Lip tattoo with shading: pros and cons of the procedure

Representatives of the fair sex strive for beauty like no other. There are many opportunities to improve your appearance, correct or highlight your natural beauty. Women are increasingly getting cosmetic tattooing - some for correction, others for convenience. Read all about lip tattooing in the article.

The history of the origin of permanent makeup is rooted in the deep past. Women of various nations and tribes were tattooed on their faces to indicate marital status, social affiliation, or to attract men. Over time, the art of tattoos has grown into permanent makeup as we know it.

It is done mainly to correct the shape of the eyes, face, and lips. Moreover, the money spent and the discomfort justify the result. Lip tattooing will allow you to save time on makeup and also look fresh and attractive in any situation.

Lip tattoo instead of cosmetic pencil: contour

  • Contour tattooing is intended for women who have naturally beautiful lips, perhaps with slightly blurred contours. Looks like a regular cosmetic pencil.
  • Before the procedure, you can ask not only to outline the natural contours of the lips, but also to protrude slightly beyond them. This will visually enlarge your lips and make them plumper.
  • When faced with a color choice, choose a shade that is as close to the natural color as possible. In this case, you can use any color of pencils and lipsticks when applying makeup, and if you don’t have it, you will look natural
  • Otherwise, you risk the effect of eaten lipstick; moreover, if the contour tone is incorrectly selected, you will be doomed to constantly use the same shade of lip cosmetics

Lip tattoo - contour

Individual choice

Ideal lips have very specific characteristics. They should be plump, sensual, juicy, clearly defined, and finally, attractive. By nature, some women may lack volume or bright boundaries.

Some people decide to undergo the procedure in pursuit of a decorative effect. Depending on the initial data and the desired result, the type of tattoo and its shade are selected.

The permanent has several contraindications, including diabetes, herpes in the acute stage, and taking certain medications. It is also worth postponing the procedure if there are cracks and wounds, during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Botox, Restylane and fillers should be separated from tattooing by at least a month. So, if your lips have any wounds or peeling, then you need to eliminate this and know what to do if your lips are chapped.

At the first consultation, a good master will definitely demonstrate the potential result with paint or pencil. So, if the mouth itself has volume, but you want to add clarity to it, a contour permanent is enough. When the upper or lower lip is disproportionately devoid of plumpness, correction is performed with light kajal.


If your lips are a little thinner than you would like, you can choose the type of shading. It will not affect the entire space, but will change both shape and volume. For girls who have a thin and pale mouth, both 3D and watercolor methods can be useful. They will add desired colors to your entire look. Finally, if a woman wants to forget about lipstick for a long time, a full permanent comes to the rescue.

As for the choice of colors, they are all divided into two groups:

  • natural;
  • decorative.

The process of injecting paint is accompanied by painful sensations. To reduce unpleasant impressions, the skin is treated with lidocaine ointment or injections are given.

The first category is used to create a natural coating, hiding defects and leaving the opportunity to paint with any lipsticks and glosses. Such colors are optimal for partial or contour coloring, since in this case unnatural boundaries will not appear. The second variety contains rich tones (berry, red, crimson), the use of which simplifies daily makeup for a long time.

With shading

A delicate scent for daily inspiration - Avon body spray. An excellent way for a temporary transformation is washable hair spray dye.

Lip tattoo with partial and full shading: photo

Important: Not suitable for those with thin lips, it hides volume.

Suitable for girls with uneven or blurry lip contours, helps correct the natural line. You can choose a tone that is as close to natural as possible, which will make your lips fuller. When choosing a tone other than natural, you can choose partial or full shading.

  • Partial shading (on a third of the surface of the lips) Choose this type of tattoo if there is asymmetry of the lips or uneven contour. You can choose a color similar to natural or choose a different tone. If you want to maintain a natural look, partial shading is also suitable for you.

Lip contour - shading

Partial shading

  • Full shading. If you want to completely change the color of your lips, tattooing using the full shading method is suitable for you. You can choose one contour and shading color or different tones, between which there will be a smooth transition.

Advice : Before visiting the specialist, select the color you want to see on your lips. Take your chosen contour pencil and lipstick with you.

Full shading

Lip tattoo with shading

Types of lip permanent

In the modern sense, this makeup appeared in the USA and Taiwan in the 80s of the last century, from where it has already spread throughout the world. The essence of micropigmentation technology (as permanent is also called) is the introduction of dye under the top layer of skin through tiny punctures.

Of course, it is important for any woman to improve and become more attractive. But, probably, tattooing acquires its main cosmetic significance in the presence of scars or natural flaws that it helps to hide.

Find out how to use Oriflame eyebrow shadows here.

No shading

More than 30 years of development of this art have led to the emergence of several types of coating, each of which has its own goals:

  1. Drawing the outline. During the procedure, only the border line is affected, leaving the space without shading. This type of tattoo is the simplest and fastest, and the effect can be completely invisible to the eye or resemble pencil eyeliner.
  2. Contour with shading. In addition to the drawn border, the artist extends the tone to the inner space of the lips. The fill can be wide or narrow, and the colors vary from darker at the edges to lighter closer to the center.
  3. Full painting. In this case, the emphasis is on filling the entire space, sometimes even without making a contour. Depending on the chosen tone, you can get a natural but rich coverage, a visible lipstick or even gloss effect.
  4. Light kajal (natural tattoo). The uniqueness of the method lies in the use of very pale paint, which is applied along the border without shading. The naturalness of this part of the face is preserved as much as possible, but volume is added.

For permanent hair, only natural dyes are recommended, which almost completely eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction. The leaders in the production of quality products are the USA and Germany.

In a separate line, we need to highlight the intermediate and very fashionable techniques of 3D and watercolor today. The essence of the first of them is to use several paints over the entire volume.

Dark colors are located on the edges and folds, while pale colors are shaded, creating a play of light and shadow. The second method involves using only one color, which is driven into the folds, remaining almost invisible to prying eyes.

Complete coloring Is it safe to color your curls? We study the composition of hair dye. You can find out the composition of nail polish here.

Watercolor lip tattoo technique - how to choose a color: table

Differs in the absence of a contour. It is performed by introducing a dim colored pigment and shading it over the entire surface of the lips. If you want to achieve a natural color effect when correcting the shape of your lips, choose the watercolor technique.

With the correct selection of color pigment, lips look painted with gloss or colorless balm.

Suitable for absolutely everyone, and a table that determines your type of appearance will help you choose the right color:

Skin typeDistinctive featuresColor
CelticLight skin Blonde hair (including red) Blue, green eyesDelicate pink shades (+scarlet)
NordicLight skin Light brown hair Light eyesCoral Caramel Cherry Scarlet
Dark EuropeanSlightly dark skin Dark brown, brown hair Gray, gray-green, brown eyesBronze Golden beige Ocher
Southern EuropeanDark skin Dark hair Brown eyesWarm tones Beige shades Caramel shades
Indonesian (Middle Eastern)Dark brown skin Dark hair Dark brown eyesGolden Terracotta Cocoa
AfricanDark skin Black hair Dark eyesBeige-brown

Lip tattoo - watercolor technique

Colors used

This point is second in importance after determining the desired technique. Remember that the created make-up will be constantly present on your face for many months, so take the selection of shades seriously.

If just a couple of years ago ladies opted for rich colors, then due to trends towards naturalness, nude undertones have become popular. A nude make-up will allow the fashionista to make various changes to her look, because if desired, any lipstick will fit perfectly over a natural tattoo.

Advice! Do not forget that the selected color scheme should be in harmony with the color type of appearance. Thus, an experienced master will offer samples from a cold palette to a fair-skinned blonde with green or grayish-blue eyes, and from a warm palette to a brown-haired woman with a chocolate tan.

And finally, we note that the choice of tint pigments depends entirely on the chosen technique. Thus, it is better to do contouring in a tone close to the original one, shading – one or two positions darker, and 3D make-up requires a large number of shades.

Rich palette of shades

Natural lip tattoo

  • For lucky girls whose lip contour shape does not need correction, natural tattooing is suitable.
  • For tattooing, a color is selected that is as close to natural as possible. Permanent makeup is performed without applying contour, which promotes a natural and natural look.
  • After the procedure, the lips become brighter and more expressive.

Natural lip makeup

Advantages and disadvantages of technology


  • The permanent technique is universal, suitable for blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women, redheads, the main thing is to choose the right color;
  • no lipstick or gloss required - makeup lasts up to 5 years;
  • the opportunity to be beautiful in places where cosmetics are not always at hand: on the beach, in the pool;
  • no need to constantly tint your lips;
  • if you want a different color, you can apply decorative cosmetics;
  • skin defects are masked: fine wrinkles, scars and scars;
  • clear outline, rich color;
  • elimination of asymmetry.


  • pain during and after the procedure;
  • swelling during the week;
  • difficulties during removal (permanent makeup can only be removed with a laser);
  • need for correction;
  • the result may differ from the desired one (the final color will appear only after 3-4 weeks, after healing);
  • presence of contraindications.

Choose a qualified makeup artist. Do not contact cosmetologists who work from home without a license for the appropriate type of activity.

Ombre lip tattoo

Ombre is the newest technique in the world of permanent makeup. Be careful when choosing a tattoo artist. This technique requires professionalism and a sense of color.

Ombre tattooing is performed in one color scheme of different shades. The color of the lips smoothly transitions from the dark contour to the light middle. This effect visually enlarges the lips, emphasizing their fullness.

Ombre technique - before and after

Ombre tattoo

Execution technique

Lip tattooing is permitted only in a salon or clinic. The procedure requires complete sterility of the room and instruments.

Procedure steps:

  1. Drawing up a sketch and drawing it. During a conversation with the client, the cosmetologist determines the makeup technique, the color scheme suitable for the patient, and decides how problems that require correction will be removed.

  2. Drawing a sketch on the lips, treating the contour with a disinfectant, fixing it with pinpoint cuts.
  3. Conducting anesthesia. A numbing ointment or gel is placed into the punctures created to block the nerve endings.
  4. Introducing the coloring pigment with a machine under the skin to a depth of 0.4-0.8 mm.
  5. Shading makeup, erasing clear boundaries when creating an ombre or 3D effect.
  6. Applying a soothing and disinfecting gel or balm.

The duration of the session is from 1 to 3 hours. The longest procedures are 3D tattoo and ombre, carried out in 2 stages. After permanent makeup, the lips become very swollen and covered with a crust, which dries out over time and falls off.

How to choose a color for lip tattoo: palette

When choosing a color for a tattoo, remember that this color will be with you for a long time. Don’t rush to bright shades - after a while you may get bored with them, and besides, you will need to adjust your entire wardrobe and accessories to match the color of your lips.

It is best to choose a natural, discreet shade. An experienced master who knows the science of color will definitely help you make a choice, recognizing your skin type, and will tell you how to properly care for your tattoo so as not to cause color changes.

If the color you see on your lips is different from what you chose, do not rush to panic - after healing, the brightness will become less. But the final color deformation can occur for several reasons:

  • Bad equipment
  • Poor quality pigments (Taiwan, for example)
  • The color is wrong for your face type
  • The puncture is too deep

Tattoo pigment color

Consequences of unsuccessful procedure

The consequences of an unsuccessful procedure can be aesthetic or medical in nature. Aesthetic problems are that the pigment appears unevenly or the color is very different from the intended one.

In addition, the following health problems are possible::

  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infection and development of inflammation.

To eliminate the risk of an unsuccessful procedure, you need to contact an experienced specialist in trusted clinics. But when turning to self-taught people, the likelihood that the result will not please you is very high.

How long does lip tattoo last?

Even the master won’t give you the exact answer to this question. In each case, the duration of the effect is individual, it is influenced by:

  • Age - the older you are, the longer the tattoo lasts, this is due to the speed of metabolic processes in the body
  • Color – rich tones last longer
  • Skin type - the oilier the skin, the faster the pigment fades
  • External factors - weather, care, decorative or medicinal cosmetics

The average “life” of a tattoo is about 2 years. Over time, the colors fade or disappear completely, so it is necessary to carry out correction once every 1.5-2 years. Each time the makeup lasts longer.

Lip tattoo correction

Correction of permanent lip makeup

Correction and Color Correction Rules: When you make a minor mistake in shaping, you can use a magic color over the area for masking.

Color Correction Rules: Color correction is necessary when permanent makeup changes color or fades to blue, gray, greenish blue, grayish blue, pink, orange, purple or in between colors due to years of fading. The lips may even turn blue or brownish-black.

Remember that colors fade to different shades; some are darker, medium or light. For darker shades, you'll use color correction directly on the area or spots.

Methods for correcting permanent lip makeup

  • Color Adjustment: This method is used when the lip tattoo shape is good but the color is bad, such as orange, blue or purple. Corrective pigment color is implanted (tattooed) over faded makeup to “neutralize” it towards a more natural shade. Improvement is usually noticeable immediately, but the color correction may take several weeks to heal and stabilize to the desired result. In addition, more than one color corrective micropigmentation appointment may be required to achieve the best healing of the coating.

  • Adjusting the Shape: Sometimes the shape of the lips is not “terrible”, but it will look better with some changes. In these cases, an additional makeup tattoo can improve the shape, symmetry, or balance of the makeup. However, the tattooing required to correct the lips can increase the thickness too much. If the additional tattoo doesn't look good, the alternatives are to remove some of the old pigment or do nothing.

How long does lip tattoo take to heal?

We can talk about complete healing in about 15-30 days. You will go through the following steps:

  • The first 6-7 hours - swelling of the lips is observed
  • 1-2 days - lips become wet. In this case, blot your lips with a napkin or cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine (you can use a miramistin solution). Do not rub under any circumstances
  • 5-6 days - formation of crusts on the lips. Do not soak, peel or rub them. The crusts promote healing of the lips and will peel off on their own, having fulfilled their function.
  • 10-14 days - appearance of a film (secondary crust)

Lip healing after tattooing

Result after procedure and care

After permanent makeup, lips require careful care:

  • In the first days, a brown crust appears at the site of the incisions, dries and disappears after 2-3 days. Instead, a white film forms on the lips, which cannot be wetted or removed due to the risk of infection with the herpes virus.
  • If the injured area turns blue and swells, it should be washed with Miramistin (Chlorhexidine) and treated with Bepanten ointment. The cream is applied pointwise with a cotton swab; you should not lubricate your mouth with your fingers. From the 2-3rd day, disinfection treatment stops. The ointment must still be applied 2-3 times a day.

For 7 days from the date of tattoo creation you cannot:

  • consume fatty, salty, fried, spicy foods, coffee and alcohol;

  • eat hot or cold food;
  • wash with tap water (only cool, boiled water);
  • sunbathe, visit the sauna, swimming pool, gym;
  • swim in open water;
  • kiss;
  • apply makeup;
  • remove protective crusts from wounds yourself.

After applying such makeup, you should not drink, touching the edges of the glass with your lips (only through a straw), or take ultraviolet baths. All prepared dishes must be served warm. You should be extremely careful when brushing your teeth. Toothpaste that gets on the skin can eat away at the pigment, causing white spots to form.

For 5 days, the lips may remain swollen, and blue discoloration may appear at the puncture site.

Immediately after the procedure, the mouth appears unnatural due to bright pigmentation. After 6-7 days, the skin will be completely restored, the makeup will acquire the desired shade and shine. You should not do permanent makeup in the summer due to the high risk of infection and the aggressiveness of ultraviolet rays.

Possible complications:

  • Fever . Most often, an increase in temperature is caused by the body's reaction to pain and stress. In most cases, the condition normalizes on its own.
  • Inflammatory process (suppuration) in the puncture area . The problem is treated with Levomekol ointment, applied with a cotton swab 3 times a day.
  • Itching appears . An unpleasant symptom may be associated with the healing process or indicate an infection. In the second case, the itching is accompanied by fever.
  • Herpes. Occurs 2-3 days after the procedure if preventive measures (taking Acyclovir) are neglected.

The occurrence of side effects requires prompt medical consultation.g

Lip tattoo after healing: before and after photos

Immediately after tattooing, the permanent looks very bright. Don't worry, the saturation will decrease after healing.

Lip tattoo: healing process Lip tattoo: before and after

After complete healing, it becomes clear whether the tattoo requires correction.

Lip tattoo: before the procedure, healing, final result

Care for permanent lip makeup

Maintenance procedures are as important to preserving the pigment as the implantation process itself. During this period, the main task is to allow the process to be sealed within the dermis. Your compliance will ensure that you receive maximum benefit from the procedure and reduce inconvenient follow-up visits.

Evaluation of your results should be delayed until three weeks to one month after the final procedure. Immediately after the procedure, your lips may feel rough and stained, but they will soften and look more natural as they heal.

Again, the intensity of the treatment is most noticeable after the treatment itself.

Over the next 3-7 days, the outer layer of color will appear crispy and begin to flake off. Extra care should be taken while the treated area is healing. Under no circumstances should you choose to scratch or rub the treated area or attempt to remove the scab. Removing the scabs may remove the actual pigment and/or infection may occur. It is important that this protective “cover” remains throughout the entire healing process (three to seven days). As the outer layer peels off, you will notice that the color is lighter and softer. Over the next two weeks, the color that was implanted under the skin will move forward.

Contraindications for lip tattooing

Since tattooing is a serious intervention in the body, there are a number of contraindications for this procedure:

  1. Minority
  2. Colds
  3. Herpes. Before going to the specialist, you should treat
  4. Pregnancy and lactation
  5. Moles or birthmarks in the tattoo area
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  7. Diseases of the circulatory system
  8. Oncological diseases
  9. HIV and AIDS
  10. Diabetes
  11. Epilepsy

Is it worth getting a lip tattoo?

Beautiful lips are a woman’s dignity. Each woman makes her own choice about what she is willing to do for the sake of beauty. Permanent makeup allows you to feel confident and not reach for the mirror after drinking coffee or eating an apple.

Lip tattooing will provide brightness to pale lips, add volume to thin lips and correct uneven contours. In general, lip tattooing has many advantages:

  • Changing the shape of the lips
  • Saving time and money on makeup
  • Good appearance regardless of weather and circumstances

However, think before you decide to have the procedure, be prepared to face some disadvantages of the procedure:

  • Soreness
  • Healing
  • Need for correction
  • Unsuccessful result (distortion of shape, color, etc.)
  • Expensive and painful tattoo removal

Preparation for the procedure

Permanent lip makeup, accompanied by shading and contouring, requires advance preparation. Within 7 days before the session, it is necessary to undergo herpes prevention by taking the drug Acyclovir orally (one time per day). Everyone should take the tablets, even women who have not previously suffered from viral pathologies.

If preventive measures are neglected, herpes blisters will appear in the micropunctures on the 2-3rd day, resulting from severe trauma to the skin and decreased immunity.

In addition to the defect in appearance, the virus has the ability to “eat” the coloring pigment and after adding rashes, “white spots” will appear at the site of the former formations, nullifying the entire tattoo. It is also necessary to take the drug 3 days after completing makeup.

In addition to Acyclovir, the following should be avoided the day before the session:

  • tea;
  • coffee;
  • carbonated lemonade;
  • seafood.

This food and drink thins the blood, which will lead to trouble during punctures. Aspirin is also not allowed. Doctors strongly recommend artificially increasing immunity before permanent makeup by taking a preventive course of “Immunal” and vitamin C.

It is prohibited to apply permanent makeup to persons suffering from:

  • oncological neoplasms;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • herpes;
  • acute respiratory infections accompanied by fever;

  • HIV infection;
  • dermatitis or any other skin rashes;
  • mental or nervous disorders.

You should not tattoo your lips:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • for girls during their critical days.

Permanent makeup is done only by a specialist cosmetologist in a sterile office of a cosmetology salon. It is strictly prohibited to apply coloring pigments under the skin yourself.

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