LPG massage: contraindications, pros, cons, features of the procedure and prices for hardware cosmetology at the MEDSI Clinic

Endermolift is a procedure created by specialists from the French company LPG Systems. The initial goal of developing lift massage was to find a way to restore the body after injuries. The effectiveness of massage was proven in the rehabilitation of patients with traumatic lesions, after which this technique began to be used not only in sports medicine, but also in aesthetic cosmetology.

At the moment, endermolift is one of the most popular techniques used in hardware cosmetology. When the procedure is carried out correctly, metabolic processes in the body are normalized, the patient’s figure and general well-being change. The main advantages of LPG massage are the ability to perform it on different parts of the body, a visible reduction in subcutaneous fat, and a minimal number of contraindications and side effects.

Operating principle of LPG devices

The essence of the technique is a mechanical effect on the skin with a vacuum attachment, which is called a manipulator. She pulls in and releases a small area of ​​skin and uses rollers inside to knead it. Up to 16 such manipulations are repeated per second. Contrary to misconceptions, there is no discomfort during the procedure. A prerequisite for an LPG massage is an endermological suit, which completely eliminates pain and improves the glide of the nozzle.

The technique was developed by Louis Paul Guitey, a Frenchman, thanks to whom it bears its name. At first, LPG massage was used for other purposes. Using mechanical action, postoperative scars were softened, making them less hard and noticeable. It was only later that they discovered that the procedure was of interest to cosmetology. Massage makes the skin more elastic and reduces fat deposits.

Unusual name of the procedure

The name of this type of massage comes from the initials of the founder of the method, Louis Paul Huthe - LPG. He came up with a device that in 1973 helped him cope with post-traumatic scars that appeared on the cosmetologist’s body after an accident. Of course, there was no talk of any procedures similar to those carried out on a similar device today. Later, when the effectiveness of this method in combating scars and other irregularities on the skin was proven, other possibilities for using the device began to be considered, in particular, the ability to model the figure and prevent aging of the skin on the face and décolleté.

Who invented the LPG machine

The author of the technique, Louis Paul Gitey, during the recovery period after a car accident, underwent a course of painful massage sessions. Being an engineer, he realized that it was not necessary to torture the patient to get the same effect. As a result, the first LPG device appeared, the name of which is represented by the first letters of its developer. The second common name for the technology is endermology.

Since the advent of the first apparatus, research into the methodology and its improvement have not stopped. The latest development is the LPG integral device. The new technology is called Ergodrive. The manipule captures a large area of ​​the surface being treated and acts more deeply. As a result, a more sustainable and tangible result is achieved.

LPG massage may have other names:

  • endermolifting;
  • lipomassage;
  • cosmechanics;
  • endermological massage;

Possible complications and side effects

Every therapy has some side effects. For LPG massage they are:

  • swelling, redness of the skin - quickly disappear on their own;
  • bruises, hemorrhages are an infrequent phenomenon, and if the massage is performed correctly, most likely it will not even appear;

    Bruising and bruising are uncommon side effects.

  • pain - if it is felt at the very beginning of the session and then quickly passes, there is no need to worry. However, if they are observed until the very end of the procedures, and during each of them, you need to let the specialist know about it. Here one of two things: either the mechanical impact is too intense, or the body is too sensitive to it;

    Patients usually do not feel pain

  • slight chills, fever, both in the first hours after the procedure - this means there is vegetative-vascular dystonia. You can simply relax and drink herbal tea.

Whatever the side effects that appear, the patient must immediately report them to the specialist: then he will be able to adjust the course of therapy.

You should report any side effects to your doctor.

Using LPG massage to solve problems in cosmetology and medicine

During the use of the LPG method, many of its advantages have been discovered. But for the fair half of humanity the aesthetic result is especially interesting:

  • lifting effect;

  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • increasing skin elasticity, smoothing the relief;
  • relaxing effect after physical training;
  • removal of swelling;
  • restoration of skin tone after pregnancy.

In medicine, LPG massage is also effective:

  • eliminates the development of varicose veins at an early stage;
  • reduces rheumatic back pain;
  • helps restore shape after childbirth and injury;
  • softens postoperative adhesions and scars;
  • normalizes blood circulation.

The number of sessions in the course depends on the condition of the tissues. The surprising thing is that its effect does not stop immediately after the completion of the sessions, but continues for another 3 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • deep effect on tissue;
  • absence of any dangers;
  • the result can be seen very soon;

The result is visible very quickly

  • achieving multiple treatment goals;
  • complex result - aesthetic and health-improving;
  • versatility;
  • reliability of the result.

This technique has many advantages


  • high cost of therapy;
  • presence of contraindications;
  • requirement of preliminary diagnostics in order to identify them.

There are much fewer cons

Types of LPG massage

LPG massage is used on any part of the body. But the operating mode and intensity are selected individually by the specialist each time. There are devices with preset programs and the ability to select the impact force, speed and other characteristics.

Depending on the indications, the following types of LPG massage are used:

  • Vacuum. It has the same effect as a can, but in a more gentle mode. Its use reduces the double chin and improves the tone of sagging skin.
  • Vacuum roller. The handpiece draws in a small fold of skin, and the rotating rollers knead it. This therapy is a good way to improve the shape of your figure and get rid of stagnation in the epidermis.
  • Anti-cellulite. The most responsible type of massage, requiring good training of a specialist. It is very popular for eliminating cellulite, regardless of its location.

Patient reviews

Irina, Volgograd

“A friend persuaded me to use the LPG massage service after finding a coupon that gave a big discount. The fact that I lost 10 kg and lost 8 cm in my waist was a big surprise. This massage is done using a bandage suit. The doctor said that it was needed so that there would be no severe pain during the procedure. One such suit, costing 500-600 rubles, will last the entire course, and can even be worn for subsequent courses. This product is made from dense and strong material. There are bandage suits in different sizes.

During the session I felt pleasant sensations, and the result was wonderful. However, I continue to go to the gym. I drank a lot of water. It is necessary that the doctor is good and performs the procedure correctly. I tried four techniques on myself. If you moisturize your skin with special products, it will make it more beautiful. I will continue my massage course! Another good thing is that there is lightness in the spine (I have “earned” three hernias in my life), the pain there has decreased, thanks to which I have not taken analgesics for several months now. This hasn’t happened for a long time.”

Girls respond positively to the procedure

Elena, Moscow

“Once upon a time I went for an LPG massage. An excellent method to recover after childbirth. Although, due to the individual characteristics of the body, the process of the sessions caused severe pain, I completed them all. I think I need to go again to look my best during the beach season.”

Sofia, St. Petersburg

“So far I have only completed a couple of sessions, but the result is already noticeable. My figure has become toned. According to the specialist, the device is simply wonderful. He said that even an intense classical massage did not give a similar result. Clients do not lose excess weight at first, but their figure is perfectly toned. And from the 5-6th session, weight loss begins.”

LPG massage pleases many with its results

Natalia, Moscow

“Because of my specialty (dressmaker), sometimes I need to not only dress my clients, but also undress them. Not long ago I came to a great and pleasant shock from the figure of one woman. Toned body and simply amazing legs! She has smooth legs, well, just like the legs from the ad with sliding scarves. And the client told me that this is the result of the fact that she completed the LPG course. Thanks to him, she lost 12 cm in her waist and 5 cm in her hips. And the bonus was that I felt much better. Now I’ll go too!”

Calling fire on ourselves

Contraindications for endermology:

  • oncological diseases and benign tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute infectious process and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • skin rash;
  • painful varicose veins.

I decided to personally check whether LPG is as good as they say it is. After work, I went to a multidisciplinary medical center that boasted one of the most modern models of equipment.

A separate room is reserved for the miracle of technology. I don’t remember if there was a sign on the door “do not enter without an invitation”... But there was definitely something like that, because I changed clothes without fear.

Unlike manual massage, where the client must be naked, in LPG disposable special panties and special overalls are put on the naked body. White, thin as a stocking and just as tight. It’s a real hassle to get in while you’re putting your arms and legs in, but it looks hi-tech and sexy.

Before being placed on a high massage table, I was asked in detail what exactly I wanted to get from the procedure. The program that will be launched depends on this. For example, you can choose relaxation, destruction of fat deposits, fight against cellulite, etc. I wanted everything at once, so I had to settle on something between a restorative and anti-cellulite massage with an emphasis on problem areas.

While the woman doctor activated the necessary endermology program, I looked over her shoulder with interest and watched obscure inscriptions jumping on the screen of the LPG unit. This is probably how a Chukchi would feel if he found himself in a space mission control center...

The achievement of high technology reminded the time machine from the film “Guest from the Future”: without handrails, but with a long hose tail. As it turns out later, it was this tail, as conceived by engineer L.-P. Gautier must act as the massage therapist's hands.

The sides were bruised

“The procedure will take a little more than half an hour, if it hurts, tell me,” the owner of LPG warned me. She reacted very skeptically to my willingness to endure for the sake of beauty.

It turns out that pain is stress and a signal warning our body of danger. This also applies to skin. Sensing something is wrong, she immediately turns on the defense system and ceases to adequately perceive beneficial effects. So it is not recommended to pretend to be a martyr in a massage parlor; this is not a sadomasochistic salon.

I climbed onto the table, made myself comfortable and relaxed, the doctor took the trunk hose in her hands. The procedure has begun.

Through the thin layer of the special overalls, the wide tip of the hose stuck to me. From the vacuum, the skin lifted slightly and fell between rotating rollers arranged in two rows - the main working unit of the LPG device. Having properly stretched the resulting fold, the tip (as if “rolling” it) gently and smoothly slid further, processing more and more new areas. I won’t say it’s very pleasant, but it’s quite tolerable. You can imagine yourself as a carpet being vacuumed.

After about ten minutes, on command, I turn over from my back to my stomach, the work on my body continues. Experts claim that at this stage of the massage, blood flow in small blood capillaries and lymphatic vessels improves. As a result, swelling disappears, skin elasticity increases, fatigue goes away, and even somehow (apparently, reflexively) the functioning of the endocrine glands (adrenal glands, ovaries and thyroid gland) is normalized.

The next stage is to work on problem areas: excess fat deposits and cellulite irregularities. The intensity of the device's buzzing, the speed of rotation of the rollers and their pressure on the skin automatically changes. Now I am no longer a carpet, but something like pie dough. I feel in my spinal cord how my fat cells are being destroyed, how cellulite is begging for mercy. And I fall asleep...


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