Possible complications after septoplasty of the nasal septum

Patients who want to undergo rhinoplasty spend a long time studying photographs of people who have already undergone the procedure on various resources on the Internet. In the vast majority of cases, they encounter photographs taken after the fact - either chiseled “Hollywood” noses, or outright mistakes of inexperienced or unknown plastic surgeons.

One way or another, minimal attention is paid to when discussing the operation and demonstrating the results . Therefore, the specifics and duration of resolution of nasal swelling after rhinoplasty often surprises, frightens or disappoints those who have not sufficiently studied the information aspect of nose correction surgery.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult and traumatic operations in plastic surgery. During its implementation, various structures of the internal and external nose are damaged - bones, cartilage, mucous membranes, soft tissues and blood vessels.

Swelling after rhinoplasty is an absolutely natural and normal phenomenon that occurs in 100% of cases.

The presence and severity of edema does not depend on the type of correction - open or closed rhinoplasty.

Causes and consequences of a deviated septum

Deformations of the nasal septum are most often congenital and caused by genetic abnormalities. The problem is also caused by:

  • nasal injuries (fractures, dislocations);
  • the presence of cysts and polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane with vasomotor rhinitis;
  • passion for fashionable procedures (piercing).

A deviated septum is dangerous due to many negative consequences - the inability to breathe freely, constant nasal congestion, deterioration of the sense of smell, dryness and itching, and nasal bleeding. If the cartilage is deformed, frequent colds, sinusitis, and headaches occur. Breathing becomes noisy, snoring appears at night.

If there is a deformed nasal septum, the body experiences oxygen starvation. This causes increased fatigue. Children with this disorder are prone to poor academic performance and retarded physical development. If the septum is deviated, the nostrils may differ in size.


Perforation of the nasal septum is one of the complications of septoplasty.

If your nose does not breathe or makes a whistling sound when breathing, you experience dryness in the nasopharynx, or, conversely, observe purulent discharge, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Such symptoms may indicate a violation of the integrity of the nasal septum. Most often, this complication is associated with a malnutrition of the cartilage. If this condition is not treated, the nose will become deformed, become saddle-shaped, and breathing difficulties will only increase.

Treatment of perforations is surgical. The doctor will close the defect with a flap cut from adjacent tissues and carry out the necessary treatment of the damaged cartilage.

Contraindications for septoplasty

It is impossible to prevent a deviated septum. The only way to eliminate this pathology is septoplasty. There are no other methods to effectively solve the problem.

Septoplasty is a serious surgical procedure performed in different ways and requiring special preparation. The procedure has certain contraindications:

  • the presence of tumors in the nose;
  • diabetes;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • high blood pressure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The method is not used during pregnancy and menstruation in women. The operation is intended for adult patients and is therefore not performed on people under 18 years of age.

Is it possible to blow your nose

You should not blow your nose immediately after septoplasty. The best way out is to rinse the nose with saline or saline solutions. This will help reduce swelling, reduce the number of pathogens in the cavity and clear it of mucus and blood. There are a number of drugs for this: Aquamaris, Aqualor, Humer and so on.

You can only do nasal rinsing. Removing blood clots with fingers or other objects is strictly prohibited. Blowing your nose increases the load on only the operated tissues and can cause bleeding. Careless actions can also lead to a new deviated septum. Therefore, this process is permissible only after complete tissue restoration, that is, after three months.

Preparation, progress of the operation

In order for the operation to be successful, the patient must prepare for it correctly:

  • 2 weeks before septoplasty, stop taking blood thinners;
  • completely eliminate smoking or reduce the bad habit to a minimum;
  • undergo a medical examination, including blood tests, ECG, fluorography, examination by an otolaryngologist.

Correction of the nasal septum is carried out on an empty stomach, so 12 hours before septoplasty you need to exclude any food.

The progress of the operation depends on the method chosen to eliminate the defect. During the procedure, the doctor cuts the inner mucous membrane of the nose and straightens the septum. In most cases, all necessary actions are performed under local anesthesia, less often with general anesthesia.

What does it include

Septoplasty is nothing more than a rhinoplasty aimed at correcting an abnormal position of the septum.
An operation with a bone fracture stage takes place. The surgeon performs all actions under general anesthesia, so the rehabilitation process begins after the patient recovers from anesthesia. The main stage occurs in the first two weeks. Full recovery occurs after three months.

Rehabilitation includes several periods:

  • postoperative;
  • restorative;
  • final.

During the postoperative period, the patient is in the hospital under the supervision of medical personnel. Recovery continues at home. And in the final period, most patients already lead an almost full-fledged lifestyle.

Types of procedure

There are several options for septoplasty:

Classical Requires the use of a regular surgical scalpel. To prevent the cartilage from moving, a special mesh is placed on it, which dissolves over time. Sometimes the septum is removed and realigned and then put back in place.
Laser It is carried out using a laser beam. The advantages of this technique are speed of operation, absence of bleeding and infectious complications, and accelerated rehabilitation.
Endoscopic A special probe is inserted into the nasal cavity. All actions are filmed by a microscopic camera that displays the image on a monitor. The procedure requires the use of a scalpel, but is considered less traumatic than the classic method.
Ultrasonic A modern type of operation using an ultrasonic knife. The technique allows you to quickly dissect the mucosa and seal the vessels without overheating the tissues. Ultrasound helps correct even the most severe deviated nasal septum.
Radio wave The method combines the features of classical and laser septoplasty. The procedure eliminates the contact of the instrument with the organ, does not lead to injury or complications, and reliably seals the bone vessels.

Correction of the nasal septum with a laser in Minsk is an effective and affordable option for surgery. Radio wave and ultrasound procedures are among the most expensive types of treatment.

What is strictly prohibited

During rehabilitation, you should adhere to all prohibitions that include recommendations. First of all, you must refrain from any physical activity, including sports, for two weeks. You can start working or training only with the permission of your doctor.

  • wash with hot water or take baths (there is a risk of extensive swelling);
  • is in the sun for a long time (it is better to use sunscreen);
  • take medications that can thin the blood;
  • blow your nose or sneeze with your mouth closed for a month (increased pressure in the nose);
  • wear glasses for four weeks (risk of deformation of nasal bones and cartilage).

All these prohibitions increase the risk of complications (hematomas, severe swelling, bleeding, etc.). Do not forget about provoking factors (smoking and taking cocaine).

Nasal septoplasty is an operation to restore the correct position of the septum, which, if defective, causes breathing problems. Surgery does not involve any particular risks.

Firstly, due to deformation of cartilage and/or bone structures, the linear dynamics of air movement in the nasal passages is disrupted. Areas of turbulent air movement appear; Subjectively, these disorders are manifested by difficulty breathing.

Secondly, due to disruption of the dynamics of air movement, hypertrophy, that is, thickening, of the epithelial tissues of the nasal cavity develops. At the same time, blood flow to the vessels increases and edema develops. Hypertrophied and swollen mucosa further narrows the nasal passages, which further complicates the passage of air and aggravates the problem.

Deformations of the septum, which lead to the problems mentioned above, can be a consequence of trauma (nasal fracture) or the result of uneven development of certain parts of the facial skeleton in childhood and adolescence. For nasal breathing, any deformations are dangerous: S-shaped, C-shaped, with the formation of “ridges” or “spikes”. The dynamics of air movement are disrupted from both the concave and convex parts of the partition, and disturbances on the “concave” side can be even more pronounced.

It is impossible to eliminate deformations in osteochondral structures with the help of some specific exercises or medications. The situation can only be corrected through surgery.

Septoplasty is a surgical intervention whose purpose is to restore the function of the upper respiratory tract and normalize the dynamics of air movement by eliminating curvatures and deformations of the nasal septum. According to indications, simultaneously with correction of the septum, manipulations on the mucous membrane (septoplasty with vasotomy) can be performed to eliminate chronic edema and hypertrophy of epithelial tissues.

Subjectively, a deviated nasal septum is manifested by nasal congestion. This is the first symptom that all patients with this medical problem pay attention to. It should be emphasized that although the problem of a deviated septum is in a medical and not an aesthetic plane, during the operation manipulations can also be performed aimed at improving the aesthetics of the face: eliminating asymmetry, changing the shape of the tip of the nose or the size of the nostrils.

Nasal congestion is the first, but not the only symptom. Very often there is a violation of the sense of smell. Typical conditions are weakness and drowsiness, fatigue, and a decrease in mental and physical performance. Many people complain of systematic headaches that are difficult to treat with analgesics.

But the real danger to health is not the symptoms listed above, but hidden threats. Due to the curvature of the septum, edema and hypertrophy of the mucous membrane, pneumotization (airiness) of the paranasal sinuses is disrupted and chronic inflammatory processes develop - sinusitis, sinusitis.

Due to hypertrophy and swelling of the mucous membrane, the mouth of the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear cavity with the nasopharynx, narrows. The mouth can also be closed by a deformed septum. The epithelium of the auditory tube performs a protective function, which suffers when the septum is deviated. Prerequisites for the development of infectious processes appear. Many patients develop chronic inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media).

A direct consequence of impaired nasal breathing is a tendency to catch colds. Patients with a deviated septum catch a cold at the slightest hypothermia or draft, and they often develop bronchitis and pneumonia.

Reduced quality of life and sleep disturbances are constant companions of a deviated septum. They may include insomnia or snoring, difficulty falling asleep, or sleep apnea.

Finally, a deviated nasal septum is a risk factor for the development of somatic and allergic diseases, in particular chronic obstructive bronchitis, allergic and vasomotor rhinitis, and bronchial asthma. Deterioration of pulmonary ventilation leads to a decrease in blood oxygen saturation and hypoxia, which can provoke the development of cardiovascular pathology.

Statistics show that some degree of curvature of the nasal septum occurs in approximately 85-95% of the population. Does this mean that everyone needs to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon or otolaryngologist? No. For minor and asymptomatic septal deformities, septoplasty is not necessary. Surgery is indicated in the presence of the following symptoms and/or diseases:

  • Difficulty breathing through the nose.
  • Impaired sense of smell.
  • Chronic sinusitis.
  • Chronic otitis or eustachitis.
  • Systematic headaches, deterioration in general health.
  • Sleep problems, insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea syndrome.
  • Chronic allergic or vasomotor rhinitis.
  • Frequent colds, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Trying to solve the problem with nasal breathing on their own, many resort to the help of vasoconstrictor drugs. People put nose drops regularly and uncontrollably. Over time, half-measures produce results. Thanks to the narrowing of blood vessels and a decrease in blood supply to the mucous membrane, breathing becomes easier. But the effect does not last long, and the longer a person instills vasoconstrictors, the more often he has to use them.

The systematic use of vasoconstrictor drops negatively affects the mucous membrane, increasing tissue hypertrophy. Hypertrophy of epithelial tissues, in other words, their thickening, leads to further narrowing of the nasal passages. The problem is getting worse. For momentary relief, you have to instill nose drops more often and use higher doses. This creates a vicious circle from which there is no way out.

The Killian operation, proposed at the beginning of the twentieth century, has undergone many modifications, but to this day the basis of surgical methods for correcting septal deformity is submucosal resection of cartilaginous and, according to indications, bone structures. The essence of Killian's operation is as follows: complete or partial removal of cartilage is performed, which, if necessary, is supplemented by resection of a bone fragment.

Classification of septoplasty operations:

  • Traditional septoplasty is the Killian operation, submucosal resection of the septum.
  • Partial resection - only the deviated elements of the nasal septum are removed.
  • Resection with reimplantation is resection of cartilage followed by its remodeling (division of cartilage into fragments) and reimplantation of fragments giving them an anatomically correct shape.

The emergence of new surgical techniques has led to the emergence of gentle and less traumatic options for septoplasty:

  • Endoscopic septoplasty.
  • Laser septoplasty.

With endoscopic septoplasty, all manipulations during surgery are carried out under visual control using an endoscope. This allows you to minimize tissue trauma, speed up recovery after septoplasty, and reduce operational risks.

Laser septoplasty uses a laser beam instead of a traditional scalpel. Due to its destructive effect on microorganisms, the laser eliminates (or minimizes) the risk of wound infection. Due to the coagulating effect on blood vessels, blood loss is reduced. Tissue trauma is minimal; wound healing is faster; the rehabilitation period proceeds with less discomfort.

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Simultaneously with septoplasty, additional manipulations are performed according to indications:

  • Septoplasty with vasotomy to facilitate nasal breathing.
  • Polypectomy.
  • Sinusotomy.

Most often, septoplasty is performed with vasotomy - dissection of the blood vessels that supply the mucous membrane. The purpose of this surgical procedure is to remove swelling and hypertrophy of the epithelium and facilitate nasal breathing. If there are polyps on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, they are excised. When pneumotization of the paranasal sinuses decreases, sinusotomy is indicated.

All manipulations are performed through surgical access from the convex part of the septum. The incisions pass through the mucous membrane, leaving no scars on the skin. The surgeon separates the cartilage from the mucosa, after which he removes spines, ridges and other deformed elements with special forceps. According to indications, the scope of surgical intervention is expanded due to resection of a fragment of bone tissue.

The remaining elements of the perichondrium, periosteum and mucosa are fixed to the middle part of the nasal septum. For fixation in the early postoperative period, tampons soaked in a hemostatic solution are inserted into the nasal passages. To preserve breathing through the nose, special silicone tampons (splints) with holes for air passage can be used.

Reviews from patients indicate that nasal pain in the postoperative period goes away within a week. During this period, swelling subsides and breathing improves. It takes no more than three months to fully restore nasal breathing and sense of smell.

Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, you must follow the recommendations of the operating surgeon in order to avoid complications and speed up recovery. You should regularly rinse your nasal passages, use medications that improve breathing through your nose, and protect your body from hypothermia and colds.

Alternative to traditional septoplasty: laser septochondrocorrection

In recent years, an innovative area of ​​rhinosurgery—laser septochondrocorrection—has become popular. The method is positioned as an alternative to traditional septoplasty. Elimination of curvature and remodeling of cartilage is carried out without surgery: cartilage tissue is heated with a laser, and when the cartilage becomes plastic, it is given a new shape that lasts for life.

Despite all the advantages of non-surgical septoplasty, the technique cannot be called ideal. The possibilities of thermoplasty are limited - with the help of septochondrocorrection, only minor deformations in cartilaginous structures can be corrected. Statements that the correction results last a lifetime, and that the procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia, permanently solves the problem of nasal breathing, should also be treated with a grain of salt. The technique has only been used for a few years, and nothing is known about the results in the long term.

Nevertheless, the method of correcting the septum using laser septochondrocorrection should be considered interesting and promising. The procedure takes a short time, does not require anesthesia and is not accompanied by a tedious rehabilitation period. The risk of complications is minimal.

Important! Significant curvature of the septum is an indication for septoplasty even in the absence of subjective complaints. The reason is that the risk of the condition worsening with age is high. It is better to perform the operation in youth, when the regenerative potential of the tissue is high, surgery is easier to tolerate, and recovery after septoplasty is faster.

If you have the complaints listed above, you should not delay surgery and place your hopes on drug treatments. Vasoconstrictor drops do not help. They only make the problem worse!

Surgical intervention is preceded by a routine medical examination, including a blood test for sugar, CBC/OAM, analysis of indicators of the hemostasis system, and analysis for markers of infections that are transmitted through the blood. The purpose of this stage of the examination is to ensure that there are no contraindications to septoplasty.

Specific preparation for correction of nasal septum deformities is carried out using the following methods of objective and instrumental examination:

  • Anterior or posterior rhinoscopy.
  • Endoscopic rhinoscopy.
  • CT scan.
  • X-ray examination of the facial skeleton.

Anterior rhinoscopy is performed using a nasal dilator and a button probe. The doctor examines the right and left nostrils in turn to identify ridges, spines, curved and deformed elements of the nasal septum, polyps, and assess the condition of the mucous membrane.

According to indications, posterior rhinoscopy is performed - examination of the posterior sections of the nasal passages from the oral cavity using a special mirror. A modern method for identifying deformities and curvatures is endoscopic rhinoscopy - examination of the nasal cavity using a thin and flexible endoscope.

Using an X-ray examination or computed tomography, the condition of the mucous membrane and pneumotization of the nasal sinuses is assessed. Instrumental methods also make it possible to diagnose abnormalities in the development of the bones of the facial skeleton, which caused the deformation of the septum.

  • Early postoperative period.
  • Rehabilitation phase.
  • Final recovery stage.

Tampons are removed from the nasal passages after 2-4 days (the exact period depends on the extent of the surgical intervention), after which the patient’s condition quickly improves.

The most difficult period for the patient is the early postoperative period. To fix the septum in the correct anatomical position, tampons or splints (silicone turunds) are inserted into the nasal passages. Nasal breathing is significantly difficult or becomes impossible. You have to breathe through your mouth, which leads to dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips. Discomfort is increased by pain in the area of ​​the postoperative wound.

To restore nasal breathing, the doctor prescribes special drops; you need to use irrigation of the nasal mucosa with saline solutions (nasal douche). It is necessary to carefully clean the mucous membrane of mucus and crusts; In the first two weeks, these manipulations are performed by nursing staff using daily dressings.

Basic recommendations for the patient:

  • Since it is difficult to drink water after surgery, doctors recommend using a straw in the early rehabilitation period.
  • After septoplasty, you can only sleep on your back. The recommendation remains valid for two weeks or more, at the discretion of the attending physician.
  • You cannot wear glasses, even light-framed sunglasses. Pressure on the back of the nose can negatively affect the result of the correction.
  • It is prohibited to sunbathe in a solarium or under the sun, swim in open reservoirs and pools, or visit a sauna. The ban is valid for a period of 1 to 3 months.
  • It is necessary to limit physical activity in every possible way. You can't play sports. It is advisable not to do housework or lean forward.

Disciplined and responsible implementation of the surgeon’s recommendations speeds up recovery after septoplasty and minimizes the risks of possible complications. However, the possibility of complications cannot be completely excluded. Serious complications of septoplasty include:

  1. Deformation of the back of the nose.
  2. Excessive mobility of the septum.
  3. Perforation of the nasal septum.
  4. Cicatricial changes in the area of ​​the postoperative wound.
  5. Infection.
  6. Abscess.
  7. Bleeding.

What to do if complications arise? You must immediately contact the surgeon who performed the operation. In most cases, complications can be treated without repeated surgery. In case of severe complications (nasal deformation, septal perforation, scar changes), the question of repeat septoplasty has to be raised.

The postoperative period of septoplasty is associated with some inconvenience for the patient.

  • Firstly, after the intervention the nose cannot breathe,
  • secondly, the bandage on the face interferes,
  • thirdly, not the most pleasant sensations appear: from tingling and itching to pain.

You need to be prepared for all this. But it’s still worth knowing when postoperative breathing difficulties are normal, and when you should consult a doctor. What can interfere with normal breathing?

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The difference between septoplasty and rhinoplasty

Septoplasty is a medical procedure that is not intended to correct the appearance of the nose. In contrast, rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery performed for aesthetic purposes. If a patient with a deviated septum also wants to change the size and shape of the nose, these manipulations can be combined.

In such cases, rhinoplasty is performed first to improve appearance. At the next stage, septoplasty is performed, which straightens the septum and restores normal nasal breathing. If it was not possible to combine these operations, an interval of about 12 months is maintained between them.

Root removal

How is the root of a tooth removed if the tooth is completely destroyed? Despite this situation, extraction is not always recommended. If, after diagnosis, the doctor determines that the root can be used for an inlay, then the tooth is restored with a crown. But if there is pain, an unpleasant smell and taste, or swelling has developed, then dental care is required urgently. In this case, the question of whether to remove the roots of the teeth is decided in favor of the operation, since the neglected condition can also lead to the loss of neighboring elements.

Regardless of the chosen technique, pain relief and X-ray control are required after removal. This allows you to make sure that there are no root fragments in the cavity, since it is often loose and can crumble under slight pressure from the forceps.

Features of rehabilitation

Septoplasty in Minsk is carried out in accordance with all modern requirements. Patients who undergo the procedure can return home the same day. A short stay in the hospital is required when the procedure was performed under general anesthesia or in the presence of complications.

After the operation you must:

  • for several days, rinse the tubes that are inserted into the nasal cavity to facilitate breathing;
  • temporarily exclude physical activity, going to saunas, swimming pools, baths;
  • refrain from natural or artificial tanning;
  • sleep only on your back or side;
  • follow a diet that includes avoiding hot, cold, spicy, and alcoholic drinks.

If the patient is bothered by pain, anesthetics are prescribed. To relieve severe inflammation or prevent its development, you may need to take antibiotics. To make breathing through the nose easier, drops are often used to relieve swelling.

Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom teeth are considered full-fledged elements of the oral cavity. They are involved in chewing food (if they are located above each other and have contact), and can act as a support for bridges and removable dentures in the future. There are specific indications for extraction in their case. For this reason, the decision about whether wisdom teeth need to be removed is made only by the attending physician.

The most common problem with eighth teeth is their growth. Only some teeth form and grow completely without complications, but often these processes are accompanied by a number of difficulties:

  • semi-retinated or impacted elements that have formed in the bone tissue, but have not erupted or only partially erupted. Their position can be vertical, horizontal, or with their roots outward. Because of this, neighboring elements suffer, constant pain appears;
  • violation of position (dystopia). Since wisdom teeth erupt without predecessors (baby teeth), and the jaw bone is already formed and does not develop, the position of the elements is often incorrect. They injure the mucous membrane, overlap other crowns, and put pressure on neighbors. This leads to inflammation. The doctor will determine whether the position can be restored with orthodontic treatment or whether it is better to remove the wisdom tooth;
  • appearance of a gingival hood. When slowly cutting through the mucosa, an area is formed in which bacteria and food debris accumulate, which are difficult to clean. This leads to acute inflammation, which can provoke the appearance of pus;
  • destruction, caries. Elements may appear immediately underdeveloped with carious lesions.

The doctor determines whether wisdom teeth should be removed or not based on complaints and the clinical picture. Problems with even one or two teeth interfere with the normal functioning of the entire dental system. Pain appears when opening the mouth and chewing. The bite and position of the incisors may even change.

How a wisdom tooth is removed depends, as in the case of permanent elements, on the condition of the dental system. In the absence of contraindications, manipulation is carried out with ordinary forceps.

Whether it is painful to remove a wisdom tooth depends on the presence or absence of purulent formations. If they are present, then the painful sensations may persist even after pain relief. Most often, classical infiltration anesthesia is used, which covers a large area and maintains the effect for a long time.

What complications may arise

If the correction of the nasal septum was carried out with violations, there was improper preparation, or the patient did not comply with the rules of rehabilitation, the risk of complications increases:

  • septal perforation;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • formation of adhesions;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • the appearance of hematomas.

The rarest type of complications is a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin of the nose or its complete loss. This phenomenon is caused by damage to the nerve endings. In some cases, normal sensitivity is restored after 2-3 weeks, in others it takes several years.

What to do about loss of smell

Despite the fact that septoplasty does not involve dramatic changes in the functionality of the body, there are certain risks of complications. Such cases occur rarely, but such a possibility cannot be excluded.

Complications during the rehabilitation period include:

  • constant bleeding;
  • a feeling of numbness in the upper (front) teeth and tip of the nose;
  • spread of infection;
  • formation of a hole in the nasal septum;
  • lack of positive results regarding health and cosmetic effect.

The occurrence of complications may be influenced by certain factors that are associated with the characteristics of the body or the patient’s lifestyle.

  • poor blood clotting;
  • severe heart pathologies;
  • the presence of many scars after previous operations;
  • groups of drugs;
  • cocaine use and smoking.

Complications can usually be detected only one or two weeks after septoplasty. When detecting violations, it is necessary, first of all, to contact specialists to find out the cause of the deviations.

In the future, doctors, if possible, take measures to eliminate complications. You should not delay visiting your doctor or perform any actions on your own. This can lead to even bigger problems.

Doctors providing this service

Types of dental anesthetics

Anesthesia means absence or loss of sensation. With light anesthesia, the person is conscious. In severe cases, the patient is put to sleep. The doctor at the Nika Dentistry clinic uses medications separately or in combination. Selects medications for a safe procedure. The type of anesthetic used also depends on the person's age, health, length of the procedure, and previous negative reactions to anesthetics.

Short-term medications are applied directly to the tooth area. Long-acting is used when complex jaw surgery is performed.

The success of dental anesthesia depends on:

  • drug;
  • areas of anesthesia administration;
  • type of procedure;
  • time of the operation;
  • severity of inflammation.

Local anesthesia in the lower jaw is not as strong as in the upper jaw.

Doctors give three types of anesthesia: local, sedative and general. The choice depends on the location of the manipulation, the severity of the problem and the combination with other medications.

Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia is used for simple procedures such as tooth filling, which require a short time to complete and are less complex. The person is conscious and talking when local anesthesia is given. The area is numb so that the patient does not feel pain. A popular local anesthetic is lidocaine.

Local anesthetics will numb the pain within 10 minutes, and the best anesthesia for dental treatment wears off between 30 and 60 minutes. Sometimes a vasopressor such as epinephrine is added to enhance the effect and prevent the anesthetic effect from spreading to other parts of the body.

Local anesthetics are available in the form of gel, ointment, cream, spray, patch, liquid and ampoules. Use topically (apply directly to the area to numb it) or inject into the area being treated.

Sometimes sedatives are added to anesthetics to help you relax. The patient remains fully conscious and responds to commands after slight sedation. If the drug is moderate, the person is semi-conscious or almost unconscious if the sedation is deep.

Sedatives are administered orally (tablet or liquid), inhaler, intramuscularly, or intravenously. During moderate to deep sedation, the doctor monitors your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing.

General anesthesia

General anesthesia is used for long procedures or when the client is nervous and interferes with treatment. The person is unconscious, does not feel pain, the muscles are relaxed, and does not remember how the operation took place. The medicine is administered by putting a mask on the face or intravenously. The dose depends on the procedure and the patient's condition.

What are the side effects

The side effects of dental anesthesia depend on the type of anesthetic used. General anesthesia has more risks than local anesthesia. Reactions also vary:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • headache;
  • sweating or shaking;
  • hallucinations, delusions, or confusion;
  • slurred speech;
  • dry mouth or throat;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • numbness;
  • trismus caused by trauma from surgery.

Vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine added to anesthetics also cause heart and blood pressure problems. These are some side effects of anesthetics. Ask your dentist about the medicine and any problems that may arise after use.

Precautions when prescribing


Special Needs

Aged people

Liver, kidney, lung, or heart problems

Neurological diseases

Other conditions

Tell your dentist if you have a hiatal hernia, acid reflux, infections or open sores in your mouth, allergies, severe nausea and vomiting, or are taking medications that cause drowsiness.

The risks are higher for those who:

  • sleep apnea;
  • epilepsy;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • heart problems;
  • attention or behavior disorder;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • gastric bypass;
  • Substance abuse.

What are the risks of dental anesthesia

Most people do not experience adverse reactions with local anesthesia. There is a higher risk with general anesthesia, especially in older people and people with medical complications. There is an increased risk of abnormal bleeding while taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin. If you are taking painkillers or nerve medications, tell your dentist or surgeon so they can select an anesthetic.

Anesthesia risks:

  • seizures;
  • coma;
  • respiratory arrest;
  • heart failure;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • hypotension;
  • hyperthermia;
  • muscle stiffness;
  • breathing problems;
  • tachycardia.

Allergic reaction

Tell your dentist about any allergies, including reactions to dyes or other substances: rash, itching, swelling of the tongue, lips, mouth, or throat, and difficulty breathing; The anesthetics articaine and prilocaine at a concentration of 4% damage nerves and cause paresthesia;

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