Laser tattoo removal: what lasers are used and is it effective? 

There was a time when wearing tattoos on the body was considered a fashionable hobby, and even now there are many people who get tattoos, making the image a rather attractive touch of their personality. But, like everything else, fashion passes, but tattoos remain. ...

Tattoos can be removed using different methods (excision of the tattooed area, cryosurgery, electrocoagulation and other methods), but they all leave rough scars (at best normotrophic, at worst keloid or hypertrophic), since the designs are removed only along with part of the skin. Laser tattoo removal is one of the latest developments in aesthetic medicine and an effective method for removing patterns on the skin, which is rightfully considered the safest.

Why did the swelling appear?

Swelling after laser tattoo removal of the eyelids or eyebrows is a common reaction of the body and usually goes away the next day. Redness and mild swelling are considered a normal response of the epidermis and immune system when exposed to radiation. This complication is caused by an allergy to the anesthetic cream, as well as high skin sensitivity.

Swelling is common after laser eyebrow tattoo removal. If the inflammation is severe and lasts for four days or more, you should consult a doctor.

The treated area may swell due to an infection acquired during or after the session.

Tattoo removal methods and price

Currently, there are several methods for removing tattoos. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Laser beam

The effect of a laser beam has not yet been fully studied. It is generally accepted that the beam, acting on the pigments, heats them and as a result they disappear. The cell itself, which contains the paint, boils and disintegrates from a narrowly directed beam of light. After this, the remains are captured by special shapeless cells that absorb dyes and are removed in the blood stream.

A significant nuance that influences the result is the degree of pigmentation, that is, whether it is light or dark. Laser removal allows you to get rid of patterns on any skin; however, it is necessary to adjust the operating mode of the equipment.

The pattern itself has the greatest impact on efficiency. During elimination, all points are important: the color of the pigment, its chemical composition, area, location on the body, depth of penetration, whether scars are present, etc.

One way or another, any tattoo can be bleached, but the intensity of the events and their number depend on these factors.

When using any type of laser equipment, the small pattern that is pricked in the surface layer of the skin will be quickly

There are both general and individual contraindications. The first type includes: skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases and pregnancy. An allergic reaction to coloring components is considered an individual intolerance. Even if the symptoms go away after stuffing, they may reappear during mixing.

Parts of the body with the most blood circulation wash away pigmentation more easily, while areas with low circulation (such as fingers and toes) tend to have a more difficult time. These types of tattoos require more laser removal sessions.

Surgical tattoo removal

Surgical removal was practiced even before the spread of laser technology. Once upon a time there was no alternative. Narrow linear patterns up to 1 cm in width and up to 7 cm in length lend themselves well to surgical excision. The surgeon cuts off the layers of the epidermis in thin layers and applies cosmetic sutures. Another option is to transfer clean “flaps” from an inconspicuous area of ​​the body to the site of the cut tattoo.

Mechanical peeling (dermabrasion)

We are talking about a milling method of scraping the skin with a diamond-coated tool. The cutter is immersed into the epidermis to a depth of 1.5 mm, capturing up to 5 mm of skin on both sides of the pattern. This method of removing not deeply buried pigment can be done by people with healthy skin.

Chemical peeling

A fairly aggressive tattoo removal procedure is carried out using carbolic acid. Phenol peeling requires the participation of a specialist with extensive experience and knowledge. Contraindications include diseases of the respiratory system, liver and kidneys. Removing tattoos with acids is dangerous, painful and difficult.

Be careful!

Phenol is toxic and dangerous to humans. This operation should absolutely not be done at home.

Cryodestruction method

Tattoo removal with liquid nitrogen is being used less and less. The advantages include a quick effect on the skin and effectiveness. The disadvantage is that the procedure is painful, has to be done several times, and takes a long time to heal. As a result, removed tattoos turn into scarred areas of skin.

Other tattoo removal methods

Medical clinics offer to remove tattoos using electrocoagulation, as well as a cold plasma coagulator. In the first case, there is a high probability of ugly scars and a long healing time. The second method is effective, but very expensive, time consuming and has many contraindications.

As for tattoo removal creams, experts do not recommend using them outside a salon. The effect is small, but if used inappropriately, it can cause a lot of problems with the skin.

Lightening for covering with another tattoo

This approach is faster and simpler, since the old paint does not need to be completely removed, but rather it is enough to make it less noticeable so that it does not stand out from under the new one.

Few people believe in the myths that a tattoo can be removed at home with potassium permanganate or iodine As a result of such amateur activity, you can only get a burn and a wound that doesn’t heal for a long time.

Tips for those who want to remove a tattoo

This is a serious procedure for which you need to prepare carefully. Doctors' instructions must be followed strictly. Does it hurt to remove a tattoo? Whatever method is chosen, it involves the destruction of the epidermis, and this is painful. If you decide to get rid of a pattern on your body, you need to be prepared for the fact that, on average, 4-7 procedures will be required. There will be a time interval between sessions. There can be no question of working capacity during this period.

You should choose a clinic not based on the principle of “ where and how much it costs ,” but where it is safer for your health. It is advisable to talk with former patients who have already gone down this path and see what the merged tattoos look like.

You can find a good master on our portal, in the appropriate section: ⇒"TATTOO REMOVAL"⇐ .

You can choose your city and get acquainted with the masters living there. Each of them has information in their profile: length of service and work experience, contacts, portfolio.

Before you go for the procedure, think about whether a tattoo really interferes with your life so fatally? Is it worth going through these painful procedures, risking your health, and spending money? You need to get rid of a tattoo when it really interferes with living a full life. Getting a tattoo is an important decision in life. If you once accepted it, then there was a good reason. You must respect your decisions.

General care recommendations

By following simple rules, you can avoid complications. Basic recommendations:

  • You should not apply makeup to the damaged area for three days after the session;
  • It is forbidden to touch blisters, vesicles, comb, scratch, remove dying layers of the epidermis - you can cause an infection;
  • For a month after the procedure, you cannot visit the solarium or sunbathe;
  • The area around the tattoo should not be shaved - this will irritate the skin and then healing will take longer;
  • In the first months, you need to carefully care for your skin - apply sunscreen with SPF 50 to the entire area, this will prevent the appearance of pigmentation;
  • To help the lymphatic system remove the tattoo, you should drink more plain water;
  • It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, do physical exercise, and maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • During healing, you should stop smoking - this will improve the condition of blood vessels and blood circulation.

Hypo-, hyperpigmentation are possible side effects. If darkening or lightening of the natural skin color appears, you should wait until it goes away on its own. It may take months, but in most cases the epidermis will return to its natural tone after complete healing. If the discoloration persists, cosmetic creams will help to even out the shade.

Healing is usually complete in about 4-8 weeks. The recovery period depends on the quality of the laser procedure, subsequent care, and the state of the immune system.

In what situations is a tattoo removed?

tattoo removal are endless, but most of them can be boiled down to a few points:

  1. The relationship with the person who inspired the tattoo has changed. The name or portrait of a girl (boyfriend) tattooed on the body after a breakup is a soul-hurting memory that you want to get rid of.
  2. When the figure changes , the drawing is seriously distorted. A previously inspiring pattern turns into an annoying caricature.
  3. Nowadays they are loyal to tattoos on the bodies of young people and in most cases this is not an obstacle to hiring. But this does not always happen and not everywhere. If a coveted high-paying job is at stake, the tattoo is removed.
  4. When the original drawing was poorly executed or deteriorated as a result of improper care during the healing process, it is also discarded.
  5. Gone is teenage maximalism.
  6. At an older age, there is often a desire to remove a tattoo done “for company”, which has begun to look ridiculous on the body of a respectable person.
  7. Some phrases that came from ancient tribes look ridiculous in the modern world. When a person learns the true meaning of the hieroglyphs written on his body, it is natural to want to get rid of them.


Country of origin: China. The device is used to remove tattoos of any color and condition. In addition, the SL NEO device has a rejuvenating effect, removes pigmentation, smoothes scars, fights stretch marks and wrinkles. Today this equipment is a sales leader.

Two attachments are provided with the device:

  1. 1064 nanometers to remove dark tattoos
  2. 532 nanometers for red and brown pigment removal
  3. 1320 nanometers for skin rejuvenation and tightening, wrinkle removal


The advantages of this device are its affordable price and decent quality of the product, which uses components from Europe and Japan

Advantages of the SL NEO laser device: The procedure is non-invasive, so the device does not deform the epidermal area

  • The rehabilitation period ranges from 2 to 4 days
  • The device eliminates the possibility of infection, wounds and scars.
  • The device is designed for transportation, so it can be used both in the salon and at home

Kes Med 810A

This device operates at high frequencies. By installing the laser into the tattoo area, black and blue melanin can be removed. The technical characteristics of the device are designed in such a way that the device does not cause pain and does not provoke allergic reactions. The session takes place in safe mode.

The device is designed for transportation due to its small dimensions. It can be used both in the salon and at the client’s home. The device effectively copes not only with tattoos, but also with other tasks:

  • Eliminates unwanted pigmentation in the face and entire body
  • Fights vascular dilations. Before the procedure, you must consult a doctor
  • Elimination of unwanted vegetation
  • Carrying out a carbon peeling session
  • Eliminate a permanent
  • Freckle removal

The laser device penetrates into the deep layers of the patient's skin. Heat is responsible for breaking down the skin at the cellular level.

This neodymium laser is not cheap, starting from 200,000 rubles, but the quality of the products from this Beijing factory is impeccable.


In last place in our rating is the neodymium laser device RL-02, which belongs to class D. The wavelength can be different - 1064/532/1320 nanometers. The power of the laser system is 800 watts. The device is highly effective; the client does not experience any discomfort during the treatment. The laser device affects only the pigment, without affecting other tissues. As a result, the device prevents the occurrence of burns.

The lamp operates without interruption for a long time. Static activity is ensured by a high-quality handpiece. The device is designed for transportation, so the technician can work from home. Despite the fact that a laser device is quite cheap, its purchase will be a profitable investment, since the device will quickly pay for itself. Cost from 80 thousand rubles.


In a similar case you can find a lot of devices under other names and markings. As a rule, they are all produced in little-known factories in Guangzhou, China.

Together with the device itself, the kit includes:

  1. Laser key
  2. Pedal
  3. Case with glasses for master and client
  4. Cord
  5. Funnel for pouring liquid
  6. Nano gel with carbon
  7. Device for regulating wave length (three pieces)
  8. Settings Menu (English)
  9. Documents confirming quality

Preparation for the procedure

Laser tattoo removal, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, is a procedure that requires proper preparation. The quality and effectiveness of the result depends on compliance with the requirements.

Typical recommendations:

  • For several weeks before visiting a specialist, it is recommended not to use sunscreen and avoid being in direct sunlight.
  • You cannot depilate the part of the skin on which the tattoo is applied.
  • Do not use exfoliating products, which include peelings and scrubs.
  • Smoking is not recommended for several weeks before surgery.
  • You should not take anti-inflammatory drugs or folk remedies that affect blood flow.
  • A few hours before the procedure, you should drink as much water as possible.

It is impossible to completely remove a tattoo from the skin in one session. Complete discoloration can be achieved only after several sessions and restoration measures.


This device for removing tattoos is very popular among cosmetology elephants, as it has a high level of efficiency. The device is able to eliminate colored tattoos, the paint of which has penetrated deep under the epidermis. The laser can remove decorative tattoos, birthmarks, age spots, and freckles.

The device offers the function of carbon skin rejuvenation, resulting in a visible transformation. To carry out this procedure, a special attachment is used that tightens pores, tightens and whitens the skin, and also reduces the number of wrinkles. The device can operate at a minimum voltage of 220 Volts. Country of origin: China. The factory provides a warranty period of one year. The wavelength of the LF-657 laser reaches a maximum of 1064 nanometers, which allows you to remove tattoos even from the deepest layers of the skin. The power of the device is 800 watts. The length of the wave action is adjustable. The weight of the device reaches 30 kilograms, so it can be transported with some effort. The price of the device is 120,000 rubles.

Advantages of laser marking on skin

Removing an image with liquid nitrogen, burning the image with acids, deep grinding, as well as surgery, significantly injure the skin, leaving behind noticeable scars. An excellent alternative to all this can be laser tattoo removal. This method has undeniable advantages over all others. This may include:

  • permanent tattoo removal;
  • bloodlessness and absolute painlessness;
  • instant effect;
  • use of modern technologies and devices that meet international safety standards.

With the help of a laser, incomplete removal of pigment is also practiced in order to cover the old, boring image by applying a new tattoo.

Laser tattoo removal is painless and has an immediate effect

ScinOneUltra II

The device acts as a multifunctional pulsed ND:YAG premium segment. Used to remove tattoos, make-up and carbon-based peeling.

Even the most problematic, deep and old tattoos can be affected by this neodymium laser. The result is ensured due to the increased radiation density. Advantages of the laser device:

  • Strength
  • Good payback
  • Good pulse energy performance
  • Fine adjustment of output energy
  • Result guarantee

The large volume of the radiator, as well as the speed of cooling, allows it to function without interruption for six hours.

For your information.

Recently, a new version of this laser, ScinOne Ultra X, has appeared, more compact, but also more expensive, starting from 300,000 rubles.


The device acts as a multifunctional pulsed ND:YAG economy segment. Used to remove tattoos, make-up and carbon-based peeling.

Even the most problematic, deep and old tattoos can be affected by this neodymium laser. The result is ensured due to the increased radiation density.

Advantages of a laser device:

  • Strength
  • Good payback
  • Good pulse energy performance
  • Fine adjustment of output energy
  • Result guarantee

The large volume of the radiator, as well as the speed of cooling, allows it to function without interruption for six hours.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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