Breaking the pattern: 5 myths about mole removal!

Many people have moles. They can be subtle and not attract attention. But there are large moles, and they are located in open areas of the body, for example, on the arm or face, attracting prying eyes. Sometimes they can threaten your health. Then mandatory removal of moles will be required.

Photos before and after removing a mole on the face using a laser

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ATTENTION! Only a dermatovenerologist can determine the type of tumor, the cause of its occurrence and the method of removing or treating the tumor.

We carry out procedures for the removal of papillomas, moles and warts using the latest generation fractional laser BISON Medical (USA).

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What is a mole

A mole is a borderline pigmented nevus, which is a benign formation on the skin. Such formations come in brown, red, pink, black, white and colorless shades.

The main reason for the appearance of new moles on the body in children and adolescents can be triggered by hormonal changes. In adults they appear in middle age. In addition, trauma, massage, hormonal therapy and even ordinary sun can cause the appearance of moles in men and women. There are dangerous moles that must be removed.

Moles and warts Laser removal 6 clinics in Moscow since 1994

What are moles and warts?

Moles come in many varieties. They can appear at birth or throughout life and come in different colors and sizes.

Warts are benign, very common growths on the skin. Their appearance is caused by a virus. You can become infected with them through household items. As a rule, they do not cause concern and are removed for purely aesthetic purposes. One of the newest and most popular methods is laser wart removal.

It is no secret that such neoplasms can radically and dramatically ruin the appearance. After all, they can appear anywhere. For some people, warts are also painful. With the help of a laser, you can get rid of this problem forever.

Advantages and features of laser wart removal

in Moscow they offer laser removal of warts and other formations. For each individual procedure, prices are calculated in accordance with the price list and volume of work.

Experienced dermatologists at our centers must conduct an examination and consultation before removal. In some cases, our specialists prescribe tests for viruses and, if necessary, further treatment.

The popularity of laser technologies is due to a number of significant advantages

  • Time. The session lasts several minutes.
  • Aesthetics. After all the necessary procedures and the recovery period, no traces of the warts remain.
  • Safety. The operation is carried out without contact, eliminating the possibility of infection in the wound.
  • The targeted procedure prevents the risk of injury to healthy skin, burns and other damage.
  • No contraindications.
  • Laser removal of warts is an excellent preventative measure that prevents the possibility of new formations from appearing.

Thanks to all these advantages, the use of laser is one of the most popular methods in modern cosmetology.

Laser removal of moles and warts: procedure

Removal occurs under local anesthesia. This is followed by a procedure using a laser. Thermal exposure leads to destruction (in other words, to evaporation) of the wart or papilloma. The time of the operation depends on the number of tumors. Laser is used to remove warts - both plantar, and on the face, and on other parts of the body.

Some patients report some discomfort, but in most cases there is no discomfort during the session.

After some time, a slight inflammation may occur, which, if you strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, will soon go away. Redness and swelling will disappear within 24 hours. After the laser removal procedure, you can immediately return to your daily activities.

You should strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and avoid self-medication when treating the wound surface. In this case, everything will be fine and you will get the desired result.

What happens after laser removal of warts and other growths?

  • 1. First, a scab forms. It should not be disturbed or removed to avoid disrupting healing. Rejection will occur spontaneously within a few days.
  • 2. When the scab separates, a bright pink socket will open.
  • 3. Within a month, the surface will level out and the skin color will normalize. The healing process will be completed.

Experts recommend following strict hygiene rules after surgery to avoid infection of the wound. At first, prolonged contact of the treated surface with water is not recommended. It is also important to protect the treated area of ​​skin from direct sunlight for two months after the procedure.

The accessibility and simplicity of laser wart removal have made this technique the best known to date. in Moscow they provide this service at a very affordable cost.

When is it necessary to remove moles?

  • The mole begins to increase sharply in size;
  • its forms and boundaries change;
  • unpleasant sensations appear at the site of formation: irritation, pain or itching;
  • its color changes;
  • the mole begins to be injured by the touch of clothing or accessories.

The aesthetic aspect also plays an important role. Sometimes removing moles can be the only opportunity for women to feel much more confident.

Individual consultation

Benefits of laser mole removal

  1. The laser “scalpel” eliminates the slightest chance of wound infection. Moreover, the laser has an antibacterial effect and additionally sterilizes the surgical wound.
  2. Bleeding is minimal due to the coagulating effect of the laser on the vessels.
  3. Laser mole removal occurs with minimal trauma to healthy tissue.
  4. The laser stimulates regeneration and accelerates healing.
  5. Minimal risk of skin pigmentation at the site of formation.
  6. The scar after the procedure is slightly expressed or absent.

Is laser mole removal safe? Yes, it's safe. Safer than cryodestruction or electrocoagulation. Is it possible to remove dangerous moles with laser? Yes, perhaps the only exceptions are precancerous conditions. Is a mole completely removed? Yes, completely. Is special skin care required after laser nevus removal? No, it is enough to follow the general recommendations.

Is it possible to remove moles and warts on the face with a laser? Moreover, it is better to use a laser procedure on the face. The laser not only speeds up healing, but also minimizes the risk of scarring or skin pigmentation.

Mole removal in Moscow is often performed using a laser. The price of the procedure varies widely. You can find out the current cost at a consultation with a dermato-oncologist at the Moscow aesthetic medicine clinic Soho Clinic.

Ways to remove moles

Surgical excision

This is the simplest method, which boils down to cutting out the mole with a scalpel. The method is quite outdated, traumatic, and leaves scars. It is used in two cases: if the mole is large or if there is concern about the oncological nature of the mole.

Laser removal

It is considered the most modern, fast and effective way to cope with any hyperpigmentation. Laser removal is especially important in the presence of flat moles, which are painlessly “removed” by a laser beam. Marks on the skin after the procedure gradually disappear.


The procedure involves freezing the mole with liquid nitrogen, causing the treated tissue to die. This method successfully removes raised moles, warts, and papillomas. However, scars remain on the skin.


The procedure is a treatment with a strong electric current charge, causing thermal damage to the tissue. After the removal session, a small scar may remain.

What moles need to be removed?

Let's start with the fact that from a histological point of view, a mole, or nevus, is a neoplasm on the skin with a high content of melanin (pigment).
Moles are formed as a result of changes in hormonal balance, in particular, an increase in the secretion of melanotropic hormone and some other pituitary hormones. Although a mole should be considered a benign tumor, it does not pose any particular health risk. On the human body you can count dozens and even hundreds of small moles, and many nevi of medium and large size. The probability of malignancy (malignant degeneration) of a small mole is close to zero, but in the case of medium or large nevi, the risk increases, so caution should be exercised.

When is mole removal necessary? Everything is quite simple here. There is a system for assessing the degree of risk of malignant degeneration, which in the English-language literature is called ABCDE, and in the Russian-language literature - AKORD. The criteria for this evaluation system are as follows:

  1. Asymmetry . Harmless moles are symmetrical. (Perhaps they are not absolutely symmetrical, but they can be called as such.) Severe asymmetry of the nevus is a risk factor and an indication for mole removal with a laser or other method.
  2. Edge . A safe neoplasm has smooth edges. If the edge of the nevus becomes jagged, you need to consult a dermatologist or dermato-oncologist.
  3. Coloring . Benign nevi are evenly colored. Dangerous moles have inclusions, areas of darker or lighter color. Uneven coloring is another alarming symptom.
  4. Size . If the diameter of the mole does not exceed 6 cm, the risk of degeneration is minimal. Large nevi (7 cm or more) degenerate more often, and therefore it is better to think about removing the mole before this happens.
  5. Dynamics. A very simple criterion: if the appearance of the nevus begins to change, it is better to remove it. Removal of moles is indicated if a new growth on the skin begins to enlarge or bleed, or its density, texture, surface, border or color have changed.

Laser removal of moles is also carried out at the request of the patient, that is, for aesthetic reasons. In such a situation, it is enough to make sure that the neoplasm is benign. (Malignant tumors are also removed, but according to different protocols.)

Benefits of laser removal

  • The procedure is low-traumatic and almost painless.
  • Thanks to the small diameter of the laser beam and high targeting accuracy, damage to healthy skin areas can be avoided.
  • The occurrence of neoplasms at the site of the removed mole is excluded.
  • Short duration of the operation. The procedure lasts several minutes.
  • Fast healing and recovery.
  • Possibility of removing several formations at a time.
  • No bleeding.
  • After removing a mole, there are no marks left on the skin.
  • Rehabilitation takes only one week.

Laser mole removal: before and after photos

The disadvantages of the laser technique include the inability to perform histology. Therefore, this method can be used only after confirmation of the non-malignant nature of the formation.

Myth #4. “Removing moles is terribly painful”

This myth goes back to the distant 80-90s, when moles in our country were removed only with a scalpel. Before the operation, the doctor used a regular thick needle to give 3-5 anesthetic injections along the skin incision. Then, during the operation, new injections were performed if the tissue dissection became painful or delayed.

Now things are much simpler. When removing moles using modern methods, injections are performed with the thinnest needles - no more than 0.12 mm thick. The newest combination drugs for local anesthesia act much stronger, faster and longer than their predecessors. In 99% of cases, one short injection with the introduction of a minimal amount of the drug is enough. In combination with psychological methods of pain reduction, all these measures can reduce discomfort to a minimum. When removing moles, a numbing cream may also be used .

A study in our clinic showed that only 8% of people after mole removal called this procedure painful.

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