Redness under the arms - causes and methods of treatment

Many people are familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as itching in the armpit. It occurs under the influence of irritating chemical and mechanical factors, quickly disappears or returns again and again. Scratching the affected area leads to inflammatory reactions. Before using ointments and gels to eliminate the problem, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence. The skin in the armpits is very delicate and needs constant care.


In order to stop the development of pathology and begin treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause that led to the development of such disorders in the condition of the skin in the armpits.
Most often, the problem is a violation of hygiene requirements, as a result of which harmful bacteria actively multiply on the skin of the armpits. In some cases, underarm irritation is a symptom of a more serious health problem. This could be a decrease in immunity, diabetes, or a sign of endocrine pathologies. In women, such conditions usually occur during periods of hormonal changes, and in men - during active sports. The most common cause of skin irritation in the armpit area is poor personal hygiene. When sweating occurs, the skin of the armpits, remaining constantly moist, suffers from a lack of oxygen, which affects the condition of the epidermis.

To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. It is important to avoid wearing clothes and underwear made of synthetic materials, since a lack of oxygen will sooner or later lead to redness of the skin, the appearance of rashes with itching and pain.
  2. Avoid the misuse of deodorants and antiperspirants, which can clog the glands that produce sweat. Finding no way out, sweat accumulates under the skin and causes inflammation. Firstly, you don’t need to apply deodorant immediately to wet skin after washing. And secondly, many deodorants contain substances that are not entirely beneficial for the skin, which can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Do not use low-quality washing powders for washing clothes and bedding. Undissolved grains can remain in the fibers of the fabric, and upon contact with the skin, cause redness with itching and irritation.
  4. It is important to be careful when shaving hair in the armpit area, as the razor can leave microtrauma on the skin, which serves as favorable conditions for the existence of bacteria.

Sensitive skin is more prone to irritation and can react to the slightest conditions of discomfort. Overheating, tight clothing, careless injury to the skin, all these conditions are threatening and can lead to irritation.

After shaving

When planning to shave hair in the armpit area, you must act very carefully and be sure to prepare for this procedure. First of all, it is better to treat the razor that will be used with a disinfectant solution, and the skin should be washed well with hot water and soap. After shaving, the treated area of ​​skin is wiped with an antiseptic.

However, often even after following all the recommendations, itching and redness occur on the skin. Vaseline, Hydrocortisone ointment or Levomycetin in the form of a solution will help eliminate them. You can try to eliminate irritation with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, and lemon juice.

After deodorant

If skin irritation in the armpits occurs as a result of a reaction to the use of a deodorant, then they no longer use it, but try to purchase some kind of hypoallergenic anti-sweat product. Also, you need to try to reduce the severity of inflammation by using for this purpose a decoction of chamomile, sea salt, as well as zinc ointment, medicinal cream with extracts of aloe, rosemary, sea buckthorn oil, and propolis.

A woman may develop diaper rash if she wears sanitary pads not only during menstruation, but every day. Adult women also experience diaper rash in the groin area if they choose synthetic underwear or clothing. What other reasons can cause diaper rash?

An adult can suffer from such an unpleasant phenomenon for a number of reasons:

  • hyperhidrosis, when a person suffers from increased sweating;
  • excess weight – against this background there may be excess secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • improper or insufficient hygiene;
  • immunity is weakened;
  • diabetes;
  • if you are allergic to food or any ingredients that you use while showering.

Diaper rash occurs due to prolonged exposure of the skin to the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands. They contain substances that irritate the skin. This provokes an inflammatory process.

Favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms are created in the folds of the skin: elevated temperature, good nutrient medium, lack of direct lighting, high humidity, poor ventilation, etc.

Therefore, due to the influence of accompanying factors, bacteria, fungi and viruses easily multiply in contacting skin surfaces.

Causes of diaper rash:

  1. increased sweating - manifests itself in a person with a fever (especially if he is wrapped up) or under the influence of any other heat;
  2. increased formation of sebum (skin diseases, obesity);
  3. friction of adjacent skin surfaces;
  4. urinary or fecal incontinence - especially in older people with poor care;
  5. poor drying of the skin after swimming;
  6. underwear and bed linen made of synthetic fabrics;
  7. discharge from fistulas;
  8. skin diseases;
  9. haemorrhoids;
  10. allergic reaction to any hygiene products;
  11. decreased local and general immunity.

Treatment is the same as for diaper rash in children. However, depending on the patient's condition, antibiotics and corticosteroids may be prescribed.

Ointment for diaper rash in adults helps to quickly restore the skin and relieve unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning). Medicines used to treat adults differ from medicines for children in composition and effectiveness. Some of them are approved for use in infants.

The main factors for the occurrence of the disease: urinary incontinence, skin sensitivity, wearing underwear made of synthetic fabric, lack of personal hygiene, diabetes, excess weight, excessive sweating.

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Diaper rash is an inflammatory skin condition that can be caused and aggravated by various factors. These include: humidity, heat, lack of sufficient air circulation, friction between the folds of the skin. Sweat, urine and excrement can all contribute to the development of this skin problem.

The causes of irritation in the armpit can be classified into two groups:

  1. violation of hygiene;
  2. serious diseases (not only skin diseases).

Diaper rash occurs due to the negative and long-term effects of secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands on the skin. But not only that. Diaper rash can be a sign of skin irritation from ammonia (ammonia is formed as a result of the breakdown of salts in urine and sweat in clothing and skin folds).


A rash under the arms may indicate the presence of a certain disease caused by fungus, bacteria, mites and other pathogens. In this case, only a specialized specialist can diagnose the problem, based on appropriate laboratory analysis.

The list of the most common skin diseases that provoke the appearance of rashes under the arms includes:


The fungus of the Candida family is constantly present in the human body. If provoking factors occur, it can begin to actively and uncontrollably multiply, which will lead to a disease such as Candidiasis. As a rule, the main reasons for its appearance are improper hygiene or insufficient care of the skin and mucous membranes.

Candidiasis is characterized not only by rashes in different parts of the body, but also by severe itching, an unpleasant odor, inflammation and swelling of the tissues. Contrary to popular belief, the fungus is localized not only on the genitals, although this is its favorite place. It can breed in all moist and warm areas of the human body, and the armpits are one such place.

You can become infected with Candidiasis not only during sexual intercourse, but also when visiting public places such as a sauna, steam bath or swimming pool. Infection at home is also possible, for example, if you use someone else’s hygiene products or the same towel.

Candidiasis necessarily requires effective and timely treatment

Despite the complexity of therapy, fighting the disease is very important from the point of view of maintaining one’s health, since the fungus in advanced cases can spread to the entire body


Acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and adjacent tissues. This disease occurs quite often. At the site of inflammation, a boil appears - an impressive size pimple with a purulent core. It causes a lot of inconvenience, not only moral, but also physical, as it hurts a lot.

It is strictly not recommended to squeeze out a boil at home. There is a risk that the pus will not be completely removed, causing the infection to spread. A complication of furunculosis is blood poisoning. In addition, mechanical damage to tissue can lead to the formation of scar tissue.

Therefore, it is recommended to treat furunculosis under the supervision of a doctor. As a rule, abscesses mature and open on their own, but the doctor, at the request of the patient, can perform an opening operation earlier.


Chronic skin disease of unknown origin. It is assumed that it is infectious and allergic in nature. Difficulties in determining the type of pathogen cause the fact that today psoriasis is an incurable disease. Modern medicine can only reduce symptoms, thereby easing the patient’s condition.

Nodular and scaly rashes characteristic of psoriasis also appear under the arms. They provoke swelling and redness of the skin, and itching is present. The skin becomes as if tight, making it difficult for the patient to raise his arms. Sweat increases irritation, and therefore such people often have to walk with their arms out to the side.


An acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by pronounced symptoms and a tendency to relapse. The non-contagious disease, however, causes significant discomfort to the patient. Eczema can appear due to exposure to external irritants, such as temperature, chemicals or mechanical influence, as well as diseases of internal organs, in particular the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and endocrine system.

Rashes under the armpits, on the arms, legs, body and other parts of the body that are purulent, scaly and blistering in nature are the external manifestations of eczema. Symptoms include severe itching and a feeling of skin tightness.

The true cause of the rash under the arms will be clarified only after visiting a specialized specialist. In this case, self-medication is strictly not recommended, as this can lead to a significant worsening of the situation. In most cases, such a rash does not pose any threat to health, but sometimes it can still indicate the presence of some pathological processes in the human body.


Allergies from sweat are quite common. It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease. But thanks to special preventive recommendations, you can control your condition to avoid an unpleasant reaction to sweat. To avoid the discomfort associated with increased sweating, you need to:

  1. Refuse to wear things made of synthetic materials.
  2. Do not be exposed to sunlight for a long time.
  3. Do not visit baths, saunas, or take a hot bath.
  4. Completely eliminate certain foods from your diet. Allergy sufferers are contraindicated in anything hot, spicy, salty or spicy, as under the influence of these dishes an increase in sweating occurs.
  5. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  6. To get rid of excessive sweating, you need to use special talcum powder.
  7. Monitor your emotions, as during excessive emotions there is an increase in sweat secretion.

An allergic reaction to sweat can cause a lot of trouble for a person. There are no medications that can help get rid of the disease. But following preventive advice will help alleviate the condition and improve the quality of life.

Diagnosis and treatment

diaper rash under the arms in adults treatment

The causes of this disease can be many factors that are associated with poor personal hygiene. Excess weight, excessive sweating, allergic reactions - all this can lead to diaper rash in the armpits in adults.

The onset of the disease is accompanied by itching and burning, severe pain, and discomfort. These are all alarming signals; our body is trying to pay attention to the problem. If this issue is not resolved in time, diaper rash will quickly become covered with cracks, through which fungi, bacteria and infections can enter the body.

Therefore, diaper rash in the armpits in adults is not as insignificant a problem as it might seem. First of all, you need to treat the affected area with a disinfectant, collect excess moisture, and then contact a professional who will prescribe you a longer treatment.

The most common remedies for treating diaper rash are zinc ointment and vegetable oils. Herbal infusions of chamomile, oak bark and sage also have a strong regenerating effect; they have antiseptic properties and slightly dry the wound.

It is also necessary to avoid friction with clothing items. People can be treated for diaper rash for years without even thinking that sometimes it is enough to change the type of underwear and hygiene habits. If you notice that the disease is rapidly developing, be sure to consult a doctor. Sometimes diaper rash becomes the cause of serious infectious diseases.

The groin is treated with fungicidal preparations. This may be a cream or tablets for systemic use. If an adult suffers from diaper rash in a very advanced stage, that is, weeping wounds have appeared, apply compresses soaked in solutions of copper sulfate, zinc or resorcinol.

When fluid stops oozing from the affected area, glucocorticoids are prescribed, and an ointment for diaper rash in adults may also be prescribed. In order to speed up skin healing, you need to additionally treat diaper rash with sea buckthorn oil and Levomekol.

Products that have an oil or greasy base should be used only after cracks and erosions have completely healed. Otherwise, improper treatment can lead to the inflammation process only intensifying.

If a person suffers not only from diaper rash, but also from a streptococcal infection, then an ointment or cream will not be enough. Your doctor may prescribe vitamins or antibiotics.

Complete elimination of diaper rash can be achieved in 1-2 months. In the first six months, relapses are possible, to avoid which you should adhere to all preventive measures.

Now you know what diaper rash is and what means are needed to combat it. Naturally, they do not threaten life, but they certainly do not make it easier. Therefore, you should get rid of them as quickly and competently as possible.

For armpit fungus, treatment begins only after passing all the necessary tests. Usually there are no problems with making a diagnosis - it is enough to take a sweat sample to detect fungal spores. If there is severe peeling or plaque on the skin, an additional scraping is taken. This allows you to accurately identify the type of mycosis pathogen.

Having discovered the appearance of symptoms under the armpit and suspecting a fungus, adults should not delay a visit to the doctor in order to quickly begin treatment. The sooner therapy is started, the easier it is to get rid of the problem, otherwise mycosis will become chronic and will begin to remind itself with every episode of weakening of the immune system.

It is not difficult to cure mycosis, the main thing is to know how to treat the fungus under the arms in order not only to relieve the symptoms, but also to completely destroy the pathogen. If treatment is insufficient, fungal spores will remain on the skin, and the disease will appear again some time after stopping the use of drugs.

The main line of treatment is to use a cream, gel or ointment for underarm fungus. It is better to consult with a specialist about the choice of drug, but all antifungal ointments act approximately the same, the main thing is to use them correctly. Preference is given to broad-spectrum drugs.

Additionally, you can use folk remedies. They will not cure the fungus, but will speed up recovery when used in combination with medications.

You should also adhere to the rules of hygiene - regularly rinse your armpits, use high-quality antiperspirants, wear clothes made from natural fabrics that allow the skin to “breathe”.

Regular showering and combating sweating are important both in the treatment and prevention of fungus. Treatment of fungal infection of the armpits is carried out in three stages:

  • antiseptic treatment;
  • decrease in the amount of sweat produced;
  • destruction of the fungus.

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First of all, you should regularly wash your armpits with an antiseptic. It is better to use gentle agents - miramistin or chlorhexidine. This is necessary in order to prevent fungal spores from spreading to healthy skin.

The next stage of treatment is reducing sweating and quality hygiene. To do this, you can use talc or Teymurov's paste. The products are applied after washing the armpits.

Treatment of the essence of the problem is carried out with antifungal agents. Ointment for fungus under the arms is applied to clean and dry skin, after treatment with an antiseptic. Effective drugs that can be used in the fight against mycosis:

  • Clotrimazole (Candide);
  • Nystatin;
  • Tinedol;
  • Lamisil;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Mikonorm.

Clotrimazole or Candide are complete analogues. The drug is active against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Quite quickly eliminates itching and discomfort. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks.

Many doctors consider nystatin to be an outdated drug. Its main advantage is its very affordable cost. The disadvantage is the need for long-term therapy, for a period of 20 days.

Lamisil is one of the most popular drugs

Lamisil is the most popular cream for the treatment of various mycoses. This is a very active drug that quickly eliminates the disease. To completely destroy the fungus, the product must be used for at least 15 days.

Tinedol is a product that is not available in pharmacies, but is distributed through online stores. The cream has gained wide popularity in the treatment of various mycoses. The peculiarity of the drug is its combined composition. In addition to the antimycotic, the cream contains a complex of plant extracts.

Advice: if mycosis under the arms appears not for the first time, it is recommended to use several products at once. The first two weeks it is necessary to use Clotrimazole, then for two weeks therapy with Lamisil or Nystatin is carried out. This treatment regimen will completely eliminate pathogenic microflora and will not give the fungus a chance to develop resistance to the action of antifungal ointments.

Traditional methods of treatment have a right to exist, as they have proven themselves to be a safe and effective means for combating mycoses. However, they cannot completely replace medications. For clarity: you can completely get rid of mycosis of the skin with special ointments in 2-4 weeks; in this case, folk remedies will have to be used for months.

  1. Mix calendula tincture half and half with water and regularly lubricate your armpits with this solution.
  2. Mix apple cider vinegar and water in equal proportions. Make lotions with this solution twice a day.
  3. The most effective remedy for yeast fungi is baking soda. It is necessary to mix baking soda equally with water and apply the resulting paste to the affected skin for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening.

Prevention of mycosis of the armpits is careful hygiene. It is necessary to wash this area twice a day, use antiperspirants with an antiseptic effect, and wear clothes made from natural fabrics.

How to treat allergies?

The first thing to do to successfully get rid of allergies is to stop all contact with the likely causative agent of the reaction . To do this, you should choose another cosmetic product that does not contain a component that arouses an intolerance reaction in the body. After this, the patient can already observe changes in himself towards improving the condition of the body. But the course of treatment does not end there.

Most often, to completely cure allergy symptoms, the doctor uses medication. In this case, there are two types of drugs that are prescribed by the doctor:

  • Antihistamines. They are used to relieve allergy sufferers from all kinds of symptoms of the disease.
  • Antiseptic drugs. They will help get rid of external manifestations of the reaction at the site of contact with the allergen.

Features of allergies to sweat in a child

In children, manifestations of hypersensitivity are often confused with prickly heat. How to distinguish allergies from heat rash in a baby is useful for all mothers to know. Miliaria is caused by disturbances in heat exchange. For example, when a child is dressed too warmly. The most common cause of the problem is the constant use of diapers. Miliaria has similar symptoms to sweat allergies:

  1. The skin turns red and itchy rashes appear.
  2. The spots may appear as blisters filled with liquid.

The problems differ in that prickly heat does not occur in a chronic form and, thanks to proper hygiene and caring for the baby, you can quickly get rid of it. Allergy is a chronic disease. Also, prickly heat rashes appear on the body, and increased sensitivity to sweat is accompanied by a rash on the face.

Diseases whose symptom is itching

It is necessary to choose the right treatment so as not to aggravate the problem.

Contact dermatitis appears as gray-yellow dying cells in the armpit. There is itching and pain in the armpits. The cause of the appearance may be deodorant, depilatory products or after shaving. In case of candidiasis or other fungal diseases, powdery plaque, redness or a pale rash are observed.

Unfortunately, irritation of the skin in the armpits may not occur due to poor hygiene; often this skin condition is a manifestation of serious pathologies, which most often are:

  • The appearance of signs of candidiasis, when the skin in the armpit area becomes inflamed, itchy, and in the absence of timely treatment, the lesion quickly spreads to healthy tissue;
  • The development of psoriasis, when scaly lumps appear in the armpits, accompanied by itching;
  • Disturbances in the endocrine system with the development of diabetes;
  • The formation of hidradenitis, a characteristic sign of which is a very itchy lump with a bluish tint;
  • The appearance of boils;
  • Contact or seborrheic type of dermatitis;
  • Autointoxication of the body.

Any of these conditions can manifest as skin lesions primarily in the armpit area. The manifestations of each disease may differ in appearance, but they are all accompanied by varying degrees of skin inflammation.

Fungus in the armpit

fungus under the armpits in the photo
In addition to the listed reasons for the appearance of allergies in the armpits, special attention in medicine is paid to such a phenomenon as infection with a fungus such as candida or lichen. Typically, people who suffer from vitamin deficiency, excessive sweating and general disorders of the immune system are susceptible to such an infection.

Also, the effect of urticaria can be observed when the integrity of the skin changes for various reasons.

Candidiasis that appears in the armpit area is distinguished by its special symptoms:

  • the formation of zonal diaper rash, which is very itchy and causes pain when scratched;
  • peeling in the folds, and it is often accompanied by a white coating, similar in consistency to flour, usually accompanied by a specific odor;
  • pain can also be caused by cracks caused by a fungus that violates the integrity of the skin.

In addition, the risk of infection is much higher if there is regular contact of the skin of the body with synthetic fabrics, as well as with any damage to the epidermis. The fungus can easily spread to other areas of the body on the hands when scratched.

In addition to candida, itching in the area under the arms can be caused by such types of fungus as pityriasis versicolor, lichen zhibert and linear. Only a qualified dermatologist can diagnose this or that type of infection; he will also determine the cause of the problem and draw up an adequate plan for getting rid of it.

The duration of treatment for fungus in the armpits varies; the course of therapy can be at least five weeks. Sometimes it takes more than 10 weeks to completely get rid of the disease

It is important to review your diet, which will reduce excessive sweating, which has a detrimental effect on the entire therapy process. In addition, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Mikonorm;
  • Tibesil;
  • Lamisil;
  • Clotrimazole.

In addition to the local application of ointments, dermatologists practice additional therapy from the inside using the following tablets:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Itraconazole

It is important to strengthen the body’s immune system during the treatment of fungus in the armpit, since the infection can only be eliminated if one is in complete health

Rash with redness

Disseminated granuloma annulare due to diabetes

In addition to itching, the rash may also be accompanied by redness (dark red to brownish-red). A burning sensation, pain, lumpiness, and clear or yellow discharge may be present. These symptoms may spread to other parts of the body, such as the buttocks or groin.

Some of the most common causes include shaving, fungal infection, candidiasis, folliculitis, HIV, use of certain deodorants, contact dermatitis, disseminated granuloma annulare, lymphoma, cellulitis, lichen, eczema, urticaria and others.

Stages of the disease hidradenitis

There is no clear stage in the development of the disease. It all starts with the appearance of a painful small nodule under the skin in a typical location. It is not visible at first, but can be felt. After 24-48 hours, it increases significantly in size, the skin over it changes color to red, and then to purple-bluish. The pain becomes very severe and often prevents active movements of the limb.

At this moment, in the thickness of the node there is a process of tissue melting, which is manifested by the appearance of fluctuations (when you feel the node, you feel that its center seems to fall under your finger). The skin over the abscess gradually thins until a small hole appears in it, through which thick pus begins to flow. This usually occurs 7-10 days from the onset of the disease. Often, in the absence of treatment for hidradenitis suppurativa, the process ends in the formation of a fistula, through which serous-purulent contents constantly leak.

Subcutaneous tissue is penetrated by a large number of lymphatic vessels. Through them, the infection can spread to neighboring sweat glands. In this case, the general condition of the patient may also suffer. Symptoms of chronic hidradenitis: body temperature rises, fatigue, weakness appear, sleep and performance are disturbed. Due to massive infection, the subcutaneous tissue swells greatly, foci of infection protrude above the skin, which together forms a picture similar to a “bitch udder” (this has become the popular name for the disease).

What it looks like, photo

Depending on the cause of its occurrence, skin irritation may be accompanied by various features. Irritated skin may cause a rash that is white or reddish, the skin may look shiny or pimply, be lumpy, have an odor, ooze pus, be sensitive, and be painful.

In some cases, the skin of the armpits may appear swollen, and the general condition may worsen with sweating, runny nose, headache and sore throat, fever with chills, and even accompanied by joint pain and bone tenderness.

If your health rapidly deteriorates, a rash appears, problems with breathing appear, the face, tongue or lips swell, as well as other serious changes in the condition of the body, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor.


It is enough to quickly raise your arm, bend over or lift a heavy object and thereby stretch the muscles or ligaments of the shoulder joint and chest. And an ordinary blow to the shoulder or an unsuccessful fall can provoke not only a soft tissue hematoma, but also a very significant sprain of muscles or ligaments. The pain and burning under the armpit in this case are not intense, nagging, continuous, aggravated by movement, especially when abducting the arm or trying to lift something difficult.

Painful rashes

To give you a visual idea of ​​what an armpit rash may look like, here are a few images below. But it may look slightly different, depending on factors such as color, skin sensitivity, etc.


Candidiasis – yeast fungal infection

Rash after exposure to poison ivy

Hidradenitis suppurativa – purulent inflammation in the sweat glands

The pain can be dull, sharp or sharp, and the rash can be red, itchy, bumpy, etc. Hidradenitis suppurativa, staphylococcal infection, lichen, cellulitis, urticaria, eczema, folliculitis, some allergic reactions and other diseases can provoke pain rashes in the armpit area.

You can try various home remedies for relief. In addition, various creams or medications can help cope with painful sensations. You should consult your doctor for treatment recommendations.


Candidiasis is a type of mycosis caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Fungal infection in this case is classified as opportunistic - the pathogen is on the surface of the skin even in a healthy person, but the start of the pathological process is associated with immune disorders, exhaustion of the body, dysbiosis, chronic intoxication, and infectious pathologies.

Candidiasis of large folds occurs in the armpit area. It is also called "yeast diaper rash." This disease is often recorded in children of the first year of life and affects, in addition to the axillary fossae, the inguinal folds. It is observed in people with excess body weight - in the armpit area, in the folds under the mammary glands. The rash looks like small blisters, after opening which dark red erosions appear that tend to merge. A clear boundary between healthy and affected skin is noticeable - a shaft of horny scales with mushy whitish layers forms around the rash. Screenings are also observed - new vesicles surrounding an already formed pathological focus.

Irritation under the arms after shaving, what to do

When removing hair in the armpit area with a razor, sensitive skin often becomes irritated, and to prevent this or get rid of inflammation, you can use decoctions of medicinal plants. Most often it is recommended to use a decoction of chamomile and mint, one spoon of which is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused in a thermos.

Lotions are made from the prepared broth. When shaving, it is better to use special razors with several blades, as they cause less damage to the skin. It is not recommended to apply deodorant immediately after completing the procedure, and you should also try to use skin moisturizers. Treatment at home

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When treating irritation in the axillary area, the methods used largely depend on the cause of its occurrence. If pathological changes in the skin are caused by a deodorant or antiperspirant, then you must stop using these products. Methods of carrying out hygiene procedures can also affect the condition of the skin in this area; for sensitive and irritated skin, it is better to use special gels or mild soaps. In the case of a complicated form of dermatitis, the affected areas are treated with alcohol solutions of salicylic or boric acid.

  1. Often, for lesions of this kind, the doctor prescribes combined local preparations containing hormones in the form of Lorinden, Sinoflan, Pimafucort.
  2. To eliminate anxiety and the effects of stress, Novo-Passit, Sedavit or Fitosed are prescribed.
  3. To get rid of itching, take antihistamines such as Zodak, Suprastin or Cetrin.
  4. To eliminate the symptoms of fungal infection, Lamisil, Mikoseptin, Lamikon are used.
  5. To get rid of skin inflammation, products containing zinc oxide are applied to the affected tissues, namely Diaderm, Desyatin, Tsindol and zinc ointment.

For complicated forms of irritation that could not be removed in a timely manner by the measures taken, antibiotics are taken and a diet low in carbohydrates and vitamins are prescribed.

Agents of influence

Manufacturers massively offer two types of anti-perspirant products - deodorants and antiperspirants. According to the principle of action, they have differences and long-term consequences from frequent use. Deodorant is the most popular among consumers. The use of the product is due to its ease of application and effectiveness. The action is based on the principle of neutralizing the smell of sweat due to the components. At the same time, sweating does not decrease, and during the day the effect of the product gradually disappears.

The composition of a deodorant may contain dozens of ingredients, but the main active ingredient is always alcohol. It has a sanitizing effect, neutralizing bacteria, and is a provocateur of allergic reactions, which occurs due to irritation of the skin.

As an alternative to alcohol, some manufacturers produce deodorants based on triclosan. This ingredient has a negative effect on respiratory function, the thyroid gland and also causes allergies; in some countries the component is prohibited. Farnesol has a less harmful effect on the skin. The substance is an extract from natural oils, in particular sandalwood oil. If you want to purchase a safe product, you should purchase one that contains farnesol.

Folk remedies and recipes

As folk methods for treating skin irritation, decoctions of medicinal plants can be quite effective. St. John's wort, oak, sage, chamomile, calendula, mint and oregano are commonly used in this capacity. Using procedures in the form of lotions or rubbing with decoctions, you can remove redness of the skin and avoid irritation.

The reasons for the appearance of red spots can be different, each of them requires an individual approach when choosing a treatment method. With the appearance of such symptoms, folk remedies that use medicinal plants and products available in every home in their recipes are quite effectively dealt with.

If the cause of skin changes is a fungus, then traditional medicine suggests using plants with antifungal properties in the form of eucalyptus, mustard, fir and celandine to eliminate it.

A mixture of poplar and birch buds infused with alcohol is no less effective in reducing the activity of the fungus. The kidneys are crushed in equal quantities and infused in good vodka or alcohol. Before treating the skin, alcohol is diluted with water.

The fungus responds well to treatment with tar; for this purpose, pharmaceutical purified tar and tar soap are used.

Fungal diseases are treated with garlic or radish compresses, however, this remedy should be applied carefully to skin with weeping rashes.

Decoctions of chamomile, lingonberry leaf, and St. John's wort herb help well by relieving the symptoms of itching and eliminating inflammatory processes - they are brewed and drunk as tea.

Preventive recommendations

Following certain rules will avoid irritation on the skin of the armpits and relieve the feeling of discomfort. To do this you should:

  • Prefer to wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • Wash the skin of your armpits with water at least once a day;
  • When shaving in this area, it is important to properly prepare the skin and carry out the procedure using special gels;
  • After shaving, treat the skin against possible penetration of bacteria.

If your skin is sensitive to many components in washing powders or shower gels, you need to choose those that do not cause an allergic reaction. If internal changes are the cause of irritation, you must immediately consult a doctor and eliminate the provoking factors.

You should not wear clothes that fit closely to the skin. You should not wear synthetic fabrics, give preference to natural clothes. It is necessary to wash twice a day, as pathogenic bacteria develop in sweat.

Do not apply deodorant immediately after shaving. Before applying antiperspirant after a shower, you need to let the skin dry completely. In case of skin injuries, you need to treat the damage with an antiseptic. It is better to trim long hair before shaving.

Five unexpected summer allergies: air conditioners, deodorants and swimsuit fasteners

Air conditioning: friend and enemy of allergy sufferers

“In some cases, being in an air-conditioned room can be helpful,” says Clifford Bassett, founder and medical director of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York and author of The New Allergy Solution , “if you have allergies to house dust, pollen, and pollution, then the air conditioner will prevent you from developing symptoms. Allergens, dust and other contaminants settle on the air conditioner filter. However, it needs to be cleaned regularly. If this is not done, then the efficiency of air conditioners decreases sharply, and dirt and toxic substances simply begin to fly in the air.”

“But if you are allergic, live in an apartment building, and you have a built-in general air conditioning system (or find yourself in a hotel with this type of air conditioning), then the manifestations of the disease may intensify. Because your home will contain allergens from the hair of dogs, cats and dust from other apartments. In this case, a hypoallergenic air purifier will help,” notes allergist-immunologist Denisa Fenestroaru from Montefiore Medical Center in New York.

And a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology back in 2004 also found that people who work in buildings with central air conditioning are significantly more likely to get sick overall. Employees who were in the same office space experienced the same symptoms: headaches, weakness, irritation of the mucous membranes and skin. After people left the premises, these symptoms disappeared.

There is another known danger of air conditioners - in rare cases, the water contained in the air conditioners of large buildings may contain Legionella bacteria, upon contact with which Legionnaires' disease develops. According to the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 6,000 cases of Legionnaires' disease were recorded in the United States in 2022 alone. This disease affects the lungs, the immune system, and if a person is weakened, it can even be fatal. Fortunately, home and car air conditioners do not use water to cool the air and are not dangerous in terms of legionellosis.


How to reduce the harm of an air conditioner and get maximum benefits:

– The air conditioner needs to be cleaned – depending on the model – approximately once a year. And the external unit too. Otherwise, even the most advanced unit will still drive dust and dirt.

– You need to do wet cleaning at home.

– The presence of an air conditioner, even an inverter type (these are those that take air from the street and provide air exchange), does not replace ventilation. This should be done at least once a day - for 20 minutes before bed.

– The most comfortable air temperature is 22-24 degrees, don’t set the air conditioner to minimum, you won’t notice how you catch a cold.

– In the car, direct the air conditioner not at your face, but at your feet. This is also safer in terms of colds, and besides, our feet have nerve endings connected to the thermoregulation center. Cool your feet and your whole body will immediately feel less hot.


And 4 more types of summer allergies

1. Allergy to the sun

Sun allergies often manifest as redness and itching in areas of the skin exposed to sunlight. In some people, sun allergies are inherited genetically, in other cases it may be due to the use of various creams or medications. Skin allergy symptoms:

– Spots or papules on the skin that may merge and cover larger areas;

– Formation of bleeding crusts.

Mild sun allergies go away on their own, but in more severe cases, the use of steroid (hormonal) ointments or tablets is necessary. If you have ever had a similar reaction to the sun, you must follow preventive measures, beware of direct rays falling on your skin and wear sun-protective clothing.

2. To sea water

Allergy to sea water is most often also skin allergy - manifests itself in the form of rash and itching. And on vacation, it is often mistaken for other types of allergies associated with food, dust in a hotel room, or plant pollen. But allergy to sea water has characteristics that distinguish it from other types of allergies. This:

– No runny nose, cough, swelling;

– No risk of developing anaphylactic shock.

Due to an allergy to sea water, red spots with a light center may appear on the skin, accompanied by burning and itching. Allergists associate this reaction with reduced immunity. By the way, by allergy to sea water we mean the body’s reaction not to the water itself like H2O, but to the minerals, algae, and plankton it contains. Most often, the skin reacts to the increased salt content in sea water.

3. For deodorants

Allergic reactions that occur when using deodorants are not uncommon. These products contain more than 30 different chemical components that can cause unpleasant skin reactions. In the manufacture of deodorants, agents that block sweat, preservatives, fragrances, alcohols, and essential oils of plants are used. An allergic reaction in the form of redness or itching can occur to any of these components - if you are hypersensitive to them. The risk of developing an allergy to deodorants increases if:

– Diseases of the endocrine system;

– Liver and kidney diseases;

– During menstruation;

– During pregnancy;

– In the presence of skin diseases;

– When immunity decreases.

In order to prevent the development of allergic reactions, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of deodorants.

The most toxic components in them are: aluminum, propylene glycol, parabens, triclosan, talc, silicon dioxide.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the expiration date of the deodorant. Expired products can cause toxic reactions on the skin.

An allergy to deodorant manifests itself in the form of rashes, redness, swelling and itching in the armpit area, as well as peeling of the skin, and intensifies in the heat with profuse sweating.

4. Denim zipper allergy

Nickel metal is widely used in light industry - it is used to make fasteners, buttons, zippers on clothes, coins, pens, watches, bracelets and other accessories. At the same time, allergies to Nicole are quite common, especially in children and adults with reduced immunity and diseases of the endocrine and nervous system. An allergy to nickel in the form of contact dermatitis can also occur when wearing earrings, rings and bracelets containing this metal. As a rule, a nickel allergy manifests itself as:

– Tingling and burning sensations;

– Blisters (in more severe cases).

The only way to treat a nickel allergy is to avoid all items and products that contain nickel. If the fastener on your favorite swimsuit, jeans, skirt or dress is nickel, you can try covering its reverse side with adhesive tape. However, for those who have a severe allergy to nickel, it is better to avoid such clothing, as well as accessories containing this metal.

How to fix the problem?

When a skin disease appears under the arms, it is necessary to get rid of the cause; without this, it is impossible to cure the irritation. To do this, you need to consult a dermatologist, who will decide on the prescription of general and local medications.

Itching, discomfort, and irritation of the armpits can be eliminated using traditional methods:

  • Excessive sweating is well treated with infusion of chamomile flowers. Pour a tablespoon of the dry mixture into 200g of boiling water, leave for half an hour, add apple cider vinegar, wipe your armpits several times after hygiene procedures;
  • During hot weather, a decoction of oak bark will help get rid of heavy sweating. It will control sweat production by providing an astringent effect. The decoction should be used to wipe the axillary areas;
  • In case of reactions from cosmetic preparations, an infusion of St. John's wort will help. It is prepared in the same way as the previous infusion, then filtered. Wipe the armpits with the prepared solution as needed, eliminating the product that causes irritation;
  • You can wash your armpits with a solution using sea salt: 4 tablespoons per liter of warm water. Before use, strain the product so as not to cause additional injury to the skin with salt that has not dissolved.

We suggest you read: Allergy to household dust in a child

To get rid of discomfort in the armpit area forever, it is necessary to take preventive measures: wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics, observe hygiene rules, and do not use deodorants immediately after shaving. If you experience symptoms of a skin disease, visit a dermatologist.

Treatment of irritation under the arms in children

Children also have skin problems such as diaper rash and irritation. This may be a reaction to food products or insufficient hygienic care. To eliminate such symptoms, it is necessary to identify the cause of their occurrence and then begin treatment. If the issue is a reaction to foods, then it is important to exclude them from the diet, and treat the damage with herbal infusions of oak bark, sage, chamomile, and string.

If all the measures taken do not relieve the irritation, then it is better to seek help from a pediatrician. In case of severe diaper rash under the arms, children are prescribed the use of a special product with zinc oxide in the form of a mash, which is prepared in a pharmacy according to a doctor’s prescription.

Localization of pain on the right side

A burning sensation in the armpits on this side can occur for all valid reasons, in addition to myocardial infarction, with fairly rare exceptions. If there are no inflammatory changes and enlarged lymph nodes, pain appears due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or neuralgia. These diseases are characterized by a sudden increase in pain when moving, as well as a decrease in the range of movements - it becomes more and more difficult to move the arm, and the patient intuitively tries not to move it.

Symptoms and signs

The appearance of irritation in the armpit area cannot be confused with another pathology, since it exhibits a number of characteristic symptoms, depending on the factor causing them. So:

  • With the development of mycoses or candidiasis, irritation is accompanied by a powdery coating with rashes on it of the same pale color,
  • With dermatitis, the skin becomes covered with scales, patients feel severe itching,
  • Irritation from hyperhidrosis is characterized by severe swelling, redness and burning,
  • When reacting to the application of deodorant, redness of the skin is accompanied by a strong burning sensation.

There may be other signs of irritation, often increased sweating begins, and the smell of sweat becomes unusual and unpleasant. Often, the use of even the most persistent deodorants does not prevent the obsessive odor, and frequent washing with antiseptics or soap and water eliminates the odor only for a short time.

Localization of pain on the left side

If the burning sensation under the armpit of the left arm is not associated with diseases of the skin or subcutaneous fatty tissue, discomfort is also felt with disorders of the cardiovascular system. Most of all, such a burning sensation under the armpit on the left is considered reflected, and in addition to them, the patient is also worried about other signs that make it possible to recognize the pathology of the organs of the above-mentioned system. However, in some cases, weakness and aching pain become the main signs of myocardial infarction, a deadly disease.

Features of treatment

Features of the treatment of skin irritation in the armpit area lie in the specifics of the therapy performed. That is, treatment depends on the factor that caused this change in the skin. Thus, skin lesions often resolve on their own after removal of the underlying disease or change in external conditions. If the cause is serious illness, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Patients with complicated forms of dermatitis are prescribed hormonal external agents, the use of which requires medical supervision and control.

If the problem is caused by diabetes, then conventional therapeutic methods will be ineffective. It is necessary to obtain recommendations from an endocrinologist who will select treatment methods appropriate to the patient’s condition.

Only specialists can prescribe the correct treatment based on the examination and examination. Self-medication in such cases is unacceptable, since the cause of irritation in the armpits can be very different, from simple allergies to serious pathologies.


Inflammation of the hair follicle can appear due to defects in the skin due to external influences: depilation, shaving, or a bruise or other injury to the axillary area. One or a couple of follicles can hurt, causing very significant redness of the skin, swelling, itching and burning under the armpits in men and women. A cavity filled with pus forms in the follicle, which can open on its own. One type of disease is staphylococcal sycosis, which often occurs in patients suffering from endocrine diseases, metabolic pathologies, or nervous system disorders. A distinctive feature of staphylococcal sycosis is a constant relapsing course and a large affected area.


All therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the manifestations of the disease and reducing sweating. To achieve the first goal, systemic and local antihistamines are used. They are the main part of symptomatic therapy.

Good results are achieved with Cetirizine and Akrivastine. They should be taken several hours before physical activity or other provoking factors.

Expert opinion

Allergist Yulia Borisovna Cherkashina

Education: Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, 1998

In some cases, ointments containing glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. Such medications should be selected by the doctor individually for each case.

To solve the problem of excessive sweating, several techniques are used:

  1. Special medications are used. Under their influence, sweat secretion decreases.
  2. Treatment is carried out with drugs to block acetylcholine.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Salt baths help reduce skin irritation from sweat.
  4. Sedatives are used, as sweating increases under the influence of excessive emotionality. In most cases, they resort to valerian extract, Persen, Novopassit. The preparations contain extracts of lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, hops, and hawthorn.

If increased sensitivity to sweat is associated with chronic diseases, then it is necessary to treat the underlying pathology.

Very often, doctors are asked what to do if the husband’s sweat causes allergies. To prevent this problem from causing discomfort, preventive measures must be taken.

It is recommended to follow a hypoallergenic diet, since a negative reaction of the body may be associated with certain foods.


People with increased sweating prefer to purchase antiperspirants that block the very possibility of fluid secretion. The action is based on the reaction of aluminum salts included in the product with sweat. Aluminum salts do not harm the body, but constant use can lead to blockages of the sweat ducts, which can lead to cancer (breast cancer).

Manufacturers have found an alternative here too - zirconium salts. To date, their effect on the human body has not been studied, but since the mechanism of action remains the same, we can say that the damage to health has not gone away.


Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to hear your feedback about armpit irritation in the comments, this will also be useful to other users of the site.

I have very sensitive skin, irritation occurs not only after shaving my hair, but also after using deodorants. For a long time I couldn’t find a way out and I didn’t want to walk around with the smell of sweat. There seems to be no irritation from Crystal now, but from time to time I lubricate my skin with Dermatop ointment. It helps a lot.

My mother is overweight, and over the years it has become increasingly difficult for her to walk, and she began to sweat a lot. As a result, severe irritation develops under the arms and in the groin area. Once, against the background of irritation, a lighter spot formed, which was very itchy. After visiting a doctor, he was diagnosed with a fungal infection, which was removed with Lamisil.

Release forms

The huge variety of deodorizing products speaks not only of the variety of brands and manufacturers, but also of the large number of release forms. At the present stage, the following types are mass produced:

  • Aerosol.
  • Gel.
  • Stick.
  • Cream.
  • Liquid.
  • Powder.

In the vast majority of cases, the manufacturer will assure the buyer of the safety of the purchased product by making an appropriate inscription on the packaging. In Russia, unfortunately, there are no uniform standards or rules for using the term “hypoallergenic” yet. Therefore, such a formulation rests only on the conscience of the manufacturer. No research or testing has been carried out on this matter.

Causes of prickly heat in adults and children

Among the provoking factors, a number of the most common ones can be identified:

  • Wearing clothes made from non-breathable materials.
  • Working in a hot room with high humidity.
  • Endocrine pathology – thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Obesity.
  • Hormonal shift – menopause, puberty.
  • Diseases that occur with high fever.
  • Injuries and abrasions of the skin.
  • Insufficient hygiene.
  • The use of cosmetics that clog pores.

In infants, heat rash is predominantly caused by incompletely formed sweat glands. If proper measures are not taken, prickly heat will lead to diaper rash.

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