Caring for dry hair: the most effective products and salon procedures

From this article you will learn:

  • How to understand that dry hair needs care
  • What should be included in home care for dry hair?
  • What special products are there for dry hair?
  • What professional care for dry hair do beauty salons offer?

Every woman dreams of a luxurious, shining hairstyle, but achieving what she wants can sometimes be very difficult. What's really going on? Your hair splits, breaks, has a dull and lifeless appearance, reminiscent of your grandmother's old washcloth. And the reason for this is their dryness. Special care for them will help you cope with this problem. Only today and now are we revealing the secrets of how to restore health and stunning appearance to your curls.

How do you know if you need additional hair care?

It's no secret that the skin of the face and body is often susceptible to chapping, irritation and peeling. Certain problems also arise for owners of dry hair, which requires special care. Compared to normal hair, such hair is much thinner and more susceptible to the influence of harmful substances and atmospheric phenomena. The main reason is the reduced level of sebum secretion. It is because of this that curls lose their former elasticity and shine, often break and, when viewed from the outside, resemble a wig. This often causes the appearance of fine dandruff, which forms a light dust on clothes when combed. Caring for such scalp and hair is extremely important, because such strands are difficult to comb and are quite problematic when styling.

Their deplorable condition can be a consequence of both a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands and improper care. Think about how often you resort to procedures that deprive your hair of precious moisture (perm, coloring, bleaching, prolonged exposure to sunlight, etc.).

Even if you've had normal hair all your life, know that it can become dry as you age. The reasons for this often lie in improper care - using a hot hair dryer, excessively frequent washing. In addition, dryness can be caused by frequent exposure to the sun, sudden changes in air temperature, as well as your general health.

If your curls have lost their shine and are starting to break, try to find the reason and be sure to take proper care.

To restore your hair to its former elasticity and shine, it is necessary to provide it with additional nutrition, which will help normalize fat metabolism and speed up blood circulation.

If you find it difficult to determine your hair type, and therefore choose the right care, study the features that characterize each one.


  • Do not look greasy for a long time;
  • The ends are overdried, break and split;
  • The roots after washing are dry, on the third or fourth day they become normal, and by the end of the seventh they become greasy;
  • After washing, a feeling of tightness of the scalp appears;
  • Drying with a hairdryer makes them even more brittle.


  • Become oily within two to three days;
  • The ends are normal, but may be dry or split;
  • The roots after washing are normal, by the end of the third day they are greasy;
  • Sometimes washing the scalp may cause a feeling of tightness;
  • Blow-drying your hair makes it soft and fluffy.


  • They become greasy within one to two days;
  • After washing there is no feeling of tightness on the scalp;
  • The roots are normal immediately after washing, but by the end of the first day they are greasy;
  • The ends practically do not split with proper care;
  • Using a hair dryer does not affect the condition of the hair.

Mixed (oily roots, dry ends):

  • Become oily within three to four days;
  • A feeling of tightness on the scalp after washing is extremely rare;
  • The roots are normal immediately after washing, but on the second or third day they are greasy;
  • Split ends and dry ends.

To find out what care should be like in this case, you should visit a dermatocosmetologist.

If, after reading the information above, you have decided that you have dry hair, then this article will help you learn a lot of interesting things.

General rules for caring for dry hair at home

To avoid the problems of dandruff and dry scalp, as well as split ends, stick to simple conditions that will make your curls irresistible.

So, how to take care of your strands at home? To do this you need:

  1. Saturate your body with natural vitamins found in healthy foods and drinks. Vitamins are especially important to maintain hair in excellent condition:
  2. Eat enough seasonal fruits, berries and vegetables: strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears, plums, apricots, currants, tomatoes, etc.;
  3. Protect from direct sunlight with a cap, Panama hat, hat, bandana or fashionable scarf;
  4. Wash less frequently, for example once or twice a week. Otherwise, sebum simply does not have time to be produced in the required volume, but it is necessary in order to envelop the hair and protect it from aggressive environmental influences;
  5. Use special shampoos;
  6. After washing, tie a towel on your head and let the water absorb on its own;
  7. Avoid hair dryers and thermal appliances (for example, straighteners, electric curlers, curling irons). The safest curling tool is traditional foam curlers. The optimal solution may be a hairdryer with a cool air flow and an ionization function;
  8. Use the Darsonval device with a comb attachment, which will improve blood circulation in the scalp and give your hair new energy;
  9. Comb carefully, starting from the ends, preferably with a brush with natural bristles.

Read material on the topic: Hair carving: photos, types, advantages and disadvantages

Causes of dry skin

There may be several reasons for the drying out of the surface layers of the epidermis on the head.

Overlapping each other, they quickly lead to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, peeling and hair loss.

  1. Abuse of hair dryers, hair curling irons, and curling irons.

    Frequent use of such devices leads not only to dry hair, but also to dehydration of the upper layers of the dermis of the head.

  2. Washing your hair with too hot water. As a result, the skin receives minor burns, which, however, lead to the formation of dry, dead areas on its surface.
  3. General dehydration of the body as a result of any reason - from too hot weather to certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.
  4. Internal illnesses. These may be some dermatological diseases, a high temperature that lasts for a long time, pathologies of internal organs, the endocrine system, etc.
  5. Improper diet and metabolic disorders.
  6. Seasonal or chronic vitamin deficiency.
  7. Alcohol and nicotine abuse.
  8. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Since dry skin can be a sign of some developing illness, if this symptom appears, it is recommended to go to the clinic for a comprehensive examination of the body.

Caring for dry hair ends

To restore them, it is necessary to regularly use masks and balms that have moisturizing and softening effects. Such products help strengthen the core and cortex, and also prevent sectioning and excessive opening of the scales. They make combing noticeably easier, making curls elastic and manageable. There is a wide range of masks and balms for colored hair on sale, which give it shine and brightness for a long time. To ensure that this type of care produces the expected results, use the following products once a week.

  • Herbal infusions.

Extracts of medicinal herbs are perfect as a hand-made balm. They help retain moisture in the hair and strengthen it along its entire length. In addition, they promote faster growth, which, in turn, helps get rid of split ends faster. To prepare the product, you will need three to four tablespoons of calendula flowers, chamomile, coltsfoot or plantain leaves. Pour the mixture with two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for two hours. After this, dilute the infusion with two liters of warm water and use for rinsing after shampooing.

Recommended articles on the topic:

  • Diffuse alopecia in women
  • Plasma therapy for the scalp
  • Useful vitamins for hair: against hair loss and for growth
  • Apple vinegar.

To prepare the solution, take one tablespoon of vinegar essence and one liter of liquid. This product perfectly softens chlorinated water, which is used for rinsing.

  • Tinted rinses.

Blondes and girls with dark brown hair can make their own lightening balm. To do this, you just need to mix ½ cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice and three liters of warm water. Brunettes and brown-haired women who want to intensively care for their hair and give it an attractive reddish tint can achieve this with the help of a rinse made from 200 grams of onion skins and two liters of water.

Moisturizing and softening the skin with cosmetics

Today on the medicinal cosmetics market there is a wide range of shampoos that can be used to moisturize the skin at home. Among them, the following brands are particularly noteworthy:


This cosmetic product, produced in Japan, embodies a combination of modern medical technologies with folk recipes. The shampoo is specially designed to nourish and moisturize the skin. Includes soap root and rice bran extracts.

Cutrin BIO+ is another medicinal cosmetic product created to nourish and soften the skin on the head. Prevents hair loss, flaking and dryness.


An emollient containing panthenol and African shea butter - karite. This vegetable oil has a rejuvenating and nourishing effect. Serves as a basis for the production of natural cosmetics.

Zait Al Hayee Hemani

A ready-made therapeutic mask with nourishing and restorative properties. Includes sesame, olive, mustard seed oils, laurel and castor bean extracts.

Before using any remedy, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

Easy care for colored hair

Most women know that dyeing can cause their hair to become coarser and dryer. They lose their natural shine and may look like straw. It is very important to provide them with sufficient moisture and protect them from the harmful effects of sunlight, which special products can do perfectly.

To ensure that the valuable substances contained in the shampoo have maximum effect, while washing, slowly massage your hair and scalp to receive the necessary microelements and oxygen. Maintenance must be regular. To give damaged curls a stunning shine, pamper them every week with a conditioner containing lemon juice and a mask with burdock oil. A serum with flaxseed oil and vitamins, which can be purchased in specialized salons, has proven itself to be excellent. Rub it into the ends to make them manageable and soft. If you want to make combing noticeably easier, spray your hair with linden spray.

Herbal infusions of chamomile, sage, yarrow, and nettle will be excellent helpers for you. They will restore moisture and incredible shine.

If you want to pamper your curls with restorative spa care, then reviews on the Internet recommend using masks made from honey, chicken eggs and kefir. Apply the mixture to the strands and leave for an hour. It is better to rinse off with hot and cold water alternately.

Caring for colored hair will be most effective through the use of professional cosmetics, which can be purchased in beauty salons and specialized stores. It costs more than mass-market products, but you will notice the effect immediately. Among the fair sex there is an opinion that the best products made exclusively from natural and safe ingredients are produced in Japan. Luxury cosmetics from elite stores will make your curls alive and shining. But don’t forget about the supplies that are always at hand.

Clinical researches

The beneficial effects of the products have been proven by clinical studies. The products are recommended by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. During clinical studies, specialists were able to record excellent results.


  1. Bonifazi Ernesto, Differential diagnosis in pediatric dermatology, Panfilov Publishing House, Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2014.
  2. Reken Martin, Schaller Martin, Sattler Elke, Burgdorf Walter, Atlas of Dermatology, MEDpress-inform, 2022.
  3. Sukolin Gennady Ivanovich, Clinical dermatology. A short guide to the diagnosis and treatment of dermatoses, Notabene, 2017.

Caring for dry hair with a mask made from available products

1. Kefir-bread mask

perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the scalp, gives hair unsurpassed shine.

To make it you will need:

  • One piece of rye bread;
  • 100 ml homemade kefir or yogurt (2.5% fat). This amount is designed for long strands;
  • One teaspoon of olive, flaxseed or burdock oil.

Soak the bread in warm kefir or yogurt, add butter. Apply the mixture to clean, dry hair and treat the roots well. Wrap your head to create a thermal effect, rinse after half an hour. Such intensive care will make them irresistible.


The milk mask

to be an effective remedy .

Take 100 ml of sour milk and treat clean, dry hair with it. Leave for 30 minutes, after wrapping your head, then rinse without shampoo.

3. Onion

has a strengthening effect and helps with hair loss. Its only drawback is the smell.

You will need:

  • One tablespoon of onion juice;
  • One tablespoon of olive or burdock oil;
  • One tablespoon of lemon juice.

Grate the onion and squeeze out the juice, then mix with lemon juice and oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the roots for several minutes. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo, and then rinse with water, after adding table vinegar or lemon juice.

4. Egg-honey

perfectly nourishes curls and has proven itself in the care of dry ends.


  • One egg yolk;
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • Two teaspoons of cognac;
  • Two teaspoons of honey.

Apply the mixture to the ends of your hair, collect them in a bun and wrap with film. It is recommended to keep the mask on for 40 minutes.

5. Egg-rum

adds shine to the strands and makes them noticeably stronger.

You will need:

  • Egg yolk;
  • One teaspoon of rum;
  • One teaspoon of castor oil.

Mix the ingredients, rub into the scalp until it turns slightly red, then wrap your head. Rinse off with warm water after two hours.

6. Mask of sour cream and butter -

An excellent product
significantly strengthens hair and nourishes the scalp.


  • One tablespoon of olive, sea buckthorn, burdock, almond or flaxseed oil;
  • One tablespoon of thick sour cream;
  • Chopped horseradish root.

Place the ingredients in one bowl, mix, apply to the scalp. You can wash off with warm water and shampoo after 40 minutes.

7. Calendula flower tincture

Designed for visibly weakened and damaged hair. It perfectly stimulates the bulbs and strengthens the roots.

To prepare, take:

  • One tablespoon of calendula flowers;
  • One teaspoon of castor oil;
  • ½ glass of alcohol or vodka.

Pour alcohol over the calendula flowers and leave in a cool, dark place. After seven days, strain the finished mixture and store it in a sealed container in a cool, dry place.

Add oil to the tincture. Rub the mixture into your scalp and hair, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

8. St. John's wort tincture

intensively restores the hair structure, strengthens it along its entire length, and prevents hair loss.


  • 90 ml of alcohol or vodka;
  • 10 g St. John's wort.

Place the herb in a jar, fill it with vodka or alcohol, close the lid and let it brew for a week in a dark place. Strain the finished extract, use before washing your hair, once a week. It is recommended to massage the product into the scalp, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.

9. Mask-cream for intensive care

restores hair elasticity and shine, provides nutrition.


  • Two tablespoons of lanolin;
  • ½ tablespoons peach or coconut oil;
  • Three tablespoons of castor oil;
  • One tablespoon of rendered pork fat;
  • One teaspoon of glycerin;
  • ½ glass of warm water;
  • ½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar;
  • One teaspoon of shampoo.

Melt lanolin and oils in one bowl, then combine with water and stir thoroughly until smooth. Add vinegar, let the mixture cool. Apply the cream to your hair and scalp, leave for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

10. Beer mask

Ideal for treating split ends. It is able to smooth out curls, give them intense nutrition and shine.

Mix 200 ml of dark beer and one teaspoon of olive or almond oil. Apply the composition and rinse with shampoo after 20 minutes.

11. Egg-cognac

will help damaged hair, give it nutrition, accelerate recovery and growth.


  • One tablespoon of olive oil;
  • One teaspoon of honey;
  • Egg yolk;
  • One teaspoon of cognac;
  • One teaspoon of henna.

Apply the composition to the curls, wrap them with film and a towel. After 40 minutes, wash off.

12. Butter-egg with the addition of arnica tincture

– a proven product for treating split ends, which strengthens hair from the roots.

You will need:

  • Two egg yolks;
  • Three tablespoons of arnica tincture;
  • Two tablespoons of burdock oil.

Mix everything until smooth, then massage the roots and distribute to the very ends. To enhance the effect, wrap your head first with film, then with a hot towel. After 40 minutes, rinse your hair with shampoo.

13. Elixir mask

No wonder it is considered one of the most popular. It will give your curls rich nutrition and unsurpassed shine.

For preparation you need:

  • 200 ml dark beer;
  • One tablespoon of calamus root;
  • One tablespoon of hop cones;
  • One tablespoon of burdock roots.

Mix the herbs and pour hot beer over them, let it brew for an hour and a half and strain. Treat your hair roots thoroughly twice a week.

As practice shows, folk remedies are very effective. Choose a recipe and treat yourself today!

Read material on the topic: Useful vitamins for hair: against hair loss and for growth

Prevention of the problem

To avoid problems with the scalp, special attention should be paid to its prevention. To do this, dermatologists advise following some recommendations.

First of all, you need to diversify your diet with foods rich in lipids: marine fish with a high fat content, nuts, avocados, etc. When washing your hair, it is better not to use shampoos with intense dyes and fragrances.

The chemicals they contain can cause itching and flaking of the skin when used regularly. You should also limit the use of conditioners containing active chemical components.

For rinsing, it is recommended to use a weak solution of apple cider vinegar - this is an excellent alternative to a factory-made rinse.

In winter, the air in living quarters is dried out by heating devices, which also leads to disruption of the water balance in the upper layers of the epidermis. To prevent this, you should use special air humidifiers, or simply keep a damp towel on the radiator.

When washing your hair, it is best to use shampoos with natural plant ingredients. They have a delicate effect on the scalp, not only without injuring it, but also saturating it with many useful microelements.

What other products to use for dry hair?


It must contain:

  • Oils

    . The content of natural oils in cleansers, such as argan, coconut, almond, can significantly improve the condition of the hair. Avocado, cocoa and shea butters can also provide intensive care. They will cover with a thin protective film and actively nourish each hair;

  • Silicones

    will make the curls elastic due to the fact that they can retain moisture inside the hair;

  • Humidifiers.

    One of the most popular is panthenol, which has an antistatic effect, creates a protective sheath on the surface of the hair and nourishes it. Soy glycine contained in shampoos moisturizes strands and makes them soft;

  • Plant extracts.

    Extracts of aloe, calamus, grapefruit, avocado, burdock and chamomile are actively used;

  • Lecithin and lanolin

    “soldering” scales and split ends. Lecithin accelerates the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, and lanolin restores the structure of the hair from the inside.

If you really want to find the perfect shampoo, be prepared to try several options. Properly selected cleansers will help you feel the desired effect. Here is a selection of the most effective of them

, compiled based on consumer reviews on the Internet:

  • «Moltobene" with Damask rose extract.

    A medicinal shampoo that will give elasticity and a lasting rose scent. Betaine in its composition makes hair voluminous. The cost of the bottle reaches 1,500 rubles, but reviews indicate its cost-effectiveness.

  • «KeraSys Salon Care»

    – cleanser with moringa and sunflower seed extracts. Contains keratin of natural origin, which is capable of restoring the structure of the hair. Price – about 500 rubles.

  • Shampoo

    Repair Therapy Dove”
    intensive restoration)
    has a soft creamy consistency and makes the strands soft, making them easier to style later. In addition, it helps reduce hair loss. Foams perfectly and guarantees easy combing even without using conditioner. The price is about 200 rubles.

  • Almonds and flax seeds from Korres.

    This product consists of almost 85% natural ingredients and is effective after the first use. This magical shampoo, whose price is about 700 rubles, is simply ideal for dry, colored hair;

  • Solid bioshampoo “Ma Provence”

    (costing about 350 rubles) is designed to care for split ends. It gives elasticity to strands and fights hair loss thanks to its high content of red clay.

To achieve maximum effect in a short time, use step-by-step application patterns, and also try to use shampoos, conditioners and masks from the same series.

Conditioner and balm

To achieve the desired result, the infusion must be of the same series as the shampoo. At the same time, it is not recommended to purchase two-in-one products, since their effectiveness is extremely low.

It is important to use a small amount of elixir after each wash and then rinse thoroughly. You can also use it as a mask. Leave the product on your hair for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.

When choosing a balm, pay attention to whether the product contains phospholipids, avocado, shea butter, argan, and plant extracts.

Conditioner, like balm, has a protective effect after shampooing. To enhance these properties, it is recommended to apply it overnight and rinse with warm water in the morning. Use makes combing noticeably easier and the strands look more well-groomed. Carefully study the composition before purchasing the product. If you are looking for a good remedy, avoid buying those that contain alcohol, because this component takes away valuable moisture from the hair.

Ready-made masks

Many of them, in addition to their main beneficial properties, also help against hair loss. They are sold in specialized stores and pharmacy chains. Their composition includes a standard set of ingredients:

  • Microelements;
  • Proteins;
  • Vitamins;
  • Oils, including essential oils;
  • Natural extracts;
  • Silicones;
  • Preservatives.

Let's talk about professional masks from famous brands and evaluate their healing properties based on user reviews.

"Natura Siberika"

– a line of organic cosmetics, which includes exclusively natural oils and extracts. The “spa” series features a mask for growth and strengthening, which gives hair smoothness and shine. As for caring for dry hair, reviews on the Internet indicate the excellent nutritional and moisturizing properties of these products.

Series " Golden Silk"

represents the activator mask. The manufacturer promises enhanced nutrition and growth, and user reviews note the silky shine of the strands after using it.

Horsepower products

strengthen the core, have a moisturizing and restorative effect. The mask helps stop hair loss and stimulate new growth.

Product line “ Grandmother Agafya’s Recipes”

» is distinguished by its reasonable price and naturalness. These masks will give shine and amazing volume.

Ecolab brand masks

awaken hair growth, make it dense, soft, and fill it with moisture. The action of these products can safely be called organic, having a cumulative effect.


In the composition of the products of this trademark, the first places are occupied by natural ingredients, but parabens are located in the last positions. The mask, which is great for dry and brittle hair, gives it volume and noticeably softens it. Due to the content of sapropel mud, the product has a creamy consistency. Reviews on the Internet say that it stimulates growth and strengthens curls.


Today it is very popular
including among products for the care of damaged strands
Collagen, pantolactone and proteins contained in these masks give strength and shine. The growth series, which consists of Otium Unique shampoo and active-procedure spray, has a nourishing and regenerating effect.


hypoallergenic and belong to medicinal cosmetics. They do not contain parabens, but do contain mineral oils, silicones, and organic components. The mask of this brand is ideal for caring for dry hair; it makes it manageable and smooth due to its nourishing, softening and moisturizing effect. This product is not recommended for those with oily curls that lack volume.

The main component of Lady Hannah brand products is

amla oil, which contains a lot of useful substances and is very popular among Indian beauties. The product for treating split ends is presented here in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water to the desired consistency. Reviews indicate that dry hair noticeably strengthens, becomes thicker and has less split ends. By improving blood circulation in the scalp, hair loss stops and new bulbs awaken. However, if you are blonde, be aware that this powder will darken your strands and may make them look coarse.

As part of the " Vella"

contains silicones and no parabens. The product is ideal for caring for curly, dry hair, making it soft, smooth and manageable when styled. It will not speed up their growth, but will restore damage and make combing easier.

Try balm " Kerostasis"

, if you have thick, curly, dry locks and caring for them has become a problem. They will thank you for your care - they will become smooth and restored, filled with moisture. The product contains natural oils and silicones, so it is suitable for different hair types.

Healing cream "Alerana"

Sold only in pharmacies and used against baldness. A product containing keratin, silicones and natural ingredients normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Mask "Andrea"

perfectly moisturizes and nourishes, gives smoothness and softness, has a natural oily composition, awakens dormant bulbs.

Read material on the topic: Haircut for women over 50: tips for choosing and suitable options

Deep hair hydration

If your hair is too dry and brittle, you should use products to intensively moisturize dry hair. The deep moisturizing procedure consists of several stages. First, use a cleansing shampoo with a moisturizing effect, then a restorative agent (most often, masks with components such as aloe or glycerin are used for this). If the hair needs strengthening, special care complexes are used that eliminate skin irritation, and then using leave-in products (for example, foams) they close the cuticles (the protective covering of the hair) to retain moisture and, if necessary, apply additional protection in the form of a moisturizer. This complex procedure is called biohydration. [17]


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This text is not an instruction for use; it is necessary to consult a specialist.

What does leave-in care for dry hair mean?

Taking care of their clients, cosmetology companies offer a very convenient and effective way of caring using leave-in oil. Unlike natural ones, it does not weigh down or stick together the strands.

Leave-in products contain nutrients and vitamins, as well as special pigments that help maintain rich color. Ultraviolet filters in these oils protect against direct sunlight. Use a leave-in treatment after every wash and your hair will always look flawless.

These oils contain special silicones that improve the appearance of hair and the condition of the scalp, and also make styling easier. Silicone is not a harmful substance; it seals split ends, making the styling look neat and smooth. This is ensured by the fact that silicones allow air to pass through perfectly and saturate the curls with oxygen.

Cosmetic companies never tire of releasing innovative new products and advertising them all over the world, confusing consumers: which leave-in oil is better to choose? As with any other product, you must choose carefully. It is important to consider your hair type, possible shortcomings and ways to eliminate them. Given certain subtleties, it will not be difficult:

  • If you have fine hair, opt for a light liquid spray;
  • For the owner of thick, curly, dry hair, a thick, viscous cream or oil-based balm is suitable;
  • For dark or curly hair, oils with a fatty composition will be ideal.

Before going to the store, check out the most common brands of leave-in oils

, their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Loreal

The manufacturer claims that Mythic Oil leave-in care is ideal for all hair types. It is based on avocado and grape seed oils, as well as vitamins A, B and D. These ingredients moisturize and make combing and styling noticeably easier.

  • Morocanoil

This brand of oil is very popular among girls, although it is not cheap. The product provides an unsurpassed effect, and its pleasant spicy aroma will stay with you throughout the day. Leave-in oil will make your curls shiny and elastic, and also protect them during styling.

  • Garnier

If you want to experience the effective results of argan oil without overpaying, then the “Transformation” indelible elixir containing this healing oil is considered one of the best remedies. It gives shine and a healthy look to strands that have been permed or dyed.

  • Silk-n-Shine

Thanks to the content of nutrients and vitamins, this company's leave-in product will provide care from roots to ends. The elixir will return vitality to your curls without weighing them down, and will protect during styling.

  • Baraka

This fluid with amla oil has helped many girls. The product is used economically, thanks to which it will give your strands enhanced nutrition and shine for a long time. It can be used as a mask that restores not only dry damaged hair, but also the scalp.

  • Pantene Pro-V

A new product from the popular brand is “Intensive Recovery” oil, which will give shine and a healthy look, and also provide proper care and protection during styling. It is enough to apply a small amount of product, paying special attention to the ends.

  • Orofluido Revlon

It is intended for dry, fine hair and completes our rating. Essential oils of flax, rush and organs carefully care for your hair throughout the day, without sticking it together.

The structure of your curls will be restored with each use thanks to the valuable oils of organ, flax and rush. After some time, you will notice that the care and styling processes will become much easier.

Today, leave-in oils are available for sale for both home and professional use. The price categories of these products differ significantly, but in any case, you will have to pay at least 500 rubles for a fluid from a well-known brand. Thanks to economical consumption, one bottle will delight you for at least six months. Masks can be purchased at professional cosmetics stores or ordered from an online store.

Preparing the skin for moisturizing

Before you moisturize your scalp at home, you should prepare it for this procedure. First of all, it is necessary to cleanse it of the upper, dry and dead layers of the dermis.

This can be done with a special peeling mixture made by yourself. To do this, mix a mild, natural-based shampoo with a small amount of sugar or salt.

In addition, sugar and salt can be mixed with a certain amount of plant oils - mint, rose, lavender. The mixture is applied to the hair and rubbed into the skin with gentle, massaging movements of the fingertips. After this, leave the mixture on your hair for a while and then rinse it off.

If you have dry hair, then professional hair care will definitely help.

All aspects of treatment must be treated very responsibly. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, seek help from specialists from medical institutions or beauty salons.

Therapeutic procedures performed by professionals in beauty salons revitalize hair, restore its shine and strength even with severe damage. When choosing a specialist or establishment to whom you will entrust your curls, read the reviews and make sure they have licenses to perform the procedures. Please also pay attention to the price list. If the cost of services is suspiciously low, think about whether high-quality cosmetics are really used here?

So, what salon treatments can you use? Let's talk about each of them:

Lamination procedure

It restores the ends, enriches them with vitamins and minerals, and also protects them during styling. At the same time, the hair acquires shine, smoothness and becomes manageable. An additional result is their smoothing.

There are many recipes for lamination at home, but none of them can provide the guarantee that you will receive after a professional session.

A special chemical composition with a high content of proteins is applied to the strands, which creates the thinnest film on each hair. It provides maximum care, protects the structure of the curls and seals inside the minerals and vitamins that the master applies before the operation.

The procedure is as follows. First, treatment is carried out with a special composition, which is kept for 20 minutes. Then everything is washed off with a special shampoo, a hair dryer is used at the lowest temperatures.

Lamination can be done every two months, because that’s how long the result lasts. There are no restrictions on hair structure - the procedure will provide proper care for any hair.


After this, the curls can be easily styled without any special tools. The hair structure is restored and its volume increases.

The strands are coated with a special compound that forms a film on each hair, making it thicker and stronger. The effect lasts for about a month until the film is absorbed.


This procedure can not only restore health, but also change the color of the strands. The mixture may remind many people of baking icing. The composition fills the scales and seals them. Intensive care is provided by ceramides, which make hair smooth and shiny. The effect lasts for several months. Glazing can be done at the ends or along the entire length.

Spa treatment

Today, beauty salons offer a large selection of such procedures using professional cosmetics. Execution usually includes the following steps:

  • Applying oils and vitamin mixtures to dry hair;
  • Washing your hair with a mild shampoo without sulfates and fragrances;
  • Exposure of curls to a healing mask that restores damage;
  • The use of special balms that cover the scales and seal valuable substances inside the hair.

Haircut with hot scissors

This procedure is classified as therapeutic. It can only be carried out by a professional with high-quality equipment that will not damage the hair with high temperatures.

The process can save long, brittle hair and restore split ends. Special scissors are heated to a certain temperature and “seal” the tips, thus retaining moisture and nutrients inside. After such care, the curls look alive and begin to grow faster.


Today it is used not only to save the skin of the face and body, but also as an intensive treatment for very dry strands. A special composition of active substances, vitamins and medicinal components, which are selected by the doctor individually for each patient, is injected into the scalp using microneedles. Mesotherapy is virtually painless and has no side effects.

The procedure helps eliminate the causes of dry hair and dandruff, accelerate growth, and relieve you of split ends.

Salon procedures give a very good effect, provide deep restoration and nutrition of curls and scalp, which can be very difficult to achieve at home. This does not mean that you should sign up for all procedures at once. First of all, you need the advice of a qualified specialist, and not a simple hairdresser. In Moscow, a professional in this field can be found at the City Beauty and Health Center “Veronika Herba”, where a trichologist conducts consultations. Our specialists will not only identify the cause of deterioration in hair condition, but will also prescribe procedures that will provide proper care specifically in your case.

Read material on the topic: Why hair falls out: 10+ possible reasons

You don't have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment. There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

How to diagnose the cause

It is impossible to understand what the reason is. Fungal infection and dryness, as a cosmetic defect, manifest themselves in the same way. You will feel itching, tightness, and flaky scales will appear on your hair.

Make an appointment with a trichologist. Using a special device, he will examine the scalp under high magnification, will be able to assess the condition, appearance, number of scales, and then draw conclusions. You may be prescribed additional tests to rule out deficiency conditions in a number of vitamins and microelements.

How to deal with oily hair?

A trichologist will help you choose an effective care regimen for oily hair. It is necessary to establish the cause of the increased greasiness and eliminate it. This may require:

  • balance nutrition;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • use suitable cosmetics.

Good results can be achieved by procedures such as using a Hairmax laser comb. It generates low-frequency light pulses that penetrate the deep layers of the dermis, improve skin nutrition, and accelerate metabolic processes. As a result, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized and the hair follicles are strengthened.

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