Diprospan is a broad-spectrum hormonal drug

The hormonal drug Dirospan is a ready-made medicinal suspension. It can be purchased in ampoules or disposable syringes. The product is a clear solution, sometimes with a yellowish tint. It contains suspended particles that, when shaken, transform the liquid into a stable suspension.

The medicine belongs to glucosteroids. Diprospan injections, the instructions indicate this, include betamethasone. It is the main active ingredient. In the manufacture of the medicine, a complex of auxiliary components is used that enhance the effect of the medicine. A single dose of 1 ml contains 5 mg of betamethosone. The medicine is characterized by anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, antiallergic, antishock, and immunosuppressive effects. In addition, it has a pronounced effect on metabolism.


Diprospan injections, the instructions indicate this, are used for a wide range of pathologies. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It alleviates the condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, etc.

Diprospan is indicated, the instructions emphasize attention, also in other situations. It is often used in therapy:

  • Allergic pathologies. In particular, it is used to stabilize the condition of patients suffering from bronchial asthma and hay fever. The drug allows you to quickly remove the symptoms of rhinitis when it occurs seasonally, as well as relieve an allergic reaction to medications and insect bites.
  • Dermatological diseases. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in practice against dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, etc.
  • Systemic connective tissue pathologies, including lupus erythematosus and scleroderma.
  • Hemoblastosis. The medicine is used in the complex therapy of leukemia and lymphomas in adults.

Diprospan, the instructions for use indicate this, can be used in severe conditions of patients. It is prescribed for toxic, traumatic, cardiogenic, surgical, burn shock. The drug is indicated for severe anaphylactoid and allergic reactions, cerebral edema that occurs during radiation therapy or after surgery, hepatic coma, thyrotoxic crisis.

Conclusion about the drug

Diprospan is a powerful long-acting hormone.

Reviews speak of rapid action, psoriasis disappears within 2-3 days, but remission can last only a week. Then the disease returns with a vengeance.

Injections for psoriasis (Diprospan) are prescribed only by a doctor: when other remedies do not work, in severe forms of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

The effects on the body and side effects are stronger than those of methotrexate. First, traditional methods and treatment at home (in consultation with a doctor) are used to treat psoriasis.

The use of Diprospan for psoriasis is a last resort.


Diprospan injections, the instructions for use warn about this, have an absolute contraindication - hypersensitivity to betamethasone or any of the auxiliary components. There are many other contraindications for the use of the drug, so you need to know why diprospan is dangerous.

The drug is not prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the skeletal system in the presence of septic and infectious lesions of the joint, as well as in the presence of periarticular osteoporosis or intra-articular bone fracture. The drug cannot be used in the post-vaccination period. It is unacceptable to treat diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and hypertension. Before using the product, the doctor must exclude other possible risks that are associated with contraindications.

The drug can be prescribed for the treatment of severe infectious diseases only in combination with other targeted drugs in specific therapy regimens. You should stop using the medicine if you have pathologies of the digestive system, such as peptic ulcers, diverticulitis, gastritis, etc. Treatment of children with the drug is possible only after 3 years. Pregnancy and lactation are conditional contraindications, since studies of the effect of the drug on the woman’s body in such conditions have not been conducted.

Psoriasis and diprospan

Svetlana, Uglich


January 28, 2021

Hello dear doctors! My husband is 46 years old, and for many years he has been suffering from extensive psoriasis, with an exacerbation of 90 percent of the body. I tried everything prescribed by doctors, from ointments, physiotherapy, to GCS, and was treated for years to no avail. The only thing I haven’t tried is drugs from the group of monoclonal antibodies - they are insanely, prohibitively expensive. 3 years ago, during the next exacerbation, our dermatologist prescribed a treatment regimen with diprospan intramuscularly: 1 double injection, after 5 days another 1, but already 1 ampoule, then after another 5 days 1 ampoule, and so on 5 injections per month at intervals of 5 days , and the first injection is in double dosage. And oh, miracle, clean body, happy husband. This miracle was enough for about 3-4 months, and again a month of Diprospan injections, etc. At the moment, remission is less than a month, and I have collected all the side effects: +27 kg in 2 years, very large belly, stretch marks, weakness, Cushing is most likely present. Recently we had an FGD, an MRI of the adrenal glands and an MRI of the pituitary gland, everything is fine, I tested daily urine for cortisol - there is almost no cortisol, the adrenal glands do not produce it (doctors say that it will gradually return to normal, but what if every month there is a course of diprospan? Glucose is on the edge , but tolerable 6, 5. Now again he is completely covered with huge plaques, suffers from pain and from complexes, works with people, and is embarrassed even by me. I do my best to dissuade him from the next course of diprospan, there is less and less sense (the feeling that there is already a constant exacerbation he has), and there are more and more side effects, but you can’t convince him, he says, it’s better to take 2 weeks, but to feel like a person. Our dermatologist at an in-person appointment said to be treated with what helps, that is, the diprospan prescribed by her, because it is incurable. The regional endocrinologist says to urgently get off the hormones, but they don’t offer anything to replace them, and they don’t offer a plan for “getting off.” The regional dermatologist suggested Stelara and flying to the Dead Sea. Cosmically expensive! What should we do? I’m insanely afraid for my husband. Healthy lifestyle, does not smoke, does not drink, eats a healthy diet, periodically diets. What to do, what to do? Should Diprospan continue with the same scheme? I'm afraid that it will kill his joints, bones, etc. + This Cushing's syndrome still does not go away. Or something that might be less aggressive. Or is the injection schedule different? Or try to jump from it, again according to what scheme and on what? Concomitant hypertension (Valsakor) and asthma (Symbicort) for life. Please help me with advice, I beg you! Thank you in advance for your answers!

The question is closed

Psoriasis and hormones

I ask for help with advice.

Side effects

Side effects when using the drug Diprospan occur when contraindications and the doctor-recommended regimen of use are violated. In this case, negative reactions can occur from various systems of the human body.

The most common side effects that occur are:

  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Headache.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Insomnia.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Deterioration of the condition of the skin.
  • Depression.
  • Nervousness.

But also when taking the drug, more serious side reactions may occur that pose a threat to health. They are all given in the instructions for use of the drug. If they occur, the use of diprospan should be abandoned.


Severe nervous system complications (including death) have been reported with epidural and intrathecal administration of GCS (with or without fluoroscopic guidance), including spinal cord infarction, paraplegia, quadriplegia, cortical blindness and stroke. Since the safety and effectiveness of epidural corticosteroids have not been established, this route of administration is not indicated for this group of drugs.

Recommended routes of administration are listed in the "Method of administration and dosage" section. Intravascular administration of the drug must be avoided.

Due to the lack of data regarding the risk of calcification, injection of the drug into the intervertebral space is contraindicated.

The dosage regimen and route of administration are determined individually, depending on the indications, severity of the disease and patient response.

The dose should be as small as possible and the period of use as short as possible. The initial dose is adjusted until the desired therapeutic effect is achieved. Then gradually reduce the dose of Diprospan® to the minimum effective maintenance dose. If there is no effect from the therapy or if it is used for a long time, the drug is also discontinued, gradually reducing the dose.

If a stressful situation (not related to the disease) occurs or threatens to occur, it may be necessary to increase the dose of Diprospan®.

The patient's condition is monitored for at least one year after completion of long-term therapy or use in high doses.

Administration of the drug into soft tissues, into the lesion and intra-articularly can, with a pronounced local effect, simultaneously lead to a systemic effect.

Considering the likelihood of developing anaphylactoid reactions with parenteral administration of GCS, the necessary precautions should be taken before administering the drug, especially if the patient has a history of allergic reactions to drugs.

The drug Diprospan® contains two active substances - betamethasone derivatives, one of which - betamethasone sodium phosphate - quickly penetrates the systemic circulation, and therefore its possible systemic effect should be taken into account.

While using the drug Diprospan®, mental disorders are possible (especially in patients with emotional instability or a tendency to psychosis).

When using the drug Diprospan® in patients with diabetes mellitus, adjustment of hypoglycemic therapy may be required.

Patients receiving corticosteroids should not be vaccinated against smallpox. Other immunizations should not be carried out in patients receiving GCS (especially in high doses), due to the possibility of developing neurological complications and a low immune response (lack of antibody formation). However, immunization is possible during replacement therapy (for example, with primary adrenal insufficiency).

Patients receiving Diprospan® in doses that suppress the immune system should be warned about the need to avoid contact with patients with chickenpox and measles (especially important when using the drug in children).

It is possible to suppress the reaction when performing skin tests during the use of GCS.

When using the drug Diprospan®, it should be taken into account that GCS can mask signs of an infectious disease, as well as reduce the body's resistance to infections.

It is necessary to carefully observe the rules of asepsis and antisepsis when administering the drug.

Caution must be exercised when using the drug in patients at high risk of infection (on hemodialysis or with dentures).

The use of the drug Diprospan® for active tuberculosis is possible only in cases of fulminant or disseminated tuberculosis in combination with adequate anti-tuberculosis therapy. When using the drug Diprospan in patients with latent tuberculosis or during the period of the tuberculin test, the dose selection of the drug Diprospan® should be very careful (due to the danger of reactivation of tuberculosis), and with long-term use, anti-tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis is necessary. When using rifampicin prophylactically, acceleration of the hepatic clearance of betamethasone should be taken into account (betamethasone dose adjustment may be required).

If there is fluid in the joint cavity, a septic process should be excluded. A noticeable increase in pain, swelling, increased temperature of the surrounding tissues and further limitation of joint mobility indicate septic arthritis. It is necessary to conduct a study of aspirated joint fluid. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, appropriate antibacterial therapy must be prescribed. The use of Diprospan® in septic arthritis is contraindicated.

Repeated injections into a joint for osteoarthritis may increase the risk of joint destruction. The introduction of GCS into the tendon tissue gradually leads to tendon rupture.

After successful intra-articular therapy, the patient should avoid overloading the joint.

Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to posterior subcapsular cataracts (especially in children), glaucoma with possible damage to the optic nerve, and may contribute to the development of secondary eye infections (fungal or viral).

It is necessary to periodically conduct an ophthalmological examination, especially in patients receiving Diprospan® for more than 6 months.

The use of medium and high doses of corticosteroids can lead to increased blood pressure, sodium and fluid retention in the body, and increased excretion of potassium from the body (these phenomena are less likely when taking synthetic corticosteroids, unless they are used in high doses). With long-term use of high doses of Diprospan®, the risk of developing arrhythmia and hypokalemia should consider the need to prescribe potassium-containing drugs and a diet with limited salt. All corticosteroids enhance calcium excretion.

When using the drug Diprospan® simultaneously with cardiac glycosides or drugs that affect the electrolyte composition of plasma, monitoring of the water-electrolyte balance is required.

Use acetylsalicylic acid with caution in combination with the drug Diprospan® for hypoprothrombinemia.

The effect of GCS is enhanced in patients with hypothyroidism and liver cirrhosis.

Caution must be exercised when using GCS in elderly patients; in patients with renal or hepatic failure, diverticulitis, active or latent gastric and/or intestinal ulcers or the presence of recently created intestinal anastomoses, osteoporosis, myasthenia gravis, confirmed or suspected parasitic infections (for example, strongyloidiasis).

The development of secondary adrenal insufficiency due to too rapid withdrawal of GCS is possible within several months after the end of therapy. If a stressful situation occurs or threatens to occur during this period, therapy with Diprospan® should be resumed and a mineralocorticosteroid should be prescribed at the same time (due to a possible disturbance in the secretion of mineralocorticosteroids). Gradual withdrawal of GCS can reduce the risk of developing secondary adrenal insufficiency.

With the use of GCS, changes in sperm motility and number are possible. During long-term therapy with GCS, it is advisable to consider the possibility of switching from parenteral to oral use of GCS, taking into account the assessment of the benefit/risk ratio.

Use in pediatrics

Children undergoing Diprospan® therapy (especially long-term therapy) should be under close medical supervision for possible growth retardation and the development of secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Use in athletes

Patients participating in competitions under the control of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) should read the WADA rules before starting treatment with the drug, since taking Diprospan® may affect the results of doping control.

Instructions for use

The drug is intended for intramuscular administration. It cannot be injected into a vein or subcutaneously. In this case, the injection is carried out deep into a large muscle. It is important to prevent the drug from getting into other tissues to prevent their possible atrophy. In severe conditions that require emergency measures, 2 ml of the drug is prescribed.

To the question: how often can diprospan be injected intramuscularly, the attending physician must answer in each specific case. He will also select the necessary dosage for the treatment of a particular pathology. Diprospan injections should be used based on the information provided in the instructions for use.

Uncontrolled use of a hormonal drug can lead to an overdose, which is dangerous with various negative consequences for the body. Severe vomiting, nervous agitation, and a jump in blood pressure may occur.

Reviews when the drug is prescribed correctly are always positive. Patients focus on rapid relief and elimination of painful symptoms. The affordable price of the drug is also attractive.

Diprospan ampoules should be stored at room temperature in a dark place out of reach of children. This drug has many analogues, but only a doctor should select a replacement.

Reviews from patients with psoriasis:

Oksana Yu.

I inject Dipropsan about twice a year. It helps relieve the symptoms quite well, but the rashes still return.

Vyacheslav N.

I have been using Diprospan for 8 years. This is the best remedy for me, even though the symptoms keep coming back. A nice bonus: after injections, potency improves.

Ignat Z.

The medicine is good, but not a panacea.
Now there are many new drugs that are no less high-quality, but have fewer contraindications and side effects. ', 'DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', '~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', 'PREVIEW_TEXT' => 'One of the drugs used to treat psoriasis is Diprospan, but due to its belonging to hormonal drugs, specialists They don’t stop arguing: “Does Diprospan help with psoriasis?
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'ELEMENT_CHAIN' => 'Diprospan for psoriasis', 'BROWSER_TITLE' => 'Diprospan for psoriasis: patient reviews, indications for use', 'KEYWORDS' => ", 'DESCRIPTION' => 'One of the medications used to treat psoriasis is Diprospan, but due to its belonging to hormonal drugs experts never stop arguing: “Does Diprospan help with psoriasis? And what is more: benefit or harm?”', ), ) Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious skin disease. Externally, the disease manifests itself as abundant (or not so abundant) specific rashes of a reddish color, covered with silvery scales.

The skin in problem areas itches and peels. Since the disease is chronic, it is impossible to cure it, but with the right treatment, long-term remission can be achieved. Treatment must be comprehensive.

For treatment, medications, physiotherapy, ointments, creams, lotions, and folk remedies are used.

One of the medications used to treat psoriasis is Diprospan, but because it belongs to hormonal drugs, experts do not stop arguing: “Does Diprospan help with psoriasis? And what is more: benefit or harm?

Diprospan is a long-acting glucocorticosteroid. Two main components of the drug provide high effectiveness in the treatment of psoriasis:

  • Betamethasone dipropionate is quickly absorbed, has a therapeutic effect and is eliminated from the body within 24 hours;
  • betamethasone sodium phosphate - remains in the body, accumulates and then is released within 10 days.

The drug is available in 1 ml ampoules and has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive properties; desensitizing; antitoxic; anti-shock effect;

According to the instructions, one ampoule of Diprospan is injected deep into the gluteal muscle.

The course of treatment is 3-5 ampoules.

How often should Diprospran be administered for psoriasis? The drug is administered once every two weeks, not more often.

Due to the large number of contraindications, Diprospan is prescribed only for severe complications of psoriasis: psoriatic arthritis, generalized psoriasis, erythroderma associated with psoriasis.

Injecting Diprospan for psoriasis is recommended only in a hospital setting, because a sharp decrease in blood pressure or anaphylactic shock is possible. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and exercise strict control over the general condition of the patient, because An incorrect course of treatment can lead to hormonal dependence and the development of side effects. An overdose can cause sleep disturbances, nausea, vomiting, and painful agitation.

Some experts recommend giving subcutaneous injections to the sites of psoriatic rashes. Dosage – 0.2 ml per square meter. cm (but not more than 1 ml) of damaged skin. An insulin syringe is used for administration. The course of treatment is 7 days.

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