Rash on the head of the penis in men: red, after sex, small, like an allergy, white and others - what is it? Causes of rashes and treatment |

A rash can be a symptom of many diseases. If rashes appear in the groin area in men, there is a high probability of infection with sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, and the proliferation of opportunistic microflora. The appearance of a rash in the groin area in men is an alarming symptom that requires comprehensive laboratory diagnostics. Therefore, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Specialists at the Diana multidisciplinary clinic will diagnose and treat the causes of unpleasant rashes in men.

Rash in the groin in men: causes

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Groin rash in men affects:

  • scrotum;
  • the shaft and head of the penis;
  • anus and anal area;
  • inner thighs;
  • suprapubic area.

The skin of the penis and inner thighs reacts to the spread of infection by changing its structure, since the epidermis in this area is very thin and sensitive. Therefore, when a rash appears, the skin of the genitals changes texture. Hyperemic spots, small blisters, pimples, hollow blisters, ulcers, erosions, etc. may appear. With genital infections, the rash spreads to the mucous membranes and changes their color.

A rash in the perineal area in men may be a reaction to the following changes in the body:

  • weakening of the immune system (including HIV infection);
  • infection with sexually transmitted infections (staphylococcus, chlamydia, herpes, gonococcus);
  • proliferation of opportunistic flora (candidiasis);
  • endocrine disorders, changes in the production of sex hormones;
  • allergic reaction (to consumed products, contact with synthetic fabric);
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis).

The following factors contribute to the appearance of groin rashes:

  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
  • chaotic sex life;
  • refusal of preventive examinations by a urologist;
  • refusal to use condoms;
  • excess body weight;
  • eating exotic food;
  • alcohol and tobacco abuse.

Causes of recurrence of prickly heat on the penis

After treating prickly heat in a child or adult on the penis, all rashes or other symptoms disappear.

But it often happens that a person goes to the doctor again after a few weeks.

The rash appears again.

What is this connected with?

The appearance of the rash is due to the same reasons as the first episode of the disease.

If prickly heat on the penis appears again, this means that the provoking factors have not been eliminated.

As long as their exposure continues, the disease will recur.

To prevent prickly heat on the penis from recurring, you must:

  • do not wear clothes that are too warm to prevent the skin of the intimate area from sweating;
  • wash every day;
  • If possible, wear loose clothing, providing air ventilation;
  • Shaving hair to facilitate heat transfer and reduce sweating.

It is necessary to promptly identify and treat all diseases that provoke excessive sweating.

This may require additional consultation with doctors of other specializations, for example, an endocrinologist or neurologist.

Drug prevention of relapses is also possible.

The patient treats the skin with antiseptics, washes with antibacterial soap, and uses benzoyl peroxide.

You can also use baby powder.

Most preventive measures are aimed at reducing sweating, drying the skin and killing bacteria on its surface.

Groin rash in men: additional symptoms

Rashes in the genital area in men manifest themselves in different ways. The type and nature of the rash depends on the cause of the dermatological reaction. The rash can be small or large, red, white, pink. The affected areas often disturb the patient with itching or bleeding. Sometimes the blisters burst and serous fluid leaks out.

The clinical picture is often complemented by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the perineum, especially in the testicles;
  • itching in the genital area;
  • pain and burning during urination, ejaculation;
  • swelling of the scrotum and penis;
  • cracks and wounds on the inner thighs;
  • peeling of the skin and formation of scales on the mucous membranes;
  • redness of the anus;
  • open wounds of the perineum that do not heal for a long time;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • the appearance of blood in semen and urine;
  • increased body temperature;
  • muscle and headaches;
  • general weakness.

The set of warning signs is always different, since the clinical symptoms of each disease are individual.

Prickly heat on the penis in children

Most often, prickly heat occurs in children in the first year of life.

This is the result of insufficient skin care or constant overheating.

Reasons for the frequent development of inflammation in children:

  • thin skin;
  • rich blood supply;
  • reaction close to neutral - pH about 6.7, so there is no sufficient protection against bacteria;
  • blood vessels cannot quickly expand or contract to regulate temperature.

Children are often not bathed and aired regularly.

As a result of excessive wrapping, heat transfer is disrupted.

The reason may also be the use of fatty creams, which disrupt the evaporation of moisture and clog the ducts of the sweat glands.

Often in children, prickly heat develops against the background of acute infectious diseases and emerging fever.

The symptoms in a child are the same as in an adult.

With prickly heat, subjective sensations may be absent.

On examination, papules and vesicles are revealed.

Pustules appear less frequently.

The skin may peel and crack.

If itching or pain appears, the child sleeps poorly, is capricious, and behaves restlessly.

Rash in the intimate area in men: sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted diseases are the most common cause of groin rash in men. The infection affects the genitourinary tract and spreads throughout the urogenital tract.

The appearance of rashes on the glans penis, on the skin of the foreskin, and in the scrotum area may be associated with the following sexually transmitted infections:

  • Syphilis.
    The disease begins with the formation of a small ulcer on the head of the penis. Over time, the wound heals, but small red rashes appear in the groin area. A red rash on the glans in men indicates infection, possibly Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis. A small red rash on the head in men with syphilis is observed at the initial stage of the lesion. In the absence of adequate treatment, the disease takes a severe course. The nature of the syphilitic rash in men changes. Ulcers, small nodules, and red spots appear on the penis and perineum. The disease is very dangerous because the bacterium affects the genitourinary organs, mucous membranes and nervous system;
  • Chlamydia.
    This disease is caused by a pathogenic bacterium - chlamydia. Chlamydia rashes appear after a severe weakening of the immune system or the addition of a secondary infection. The rash on the penis in men looks like dense nodules. As the disease progresses, the pimples become covered with scales and merge into a single spot. Chlamydia is dangerous for sexual dysfunction and infertility. The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time, so if you have any unusual symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.
  • Genital herpes
    . Develops when infected with herpes virus type 4. The disease affects the entire surface of the genital organ. Genital herpes in men manifests itself as small blisters filled with serous fluid. After 2-3 days, the bubbles burst, involving the skin adjacent to the affected area in the pathological process. Over time, the rashes form large, weeping wounds. A genital herpes rash can persist for months without adequate treatment. The rashes are itchy and painful. This inevitably negatively affects the physical and psychological state of a man. The disease cannot be cured, but preventive measures can prevent exacerbation and prolong remission.
  • Gonorrhea
    . The disease is caused by gonococcal bacillus, which multiplies on the surface of the epidermis. In this case, a red rash in the groin of men appears near the sites of infection. The rash is an early sign of gonorrhea infection. The first pimples appear on the head of the penis and the frenulum of the foreskin. The bacterium affects the urogenital tract and is able to penetrate the patient’s blood. The latter is dangerous due to the spread of bacteria throughout the body and damage to internal organs.
  • Trichomoniasis
    . The disease almost always occurs without symptoms, so in most cases it takes a chronic form. With chronic trichomoniasis, a red rash appears on the penis and testicles. The rash is constantly itchy and can spread to the entire perineum. The disease is accompanied by pathological discharge from the urethra.
  • Human papillomavirus.
    The presence of the virus in the body is detected in every second patient. In men, the disease manifests itself as rashes in the form of genital warts. Sometimes the rashes look like small white pimples. Condylomas appear on the head, foreskin, shaft of the penis, scrotum, pubis, and around the anus. Warts are usually painless, but they can become injured if they come into contact with clothing or during sex. This causes discomfort. HPV requires constant medical monitoring, since the papilloma virus is the main cause of genital cancer.

A rash due to STDs in men requires immediate specialist intervention. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests to determine the type of pathogen. Timely determination of the cause of an unpleasant symptom allows you to choose the right treatment and avoid complications.

Specifics of treatment

The features of treatment measures are determined by the cause of the pathological condition. Detection of candidal balanitis requires antifungal therapy. This includes prescribing appropriate medications. More often the use of (one or more drugs) is required:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Pimafucorta;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Diflucan;
  • Flucostat;
  • Terbinafine.

When a patient approaches at the initial stage of development of the pathological process, the use of antifungal ointment for 2 weeks is sufficient for treatment. When the disease is advanced or chronic, combination therapy is necessary. It includes the use of local agents (ointments) and systemic exposure (taking tablets).

Detection of genital herpes requires urgent treatment measures. Typically they include:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Valtrex;
  • Famvira;
  • Zovirax.

If necessary, antihistamines are indicated to reduce itching.

Infection with human papillomavirus requires several types of treatment. Antiviral drugs are used to influence the causative agent of the pathological process. Removal of genital warts is carried out using a laser or coagulation. In any case, therapy is individual and determined by the type of disease.

Treatment is not required for pearly papules and Fordyce granules. The occurrence of formations in this case is normal in some people. Sometimes removal is performed due to cosmetic discomfort. However, this does not guarantee the absence of subsequent rashes.

If psoriasis is detected, individual treatment tactics are necessary. It includes the purpose:

  • special ointments and creams;
  • corticosteroids;
  • immunostimulants;
  • physiotherapy (for example, photophoresis, UVA).

Thrush rash in men

The cause of a white rash on the head of the penis in men can be a fungal infection. Some types of fungi normally inhabit the sexual microflora, others penetrate from the external environment. Active reproduction of fungal microorganisms leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Fungi of the genus Candida most often affect the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Candidiasis or thrush in men often develops when the immune system is weakened, less often when infected during sex. With candidiasis, men develop a rash and itching on the head. Over time, unpleasant symptoms spread throughout the perineum.

Thrush rashes are accompanied by constant itching in the groin area, and the mucous membranes are covered with a white coating. Often the external genitalia swell and hurt when in contact with underwear. A rash on the genitals in men due to thrush is accompanied by irritation of the affected areas. A burning sensation is felt in the penis area, which intensifies when urinating.

Diagnostic features

Diagnostic measures to identify the causes of irritation include several procedures. These include:

  • visual examination;
  • taking an anamnesis (obtaining information about when the rash on the head appeared in the form of red dots or white spots, what preceded it, whether there were unprotected intimate contacts, whether the rash on the head appeared after intimacy immediately or after a lapse of time);
  • examination using laboratory methods (antibody testing, microscopy, polymerase chain reaction testing).

After the diagnosis, the doctor makes a diagnosis. Identification of diseases requires appropriate treatment.

HIV rash in men

Redness and rash on the head in men can also appear when infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV rashes are localized on the genitals and in the oral cavity.

The rash associated with HIV infection in men looks like small papular pimples. This is the main sign of infection. However, the disease may be accompanied by a set of other symptoms:

  • heat;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin;
  • stomach upset (diarrhea, nausea);
  • increased sweating;
  • weight loss;
  • constant feeling of fatigue.

If herpes is present in the patient’s body, the virus quickly activates due to weakened immunity. Watery blisters appear in the mouth and genitals, which burst, forming an itchy sore. Ulcers do not heal for a long time even with intensive treatment.

HIV rash in men at the initial stage affects the glans, frenulum and shaft of the penis. Activation of the virus leads to the spread of rashes. Red spots, small pimples, ulcers may appear on the face, chest, abdomen, and shoulders. At the last stage of development of the disease, the rashes take on the appearance of boils and tubercles. And the red spots turn purple or purple.

HIV is a serious disease that often ends in the death of the patient. If the patient notices papular rashes on the genitals, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is completely impossible to get rid of the virus, but a modern approach to maintenance therapy allows patients with this diagnosis to live a full life.

Treatment of prickly heat on the penis

To treat prickly heat in adults on the penis, it is necessary first of all to create favorable conditions for drying the skin.

It is necessary to reduce sweating and improve heat transfer.

Air access to the problem area should be ensured.

For this, loose clothing made from natural fabrics is used.

With a mild form of prickly heat, this is enough to cure.

All rashes disappear within a week.

If the disease does not go away or progresses, ointments and sometimes systemic medications are needed.

Antibacterial agents are used.

You can wash the intimate area with antiseptics.

Calcium permanganate, zinc oxide are used to accelerate the healing of skin damage, and talc to reduce skin moisture.

For severe itching, hormonal ointments containing betamethasone or hydrocortisone can be used.

You can also use menthol-based cooling agents to reduce itching.

In case of a fungal infection, creams with miconazole or clotrimazole are prescribed.

Fluconazole or itraconazole is taken orally.

If a bacterial infection occurs, antibiotic ointments may be required.

Tetracycline and erythromycin are used.

Antibiotics can also be prescribed orally if the inflammation has spread to deep areas of the skin.

Thus, the treatment regimen for prickly heat on the penis may be different.

Therapy should be selected by a doctor.

Rashes due to pediculosis pubis

Pediculosis pubis is an infestation of lice in the intimate area. The disease in men is severe, sometimes the parasites spread to the eyelids and eyebrows. With this disease, a pinpoint rash and irritation appear in the pubic area.

With lice pubis, the rash in the groin area in men itches constantly. Unbearable itching leads to the formation of injuries and weeping wounds. This condition is dangerous due to the addition of a secondary infection. The pubic skin gradually thickens and becomes dense. Lice are located at the root of the hairs, so they are easy to spot. Lice practically do not move, parasitizing a certain area. Therefore, skin manifestations may be focal. Pediculosis is contagious and requires immediate treatment.

Nature of the rash

Rashes that appear on the intimate area can be of different types. Depending on the structure of education, they are divided into:

  • purulent, when the formed tubercles are filled with pus (indicate the presence of an infection caused by staphylococci and streptococci);
  • papules, characterized by the appearance of elevations of small height and with a smooth surface (may be a consequence of a viral disease);
  • large pimples when the size of the formation is more than 1 cm (the presence of a cyst should be excluded).

The spots can be white or red. White formations indicate blockage of the sebaceous glands. The reasons for this may be hormonal imbalance or insufficient hygiene. Treatment for the formation of white spots is usually not prescribed.

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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Red spots are a consequence of infectious processes. Their occurrence requires a mandatory visit to the doctor.

Hepatitis C rash in men

Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver of a viral nature. The disease can occur in mild or severe form. However, the main symptom of any form of the disease is a rash on the skin with itchy patches. Over time, the rash may spread to the mucous membranes.

With hepatitis C, the rash on the skin of the genital organs in men can have a different character. With this disease, the following types of rashes are observed:

  • urticaria - small nodular rash;
  • pink spots with pinpoint hemorrhage;
  • bluish spots in which the capillary network is clearly visible;
  • acne with pus.

The affected areas are constantly itching, so scratching may appear in the perineum. This brings additional discomfort because the wounds bleed and hurt. In this case, a secondary infection may enter the wound.

A rash on the penis in the form of urticaria as an isolated symptom cannot be considered a sign of hepatitis. This disease is also accompanied by other specific symptoms:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • temperature increase;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • bad breath;
  • sleep disorder;
  • fainting, headache.
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