Black dots on the labia - a cosmetic defect or an alarming symptom?

Black dots on the labia are comedones that appear in the intimate area of ​​women due to blockage of the sebaceous glands with fatty secretions. You can see what black dots look like in the intimate area in the photo. They do not pose a health hazard, but cause aesthetic dissatisfaction.

There are many reasons for the appearance of formations. Most often, their appearance on the labia and mucous membranes is associated with poor personal hygiene. They often go away on their own with proper hygiene of the intimate area. It is important not to remove them yourself, so as not to provoke the spread of infection.

Reasons for appearance

Black dots on the labia (comedones) are most often observed in the absence or insufficient hygiene. Also among the reasons are:

  1. Allergy to powder, fabric softener, hygiene products (at the initial stage, a small rash appears on the labia, which over the course of the process can change color from red to dark and be accompanied by severe itching).
  2. Sexual infections and diseases of the digestive system.
  3. Wearing tight, synthetic underwear. It does not allow air to pass through, resulting in irritation on soft tissues, clogged pores, and disruption of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Transitional age. During this period, there is a sharp change in hormonal levels.
  5. Pregnancy period.
  6. Hormonal imbalance. Occurs as a result of diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Hypothermia or overheating. That is why it is strictly forbidden to sit on cold stones.
  8. Hereditary predisposition.
  9. Excessive sweating. It can also be observed when the sebaceous glands are malfunctioning.
  10. Abuse of hygiene procedures. Regular and overly thorough hygiene of the genital organs leads to disruption of the vaginal microflora.
  11. Incorrect depilation. This can cause injury to the soft tissue of the labia.
  12. Varicose veins
  13. Soft tissue injuries.

Experts also believe that the provoking factors for the appearance of comedones are excess weight, diabetes, and poor nutrition.

When treatment is necessary

Treatment will be required if the point turns out to be a sign of an infectious lesion, for example, a viral disease such as condylomatosis. At the initial stage of development of the disease, its external signs may well look like a black dot on the labia protruding above the surface of the skin.

Having recognized a condyloma at this point, you can remove it, spending a minimum of effort and time, and also avoiding unpleasant consequences in the form of the growth of large conglomerates, infection of a sexual partner, and the spread of the virus to healthy areas of the skin. However, unfortunately, at this stage, condylomatosis is rarely identified, since such a small formation is not only recognizable, but also difficult to notice.

If, however, the detected point begins to grow, and new growths appear next to it, you must immediately consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and determine how to remove the formations. You should not count on the fact that condylomas will go away on their own. If left untreated, these growths can grow significantly, forming large, unkempt colonies that resemble a cock's comb. At the same time, they often affect not only the labia, but also the area around the anus, causing enormous discomfort, being damaged during defecation and rubbing against clothing.

Condylomas can only be removed surgically. However, this type of intervention is minimally invasive and often virtually painless. Among them are such procedures as:

  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser excision;
  • radio wave removal.

Too large formations can also be removed by excision with a scalpel, which is traumatic and therefore the least preferred method. Self-removal of condylomas is strictly prohibited.

How to get rid

Removing blackheads on the labia yourself is strictly prohibited. When they are identified, drug treatment is prescribed depending on the causes. The following medications are prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics. Used to diagnose sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Hormonal. Used in cases of disruption of the sebaceous glands and diseases of the endocrine system.
  3. Antiseptics. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, dry or moisturize.

The drugs are selected individually by the attending physician.

It is also important to maintain good hygiene and a special diet. Fatty, fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet. It is important to consume fermented milk products, cereals, low-fat soups, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Experts recommend maintaining hygiene. You should wash yourself twice a day without using antibacterial soap. The procedure is carried out using special intimate hygiene products, as they do not disturb the microflora.

When menstruation occurs, pads and tampons are changed every 3 hours. After prolonged wear, they become a source of bacteria.


Women are advised to maintain good hygiene. It is important to follow the following rules:

  • wash yourself daily;
  • instead of soap, use special hygiene products for the intimate area;
  • use a personal towel and washcloth;
  • during menstruation, change pads as often as possible;
  • Wear underwear only from natural fabrics;
  • In case of rashes, temporarily exclude hair removal.
  • To prevent the appearance of blackheads, take preventive measures:
  • women should shower regularly;
  • refuse sexual intercourse;
  • review your diet.


Don't ignore rashes. It is recommended to visit a doctor to rule out serious pathologies or diseases. Self-medication will lead to negative consequences.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent the appearance of a black spot on the labia, gynecologists recommend following a number of preventive measures.

First of all, you don’t need to use other people’s hygiene products or towels. For depilation, you need to use cream, but not a razor. In autumn and spring, you need to take vitamin complexes to maintain immunity. It is important to visit your doctor regularly.

Black dots formed on the external genitalia may indicate both the presence of diseases or disorders, and the influence of other negative factors. If they are detected, you need to contact a gynecologist who will determine the cause and conduct a course of therapy. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to dire consequences.

Why can’t tumors on the genitals be ignored?

Class Clinic

Practicing gynecologist-oncologist Irina Vladimirovna Shekhovtsova spoke about what neoplasms on the external genitalia are dangerous, what to do if they appear and how to easily remove them.

What neoplasms on the female genital organs do you most often encounter?

Due to the specifics of my work, these are most often diseases of the vulva, anal area, and cervix. One of the most dangerous and scary diseases that you have to deal with is vulvar cancer. Fortunately, such localization of cancer is a fairly rare case, accounting for 2-8% of all diseases affecting the external genitalia. The main thing is that its development can be easily prevented by consulting a doctor in time - when the first signs appear, and this can be almost any neoplasm on the vulva.

What signs of vulvar cancer can a woman detect herself?

I would like to immediately note that it is impossible to suspect vulvar cancer on your own; for this you need to visit a doctor. Symptoms of vulvar cancer, especially in the initial stages, are similar to viral and bacterial inflammation - itching, burning of the external genitalia. The appearance of condylomas is typical, the woman believes that it is a “skin horn”, a dense nodule, “just a compaction”, it happens that such symptoms do not cause concern. It happens that a woman comes to a gynecologist, but he is not alert for cancer and does not diagnose cancer. Next, a dense tumor develops, against the background of the tumor a bleeding ulcer appears, it is very specific, it has uneven dense edges, a necrotic bottom. Women try to treat these ulcers on their own and also do not turn to a specialist, since at this stage of the disease there is no pain. In our country, women go to the gynecologist when something hurts.

What happens if you don’t see a doctor in the initial stages, what are the later signs of the disease?

In such cases, pain begins and is difficult to ignore. The tumor moves from one labia to another, so-called “kissing ulcers” appear. The lymph nodes are affected, the tumor can spread to the vagina, urethra, etc. As a rule, in such cases a diagnosis of vulvar cancer is made.

Any tumor, including this one, begins with an underlying disease and has a precancerous form. There is no cancer without precancer and underlying disease. And our task is to diagnose as early as possible.

Are there any predisposing factors for developing vulvar cancer?

Yes, of course - this is low immunity and diabetes, often insulin-dependent. A risk factor is infection with the human papillomavirus (types 16, 18 and others, there are more than 70 of them, which can provoke the development of cancer). In addition, obesity, tobacco smoking is a very serious factor, promiscuity in sexual relations, non-compliance with personal hygiene standards, crourosis (wrinkling of the labia majora and minora, itching, skin resembles parchment paper) and leukoplakia (signs are the same as crourosis). Dark spots – pigmented nevi – should also alert you. If a dark spot appears on the vulva, which the patient may call a mole, this is an alarm bell, in such cases it is necessary to immediately contact a gynecologist.

Are women who smoke at risk?

Yes, definitely. Women often think that smoking can only cause lung cancer, but this is not true. One of the most powerful factors contributing to the development of both vulvar and cervical cancer is the carcinogens contained in tobacco mixtures. In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoke contains ions of radioactive metals such as cesium, polonium, radium-226 and radium-228, and more than 50 other compounds that can cause cancer. Through the lungs, these substances penetrate the circulatory system and slowly affect the entire body, including the female genital organs.

What diagnostic methods are used to distinguish vulvar cancer from other diseases?

To conduct the study, a small piece of tissue is taken and sent to a morphologist, and the morphologist, in turn, gives a conclusion whether there are malignant cells or not. I would like to note that diseases of the vulva cannot be treated without a preliminary histological examination, without establishing the true causes of the neoplasm and nosology.

In women of what age is this disease more common?

It is cancer that occurs more often in older women, 70 years and older. For some time I worked with this particular age group: women in deep menopause who do not take care of themselves, do not take care of their health and ignore recommendations for the prevention of this disease. There have been a few cases in younger women, over 50 years of age. But in such cases it was about early diagnosis. Such women visit the gynecologist more often, and the gynecologist may diagnose vulvar cancer earlier.

How good is the prognosis with early diagnosis?

In such cases, we can talk about radical and more effective treatment; it is clear that in such a situation a favorable outcome is more likely.

Accordingly, any neoplasms should alert a woman, and in such cases it makes sense to consult a doctor?

Oncological vigilance has never harmed anyone. Even when I was studying, teachers said that a doctor should always look for something bad. It is better to overdiagnose and scare the patient than to miss the disease. I would like to note that in my practice, women with vulvar cancer come late when there is metastasis to the regional lymph nodes, and in such cases the treatment is very difficult, often patients die within a few months. For this disease, surgical treatment involves severe mutilating operations, and reconstructive plastic surgery cannot offer anything, since a huge flap of skin with lymph nodes and subcutaneous fat is removed.

Tell us about tumors that are not malignant.

We have already touched on this topic a little. Condylomas, small papillary growths of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, and papillomas are very common. The main signs are typical for almost all neoplasms: compaction, swelling, inflammation, itching and burning. This applies to both the vulva and vagina.

How are these tumors removed?

Very easy to remove. One of the most effective methods is radio wave. With a special device “Surgitron”, which is equipped in our clinic, it is possible to remove condylomas without the formation of a scar and a weeping surface. The device actually dries out the tumor. Previously, we used electrocoagulators, but this was complicated by a lot of unpleasant sensations; healing took several weeks. There is also laser removal, but with this method histological examination of the tissue is impossible. In addition, it is still possible to remove it using the classical surgical method, but in such cases cosmetic stitches are applied and a slight scar is likely to form.

Make an appointment with Irina Vladimirovna Shekhovtsova on the website or by phone (4012) 33-44-55.

Why are the labia dark?

Dark color of the labia is a phenomenon that many women, both young and old, experience. It can be congenital or acquired. The mechanism of the appearance of dark areas or spots has long been clarified - melanogenesis (production of melanin) increases in local areas of the body, or inflammatory post-traumatic hyperpigmentation develops.

Causes of darkening of the labia in girls:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Rubbing the skin with underwear;
  • Rubbing the inner thighs against each other;
  • Age-related changes;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Consequences of injuries and inflammation;
  • Exposure to sunlight, solarium;
  • Laser irradiation for bikini hair removal.

Pigmentation and darkening of the genital organs, in particular the labia minora, can occur as a result of disruption of the adrenal glands, the genitourinary system, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and during the long course of certain infectious diseases. The reason for their appearance may be a metabolic disorder or a lack of vitamin C. Increased deposition of pigment in the skin is also possible with problems with the pituitary gland and after prolonged use of certain medications.

Darkening of the labia may be a consequence of venous stagnation. This can happen due to constant compression of the perineal area by tight underwear, a sedentary lifestyle and circulatory disorders due to certain gynecological diseases (chronic adnexitis, adhesions, etc.). By the way, such a beneficial procedure for women’s health as gynecological pelvic massage will help get rid of stagnation of blood and lymph in the female reproductive organs.

The labia easily darken if you have sensitive skin, because it reacts sensitively to any aggressive influences and changes in the external environment. For example, increased pigmentation and blueness of the edges of the lips result from sunburn when tanning naked or prolonged exposure to radiation in a solarium while completely naked. Persistent pigmentation can appear due to the use of various creams and ointments, especially those containing mercury and sulfur. The use of a laser for deep bikini hair removal can contribute to the darkening of the labia minora and majora.

Chloasma of pregnancy

The scary-sounding medical term “chloasma” is a solid spot with torn edges or a spot merged from many small ones. Many women, while pregnant, could notice similar spots on the forehead, cheeks, and intimate places, which disappeared after the birth of the baby. This is chloasma. Pregnancy (when estrogen and progesterone appear in excess), taking hormonal drugs, hormonal contraception, disturbances in the hormonal status of the body, menopause - these are the main reasons for the appearance of dark labia in both young girls and older women.

However, chloasma can also be a symptom of more severe endocrine diseases, problems with the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver disease, as well as disorders of the thyroid gland and nervous system. Chloasma in the forehead, mouth, temples, eyelids can indicate ovarian diseases, helminthiasis, and liver diseases. If dark brown spots have not gone away six months after the birth of the child or a month or two after stopping hormonal medications, you should immediately consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Thus, the dark color of the labia in girls is a common feature of the structure of the external genitalia. Increased pigment deposition is due to individual hormonal levels, and this is an absolutely normal phenomenon. A change in the color of the external genitalia to dark (blue, almost cyanotic, purple), by the way, is one of the signs of pregnancy. Such changes can be observed already 10-12 days after conception - they swell, become more juicy, swollen.


It is also a cyst formed due to a blockage of the Bartholin gland. It is necessary to open the cyst before the process of infection and breakthrough begins. This procedure occurs simply on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. If measures are not taken in time, the inflammatory process can spread to the internal genital organs and lead to serious complications.

Heratsi Medical Center provides paid medical assistance in the removal of papillomas, condylomas, warts and lipomas, as well as the opening of cystic formations of various etiologies.

In our clinic, specialists work only with extensive experience, constantly improving their qualifications, are the authors of scientific works, and have an academic degree. When removing, a Fotek radio knife is used, which is highly accurate and narrows the area of ​​impact as much as possible.

The cost of services can be viewed in the “Price” section or by calling the 24-hour hotline.

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