Laser removal of plantar warts

Spines are one of the varieties of warts that usually appear on the soles or palms of the hands. This is a very painful formation , causing acute pain under mechanical stress (for example, when walking).

Our client’s sincere gratitude is not empty words. Our doctors successfully saved little Dasha from unpleasant formations.

Externally, the spine has the appearance of a compacted whitish papilla, rising above the surface of the skin ( at the beginning of the disease ).

Subsequently - a formation that increases in width and depth over time (from 1 month to 2-3 years), with an uneven, bumpy surface, black dots inside.

When pressed , painful sensations occur, periodically itching.

When opened independently, they bleed heavily.

Causes of spines

The cause of spines is a certain non-oncogenic strain of human papillomavirus.

The main factors that provoke the appearance of warts (spikes) are:

  • microtraumas on the skin;
  • hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles (increased sweating);
  • decreased immunity;
  • pathology of small vessels;
  • STI;
  • HIV.

Distinctive features of the spines are:

  • their ability to grow deep into the skin;
  • formation of new daughter spines;
  • resistance to most treatment methods.

It must be remembered that, like all warts, spines are neoplasms that require mandatory consultation with a dermatocosmetologist or oncologist before removal.

Reasons for appearance

Warts are a visible manifestation of HPV (human papillomavirus). Up to 90% of people are infected with this virus, but not everyone has external manifestations of the pathology. After entering the body, the virus strains do not manifest themselves for a long time, since their activity is restrained by the human immune system. However, situations are possible when the immune system fails to protect the body, and then HPV manifests itself in the form of plantar warts.

Risk factors and main reasons for the development of spines include the following:

  • Overwork and emotional stress.
  • Damage to skin or mucous membranes.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.
  • Using non-sterile instruments to process nails.
  • Hyperhidrosis of the feet.
  • Scuffs and calluses due to wearing uncomfortable shoes.

In this case, HPV affects the basal layer of the skin - the epidermis. As they multiply, the virus cells penetrate all layers and cause roughening of the skin.

Many people underestimate the danger of the human papillomavirus, but it is worth remembering that in rare cases there is a risk of malignant degeneration of the growths. This happens rarely when certain strains of HPV are present in the body, but such a development cannot be ruled out.

What are the dangers of removing spines on your own?

Getting rid of spines using “folk” methods is not only ineffective, but also unsafe.

Firstly, this can lead to an inflammatory process and the addition of a secondary infection.

Secondly, this is fraught with complications such as burns.

Thirdly, this leads to a decrease in local immunity , thereby increasing the risk of the proliferation of maternal spines and the appearance of new daughter spines. And this, in turn, leads to temporary disability.


When the following symptoms appear, plantar warts must be removed:

  • The tumor causes pain and discomfort.
  • The growth is large or continues to grow.
  • Periodically the spine bleeds.
  • Multiple formations were noticed in the foot area.

It is important to understand that in addition to aesthetic problems, plantar warts most often pose a threat to health, so you should not neglect their treatment.

Removal of spines in Krasnoyarsk

Effective removal of spines in Krasnoyarsk is offered by the OK Laser Cosmetology Center.

The Center’s specialists are required to conduct a preliminary consultation and diagnosis with a dermatoscope in order to determine the nature of the tumor and the possibility of its safe removal.

The removal of spines is carried out in the following ways:

  • cryodestruction (removal of the spine with nitrogen);
  • plasters and ointments with a keratolytic effect followed by grinding with a milling cutter;
  • laser treatment (the most modern and effective method);
  • immunocorrective therapy - the introduction of antiviral homeopathic drugs directly under the spine with a thin needle or intramuscularly.

As already mentioned, the most modern (effective, fast and safe) method is laser treatment of spines .

Effective care treatments


Wart removal

Plantar warts, or thorns, are a very common problem among patients of any age and gender. Such growths are localized on the supporting areas of the foot or toes. Most often, neoplasms cause significant discomfort when walking, so it is recommended to remove them immediately after detection.

Modern dermatology and cosmetology offers many ways to combat plantar warts, but one of the safest and most reliable is laser removal. It is this technique that allows you to get rid of growths without blood and long-term rehabilitation, as well as avoid the appearance of scars. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, does not require lengthy preparation and can be performed immediately after examination by a doctor. For this reason, the method is used to treat many types of plantar warts.

How is the procedure performed?

  1. At the beginning of the session, an injection of an anesthetic drug under the formation.
  2. Then the doctor acts with a laser beam on the pathological tissue , evaporating it and coagulating the feeding vessel of the spine to stop its further possible growth into the surrounding tissue.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the doctor injects an antiviral drug under the spine .
  4. After this, the wound surface is treated with an alcohol solution and a solution of potassium permanganate.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number, location, diameter, and age of formation of formations. The minimum duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.


Elimination of plantar warts is not carried out in the following cases:

  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Oncological pathologies.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

The doctor can prescribe the removal procedure only after consultation and examination of the patient. If contraindications for treatment have been identified, the manipulation is not performed.

Types of plantar warts

There are several types of spines:

  • Viral. They are a direct consequence of weakened immunity and the effects of HPV on the body. They often form near the nails and between the fingers.
  • Deep. Such warts grow inside the skin and therefore often cause great discomfort.
  • Internal (subcutaneous). They are localized on the toes and often have a long incubation period. They grow deep into the epidermis, but are not always immediately visible on the surface.
  • Flat. They usually do not protrude above the surface of the skin and have a flesh-colored or light pink tint. Most often appear in teenagers.
  • Black. They often grow slowly but bleed.

Possible treatments

Several techniques can be used to eliminate spines today. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

  • Cryodestruction. Plantar warts are removed using liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which reaches -196 degrees. The cells of the growth are destroyed and die, the work of local immunity is activated. The effectiveness of treatment of new tumors reaches 84%; in other cases, relapse is possible. Often a course of such procedures is necessary.
  • Electrocoagulation. The build-up is destroyed under the influence of high-frequency current. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. Since during manipulation the treatment area is exposed to high temperature, it is possible to coagulate the capillaries and avoid tissue infection. The technique is highly effective, but is only suitable for large tumors. There is also a risk of scarring.
  • Laser coagulation. The most practical option today is to remove plantar warts with a laser. The effectiveness of treatment in this case reaches 99%. Using a laser beam, it is possible to “evaporate” damaged tissue layer by layer. The advantage of the technique is that simultaneous coagulation of blood vessels occurs, which avoids bleeding.
  • Surgical removal. This technique is used only in rare cases when it is impossible to remove the tumor by other means. Local anesthesia is required, and the removal itself is performed using a scalpel. After excision, the risk of recurrence remains, and there is also a risk of scarring.

Features of procedures in our clinic

To remove plantar warts, our KallistoMed medical center most often uses laser techniques. This manipulation is highly safe and effective, does not require long-term rehabilitation, and also avoids tissue infection and relapses.

The procedure is carried out using the Alod-01 device - a surgical laser providing a wavelength of 940-980 and 1064 nm. Thanks to this, it is possible to adjust the necessary power for any part of the body, including the feet and toes. The device is highly effective and safe for the body; it does not cause burns or injure healthy skin.

If there are contraindications to the laser technique, our specialists select another method for the patient, for example, electrocoagulation and cryodestruction. If it is necessary to conduct a histological examination of tissue, surgical excision is prescribed.

Preparing for removal

At the initial appointment with a dermatologist, the patient is examined, a medical history is taken, and a diagnosis is made for the presence of warts. The size and location of growths, their shape, color and thickness are assessed. It is also necessary to find out how long ago the warts appeared and the rate of their development.

If the patient has no contraindications, then the tumors are removed on the same day.

Stages of laser treatment

On average, eliminating warts with a laser lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. The manipulation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Cleansing the skin of impurities, treating with an antiseptic.
  2. Performing local anesthesia (in case of high sensitivity).
  3. Setting the device to the required power.
  4. Steaming the plantar wart layer by layer.
  5. Treatment of the resulting wound with special solutions.

Skin care after

After laser destruction, a wound remains on the skin, which becomes covered with a crust. It is under this crust that the healing process occurs, so it should never be torn off. To speed up your recovery, follow these recommendations:

  • Avoid visiting the swimming pool, sauna and bathhouse for 2 weeks.
  • Wear the most comfortable shoes possible and avoid damaging the tissues.
  • Treat the wound with special healing agents.
  • Get a medical pedicure periodically.

Your dermatologist will provide you with more detailed recommendations during your consultation, since care may vary depending on the location of the spines and their number.

We will be waiting for you for the procedure for removing plantar warts at our KallistoMed clinic in St. Petersburg. We carry out laser destruction, as well as cryodestruction and electrocoagulation of tissue. You can be sure that we will select the most appropriate treatment method, taking into account your individual characteristics and the stage of spine development.

We guarantee excellent results and painless treatment, you can get rid of unpleasant tumors once and for all and return to an active and healthy life. You can find out prices for services and current promotions by calling: 8 (812) 455-21-95.

The first two weeks after removal

The first 2-3 days after removal, slight pain, redness around the removed formation, swelling, and itching may be observed, which go away on their own.
5-7 days after the procedure, a crust forms, which is rejected on its own after 7-10 days. A pink spot remains at the site of removal, which after 1-2 months fades and becomes invisible.

IMPORTANT! Within 2 weeks, the patient is required to treat the wound surface according to the instructions given by the doctor immediately after the procedure.

After these 2 weeks, the doctor conducts a preventive examination and, if necessary, gives further recommendations.

Symptoms of plantar warts

  • At the first stage, a shiny plaque appears on the foot, later the skin in this place becomes keratinized and becomes rough and hard to the touch.
  • A growth appears on the foot with a diameter of up to 2 cm and a height of up to 3 mm. The shape of the formation is round or oval.
  • Often a large spine appears first, around which multiple small ones subsequently form.
  • The growth has a light brown or yellowish-white tint, and in some cases black dots appear on the keratinized surface.
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