how to treat a callus and how to remove a wart
How to distinguish a plantar wart from a callus?
A tumor on the foot can cause a lot of trouble to its owner - it causes discomfort, itching,
Facial cleansing
Masks with salicylic acid for facial skin: preparation and use at home
Salicylic acid is an essential component of many cosmetic and medicinal preparations for the treatment of acne. Not
The best ways to fight psoriasis at home
Psoriasis on the scalp manifests itself as a dense formation that appears on the skin under the scalp
How to easily recognize and treat nail fungus in a child? Expert advice
August 13, 2018 Sveta Averyanova Aggressive mushrooms that attack humans are not fiction at all
Seasonal allergies
Treatment of allergies to weed pollen using the ASIT method
Seasonal allergies (hay fever) are an allergic response of the body, which is classified as so-called immediate
Skin rashes in children: rashes, exanthemas, enanthemas
Skin hyperemia (redness in certain areas) is always caused by excessive plethora of small vessels - capillaries.
How to reduce itching with psoriasis and achieve remission faster
June 28, 2020 Itching with psoriasis is one of the most annoying symptoms. He's exhausting
Atopic dermatitis - what is it, how is it recognized and treated?
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic allergic disease with periods of exacerbation and remission. The most characteristic
Abscess (fistula) of the rectum: symptoms, causes and treatment
There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required. A furuncle is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. Develops due to exposure
What foods should you not eat if you have allergies and why should you stick to a diet?
Published: 01/18/2018 Updated: 03/09/2021 Of course, if there is a food allergy confirmed by clinical diagnostic studies, the doctor prescribes
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