19 methods to get rid of warts at home
To remove any skin growths, it is best to consult a qualified dermatologist. But if
Symptoms and treatment of fingernail fungus (onychomycosis)
Symptoms The initial stage of toenail fungus (photo) The initial stage of fingernail fungus
Psoriasis. initial stage
Read online “Psoriasis. Ancient and modern methods of treatment"
Psoriasis: causes of appearance How psoriasis develops is currently unknown. In most cases
Micellar water - what is it really and what is it for?
What are micelles? Micelles are microscopic particles that are part of any chemical or
What is papilloma?? What to remember
Papilloma virus on the human body: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment
Papilloma is a benign tumor caused by a viral disease. This small piece, known for its ugly appearance,
What is skin turgor and how to maintain it for a long time
From this article you will learn: Reasons for decreased skin turgor Improving skin turgor with
girl has black spots
How to squeeze out blackheads on the nose at home - with a pen refill, a spoon, matches, dental floss
04/27/2021 You can make an appointment with a specialist using the form or call the phone number
The drug "Levomekol" for wrinkles: the principle of action of the drug and reviews from women
The appearance of wrinkles causes a woman a lot of trouble, because not everyone can afford expensive
Causes, symptoms and treatment of neurodermatitis in children
Neurodermatitis (or atopic dermatitis) is a common skin disease accompanied by itching and inflammation of the skin.
9 black medical face masks: how to make and use
Sooner or later, every girl will have to think about caring for her facial skin. Now
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