Masks with salicylic acid for facial skin: preparation and use at home

Salicylic acid is an essential component of many cosmetic and medicinal preparations for the treatment of acne. The product is no less effective in its pure form - with regular manipulation you can easily get rid of formations on the face.

Home cosmetology has also found use for this useful drug, which is included in self-prepared masks, scrubs, and creams.

In order to easily and quickly get rid of unpleasant skin defects, it is better to understand in advance the features of the antiseptic, the rules of use, and select recipes specifically for your type of dermis.

Beneficial qualities of salicylic acid

The antiseptic has many useful qualities that can be easily used to combat facial skin defects. The active elements contained in the drug differ in a number of properties:

  • destroy bacteria;
  • tighten and cleanse pores;
  • treat purulent acne;
  • relieve inflammatory processes;
  • dry the dermis;
  • normalize the functioning of the glands responsible for the production of sebum;
  • remove scars left after acne;
  • cleanses the surface of the face from blackheads.

Expert opinion

You can also benefit from the drug to even out your tone - home remedies remove pigmentation and whiten red spots.

The main thing is not to overdo it - it’s easy to dry out the dermis and cause peeling. To prevent such manifestations, it is better to strictly follow the recommendations of home cosmetology and the chosen recipe.

Mask for problematic dermis

The problematic dermis is considered the most difficult to care for. It is very difficult, without experience, to choose products that simultaneously normalize the water balance in the tissues of the epidermis, remove oily shine, and deal with acne or rashes. A mask with salicylic alcohol will quickly and effectively cleanse and relieve inflammation.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Turn oatmeal flakes (45 g) into a fine powder.
  2. Add antiseptic (15 drops).
  3. Grind the fennel seeds in a mortar.
  4. Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Start application from problem areas. Be sure to massage with light movements. Leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour; for rinsing it is recommended to use a herbal decoction (brew 15 grams of chamomile flowers, 140 ml of boiling water, leave). Complete the procedure by applying a nourishing cream.

Products and masks based on salicylic acid

Ready-made lotions based on the drug are recommended to be used twice a day. If you use any other medical ointments, they should be used after.

For acne

Here are a few recipes that use salicylic acid on the face for acne:

The acid itself

Ingredients: salicylic acid.


  1. Use a cotton swab dipped in the solution to treat the inflamed areas.
  2. After twenty minutes we wash ourselves.

Prescription with medicines

Ingredients: five tablets of chloramphenicol, two packages of streptocide powder, main ingredient.


  1. Add streptocide to a bottle of 1% or 2% salicylic alcohol.
  2. Crush chloramphenicol and add it to the solution.
  3. Shake the mixture to mix all the ingredients better.
  4. Leave the resulting solution in the refrigerator to infuse.
  5. Apply the mixture to the inflamed areas with a cotton swab, preferably at night.

Carry out sessions for three days in a row, then stop, and repeat the three-day session after two weeks.

Recipe with alcohol

Ingredients: boric and salicylic acid, alcohol, chloramphenicol.


  1. Mix five hundredths of a gram of acid and alcohol with five grams of chloramphenicol powder.
  2. Place on skin overnight.
  3. Wash your face in the morning.

With this recipe you can not only dry out acne, but also improve the oil balance.

Recipe with bodyaga

Ingredients: a tablespoon of bodyaga, green tea, main ingredient.


  1. Twenty drops of the main ingredient are added to the powder and soaked in strongly brewed green tea.
  2. Apply only to inflamed areas.
  3. Leave on for ten minutes, then rinse off.

It should be used no more than once every 6-7 days.

For cleansing

Facial cleansing with salicylic acid at home can be done using clay masks or wheat bran.

Recipe with clay

Ingredients: clay mask, main ingredient, water.


  1. Dilute the cosmetic clay mask with water.
  2. Add a spoonful of acid.
  3. Apply the product for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Then rinse and apply cream to moisturize the skin.

Recipe with bran

Ingredients: wheat bran, aspirin.


  1. Soak a tablespoon of bran in water.
  2. Crush an aspirin tablet and add to the bran.
  3. Apply onto face using massaging movements and massage for three minutes.
  4. Rinse off.

For pigment spots

Salicylic acid helps the face against age spots. Here are some recipes:

Recipe with gelatin and glycerin

Ingredients: one teaspoon of gelatin, half a tablespoon of glycerin, one gram of acid.


  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Cook them in a water bath for about fifteen minutes.
  3. Apply the warm resulting mass for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Then rinse off; if the mixture still remains, it should be put in a cool place.

Recipe with white clay

Ingredients: white clay, main component, lemon juice.


  1. Mix one teaspoon of all ingredients.
  2. Apply the well-mixed mixture to your face.
  3. After about ten minutes, rinse off.

Below the video you can read about how easy it is to cope with the consequences of using this product. We recommend.


It’s not for nothing that a product based on white clay with the addition of an antiseptic is included in the TOP whitening compositions, because it can not only even out the tone, but also remove pigmentation. Another advantage of using it is that rashes dry out and purulent pimples disappear.


  1. Heat milk (55 ml), preferably using a fatty homemade product for preparation, especially for dry skin.
  2. Pour in white cosmetic clay (20 g) and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add antiseptic (10 drops) and mix.

Be sure to spread the mixture in a thin, even layer. Leave for 20-21 minutes.

Expert opinion


If the pigmentation is too dark, it is recommended that before the procedure, treat the problem areas with a pure preparation, without additional components, and only then use a homemade mask.

Frequently Asked Questions About Salicylic Acid

Dermatologist Alexander Prokofiev, an expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, answers the questions.

Is it possible to apply salicylic acid to acne?

Formulas with salicylic acid are designed specifically for the care of oily skin prone to imperfections. Safe corrective care for oily problem skin can be purchased at pharmacies in your city.

Is it possible to wipe your face with salicylic acid?

It is not recommended to wipe your face with a pharmaceutical alcohol solution of salicylic acid, even with very oily skin. The product dries out the epidermis, which will provoke increased sebum synthesis; the skin will begin to self-hydrate, which will cause clogged pores and rashes. It is better to wipe your face with a salicylic acid-based toner, for example, Effaclar mattifying pore-narrowing lotion.

Who is salicylic acid suitable for?

Salicylic acid is most often found in skin care formulas for oily, acne-prone skin. If you have sensitive, dry skin, you should avoid using acid-containing cosmetic products.

For oily skin

Caring for skin at home that is constantly covered with an oily, unkempt layer, as well as problem skin, often causes a lot of trouble and difficulties. Even the most effective creams and masks are often unable to affect the sebaceous glands and normalize their functioning.

Salicylic acid is one of the few drugs that can quickly remove greasy film and reduce sebum production.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Prepare a decoction based on rose hips (pour 70 ml of boiling water over 4-6 fruits, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave).
  2. Pour the pressed yeast (40 g) with a warm broth and leave for 10 minutes at room temperature.
  3. Add acid (15 drops) to the yeast mixture and stir.

Expert opinion


When applying, make sure that the mixture does not come into contact with overly sensitive areas. The duration of manipulations should not exceed 10 minutes.

To rinse, use a herbal decoction or warm water.

Forms of release of cosmetics with salicylic acid

Let's look at the formats in which salicylic acid products are produced:

  • Cleansing foams and gels for oily problem skin, for example, Effaclar gel micro-exfoliating gel for washing.
  • Lotions and tonics for the second stage of cleansing and toning for oily problem and combination skin. Choose Effaclar pore tightening lotion with a mattifying effect.
  • Deep cleansing masks with a mattifying effect for oily and problematic skin.
  • Peels and scrubs for intensive exfoliation at home and accelerating cell regeneration are used no more than once a week.
  • Cream for correcting imperfections: post-acne, acne, blackheads, oily shine and early signs of aging (expression wrinkles and pigmentation). Corrective cream-gel for problem skin Effaclar Duo (+) eliminates sebaceous shine, reduces imperfections, preventing their reoccurrence, and moisturizes.
  • SOS products with an accelerated effect against imperfections: relieve inflammation, redness, have an antimicrobial effect, and prevent the formation of stagnant spots. Local corrective agent Effaclar AI is suitable

Tightening, eliminating age-related changes

Using products with an antiseptic, you can easily remove signs of fading at home - regular manipulations will eliminate sagging, sagging, get rid of looseness, smooth out relief, folds, and wrinkles. It is advisable to carry out procedures twice a week, alternating with other anti-aging and tightening compounds.


  1. Combine semolina (10-14 g) with pharmaceutical glycerin (5 ml).
  2. Pour in salicylic acid (20-22 drops are enough).
  3. Stir the mixture and leave in a warm room for 15 minutes.

For application it is recommended to use a wide cosmetic brush. After uniform distribution, it is advisable to carry out a light massage - patting, stroking.

Wash after 15 minutes. It is better to replace the water with a decoction of young nettle leaves or thyme (20 grams of chopped plant material per 200 ml of boiling water).

How to cope with the consequences of improper use of salicylic acid

If you used too highly concentrated acid or left it for too long, you may experience a burning sensation, dryness, peeling, and the skin may peel off in places. In some cases, the formation of an unpleasant brown crust is observed.

To cope with such unpleasant consequences, you will need:

  • stop using acid, preferably without further attempts;
  • temporarily stop using cosmetics;
  • Apply panthenol ointment to damaged skin areas twice a day; it can be replaced with methyluracil;
  • Avoid exposure to bright rays of the sun until the skin condition returns to normal.

To prevent skin problems as a result of using this product, you will need to test its effect not on your face, but on your arm (elbow) or behind your ear.

Honey against rashes, acne

The best remedy that can easily cope with inflammation and acne is a honey mask. The bee product, like salicylic acid, has antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

A mixture of these components will cleanse the dermis, improve the appearance of the skin, and forget about unsightly formations for a long time. The only caution to remember is not to use the composition on overly sensitive skin.

If the skin reacts negatively to bee products, it is also better to choose a different composition, since the amount of rash can rapidly increase, redness and burning will be added.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Melt honey (20 g) in a small container in a steam bath; be sure to ensure that there are no sugar crystals in the liquid, which can damage the top layer of the epidermis.
  2. Add cocoa butter (5 ml) to the honey product.
  3. Pour in antiseptic (15 drops), mix the composition.

The mass is quite liquid, so it is better not to apply the mixture with your fingers; use a cosmetic spatula. It is not recommended to use the product on areas of high sensitivity (dermis near the eyes, mouth).

Expert opinion


Apply the mask in a thin, even layer. Rest for a quarter of an hour, remove with a disc of damp cotton wool.

Carry out a contrast rinse - alternate cool and warm liquid. You should not use any moisturizing or nourishing preparations immediately after the manipulations - the honey mixture contains everything that is necessary for the epidermal tissues.

Pharmacological effect

The medicine is intended for local use. The therapeutic effect is determined by anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, keratolytic, distracting and drying effects.

At a high concentration of salicylic acid, the drug has an inhibitory effect on microbial proteins. Has a high effect on nerve receptors. Helps reduce pain, improves tissue nutrition and effectively fights the causes of pathologies.

As a result of the high content of the active substance, there is an effect on the sebaceous and sweat glands. Therefore, it is active for the treatment of seborrhea, pimples, acne, and also for the care of oily skin types.

At low concentrations, salicylic acid has a weak antimicrobial effect. Since it belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it has a number of therapeutic properties:

  1. Relieves tissue swelling.
  2. Stops itching.
  3. Has a vasoconstrictor effect.
  4. Suppresses the inflammatory process.

The drug is able to delicately remove the top layer of skin, promoting its further regeneration. Salicylic acid normalizes the structure of cell membranes, cleanses and narrows pores, and organizes the outflow of sebaceous secretions. Therefore, it is considered an essential medicine against burns, dandruff, wounds and other dermatological diseases.

When used externally, the therapeutic effect is observed after 3-5 hours. Excreted by the kidneys, unchanged in the amount of 6%.

Peeling mask

Peeling is considered one of the mandatory stages of facial skin care. Procedures carried out regularly allow you to cleanse the upper layer of the dermis from dead particles of the epidermis, dust, dirt, remove the contents of pores, and even deal with blackheads and oily film.

Many commercial drugs do an excellent job of this task, but often cause undesirable consequences.

Expert opinion


If you have salicylic acid lying around in your medicine cabinet, you can cleanse your skin without any trouble - the composition is gentle even on sensitive areas.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Mash the lingonberry fruits (20 g) with a fork; you can use a blender to chop.
  2. Add salicylic acid (22-25 drops).
  3. Pour in essential oil (5 ml).

After mixing, begin distributing the composition. Be sure to do this with your fingers, rubbing the areas of the skin with light movements. Leave the mixture on the dermis, rest for 10 minutes, and rinse. It is recommended to apply a soothing cream after the manipulations or simply wipe your face with oil.

Skin exfoliation

While other antiseptics may only kill bacteria that cause acne and other problems, salicylic acid is one of the best products for removing dead skin cells and smoothing the skin. As a type of keratolytic, it has the ability to improve skin texture by exfoliating, reducing roughness and stimulating cell turnover. We have already talked about how to exfoliate with salicylic acid.

Homemade anti-rash cream

It is easy to prepare your own cream, which, with regular use, will normalize the secretion of oil by the sebaceous glands. When properly stored in the refrigerator, it does not lose its positive qualities for two weeks. That is why you should not prepare large portions of the drug; it is better to regularly mix a fresh mixture.


  1. Place wax (5-8 grams) purchased at the pharmacy into a small container and heat, stirring, until the bee product is completely dissolved.
  2. Combine the heated wax with rice oil (10 ml).
  3. Before use, pour in antiseptic (3-5 ml) and mix.
  4. Pour the mixture into a dark glass container, seal tightly, and place in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to begin manipulations by cleansing the skin. You can use a scrub or peeling. It would be useful to take a steam bath using herbal infusions.

Distribute a small amount of the prepared cream in an even thin layer and rub into the epidermis. There is no need to remove any remaining product with a napkin – due to its light consistency, it is completely absorbed. The frequency of procedures is no more than twice a week.


To strengthen blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes in the tissues of the epidermis, improve facial tone, and cleanse dirt and fat, it is recommended to use a lotion prepared according to a folk recipe. The product is perfect even for those with skin prone to irritation or allergic reactions.

Expert opinion


The only prohibition for use is an individual negative reaction to one of the components.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Prepare a chamomile decoction (grind 20 grams of the plant’s flowers with your hands, brew 150 ml of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes, strain after a short infusion).
  2. Mix the strained chamomile decoction with grape oil (5 ml).
  3. Pour in acid (5-6 ml).
  4. Mix the product, pour into a bottle, and refrigerate.

To treat your face, soak a cotton sponge with the prepared lotion and wipe the skin. It is better to rinse your face with cool water first; do not use detergents. Before applying the chamomile product, thoroughly blot off any remaining moisture with a napkin.

Facial cleansing toner

For inflammatory processes on the skin, profuse rashes, large pimples, it is recommended to prepare a tonic that can easily eliminate defects. At the same time as removing unpleasant manifestations, the antiseptic-based liquid will remove greasy shine and reduce the activity of the glands responsible for the secretion of fat.


  1. Grind 25 grams with your hands. mint leaves (it is advisable to use dry raw materials).
  2. Brew the herbal powder with boiling water (120 ml), close the container tightly, wrap it in a warm scarf, and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  3. Strain the broth, add calendula tincture (10 ml), which you can purchase at the pharmacy.
  4. Pour the acid solution (35 ml) into the completely cooled liquid.
  5. Store in a container that can be tightly closed, preferably in the refrigerator.

Wipe the dermis at least twice a day. Be sure to use mint tonic on cleansed skin. The composition has a drying effect, so it is better not to use it before going outside.

Review of cosmetics with salicylic acid from La Roche-Posay

Moisturizing mattifying emulsion Effaclar Mat


Mattifying sebum-regulating emulsion

Contains the Sebulyse component, which reduces sebum production, providing a mattifying effect and helping to tighten pores. Intensely moisturizes and prevents skin from dehydration.

RUB 1,714 more details

Based on salicylic acid, perlite and sebulise, it is suitable for oily and combination skin: it regulates the synthesis of sebum, reduces the greasy shine of the face for up to 6 hours, moisturizes the epidermis and has a non-comedogenic texture.

Consumer reviews:

Nadezhda: Suitable for makeup. Mattifies for the whole day, while not drying, but moisturizes the skin. I've been using it for six months. There are fewer rashes.

Anna: Super cream. It really mattifies! I liked it the first time! Light texture, the skin is immediately velvety and matte) an excellent base for makeup.

Effaclar concentrated serum


Ultra concentrated serum for skin with imperfections

Reduces pronounced imperfections and visibly tightens pores, preventing the reappearance of marks on the skin

RUB 2,392 more details

With a formula based on three acids and epidermis-soothing niacinamide, it reduces imperfections and evens out skin tone and texture. Suitable for anti-aging care and for oily problem skin.z>

Consumer reviews:

Anastasia: Excellent serum, I really liked it! A really good solution for problem skin. It is better to use it once a day, I do it at night, since the product contains acids. It is better not to use it twice a day, as it dries out the skin. I use it only on those places where the skin is oily in the T-zone. A lot of inflammation has gone away from my chin. It works well on spot pimples and I also use it as an SOS product. I recommend the product!

Features of using gel with antiseptic

If you don’t have time to prepare home remedies, you can resort to store-bought medications. Gels, which contain an antiseptic, have many useful qualities:

  • exfoliate the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis;
  • destroy bacteria that provoke the development of inflammation, the appearance of pimples, purulent acne;
  • normalize sebum secretion, remove oily shine;
  • prevent the formation of blackheads, remove dark sebaceous plugs from pores;
  • evens out tone and brightens.

The gel also contains plant components that reduce the aggressiveness of the main substance, improve efficiency, prevent irritation, and tone.

It is recommended to use the product every time you wash your face. Before procedures with homemade masks, you should also resort to gel - it will perfectly cleanse the pores, preparing them for the penetration of active elements.

Salicylic acid is a drug that has many advantages, and has been used for decades in the fight against rashes and acne, providing worthy competition to expensive cosmetic creams and lotions.

When using the medicine, you should remember to be careful - if you overuse an aggressive liquid, you can easily get additional problems. If you strictly follow the rules and recommendations of home cosmetology, there will be no complications - your face will quickly acquire a healthy tone and be cleared of acne.

Composition and release form

The drug contains the active component salicylic acid, excipients: ethyl alcohol 70% and petroleum jelly in the ointment. Depending on the concentration of the finished product, the amount of the main ingredient varies from 1 to 2 g.

Salicylic acid is dispensed in the form of an alcohol solution in a dark glass bottle of 25 and 40 ml with attached instructions on the label. Concentration possible: 1%, 2%, 5%, 10%.

There is also an ointment with salicylic acid 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 10%. Volume 25 g, packaged in aluminum tubes or glass jars.

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