Using an anti-acne mask* with propolis: is there any result?

The effectiveness of propolis against acne

Pimples, or acne, is an inflammatory skin disease that causes changes in the sebaceous glands, their partial or complete blockage. Acne can appear not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. The causes of the disease have not been fully identified, but the main factors in the development of the pathology include:

  • heredity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • adrenal hyperactivity;
  • development of pathogenic microflora;
  • skin lesions.

Composition of propolis.
Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees to seal cracks and disinfect honeycomb cells. It contains more than 200 compounds: flavonoids, wax, fatty acids, essential oils, minerals. Thanks to them, the product has the following pharmacological properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory.

But will propolis help against acne with such a set of medicinal properties? Yes, it will help. The main reason for the appearance of acne is increased sebum secretion and the development of anaerobic microorganisms in the sweat glands, which lead to inflammation.

Thanks to its properties, propolis effectively fights pathogenic microflora, relieves inflammation and normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level. This allows you to relieve itching, redness and excess oily skin.

Good and bad cholesterol

There are several types of lipoproteins (cholesterols). Low-density lipoproteins
are considered bad , but there is also a good one -
high-density lipoproteins (HDL)
. The latter works almost as an antagonist of bad cholesterol, allows you to control lipid metabolism - helps in transporting substances and detoxifying the body from bad cholesterol. Below we will tell you how to maintain the correct LDL-HDL balance and what else you need to pay attention to.

Cooking recipes

Folk and traditional medicine has learned to use propolis in various dosage forms. These can be tinctures, ointments, tonics. The products are used both externally and internally - it all depends on the type of skin and the nature of the disease.


The most common dosage form of propolis for the treatment of acne is tincture. There are several options for its preparation.

Alcohol tincture

The main advantage of propolis tincture with alcohol for acne is its long shelf life. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home, for which you will need:

  • 100 ml – medical alcohol;
  • 15 g – bee glue.

When making tinctures, propolis must be crushed. But since the product has an adhesive substance, this is problematic. To facilitate the process, it is pre-frozen in the freezer. After a few hours, propolis becomes fragile and easily processed, as a result of which it can be easily grated.

After this, the propolis is placed in a glass container, filled with alcohol and infused at room temperature for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. After time, the tincture is filtered through cheesecloth. The product should be stored in glass containers in a cool and dark place. Shelf life - no more than 1 year. We wrote more about propolis with alcohol here.

Water decoction

To prepare the water infusion you will need:

  • water – 250 ml;
  • propolis – 10 g.


Demodicosis (photo can be found below) is classified into 2 main clinical forms - primary and secondary. The first diagnosis is made in the event of a sharp surge in parasitic reproduction and effective treatment with the use of antiparasitic drugs. In most cases, it occurs in people over 40 years of age. The secondary form is diagnosed by identifying concomitant skin lesions and systemic diseases (usually associated with immunodeficiency). In some cases, this diagnosis is found in people taking epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors and in those who have been exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Based on the symptoms manifested on the skin, the following types of demodicosis are distinguished:

  • Acneiform - the presence of papules and pustules similar to acne;
  • Rosacea-like - papules appear due to diffuse erythema;
  • Seborrheic - skin rash combined with peeling;
  • Ophthalmic - inflammation of the eyelids, accompanied by discomfort in the affected eye.

How to use correctly

The causes of acne are often complex: hormonal imbalance, gastrointestinal problems, metabolic disorders. Therefore, propolis in alcohol for acne is used not only externally, but also taken internally.


For oral administration, alcohol and water tinctures are used. They are used to strengthen the immune system, improve appetite and normalize metabolism. To do this, first dissolve in 50 ml of water:

  • 1 tsp. – alcohol solution;
  • 1 tbsp. l. - water infusion.

And consume half an hour before meals three times a day. Full course – 3 weeks. The course is carried out once every 3 months.


The product is applied to previously cleansed skin for 10–15 minutes 2 times a day. Excess is removed with a cotton swab. The therapy is more suitable for people with dry skin. The full course, sufficient to eliminate symptoms, is 7–10 days.


The product is applied to previously cleansed skin. The skin with the scrub applied to it should be massaged for about 5 minutes, after which the product is washed off with warm water.

The recommended number of procedures is 3 per week. They not only cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum, but also increase blood flow, which improves metabolism at the cellular level, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and prevents the formation of new acne.


The use of face masks is suitable for people with any skin type. They nourish, effectively fight pathogenic microflora, and relieve irritation.

Apply the product to cleansed skin, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Recipes can be combined. The recommended number of procedures is 2 – 3 per week.


A good product for getting rid of oily shine. It is recommended to wipe the most inflamed areas of the skin with a toner twice a day using a cotton swab.


In the fight for survival

It is believed that Helicobacter has a whole bunch of diseases. Acute and chronic gastritis, including erosive, duodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, there is increasing evidence that chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane is one of the main causes of the development of cancer and malignant lymphoma of the stomach.

What is the reason for such aggressive behavior of bacteria towards the host organism, at the expense of which it exists? It's simple - the desire to survive. The acidic environment of the stomach is destructive for all living things, and in order to create an acid-free zone around itself, Helicobacter actively synthesizes urease, an enzyme that breaks down urea to form ammonia, which in turn neutralizes the acid, creating a pH comfortable for the bacterium. But at the same time, ammonia affects the cells of the mucous membrane, causing their inflammation and death. An additional influence is exerted by equally aggressive enzymes - mucinase, protease and lipase, as well as the body's autoimmune reaction, in which lymphocytes mistakenly attack their own mucosa.

Fast and agile

In addition to the ability to produce urease, Helicobacter protects itself from hydrochloric acid using another method - the presence of “antennae”. Working with them like propellers, the bacteria quickly moves between the folds of the mucous membrane and even penetrates into the submucosal layer - those places where the concentration of gastric juice is minimal

A chance find.

In the early 80s of the last century, the Austrian pathologist Perth Robin Warren discovered colonies of previously unknown bacteria on the gastric mucosa. And he noted a clear pattern - where the strangers lived, there was inflammation - gastritis, erosions or ulcers.

Intern Barry Marshall became interested in the discovery - he even managed to grow a culture of these bacteria in the laboratory. This is how samples of Helicobacter pylori, one of the most famous microorganisms of the 20th century, were obtained. And then, in the course of an epidemiological study, scientists proved that the colonization of the stomach by this bacterium is always associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane, and most often with peptic ulcer disease.

In 1982, Warren and Marshall presented their theory to the scientific world, which went against the established view that “ulcers” are caused by stress, smoking, alcohol, poor diet and impaired innervation of the stomach. The infectious nature of peptic ulcer disease was met with hostility by scientists around the world. To prove he was right, Marshall drank a culture of Helicobacter pylori under experimental conditions, and a week later he developed symptoms of acute gastritis. A course of antibiotics completely cured the scientist in 2 weeks. And in 2005, Warren and Marshall received the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for their discovery.

From bluff to axiom

As often happens in medicine, total rejection of the version of the infectious nature of peptic ulcer disease was replaced by its elevation to an immutable truth. The problem of peptic ulcer disease was considered solved, because as soon as the pathogen is eradicated (destructed), the main risk factor will immediately disappear. Scientists have developed two types of therapy - three and four-component, depending on the number of drugs used and the duration of treatment. Two or three weeks and the examination results show that Helicobacter is no longer in the body. Although, it must first be discovered.

I'm going to look

The most common and simple, but not the most accurate diagnostic method is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for antibodies to Helicobacter (blood test for Helicobacter). The advantages of the study are its simplicity and accuracy, the disadvantages are the likelihood of false negative and false positive results. The first are possible if the infection with the bacterium occurred recently and antibodies have not yet developed; a “false plus” may appear in those who were previously infected with the bacterium, but underwent therapy and were cured (usually antibodies persist for a month after treatment, but in some patients they may remain for life). In addition to qualitative (plus/minus), there is a more accurate, but also more expensive method for quantitative determination of antibodies in the blood. The second common diagnostic method is the urease breath test. It requires special preparation, such as avoiding many foods for several days before the test, and is used less and less today. In practice, the third, most accurate method for diagnosing Helicobacter is most often used - a biopsy of the mucous membrane during gastroscopy. When done correctly, its accuracy approaches 100 percent, eliminating the occurrence of false positive results. In addition, it is possible to determine the second most important component in the diagnosis of Helicobacter - whether its presence is accompanied by inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

preparation for gastroscopy with biopsy for Helicobacter pylori:

- Gastroscopy with a test for Helicobacter involves a 3-day diet with the exclusion of foods that irritate the digestive tract (fried, smoked, salty, fatty and spicy foods are not allowed).

- Carbonated drinks, coffee, and alcohol are prohibited. A diet based on easily digestible foods (porridge with water, boiled meat, yogurt, vegetable salads, etc.) is desirable.

-The last meal is no later than 12 hours before gastroscopy.

-3 hours before the start of the study, you must give up cigarettes. You should stop taking fluids and medications 2 hours before the procedure.

— before the procedure, you should not brush your teeth, use mouth rinses or mouth fresheners, or chew gum.

Do we treat everyone or are there exceptions?

If an infection is detected, should treatment be started as quickly as possible? In the early 2000s, any gastroenterologist would have answered - of course. But as we said, often after the rejection of a new theory there comes a time of enthusiastic worship, and then, as experience accumulates, everything falls into place. This is what happened this time too.

Data from numerous studies have shown that the prevalence of Helicobacter is very high, up to 50 percent of the population of developed countries are infected with it. But not everyone gets sick: in 90 percent of cases, the bacterium does not have a significant effect on the gastric mucosa, and there are no symptoms of gastritis or ulcers. This means that for the rest, the protective properties of the mucous membrane are so well expressed that the waste products of the bacteria are not dangerous for it.

And vice versa: in patients with gastric ulcers, Helicobacter is detected in 50 percent of cases, with duodenal ulcers - about 60. This means that there are other reasons for damage to the mucous membrane and we are not talking about the absolute dominance of Helicobacter.

What should those who suffer from chronic gastritis or peptic ulcers do, or who found out about the presence of Helicobacter by chance during an examination?

Making the right decision largely depends on the specialist you contact. A doctor with a modern view of the problem will prescribe treatment if Helicobacter is not just present on the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum, but also causes obvious symptoms of damage to the mucous membrane in the form of acute or chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, erosions or the appearance of an ulcer. That is why gastroscopy with biopsy is considered today the “gold standard” of diagnosis, because with its help it is possible to detect Helicobacter and assess the condition of the mucous membrane.

If the bacterium is present, but there are no signs of inflammation, the question of its destruction is questionable. Firstly, a two or three week course of antibiotics can cause unpleasant side effects - activation of a fungal infection in the form of thrush or oral candidiasis, intestinal dysbiosis, which then will take a long time to get rid of. In addition, for the treatment to be effective, all family members will have to take the medicine, including pensioners and small children - close relatives are inevitably carriers of the same bacteria, and even if you undergo treatment, you will definitely catch Helicobacter again through dishes and kisses.

Can be useful sometimes

Some experts focus on the concentration of the pathogen based on the results of the biopsy - if there is too much of it, they suggest treatment, even if there are no symptoms of inflammation. Others recommend identifying the Helicobutker strain using PCR and, if the most aggressive variants are identified, starting treatment in any case. Be that as it may, the opinion that Helicobacter does not cause damage to everyone whose stomachs it inhabits has tipped the scales in recent years. And now, in many laboratories around the world, research is underway to identify innate or acquired methods of protection against Helicobacter, which some of us may have.

Evidence has been obtained that bacteria cause less harm to people with low acidity, possibly by reducing the amount of urease produced; in some, the bacteria are kept under control by the immune system for many years, and it is not able to realize all its pathogenic properties. Moreover, in the last decade, data began to appear indicating the negative effect of total sterilization of patients against Helicobacter.

Thus, in experiments on rodents it was proven that infection with Helicobacter led to a significant reduction in the symptoms of bronchial asthma. If the mice were treated with antibiotics, their asthma symptoms worsened again.

A large experiment that took place over 12 years and included more than 10 thousand subjects showed that the presence of Helicobacter with a cytotoxin-associated gene (one of the bacterial strains) in the body reduces the risk of developing lung cancer or ischemic stroke by 2 times, although slightly increases the likelihood of stomach cancer.

It has been proven that Helicobacter stimulates the immune system, in particular T-helper cells, which play an important role in the prevention of autoimmune diseases.


-Helicobacter has been living next to humans for more than 15 thousand years and inhabits the stomachs of almost half of us. During this time, many coexist peacefully with him.

-Often, either an overly aggressive strain of bacteria, or weak protective mechanisms of the mucous membrane, and more often a combination of these factors, lead to the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

-The most accurate diagnostic method, especially if you are often bothered by heartburn, belching, abdominal pain, that is, symptoms characteristic of damage to the mucous membrane - FGDS (gastroscopy) with a biopsy on

Helicobacter pylori. If both the presence of Helcobacter and inflammatory changes are confirmed, it is necessary to carry out medicinal eradication and get rid of the bacteria.

-Most cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers are still associated with Helicobacter, and if an ulcer is detected, a course of antibiotics will most likely be required.

In 1% of cases, long-term infection with Helicobacter ends in the development of stomach cancer.

Only one test is 100% accurate - gastroscopy with biopsy for Helicobacter (the so-called HP test).

Many experts consider Helicobacter to be a positive property of its ability to resist other intestinal infections.

Among the ways of Helicobacter infection are not only kissing and sharing utensils with an infected person, but also the introduction of bacteria using medical instruments. Therefore, it is important to be sure that gastroscopes are properly disinfected, for example, by scheduling an examination in the morning.

Author: Alexey Fedorov Published: March 29, 2020


Despite its high effectiveness, propolis tincture for facial acne is not suitable for everyone. It is not recommended to use the product for people with allergies to bee products.

Ingestion is not recommended:

  • children;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons with kidney or liver failure, gastrointestinal problems.

To effectively treat acne, you must first find out the cause of its occurrence, and therefore it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

Why do blood vessels become clogged?

Vessels become blocked for various reasons, but most often this occurs due to cholesterol plaques and the deposition of calcium salts (calcinosis). The mechanism for the formation of such blockages is more complex than it seems, and it lies behind our everyday habits - even the most harmless at first glance. For example, when we eat highly salty foods

, blood thickening and fluid retention occur - blood pressure increases.
When we experience stress
, the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine are produced - key vessels narrow, and pressure increases because the amount of blood that the heart needs to push remains unchanged. In a normal healthy state, the vessels cope with such loads, but over time, serious problems can begin, and this is not only hypertension.

Demodicosis in children

  • In childhood, this pathology rarely develops (due to the low activity of the sebaceous glands), but its course is much more complicated than in adults. As a rule, in children this disease is chronic, and relapses occur in the off-season. The main signs of the problem are:
  • Swelling of the eyelids;
  • Loss of eyelashes and hair;
  • Severe eye fatigue;
  • The appearance of spots on the skin;
  • Itching, worse at night and on contact with water;
  • Decreased appetite, moody behavior, decreased physical activity;
  • Pain in the eyes.

The treatment regimen for democosis of the face and other parts of the body in children is practically the same as therapy for adults. It also includes diet, medication and rehabilitation aimed at healing the tissue and preventing scarring. The fundamental difference in the treatment method is only the dosage of medications, which will be lower in childhood.


Demodicosis of eyelashes and other parts of the body can be prevented. To do this, it is enough to follow simple preventive rules. This:

  1. Maintaining personal hygiene (regular showering, thoroughly washing your face, washing your hair and hair);
  2. Eat a varied, rational and healthy diet (include fish, vegetables and fruits in your diet);
  3. Increased immune defense;
  4. Correct selection of decorative and skincare cosmetics;
  5. Do not use other people's cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

Demodicosis in men

Demodectic mange infection occurs in both women and men, regardless of age or race. It has no distinctive features in its course, prognosis, symptoms and causes of development. Therapy is prescribed on an individual basis, but is usually the same for all genders. Differences may only relate to the dosage of medications.

According to statistics, women suffer from demodicosis 4 times more often than men. There is no scientific explanation for this information, but many are inclined to the hormonal theory. It is based on the fact that due to a regular surge of hormones (menstrual cycle, pregnancy), female representatives are more prone to stress and immunodeficiency states. The clinical picture of the disease is standard and includes:

  • Skin rash of varying severity;
  • Itching, pain and discomfort in the damaged area;
  • Increased sebum production;
  • Pain in the eyes, sensation of a foreign body.

The treatment regimen for demodicosis for women is standard. It consists of a diet, long-term medication and the use of special care products (oils, lotions, creams, etc.) to prevent relapse and consolidate the therapeutic result.

Skin demodicosis

The transmission route is contact or contact-household. Can be transmitted through contaminated clothing, bedding, contaminated hands and more. Demodex is distinguished by its survivability under comfortable conditions that correspond to the daily life of most people. The parasite remains viable at a temperature of 17-20°C for 10 days or more, and in an aquatic environment at a temperature of 12-18°C for 3 days. When water is heated to 50° C, the microorganism dies within one minute, and at low temperatures it dies immediately.

To date, there is no single theory explaining the etiology of the development of the inflammatory process and the active reproduction of mites. But there are several predisposing factors that can provoke these processes:

  • Excessive sebum production;
  • Improper skin care, abuse of cosmetics (especially low quality);
  • Long-term use of external corticosteroids;
  • Poor nutrition (abuse of sugar, soda, spicy foods, coffee, alcoholic drinks);
  • Concomitant gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Hormonal imbalance, excess weight;
  • Psychological problems, frequent stress.
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