Features of yellow peeling. What is its advantage over other types?

Yellow peeling (retinoic) is one of the most effective products in modern cosmetology. It allows you to fight hyperpigmentation, blackheads, post-acne, age-related changes and other skin problems. The advantages of this procedure are minimal trauma, short rehabilitation period and low risk of complications.

Features of the method

The main components of yellow peeling compositions are retinoids. These are synthetically created analogues of vitamin A, which have a milder effect on the skin and, unlike acids, do not destroy proteins. The method is a superficial type of facial peeling, but the result obtained is similar to the average one.

After the procedure the following is observed:

  • activation of metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of the intercellular matrix and epidermal lipids;
  • normalization of the production of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • slowing down age-related changes in the skin;
  • reduction in the number of atypical cells;
  • improvement of skin texture and relief;
  • lightening pigment spots;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • rejuvenation.

The effectiveness of retinol peeling "Arcadia"

Retinoic peeling "Arcadia" is an effective and low-traumatic type of exfoliation that is suitable for young and mature women. Retinolic acid, which is part of the product, has the following effects on the structure of the epidermis:

  • the activity of the enzyme collagenase, which destroys collagen fibers, which is responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin, is suppressed;
  • the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated;
  • improvement of complexion and tone;
  • skin cell regeneration increases;
  • sebum secretion decreases;
  • the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases;
  • cell membranes become more resistant to negative environmental factors;
  • detoxification of the epidermis is carried out.

Gentle retinol peeling has a gentle exfoliating effect and does not cause burns. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend the procedure for women who have light sensitive skin with manifestations of rosacea.

Effect after peeling

Retinol peeling is carried out using preparations with different contents of retinoic acid. With a low percentage, the desired effect appears after 6-12 months. You can get a pronounced result faster with the help of a more concentrated composition for medium peeling. Noticeable rejuvenation, smoothing of facial wrinkles and smoothing of skin texture is achieved in just a few sessions.

The procedure is as safe as possible due to its gentle and non-traumatic action. However, it has a number of limitations. Therefore, before doing peeling, it is recommended to consult a doctor and not risk having it done in regular salons.

Cosmetologists in St. Petersburg have a medical education and the necessary knowledge about the structure of the dermis. This allows them to make individual prescriptions based on the specifics of the case.

The technique is applicable for hyperpigmentation, freckles and acne. At the end of the rehabilitation period after the session, the following is observed:

  • smoothing out small facial wrinkles;
  • restoration of elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • elimination of signs of age-related changes and photoaging;
  • improvement of skin texture, reduction of roughness;
  • removal of superficial scars and hyperpigmentation;
  • lightening, rejuvenation of the dermis;
  • narrowing of pores.

What can be said about?

Russian cosmetics are unique in that they use membrane lipids as emulsifiers in their products. These substances are related to human skin, so Arcadia brand products can be used even by women with sensitive skin.

The company's developments are based on a scientific approach. Innovative global developments are being introduced into the production of products for home and professional use. Retinol peeling "Arcadia", which will be described below, is one of the most popular products of the cosmeceutical brand.

Each Carrot Peel package includes two servings of exfoliation composition, ampoules for home use, as well as post-peel care: night and day cream. Thanks to the presence of the active component - retinolic acid (a derivative of vitamin A), peeling solves a wide range of skin problems: acne, aging, prevention of dermal diseases.

Exfoliation with Carrot Peel can be superficial or superficial-medium. Despite the chemical nature of the exfoliating composition, rehabilitation is easy and does not require constant stay at home. Usually there is slight redness, swelling in the corners of the lips and peeling of the skin within 3-5 days.

The exfoliation procedure with retinol peeling is simple, but requires skill. Therefore, it is best to entrust it to a professional cosmetologist, especially if you are using it for the first time. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. The skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities with a gentle product.
  2. The retinol composition and cream are applied to the surface of the epidermis according to the sequence prescribed by the manufacturer and covered with cling film for 15 minutes. This is necessary so that retinol penetrates better into the deeper layers of the skin.
  3. Blot the remaining product with a paper towel, but do not wash it off. The composition remains on the skin overnight for maximum effect.
  4. In the morning, the mask can be washed off with soapy water or a special product.

Important! Do not wash off the peeling composition with water! The cosmetologist himself will recommend a cleanser and makeup remover with a gentle composition.

Immediately after the procedure, the skin may be slightly yellowish and tight. After 2-3 days, peeling will begin to occur, first in the center of the face, and then on its entire surface.

Be careful! Skin flakes should not be torn off with your hands or removed with a scrub! This will lead to the formation of scars. Be patient and soon you will be pleasantly surprised by your reflection in the mirror.

7 days after the procedure, when peeling has completely stopped, the second stage of exfoliation can be carried out. It is carried out according to the same scheme as the primary one. The effect of the complex procedure will not appear immediately. Having penetrated into the deep layers of the skin, retinol begins to work in all directions. The best results will appear after a month. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 12 months with appropriate care.

Preparation and care after the procedure

In the case of peeling with retinoic acids, preparation is required, which takes 2-4 weeks (depending on the type of skin). To enhance the results of the main procedure, the cosmetologist selects special home care products that prepare the skin and ensure effective penetration of the drug into the middle layers of the dermis.

The concentration of retinoids is determined depending on the identified problems. Accordingly, the recovery period may vary, but on average it is 1 week. At this time, it is necessary to use post-peeling products that relieve swelling and inflammation, and also accelerate skin regeneration. Thanks to an integrated approach, you can achieve a visible rejuvenation effect in just one procedure.

Contact the medical office to buy peeling products and undergo a course of procedures at an attractive price.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists often prescribe yellow peeling to clients to correct age-related changes in the dermis and treat acne. Professionals note a good effect and low trauma, a short and painless rehabilitation period. The gentle composition of the peeling makes it universal for women with any skin type.

Anastasia, cosmetologist, Ekaterinburg

“Clients ask: is it possible to exfoliate in the summer? Some types of exfoliation can indeed be carried out during periods of solar activity. The composition and effect of the Arcadia retinol peeling are gentle, I successfully carried it out even in the summer. The only caution is to avoid sun exposure for the first few days after the procedure.”

Oksana, dermatologist-cosmetologist, Moscow

“If we talk about the side effects of the retinol exfoliation procedure, then perhaps the most striking are cracks in the corners of the lips. This is a characteristic feature of hypovitaminosis of vitamin A, the active ingredient of the composition. No need to worry about this. The seizures will go away after 3-5 days along with peeling of the skin.”

Elena, cosmetologist, Bryansk

“Many women expect instant results from the Arcadia yellow peeling. I always warn my clients: the full effect will appear a month after the procedure. Wait patiently, do not tear off the crusts, do not swim in the pool for the first days and do not go to the sauna. A little patience and you will enjoy young, clean and tightened skin.”

Who shouldn't

  1. If individual intolerance is detected;

  2. Pregnant and lactating women (exposure to chemicals);
  3. Who has violations of the integrity of the skin (open wounds, unhealed scars);
  4. Inflammatory process (when it is in active form);
  5. Herpes (active);
  6. There is liver failure or other somatic diseases of a severe nature;
  7. The person is already taking retinoids in another formulation;
  8. Long-term treatment with various antibiotics (after consultation and permission from a doctor to avoid);
  9. Allergy sufferers be careful.

Rules of application

Peeling with retinol Arcadia requires a preparatory period. This will allow you to get a high-quality, long-lasting effect. A few weeks before cleaning you need to:

  • soften the skin using cosmetics with fruit acids;
  • carry out herpes prevention (course of antiviral drug);
  • refuse to visit the beach or solarium;
  • postpone any hardware procedures, eyebrow correction;
  • do an allergy test for the components of the product;
  • For dry skin, perform biorevitalization.

Chemical cleaning with retinol is carried out in two stages, which are divided into salon application of the concentrate and home manipulation.

Actions of a cosmetologist:

  • Thorough cleansing of the skin from cosmetics, sebum and other contaminants.
  • Applying the composition to the skin under the film. The residence time of the concentrate is determined individually and can range from 15 minutes to 30 minutes.
  • Excess product can only be removed with a napkin.
  • The final removal of the mixture occurs the next morning at home.
  • Afterwards a soothing, moisturizing cream is applied.

For complete care, two procedures are carried out at a weekly interval. A repeat course in two sessions can be done after six months. The exfoliant has a prolonging effect, i.e. the effect increases over the course of a month and lasts up to six months.


After washing off the concentrate, tightness, redness of the skin and slight swelling in the eye area may appear. A yellowish complexion, similar to a fresh tan, may persist for several days.

Peeling begins on the second day and spreads from the center to the peripheral areas. Initially, large lamellar particles come off.

On the third day, the intensity increases, and the lagging fragments become smaller. At this time, red itchy spots may appear, which must be treated with soothing creams (Bepanten, Panthenol).

Aftercare includes:

  • active skin hydration;
  • protection from sun rays;
  • no exposure to high and low temperatures.

After a week, peeling is completed and the skin becomes smooth and elastic. When the restoration is complete, the manipulation is repeated.

How to do retinoic yellow peeling at home

1. Preparation for the procedure.

The preliminary stage is very important. Two weeks before the first session you need to start preparing your skin for this event. Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium or other types of steam rooms. Stop using exfoliators. Replace your cosmetic products with care creams with glycolic acid. They will be needed for the entire preparation period in order to soften the stratum corneum of the skin.

Topical retinoids for peeling are sold in pharmacies. They can be bought without a prescription. For example, the most common are Differin cream, azelaic acid, tretinoin, and benziol peroxide.

2. Application of the product.

Let's start the procedure. First of all, you need to clean your face well. To prepare and soften the skin, apply a glycolic acid solution. Then immediately apply a peeling mask to your face. It is recommended not to remove it for 45 minutes. The time depends on what result you want to achieve.

Unlike other products, Differin cream has the features of application in two stages. The first layer is rubbed into the skin, and the second covers the face more tightly.

3. Finishing stage.

Apply the neutralizing composition directly to the retinoic mask. Now you need to stay in this state for seven to eight hours.

Don't be alarmed if you start to feel a slight burning sensation.
This is a normal reaction to the neutralizing mixture, which consists of baking soda and water in a ratio of 0.5:1. After seven to eight hours, you can remove the peeling. Wash your face thoroughly and carefully with warm water and apply a protective, deeply moisturizing cream that is suitable specifically for your skin type.

4. Recovery after peeling.

After undergoing the retino yellow peeling procedure and washing off the mask from your face, you will find that your skin has become very soft and silky. But as time passes (from 12 hours to two days), the epidermis will begin to actively get rid of the dead layer. Sometimes the skin peeling process lasts a week. Under no circumstances should you manually exfoliate the epidermis. The only thing you can do is apply moisturizers, enzyme masks and thermal water. Sometimes persistent hyperemia appears on the face, which will disappear in a couple of days. After exposure to retinoic acid, the face returns to normal after a week.

If you want to achieve the best result, cosmetologists advise taking the full course of this procedure. For retino yellow peeling, the best option is one session every three weeks. The course includes three procedures. The time interval between courses is six months.

5. Care after peeling.

After undergoing the retinoic yellow peeling procedure, the skin requires increased attention and caring treatment. It should be remembered that the epidermis during the recovery stage should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, do not neglect sunscreen before leaving the house. Every time you go outside, apply a protective product with an SPF filter of at least 30 units.

The skin also needs to restore its water balance. To do this, use special cosmetic products: masks, creams, compresses.

Precautionary measures

It is better to avoid Cimel retinoic peeling if contraindications appear:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the active composition;
  • problems in the field of dermatology (eczema, psoriasis, fungus);
  • activation of the herpes virus;
  • open wound surfaces in areas of upcoming treatment;
  • liver diseases;
  • taking vitamin A, retinoids.

Cimel yellow peeling should not be used on skin with a fresh tan, during the period of preparation for conception, or during the active stage of any disease. It is recommended to avoid performing “summer” procedures.

No significant complications were observed after performing Cimel retinoic peeling. If the exposure conditions are violated, burns are possible, as with insolation. Those who are susceptible to exacerbation of herpes may develop rashes. Careless handling of the skin during rehabilitation can result in tissue injury. Failure to use sun protection can lead to hyperpigmentation of the skin.

What is needed for a full peeling session?

Cimel retinoic and peeling is a whole procedure using different products, it is much more complicated than regular cleansing with masks or gels. Here you can find:

  1. Cleansing product;
  2. With it is a special degreasing lotion;
  3. And peeling cream.

All of course from the same manufacturer. For chemical peeling, products are rarely mixed; it is easier to use everything “your own”, because the products are harmoniously combined and complement each other’s action. But sometimes cosmetologists use other products. This allows you to improve the result and save on the procedure itself, although only experienced professionals who are familiar with the protocol and properties of chemical peeling dare to undertake such experiments.

Pre-peeling preparation, also post-peeling period (home use):

  • Pre-peel cream (this is PrepeelMedium, an analogue of PrepeelActive);
  • Regenerating cream (after cleansing) - use either Vegelip or Vegefarma;
  • Post-peeling cream from CimelMantenumento (contains retinol and kojic acid, which were mentioned earlier, with tropical fruit extract, as well as phytonadione with emblica extract);
  • And a cleansing mousse.

Indications for use

Cimel retinoic peeling is a universal product. The substance is used for any patient skin type. Recommended age category: 35+. Indications for the procedure are:

  • signs of active aging processes (sagging skin, the appearance of wrinkles, loosening, drooping tissue);
  • spread of hyperpigmentation;
  • hyperkeratosis, seborrhea, simple acne;
  • small scars, post-acne.

A cosmetologist is able to best carry out the prescription of the drug, the variant of procedures, and determine the details of the course. It is not recommended to try to solve problems related to health and appearance on your own.


The effect becomes noticeable a week after the sessions and lasts for six months. Moreover, this effect will only improve over time. The acid burns the keratinized top layer of skin and promotes the creation of a new layer, without wrinkles and other problems. The skin tone will become even, and blackheads and pimples will disappear.

The number of sessions depends on the age and characteristics of the skin. For some people, one time is enough, while others need to do three courses after twenty days and 40 days to get results. For them, the course of sessions lasts one and a half months.

To maintain the achieved effect, sessions should be carried out once a year or six months. After sessions, a recovery period is required, so it is better not to do sessions 12 days before special meetings or important events.

Professional or DIY - which is better?

You can buy Cimel retinoic peeling and do it yourself. You just need to carefully study the procedure protocol and strictly follow the rules for working with the substance. The drug is presented in a convenient format that does not create difficulties when using the product. This does not mean that doing it yourself is a good solution. Retinoic peeling requires taking into account many nuances that are important to obtain an effective result without complications. Only a professional cosmetologist can easily cope with the task.


The main advantage of retinoic peeling is the ability to use the products even on sensitive skin, since they have a gentle, gentle effect, minimizing the risk of complications, trauma and pain. The rejuvenation effect is noticeable after 2 procedures. The method is most effective if hyperpigmentation is actively combated. Complete rehabilitation after the procedure occurs on the fourth day. The product can be used even in summer, and if the skin does not have a tan.

Prices for services

Name of servicePrice
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a dermatovenerologist1800 rub.
Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with a leading specialist dermatovenerologist2000 rub.
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a leading specialist dermatovenerologist2300 rub.
Dermatological retinoic peeling5200 rub.

How the procedure goes:

The patient’s face is cleaned of contaminants and disinfected;

A composition in which the concentration of retinoic acid is 5-10% is applied to the treated area in several layers.

After 10-20 minutes, the composition hardens into a film and remains on the skin for 7-12 hours.

The film is washed off at home, and a cream recommended by a cosmetologist is applied to the skin.

Rehabilitation after this peeling is easier than after TCA; peeling lasts much less. 1 day - pinkish face, then within 4-5 days - peeling of the skin, transparent films, like after sunburn.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Cimel retinoic peeling is the increased comfort of the procedure and the low likelihood of complications. Cosmetologists trust the brand and expect only positive results.

The disadvantage of Cimel retinoic peeling is the high cost of the products and the need to purchase a large set of products for additional care. Cosmetologists note that more effective results can be achieved with the help of other means that are no less comfortable to use.

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