Electrocoagulation or laser - which is better for removal?

The ideal for every woman is impeccably clean skin and the complete absence of all kinds of rashes, birthmarks and other defects. Modern cosmetology in Kaliningrad offers several options for removing such growths on the body, among which everyone can choose the best option for themselves.

Today, there is debate about which is better – electrocoagulation or laser. Both of these procedures are used to eliminate moles, papillomas and other defects, but they require different implementations - accordingly, each technique has individual advantages and disadvantages.

How is electrocoagulation performed and its advantages?

The procedure in question can only be carried out in professional cosmetology establishments, since improperly performed manipulations can lead to scars and other negative consequences. Many people are interested in how electrocoagulation occurs and what difficulties may arise in the process. Typically this service consists of the following actions:

  1. Flat-shaped neoplasms are cauterized with a special heated electrode. Keep in mind that this is much more painful than laser removal - you may feel significant discomfort.
  2. Larger defects “on the stem” are cut off using a small professional knife. In this case, good knowledge of the doctor is important, because the appearance of the treated area after healing will depend on this.

The main disadvantage of this technique is increased pain - laser treatment will be almost imperceptible. Many people are interested in how papilloma is removed by electrocoagulation, although most often this method is used for small moles up to 10 mm in size.

What is the best way to remove moles and warts?

Skin formations, which are often perceived only as a cosmetic defect, require particularly close attention from doctors and competent diagnosis, since they can degenerate into malignant ones. Therefore, the decision - to remove, examine or treat - must be made by the doctor. Currently, aesthetic medicine has a large arsenal of methods for removing various growths on the skin. Acid-containing drugs, which can be easily purchased in city pharmacies, destroy tumor tissue when applied locally. However, you should not self-medicate, since the drug must be used in strict doses, by a specialist with experience in its use. If applied in excess

The acid gets into the surrounding skin and a deep burn develops, resulting in a rough scar. Chemical means also include cryodestruction - removal with liquid nitrogen. Its main advantage is that the tissue destroyed by the cold is not removed, but remains in place, playing the role of a kind of “bandage” that covers and protects the wound from infection.

All this time, the area of ​​treatment does not need treatment and can be wetted several hours after the operation, which is very convenient, for example, when removing formations from the skin of the hands. However, this method also has its disadvantages - it is not always possible to accurately control the depth of impact. Therefore, the possibility of burns to surrounding tissues cannot be ruled out, which may result in a scar. There is also the possibility that the tumor may not be completely eliminated, in which case a repeat procedure will be required.

Basic hardware removal methods

come down to their surgical excision, electro- and laser coagulation. Surgical excision is a traditional method of removing tumors, which is still common and sometimes irreplaceable, for example, if it is necessary to cope with a sufficiently deep or large skin formation. However, the surgeon's intervention leaves scarring on the skin.

Electrocoagulation method

allows you to remove the tumor in one go, and samples of removed tissue can be used for additional tests. This method allows you to control the depth of the effect, but the electric current causes volumetric thermal damage to the tissue around the removed area; a dry crust appears at the operation site, which must be protected from water and the effects of cosmetics for 5-7 days, and get rid of it ahead of schedule (14 -20 days) is not worth it to get the best cosmetic result. This causes a lot of inconvenience to patients.

Recently, removal of benign tumors with a carbon dioxide laser has been widely used.

Its scanning effect allows you to control the depth of penetration into the skin, which minimally damages the surrounding tissues. During the operation, the vessels are coagulated, which makes the procedure bloodless. The postoperative wound becomes covered with a black crust (necrosis of the underlying tissue occurs), which does not look very aesthetically pleasing and requires careful care, as after electrocoagulation.

Another disadvantage

laser beam is the impossibility of conducting additional studies of the tumor after removal (which is necessary to confirm the diagnosis and exclude malignant growth), due to its complete combustion.


is a new, gentle method for removing skin tumors. The principle of the effect of radio waves on tissue is very similar to a laser - the evaporation of cells, but numerous studies have shown that an incision with their help causes the least trauma to tissues compared to other methods and the healing process is more active.

Immediately after removal, a small wound the color of normal skin will appear on the skin, which is lubricated with wound-healing creams or gels, it can be wetted and after 5 days it will be covered with new epithelium. This course of the postoperative period does not require time for rehabilitation and allows you to lead a normal lifestyle.

The radiosurgical method has a good cosmetic effect:

It is often difficult to find the surgical site due to the complete restoration of the structure and relief of the skin. In addition, removing a skin tumor with a radio wave will cost much less than laser due to the cost of the equipment.

It should be noted that the use of modern technologies for various interventions often depends on the availability of certain equipment in the clinic. The use of each type of high-energy radiation has its own indications, taking into account their effects on certain tissues, which can only be determined by a specialist.

The radiosurgical method is successfully used in the Allergy and Acid Center using the Surgitron apparatus.

Dermatologist-cosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences,
Natalya Mamula Return to list

Which method should you choose?

Laser coagulation is less painful and has fewer contraindications, so it is more often used in practice. A significant disadvantage of the technology is its expensive cost, but often this is the only option used. The laser allows you to get rid of tumors in hard-to-reach places - between skin folds, in areas of high sensitivity, etc.

If we talk about which is better: electrocoagulation or laser, then the second method scores more points. The first option is also actively used in cosmetology due to its budget cost, but it can often be unsuitable. It is equally important that the laser method will be effective even with deep and large growths that its rival cannot cope with.

How can I remove it?

People faced with the question of how to remove a tumor have to choose a method for doing it. Each method has its negative and positive sides, and is suitable for a certain type of growth.

Papillomas, moles and other neoplasms can be removed using several methods:

  1. Electrocoagulation method. When carrying out this procedure, high frequency current is used.
  2. Laser excision. The tumor is eliminated using a laser, with minimal blood loss, which prevents possible metastasis.
  3. Cryodestruction. Ultra-low temperatures are used for removal.
  4. Surgical removal. This excision produces maximum damage to the skin with noticeable scarring.
  5. Radio knife. The elimination process occurs without damaging healthy tissue. This method is one of the most promising.


A widely used method for removing tumors for several decades is cryodestruction. The procedure is carried out with liquid nitrogen or another refrigerant. The essence of the technique is to expose the skin to extremely low temperatures (down to –196 C). Flash freezing destroys unwanted tissue and turns it white. Complete rejection of pathological elements occurs within 5–6 weeks.

The removal itself is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations (only slight tingling, numbness), however, after “defrosting” the skin, pain is possible. In case of superficial formation, a cotton wool with a reagent is applied. In case of deep tissue damage, a cryodestructor is used. A thin needle with a sensor is immersed to the desired depth and immediately removed. One such session lasts 2–3 minutes.

Advantages of cryodestruction:

  • There is no need for pain relief.
  • Well tolerated by patients.
  • Fast wound healing.
  • No scars.
  • Impossibility of infection and spread.
  • Low cost.

Disadvantages of cryodestruction:

  • Inability to accurately control the depth and area of ​​exposure to the refrigerant.
  • In some cases, repeat sessions are needed.
  • Temporary appearance of spots and swelling at the site of exposure.
  • Contraindicated for cold intolerance.

Indications and contraindications for mole removal

Mole removal has aesthetic and medical indications. It’s definitely worth removing a mole if it:

  • located on the face and creates a pronounced cosmetic defect
  • exposed to frequent injury (razor, clothing, hand)
  • is located in an open area of ​​the body and is regularly exposed to insolation (ultraviolet exposure)
  • intensively increases, changes shape, color (histology is required)
  • crusted over
  • hurts, itches

Even if a nevus looks normal, it may undergo malignant processes that are invisible to the naked eye. Absolutely all of them are prone to degeneration into a malignant tumor. According to statistics, skin melanoma accounts for 10% of all diagnosed cancers. Therefore, before removing a nevus, specialists must examine the type of cells of which it consists.

Do not put off your preventive examination until later, at the ABC Clinic, we will examine you and give the necessary recommendations for the prevention of dysplasia and malignancy.

Removal of benign nevi is contraindicated in cases of increased sensitivity to solar radiation (photodermatosis), which is diagnosed in 10% of people. Relative (temporary) contraindications include taking tetracycline drugs and local inflammatory processes.

Laser therapy

The use of laser technology in medicine is quite new and dates back to the 80s of the last century. Thanks to increasing scientific and technological progress in recent years, lasers are very widely used in beauty salons for removing moles and hair removal on the body.

A laser beam, controlled by a computer or the surgeon’s hand, precisely affects the desired skin defect. There is instant evaporation and simultaneous cauterization, as well as adhesion of damaged tissues and blood vessels.

The therapy is suitable for removing many types of formations:

  • papilloma;
  • cutaneous horn;
  • nevus;
  • xanthelasma;
  • lipoma;
  • keratoma;
  • wart;
  • hygroma;
  • fibroma;
  • hemangioma;
  • atheroma;
  • condyloma.

The method is excellent for removing formations anywhere on the body, on the skin, mucous membranes and other hard-to-reach places, regardless of the size of the defect. The procedure does not require special preparation and the patient’s stay in the hospital.

Before laser therapy, local anesthesia is performed on the desired area of ​​skin. The removal process usually lasts from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the nature and extent of the lesion. At the site where the tumor was, only a dry crust remains. One of the advantages of this method is that there is no risk of infection of the surgical wound.

Doctor's advice for better recovery:

  • exclude any mechanical impact on the wound;
  • It is strictly forbidden to peel off the crust;
  • if possible, do not wet the postoperative site;
  • Avoid applying any cosmetics to the damaged area;
  • protect from direct sunlight.

Unfortunately, laser therapy is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications to the procedure are infectious skin rashes, heart problems and exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as diabetes and pregnancy.

Examination before mole removal

All patients undergo a dermoscopic examination before removal of nevi. The essence of dermatoscopy is to repeatedly enlarge the area under study, down to the cellular level. The doctor determines what cells the neoplasm consists of and whether there is dysplasia. As a rule, no tests are required before removal. However, if a large area of ​​skin is affected or the mole has signs of malignancy, in addition to the histological analysis of the nevus itself, you will need to submit the following:

  • clinical blood and urine test
  • blood chemistry
  • blood for infections, clotting
  • blood group and Rh factor
  • and undergo fluorography

Types of tumors and removal methods

In modern medicine and cosmetology, there are several radical methods of combating skin defects and neoplasms. The most progressive are electrocoagulation and laser removal.

Other methods:

  1. Removal using a surgical knife is a common operation performed under local or general anesthesia. Recommended for large lesions. After the procedure, the wound is closed with sutures or a sterile dressing; residual scars are possible.
  2. Cryodestruction involves freezing the defect with liquid nitrogen. After defrosting, the shell of the modified cells bursts and the neoplasm dies, leaving a wound in its place. The procedure is quite painful, and complete healing will take a lot of time. Its advantage is its low cost, simplicity and widespread use.
  3. Chemical cauterization involves the spot application of a special aggressive solution containing caustic alkali or acid to the affected area of ​​the skin. The connected cells react with the pathologically changed ones and destroy them. Depending on the size of the problem, multiple sessions may be required. In the pharmacy chain you can purchase inexpensive specialized liquids for self-use. However, this remedy is suitable only for a small affected area. You should be extremely careful not to burn healthy skin by accidentally making a mistake in the dosage. Suitable only for papillomas and warts.

Neoplasms come in different forms, and before deciding to remove them, you should consult with a specialist. A dermatologist will conduct an examination, determine the type of skin pathology, the possible risk and advise how best to remove the defect.

Types of neoplasms that electrocoagulation can treat:

  • a mole, or nevus, is an accumulation of pigment at a certain point on the skin;
  • warts and condylomas are an external manifestation of the human papillomavirus;
  • hemangioma is a benign tumor consisting of arterial or venous vessels;
  • atheroma appears as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland duct, due to which fat ceases to be released to the surface and accumulates inside.

As a rule, all these pathologies are not dangerous to human life. Their removal is required only for medical reasons or for aesthetic reasons.

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