, which indicates that an infection has entered the wound, causing the pain to intensify. You should immediately contact the doctor who performed the procedure so that he can examine the painful area. The doctor will tell you which painkillers you should take. It is possible that you will need to put stitches or wash the wound with antiseptics.

If your temperature rises after laser removal of a wart, you should take paracetamol. This reaction of the body is explained by the fact that a small inflammatory process has begun.

Relapse. If there is HPV in the body, warts will appear again; this cannot be avoided.

Read material on the topic: Laser removal of papillomas - painless disposal of tumors

What precautions does the wound require after laser removal of a wart?

To prevent a scar or a scar after removing a wart with a laser, you should follow the recommendations listed below:

  1. Do not cover the wound with a band-aid to prevent inflammation due to the penetration of bacteria. The wound will heal faster if there is constant access to air. Over time, the crust will fall off, and in its place a new layer of epithelium will form.
  2. After removing the wart, treat the wound with brilliant green, healing ointments, potassium permanganate solution and other local disinfectants for three days. Chemicals and alcohol solutions are strictly prohibited.
  3. Even if you accidentally scratched the wart removal site and the scab began to separate prematurely, do not completely rip it off. Take the furatsilin solution, soak the separated area with it and carefully cut it off.
  4. The crust that has formed on the wound cannot be removed; it will fall off on its own.
  5. Avoid exposing the wound to sunlight; use sunscreen before going outside.
  6. If a wart has been removed in the intimate area, you can have sex only after the wound has completely healed. As a rule, this is one month.
  7. It is better not to use cosmetics until the color of the skin on the wound evens out with the surrounding tissues.
  8. If a month has passed since the wart was removed with a laser, and the wound has not healed, go to the doctor.
  9. After the procedure, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins E, A, C to make the skin more elastic, strengthen the immune system and restore the regenerative properties of the skin.

Read material on the topic: Dermatological facial cleansing: types, reviews and prices


The causes of these neoplasms are very extensive. They appear as follows:

  • the occurrence of compaction. Moreover, it may have a red or white color or may not differ at all from the skin of the eyelid;
  • a small, hard lump may enlarge to form a sac filled with pus. This is typical for stye, inflammation of the tear ducts and other diseases;
  • pus may leak out, and the compaction will begin to interfere with vision. The infection will cause inflammation of the inner areas of the eye if it is allowed to penetrate deep into the organs.

These symptoms are often accompanied by severe pain, heaviness, inflammation, redness, and a feeling of constant discomfort.


A person may have different types of papillomas on their eyelids:

  • Keratopapillomas. These are small clusters that are difficult to distinguish. They are papillary formations that resemble cauliflower. They have a rough surface. Such growths affect only the upper layers of the skin. They have a leg, as a result of which they can easily come off.
  • Fibropapillomas. These growths can affect the deeper layers of the skin. This is a benign tumor that has its own vessel. Such growths have no legs, and their color can be pink or dark brown.

Fibropapilloma on the eye
Flat. Such growths are almost invisible on the skin. They have a flat surface, so they can be either single or multiple.

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