What is skin turgor and how to maintain it for a long time

From this article you will learn:

  • Reasons for decreased skin turgor
  • Improving skin turgor by normalizing water balance in the body
  • Traditional first aid kit recipes for increasing skin turgor at home
  • 9 rules for applying masks to restore skin turgor
  • Lifehacks to maintain skin turgor elasticity
  • Cosmetology in the fight for good skin turgor

Behind the fancy term “skin turgor” lies the familiar elasticity of the epidermis. In fact, it can characterize the degree of elasticity of cellular tissues. In a healthy person, skin turgor is normal; a decrease or increase can interfere with natural cellular respiration or indicate tissue imbalance. Due to these disorders, the epidermis becomes flabby and loses its healthy color, which can result in various skin diseases and inflammations.

The state of turgor can be assessed on any part of the body. You just need to grab a small piece of skin with two fingers, pull lightly and release. If the tissues quickly return to their original position, everything is fine. If even after a minute the skin has not returned to its original appearance, this indicates that the skin turgor is reduced and it is time to begin measures to stabilize it. You will find out how from this article.

Reasons for decreased skin turgor

Skin turgor is mainly of two types: normal and decreased (increased skin turgor can be observed during inflammation or injury). Most young people have normal turgor: therefore, the skin is even and smooth. Reduced skin turgor is expressed in a lack of elasticity and a long return to its original state (when pressed and pulled).

How to determine that skin turgor is reduced:

  • dry skin;
  • cells are dehydrated;
  • the presence of ptosis and sagging.

The beginning of the aging process is reflected in a decrease in elasticity. Metabolic reactions in the epidermis are quite difficult to initiate: only hardware procedures help.

In addition to physiological processes, other negative factors also affect tone. The following reasons can lead to poor skin turgor:

  • phenomena of dehydration of the epidermis;
  • insufficient moisture;
  • lack of activity of fibroblasts, which cease to synthesize collagen and elastin in the required volume;
  • weakening of the body due to intoxication;
  • the presence of bacteriosis in a chronic form, since the disease causes dehydration;
  • loss of the ability of cells to retain water;
  • prolonged stress;
  • constant fatigue and insomnia;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • diseases of the liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system;
  • exhausting diets;
  • presence of bad habits.

In such situations, skin turgor and tone are restored by additionally moisturizing the skin, as well as by changing habits.

Normal turgor depends on the process of blood circulation, metabolism and other physiological phenomena. A decrease in turgor occurs from time to time in healthy people due to natural causes: overwork, fatigue, emotional overload. The elasticity and turgor of the skin determine the likelihood of changes such as a haggard face and sunken eyes, sallow or pale skin, and the severity of wrinkles.

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In such cases, the elastic properties of the skin can be easily restored. You just need to balance your diet, restore normal fluid levels in the body (we will talk about this in detail later), organize good sleep, exercise regularly (in moderation), and thoroughly moisturize the skin.

The level of elasticity and turgor are regulated by estrogen. This hormone is responsible for how dermal cells work. Accordingly, the epidermis produces hyaluron, collagen, and elastin, which are very important for maintaining the elasticity of the skin. These elements help give the skin an elastic, healthy appearance and retain the required amount of fluid.


Self-massage is necessary for every woman, but sometimes it cannot be done. In what cases is it contraindicated:

  • elevated temperature,
  • hypertension,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • oncology,
  • inflammation in the active stage,
  • blood diseases.

Local problems should also stop you:

  • festering acne,
  • rosacea (“rosacea”, which is a consequence of chronic dilatation of capillaries),
  • violation of the integrity of the skin: wounds, scratches, burns, bites,
  • viral lesions: herpes, eczema, viral warts, etc.
  • vascular problems: pronounced spider veins, increased fragility of blood vessels, etc.

Improving skin turgor by normalizing water balance in the body

Everyone knows that water is a life-giving source that is indispensable in the process of maintaining fresh and healthy skin. Water from the gastrointestinal tract enters the blood and is then distributed throughout the cells and intercellular space. As it seems at first glance, this should be enough to maintain elasticity and youth of the skin. But there are some nuances.

The volume of fluid contained in the cells of the epidermis depends on the amount of water received and the ability of the skin to retain it. In addition, it is very important that the kidneys work properly and that the osmotic pressure in the cells is normal.

To improve tone, first of all, maintain the balance of the elements of the lipid mantle to prevent evaporation and moisture loss. Turgor is primarily affected by skin moisture.

Dehydration occurs as a result of an imbalance in the lipid mantle, which leads to dry skin. However, everything is fixable: these conditions are reversible. With age, it becomes more and more difficult for the epidermis to retain water, resulting in a decrease in turgor. There is a need for outside help.

Many people mistakenly believe that oily skin is not afraid of dehydration. Regardless of one type or another, the skin can be dehydrated. Moreover, in this case, the adjectives “dry” and “dehydrated” are not identical. Dry skin is not as afraid of a lack of moisture as a damaged protective hydrolipid mantle. This means that such epidermis needs fat, not water.

Hyaluronic acid, a natural element in the intercellular space, helps retain moisture. Its functions include the connection of water molecules and assistance in regenerative processes.

Main functions of hyaluronic acid:

  • influence on the reactions of collagen and elastin synthesis;
  • transporting moisture to skin cells and tissues;
  • redistribution of fluid.

Daily facial skin care

To keep your facial skin smooth, firm and elastic, you need to provide it with daily care. In the morning, you need to wipe your face using an ice cube. This refreshes the skin and increases vascular tone. At the end of the day, you also need to remove makeup and remove dirt from your face. You can use special creams, lotions, and then rinse your face.

You should wash your face with purified, boiled water. If you have hard water, then you need to soften it with soda.

When you have washed, do not immediately dry yourself with a towel. Because of it, the thin layer on top stretches, resulting in wrinkles. You can blot your face with a napkin or take a soft towel.

Traditional first aid kit recipes for increasing skin turgor at home

Milk bath

To enhance skin turgor, include milk-containing products in your care products. Thanks to the fats in milk, wrinkles are smoothed out, moisture is retained, and a protective layer is formed. For example, a recipe for making a bath from cow's milk: just pour 2 liters of the drink into a bathing container.

Curd mask

If the turgor of the facial skin is reduced, ordinary cottage cheese will help restore it to its previous state. Recipe for making a mask: take cottage cheese with the highest fat content (3 tbsp.) and grind with natural honey (1 tbsp.). Apply the mask to your face and leave for about half an hour. At the end of the procedure, rinse the composition well with water.

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Clay mask

A universal remedy – white clay (kaolin) – helps to maintain normal skin turgor. The proposed mask includes pink cosmetic clay - it combines the qualities of two types of clay (white and red). The color of the product is formed due to the mineral composition. In order for the skin to be elastic, collagen to be produced faster, and blood vessels to become stronger, it is useful to use products with silicon, aluminum, and silver. Consequently, pink clay is used along with green or blue. It should be noted that any type of product helps to tone and deeply moisturize the skin.

Mask ingredients:

  • egg yolks (2 pcs.);
  • cosmetic clay (10 g);
  • sour cream with a high percentage of fat (1 tbsp.);
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil (10 drops).

Mode of application:

  • mix all;
  • clean the skin;
  • apply the mask with light movements, following the massage lines;
  • leave to act for 20–25 minutes;
  • rinse thoroughly with linden decoction;
  • apply lifting cream.

It is advisable to soak the mask before washing it off, as products containing clay are sometimes difficult to remove. In addition, it is not recommended to cover the thyroid gland area with this composition.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal, which is considered a very valuable skin care product, can strengthen skin turgor. The mask is based on oatmeal (2-3 tbsp), which is poured with yogurt or milk. The prepared mixture is applied to the skin of the face and hands and left to act. After 30 minutes, the mask is washed off with water.

It should be noted that oatmeal (1 handful) with the addition of the juice of one lemon and beaten egg white is beneficial for oily skin.

Honey mask

With the help of honey procedures, not only the turgor of the skin of the face, but also the abdomen, is improved, since honey and additional ingredients have a tonic effect. The product penetrates deep into the layers of the dermis, accelerates cellular regeneration and helps slow down the process of collagen destruction.

Mask composition:

  • honey (20 g);
  • vitamin E (5 ml);
  • beebread pollen (2 g).

Mode of application:

  • mix all ingredients;
  • cleanse your facial skin with thermal water;
  • Apply the mask evenly along the massage lines;
  • leave to act for 20–25 minutes;
  • wash off the mask using citrus water;
  • treat the skin with nourishing cream.

Honey massage

The beneficial properties of honey have been known since ancient times. The substance contains fructose, glucose, vitamins. How to increase body skin turgor? The most common procedure using honey is honey massage. It doesn’t matter what type of product will be used, but it is more convenient to carry out the procedure with liquid honey. The substance is applied with light patting movements, so that the hands barely touch the skin (take turns touching the body and immediately tearing away). To massage the back and legs you will need no more than 2-3 tsp. this useful product.

Another effective method using honey is wraps. This procedure is most often performed in a bathhouse, after high-quality steaming of the skin.

Vinegar wrap

Italian women care for the skin on the neck and décolleté using vinegar (grape, apple, lemon) diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Moreover, it is recommended to take vinegar with a concentration of no more than 5%. Directions for use: Use a cotton pad soaked in the solution to wipe the problem areas. Since vinegar has brightening properties, you should use it with caution on sensitive skin (it can dry out your skin).

Essential oils

Essential oils (spruce, clove, lemon, anise, etc.) make the skin young, eliminate signs of irritation, even out wrinkles, increase tone, and stimulate blood circulation. A few drops of the product should be gently rubbed into previously steamed areas of the skin. Massaging movements should be light, soft, smooth.

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Chocolate wrap

All sweet tooths dream of such a procedure. Not everyone knows the miraculous effect of chocolate. This substance produces collagen, which increases elasticity. In addition, chocolate contains caffeine, which normalizes metabolism and eliminates pigmentation.

Preparation of the chocolate composition: mix sugar-free cocoa powder (200 g) and hot water (500 ml). Clean the skin, distribute the mask evenly and cover with cling film. The composition lasts 15 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off with water. At the end of the procedure, moisturizer should be applied to the skin.

Tea bath

To prepare such a bath, you need to put dry chamomile, nettle, horsetail and other plants into separate bags. Pour hot water (the temperature should not be more than 37-38 C) and dip the packaged herbs into it. The time spent in the tea bath is no more than 20–25 minutes.

Vitamin mask

This mask consists of three vitamins - A, E and C, which must first be purchased at the pharmacy. The basis of the product is any cream (preferably without fragrances). You need to add vitamins to 1 tablespoon of cream (A, E - 5-6 drops each, C - 1 ampoule). The effect of this product will be full if you use only a freshly prepared mask, since then vitamin C can simply dissolve. The duration of exposure is approximately 20 minutes.

The drug does not need to be washed off. Treatments with vitamins are recommended to be carried out in courses: 1 month, 2 times a week, then give the skin a rest for at least 4 weeks.

Gelatin mask

How to restore turgor to the skin if it has become flabby? In this case, gelatin procedures will help, which are often used to tighten the oval of the face and smooth out wrinkles in the neck area.


  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 20 drops of cocoa butter;
  • 10 g bodyagi;
  • some green tea.


  • add gelatin to warm green tea;
  • add bodyaga to the mixture of green tea and gelatin;
  • let it brew for 10 minutes;
  • pour in cocoa butter;
  • mix well.

Directions for use: spread the warm mixture over the surface of the skin, covering the oval of the face and neck with a thicker layer. Let the mask dry. During the procedure, you must take a supine position. Otherwise, the composition will dry unevenly, which will provoke improper formation of skin folds. As a result, the desire to smooth out existing wrinkles will lead to the formation of new ones. The mask is washed off with a warm herbal decoction (rosehip, chamomile, linden).

Mask for elasticity of the skin around the eyes

To increase the turgor of the skin of the eyelids, a product is used that moisturizes the epidermis, reduces swelling, and restores the softness of the skin. The course of procedures consists of 10-20 sessions.

For preventive purposes, experts recommend starting to use eyelid masks designed to combat crow's feet once a week from the age of 30.


  • 5 g parsley (seeds);
  • 10 g natural yoghurt (without additives);
  • 2-3 drops of petitgrain oil (oil of unripe lemon or bitter orange).

In some cases, regular citrus oil made from zests and grains is used instead of petitgrain oil. It should be noted that petitgrain essential oil from shoots and leaves is considered an anti-aging oil.

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How to prepare a product to increase facial skin turgor:

  • crush the seeds;
  • pour yogurt and butter into a bowl;
  • stir well.

It is better to apply the mask in the evening to cleansed facial skin. When distributing the product, the fingertips should move easily in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. You can leave the mask on overnight. In the morning, the composition is washed off with cosmetic milk.

In addition to the above remedies, potato juice is good for tightening the skin of the eyelids. This remedy also helps relieve puffiness and eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Directions for use: grated raw potatoes are wrapped in gauze and placed on the eyelids. After 15 minutes, the juice is washed off with cold water.

Lifehacks to maintain skin turgor elasticity

In order for skin turgor to be preserved, every girl must follow universal recommendations to improve it.

1. Depending on age, regularly moisturize the epidermis. A cream containing hyaluronic acid deserves special attention. It should always be in your arsenal. You need to moisturize everything: face, neck, hands. Don’t forget about the state of the surrounding microclimate.

2. The skin needs not only external, but also internal hydration. Therefore, it is necessary to drink water regularly throughout the day (at least 2 liters excluding coffee, tea and other drinks). To quickly and better restore the elasticity of your facial skin, you need to do face building.

3. It is recommended to refrain from excessive exposure to the sun, as due to exposure to ultraviolet rays, turgor deteriorates and the skin ages faster. Apply sunscreen to your skin before going outside on a sunny day.

4. Be sure to do peeling and scrubbing 1-2 times a week to remove dead skin cells. This significantly improves the appearance of the skin.

5. Vitamin complexes are very useful for the dermis. Vitamins A, E and C, as well as dietary supplements and collagen, especially help maintain skin turgor.

6. It is important to properly adjust your diet.

Everyone knows that a beautiful appearance depends on proper nutrition. This is where you need to start skin care. For the health and beauty of the skin, it is important to choose a complex of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins for the skin.

To have beautiful skin, you need:

  • Beauty vitamin B2, as well as all B vitamins. These substances make the epidermis firm and elastic. Therefore, your diet must include foods containing vitamin B2, such as nuts, spinach, liver, cottage cheese, fish, and champignons. Vitamins must be taken regularly, because not all substances accumulate in the body.
  • Since the function of blood vessels is to transport nutrients, as well as oxygen, to cells and tissues, it is necessary to take bioflavonoids. These substances, contained in citrus fruits, apricots, grapes, rose hips, grapefruit, help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as improve their elasticity.
  • To increase skin firmness and elasticity, it is important to consume fatty acids (omega-2 and omega-6). They are contained in fatty sea fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna.
  • There is a misconception that eating meat makes you grow old. However, our body needs building material - protein, contained in lean meat. If there is little protein, the face becomes dull and gray. Therefore, it is necessary to eat meat so that collagen and elastin fibers are formed.
  • Vitamin A has the same beneficial antioxidant properties as vitamins E and C. It slows down aging and helps launch regeneration processes in the body. Sorrel, tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, dairy products, liver, and spinach leaves are rich in vitamin A.
  • Folic acid is necessary to protect the skin from the negative effects of UV radiation and strengthen the body's protective resources. The vitamin is found in green peas, citrus fruits, lettuce, and spinach.

7. To improve blood circulation and circulation, a contrast shower or cosmetic massage is effective. However, if you have rosacea or are prone to it, you need to take cold showers with caution.

8. To recover, the body requires healthy, full sleep of at least 7–8 hours.

Summarize. In order for the skin to be tightened and smooth, and its turgor not to change for the worse, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. In addition, skin care, moderate physical activity and cosmetic procedures are important. All factors must work together. Only in this case can you get the effect.

Cosmetology in the fight for good skin turgor

Not only nutrition improves tone, but also hardware cosmetology.

Various techniques are used to improve skin turgor.


This is a minimally invasive procedure in which all beneficial minerals and amino acids are introduced into the mesoderm by injection. This method allows you to achieve an optimal balance between cosmetic and therapeutic effects on problem areas and on the body as a whole.

In addition, aesthetic imperfections are eliminated (pigmentation, wrinkles, blue under the eyes, dry and dull skin, uneven facial contours). The result is achieved thanks to the action of the active elements of the drug and a thin mechanical needle. During the procedure, the skin receives many microtraumas and begins intensive production of elastin and collagen, which helps improve blood microcirculation.

Water treatments

How do you wash your face? Try doing this alternately with warm and cold water. This way you will activate microcirculation, strengthen weak blood vessels, tone facial muscles, and eliminate swelling. Within a few days you will notice that your skin has become more toned.

Also, apply water to your entire body: take warm baths and contrast showers. This will also have a positive effect on your facial skin. Hot water will help stimulate blood flow, steam the skin, and expand capillaries. And cold water trains blood vessels.

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