Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan): video, massage technique, reviews (12 massage techniques for youth and beauty)

The history of the creation of Asahi rejuvenating massage (zogan)

Yukuko Tanaka developed a unique facial rejuvenation technique, which gained immense popularity in Japan and then throughout the world.

Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan) - a unique technique of facial rejuvenation

Yukuko Tanaka received her massage skills from her grandmother. Then, not yet understanding where this road would lead her, Yukuko began to practice these skills on herself. She noticed that her face began to change and tighten.

She became interested in the structure of the lymphatic and muscular systems. Gradually, step by step, an amazing rejuvenation system was born without surgery or injections, accessible to any woman.

Yukuko Tanaka

“Through trial and error, repeating again and again, I understood why my face changed.” (Yukuko Tanaka)

Today, anyone can master the technique of performing such a massage - there are various video tutorials for this, including those recorded in Japan.


The most ridiculous striptease from the point of view of a European. Scene, naked girls. They move to the rhythm of the dance, and absolutely synchronously. The dancers crawl to the edge of the stage and sit down with their legs spread wide. The dance is over, the audience is in a trance. Magnifying glasses and flashlights in the hands of men give them the opportunity to examine the entire anatomy of female genitalia.

In Japanese culture, the female body is always hidden, and men are simply deprived of the pleasure of contemplating female charms. And here is an opportunity to consider everything in the smallest detail.

Youth and beauty: what is the secret of Asahi massage?

The structure of the lymphatic system
To understand the secret of lymphatic massage, let's look at the structure of the lymphatic system in the face, neck and shoulder area. The lymphatic system is a whole network of lymph running throughout the body, which is concentrated at certain points - lymph nodes. It is the full movement of lymph and the absence of its stagnation that allows the facial skin to look young and toned.

By working the lymphatic pathways directly, without injections or surgeries, we can prolong the youth of our face. Zogan means “face building” in Japanese. What distinguishes Japanese Asahi facial massage from other massage techniques is its targeted effect on biologically active points located in the facial area.

Asahi massage is based on the physiology of the body, on the structure of its lymphatic system, therefore it is the most natural way of rejuvenation.

Stimulation of these points allows you to increase blood circulation and lymph flow, relax constantly tense facial muscles and increase the tone of the muscles that support the oval of the face, activate skin self-healing processes and improve overall well-being.

The secret of Asahi massage is its impact on bioactive points

Massage allows you to increase blood circulation and lymph flow, relax constantly tense facial muscles and increase the tone of the muscles that support the oval of the face, activate skin self-healing processes and improve overall well-being.

Working with bioactive points underlies many medical practices - in particular, reflexology, which today has become an officially recognized branch of medicine.

It is not surprising that today there are many people who have mastered the Japanese Asahi massage, whose reviews indicate that with the help of this massage sessions they not only acquired a well-groomed and fit appearance, but also began to feel much better.


This is the art of Japanese bondage or bondage. Shibari plays a major role in Japanese erotica. The theme is simple: dominance. But these are not just tied hands. The nawashi (the one who plays the dominant role) ties him in such a way that the body of the zhuzhun (submissive) takes the most strange positions. In addition, this must be done in such a way that the bound person’s lust is awakened and he receives pleasure.

This perversion has deep roots. It all started from the times of the samurai, when prisoners were tied so that they could not escape. Somewhat later, shibari (sibari) became a punishment. This happened during the reign of the Tokugawa. Then no attempt was made to appease the bound victim. She was stoned, flogged, or simply hung up in pain. By the way, Japanese women love shibari, as they believe that being tied up gives them freedom from conventions.

The result of regular Asahi massage

After regularly performing Asahi massage for two to three months, we see the following results:

  • deep nasolabial folds gone
  • wrinkles on forehead gone
  • wrinkles under the eyes are gone
  • oval face tightened
  • double chin gone or significantly reduced

Japanese Asahi facial massage affects biologically active points


Imekura is a stylized brothel. All rooms of the brothel are equipped in accordance with a certain theme. This could be a school classroom, a hospital ward, a locker room, or even a train carriage. Of course, the services will be provided by an actress dressed according to the decoration of the room: a nurse or a teacher.

You can learn more about all the nuances of Japanese brothels in our next article.

Correct performance of Asahi massage (tips for beginners)

  • Before performing a massage, thoroughly wash your hands and cleanse your face.
  • If your skin is prone to oiliness and rashes, you should even use a mild anti-inflammatory agent (by doing a massage we can “spread” the rashes across the face)
  • When performing a massage, use massage oil or face cream. If you perform a massage with oil, then after the massage we recommend not leaving it on the skin, but rinsing it off, as the oil can clog the pores.
  • Remember that this massage works the lymph nodes, so never use excessive force, massage gently and gently.

Massage gently and carefully


Why gynecological massage is needed in each specific case is decided by the doctor. The main indications for prescribing this manipulation will be the following:

  • if menstruation is painful;
  • if a woman suffers from chronic inflammatory diseases (can be carried out only if there is no exacerbation);
  • weak, non-standard, contraction of the uterus during the period after childbirth;
  • pregnancy that was terminated;
  • if there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • in case of infertility and during the period when a couple is trying to conceive a child;
  • if a diagnosis such as fibrosis and/or dystonia is made;
  • if the uterus is positioned incorrectly;
  • if there are problems during sexual intercourse (in particular vaginismus).

Pelvic massage in a woman can also be performed if it is necessary to normalize the condition of the intestines or bladder. This manipulation also helps eliminate problems that arise after pregnancy and childbirth.

How to do Japanese Asahi (Zogan) facial massage:

Exercise No. 1 - “Warming up the lymphatic pathways”

1 - Place your palms on your cheeks near your ears.

Asahi massage 1

2 - We go down.

3 - We stop in the area of ​​the collarbone.

Asahi massage 2

Exercise No. 2 - “Warming up the lymphatic pathways (forehead)”

1- Place three fingers of each hand on the middle of the forehead.

Asahi massage 3

2 — We run our palms along the edges of the face, linger slightly at the temples and relieve tension.

3 - We finish the movement at the collarbones.

Asahi massage 4

Exercise No. 3 - “Massage the area around the eyes”

1 - Place two or three fingers in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes and draw along the upper eyelid to the temples.

Asahi massage 5

2 - From the temples, carefully draw under the eyes to the corners of the eyes.

Asahi massage 6

Exercise No. 4 - “From wrinkles that are visible when you smile”

1 - Place two or three fingers on your chin.

Asahi massage 7

2 - We move our fingers around the mouth, ending the movement under the nose. While performing the exercise, we try to lightly press on the gums.

Asahi massage 8

Exercise No. 5 - “Line around the nose (nasolabial folds)”

1- Place your fingers in the center of the chin.

2 - Raise your hands along your cheeks up along your mouth and nose, stopping in the area under the eyes.

3 — Continuing to press, we spread our hands in different directions of the face.

4 - Return your fingers to your temples and lower them down to your collarbone.

Asahi massage 9

Exercise No. 6 - “Line around the nose (nasolabial folds) on each side”

1- With one hand we hold the face from below by the chin.

2 - With the second hand we run along the cheek towards the nose.

3 - We spread our hand along the line under the eyes towards the ear.

4 - Change hands.

Asahi massage 10

Exercise No. 7 - “Line around the nose (nasolabial folds) on both sides”

1 - Place your hands on your cheeks towards your nose.

2 - We spread our arms to the sides along the face towards the ears.

Asahi massage 11

Exercise No. 8 - “Working with sagging cheeks”

1 - Press your thumbs to your chin.

Asahi massage 12

2 - Move your hands horizontally to the side towards your ears.

3 - We go down to the collarbone.

Asahi massage 13

Exercise No. 9 - “Getting rid of the Shar-Pei effect”

1 - Place the pads of your thumbs on your chin and slightly tilt your head forward.

Asahi massage 14

2 - We run our hands along the cheeks towards the ears.

Asahi massage 15

3 - Raise your head and lower your hands along the lymphatic pathways down to the collarbone.

Asahi massage 16

Exercise No. 10 - “Getting rid of a double chin”

All women know that a double chin immediately adds ten years of age. At the same time, it is interesting that a double chin can appear even in a slender girl with delicate facial features. Sometimes it is a consequence of incorrect posture or bite. Japanese facial massage exercises will help you remove your double chin very quickly and effectively.

1 - Place your palm on the bottom of your chin.

2 - We run our hand along the chin.

3 - Change hand and side.

Asahi massage 17

Exercise No. 11 - “Tightening the muscles of the entire face”

1 - Place your hands on your face in a triangle.

Asahi massage 18

2 — We spread our palms to the sides, smoothing our face.

Asahi massage 19

Exercise No. 12 - “Smoothing the forehead”

1 - Place the fingers of one hand on the middle of the forehead.

2 - Draw from the middle of the forehead to the edge.

Asahi massage 20

Preparation and technique

Where to perform a gynecological massage, the doctor and the patient decide together: it can be performed both in a medical center and at home. In fact, the most important condition is the woman’s physical and psychological health, her readiness and normal emotional state. From medical nuances: before starting the procedures, it is necessary to take a general blood test (to exclude inflammatory phenomena) and a smear for vaginal flora. It is recommended to abstain from sex on the days of the massage. After eating, if a session is planned, at least an hour and a half should pass.

The massage is carried out on a couch (table) with foot rests or in a regular gynecological chair. Immediately at the beginning of the session, the woman is advised not to tense her abdominal muscles and breathe a little to relax.

During the session, the doctor uses both of his hands: with one of them he presses through the abdominal wall to the internal organs of the small pelvis, and the second (only two or three fingers) through the vagina massages and lifts those parts of the uterus that are accessible for palpation. The doctor is obliged to carry out actions slowly and very carefully so as not to cause harm. When the uterus is bent, the specialist uses a gentle massage to move and bring the organ to the required position.

Sessions last from a few minutes to half an hour and are usually scheduled once every two days.

Japanese facial massage Asahi video:

Now we invite you to learn how to perform Japanese Asahi massage yourself - videos in Russian will make this task much easier. They will tell you how to prepare for a massage session and what means to use for it. It is enough to devote a few hours to mastering its technique in order to fight age-related changes in the future without unnecessary effort and expense and maintain your youth for many, many years.

Japanese facial massage by Asahi in Russian voice acting:

Facial massage with music without commentary (shows Japanese woman):


Taking into account the specifics of how gynecological massage is performed, contraindications to it can be either permanent or temporary. It is prohibited to conduct sessions under the following conditions:

  • if you are pregnant;
  • during menstruation;
  • with oncological pathology in the body;
  • during any disease (especially inflammatory) in the acute stage;
  • if a woman is breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of confirmed sexually transmitted diseases;
  • in the presence of varicose veins;
  • when body temperature is elevated.

Pain that appears during the procedure will definitely be a contraindication.

Sex with an octopus13

This type of fetish is of a dubious nature. It all started with the painting “The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife” by the Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai, created in 1820. This masterpiece inspired Pablo Picasso to create a whole series of works, which are sometimes even exhibited to the public.

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