How is papillomas on the eyelid removed? All about methods of treating the disease

Causes Diagnostics Treatment Advantages of treatment of papillomas in MGK Treatment prices Prevention Video

Papillomas on the eyelids look like small skin growths that resemble warts in appearance. The number and size of such formations are different.

Papillomas on the eyelid are benign formations that cause mainly cosmetic problems. In some cases (localization close to the edge of the eyelids, large size of formations, inflammation), papillomas cause physical discomfort, which is an indication for their removal. Long-term papillomas have a tendency to become malignant.

What is papilloma on the eyelid?

Papilloma on the eyelid occurs as a result of infection by the papilloma virus , which may not always cause discomfort to a person.

Note! Most often, the main danger of papilloma is that such a tumor prevents the patient from seeing normally.

But the point is not an ophthalmological disorder, but the presence of a dermatological obstacle.

At their core, such pathologies are benign and are provoked by the entry of papillomavirus into the body.

To transmit it, contact with household items of a carrier of such a disease is sufficient , since this type of virus is opportunistic (that is, it leads to the development of the disease only under certain conditions).


A person may have different types of papillomas on their eyelids:

  • Keratopapillomas. These are small clusters that are difficult to distinguish. They are papillary formations that resemble cauliflower. They have a rough surface. Such growths affect only the upper layers of the skin. They have a leg, as a result of which they can easily come off.
  • Fibropapillomas. These growths can affect the deeper layers of the skin. This is a benign tumor that has its own vessel. Such growths have no legs, and their color can be pink or dark brown.

Fibropapilloma on the eye
Flat. Such growths are almost invisible on the skin. They have a flat surface, so they can be either single or multiple.


The photo below shows the symptoms and signs of papilloma on the upper and lower eyelids:


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Papillomas on the eyelids: causes

The main cause of papilloma is the penetration of papillomavirus into the body, which can occur for the following reasons:

  1. When any microtraumas form, access to the body’s circulatory system opens up for any viruses, including the causative agent of this disease.
  2. The development of the disease is facilitated by a decrease or weakening of the functions of the body's immune system.
  3. Neoplasms can arise due to systematic stress .
  4. Insufficient amounts of vitamins and essential nutrients can also cause the formation of eyelid papilloma.

This disease sometimes develops as a result of long-term use of antibiotic medications.


Need to know! Papillomas of the eyelid primarily cause cosmetic and, consequently, aesthetic discomfort.

Symptoms of this disease are:

  1. Formation of growths reaching from several millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.
  2. Violation of the functions of closing and opening the eyelid , provided that the formations are located directly in the area of ​​the eyeball.
  3. Dysfunction of the lacrimal gland , which is accompanied by profuse lacrimation that cannot be stopped.
  4. Overheating of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Lack of adequate treatment and untimely diagnosis of the disease can lead to the development of ophthalmological disorders such as conjunctivitis, refractive errors and blepharitis.
Provided that the papilloma occurs on the patient’s inner eyelid and has a rough surface, pain may occur.

In each specific case, the decision to remove papilloma is made by a specialist who needs to diagnose the type of disease before such procedures.

Post-treatment care

After the papillomas have been removed from the eyelid, certain rules must be followed so that there are no scars left.


  • wet the wound;
  • use cosmetics;
  • visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool;
  • tear off the crust.

In addition, you should not stay in direct sunlight for a long time. It is best to wear black glasses and a wide-brimmed hat, and apply sunscreen before going outside. You should treat the wound every day and change the bandage if necessary.


There are two types of papillomas : multiple and single , while the formations themselves can have different sizes, shapes and colors.

Also, such pathologies can have low and high oncological activity .

Important! Papillomas of low oncological quality can be removed using conventional methods, but they develop quite slowly.

Otherwise, pathologies grow quickly, and the purpose of the removal method depends on the decision of the attending physician, since sometimes conservative therapy is sufficient (although in most cases surgical intervention is required).

Papillomas in a child: which doctor should I contact?

Even children can have papillomas, not only adults.

Molluscum contagiosum is common in childhood.

Weak immunity in children also increases the chances of getting HPV.

Children are characterized by the development of this type of papillomas:

  • vulgar
  • filiform
  • flat
  • plantar
  • on the larynx
  • wart dysplasia
  • epithelial hyperplasia

If neoplasms occur, you need to show the child to a pediatrician.

And he will decide which specialist should be contacted next.

Depending on the location of the papilloma, this may be a surgeon, dermatologist, proctologist, gynecologist, dentist, ophthalmologist or otolaryngologist.

Visit your doctor immediately if:

  • the papilloma has become dark red or black in color
  • papilloma is actively growing
  • the shape of the papilloma has become unusual
  • papilloma became painful when pressed

This indicates the degeneration of benign papilloma into cancer. Consultation and treatment with an oncologist is necessary.

How to remove papilloma on the eyelid?

Modern medicine allows you to remove papilloma on the eyelid in several ways, and in most cases the prognosis is favorable.

Carefully! This kind of procedure can only be effective with a timely diagnosis and prior consultation with a specialist.

Laser removal

Laser removal is the optimal solution in this case, as it allows the procedure to be carried out without leaving any traces (scars, cicatrices or adhesions) in the surgical area.

Removal occurs at the level of the dermal (deep) layers, which involves complete elimination of the defect without the risk of the formation of cancerous tumors .

Healthy tissues are not injured due to the ability to fine-tune the laser beam (we are talking about its intensity and focusing).

The operation takes only a few minutes, although it is preceded by a lengthy diagnosis.

Removal using modern methods

An unsightly nodule on the eyelid can be removed. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist or ophthalmologist. After passing the tests and necessary studies, the doctor will recommend a suitable method for getting rid of the growth.

This may be cryodestruction - removal of formation with liquid nitrogen. This procedure is a little painful, so an anesthetic is used to relieve discomfort.

One, and sometimes several sessions are enough for the papilloma to disappear. A crust forms in its place. You should not touch it - it will fall off on its own after some time. The likelihood of a scar occurring at the site of the growth is minimal.

Laser removal is a safe and effective method. An eyelid expander is placed on the eye. It prevents reflex blinking. There is no need to be afraid of laser penetration into the eye: the beam only affects the neoplasm.

The laser first evaporates the liquid part of the growth cells, and then burns out the dry residue. A few minutes are enough for this. The laser beam disinfects the area where the papilloma was located and promotes blood clotting.

A small depression remains on the skin, which heals in a maximum of a week. If the nodule was located near the very edge of the eyelid, it will take longer to heal.

There is no need to fear recurrence of papilloma after laser removal. If a scar suddenly forms, you can polish the area with a laser. After such manipulation it will become almost invisible.

Electrocoagulation - this method is used when it is necessary to remove an old formation with deep roots. It allows you to achieve the desired effect, but this usually requires several sessions.

Scars form on the skin after the intervention, so this method is suitable when the nodule is located in natural skin folds.

Application of ointments

Different types of ointments are used to treat eyelid papillomas:

  1. Antiviral ointments , the main one of which is oxolinic ointment . This is an antiseptic drug that has virtually no contraindications and can even be used to treat growths in children. It is advisable not to use such a remedy more than three times a day , since frequent use may result in addiction, and as a result, the lack of effectiveness of the drug. In such cases, the course of treatment is adjusted, and a stronger medication may be prescribed. This could be Viferon (an ointment based on interferon, which has antiviral properties). The product is applied to pathological areas in accordance with the instructions for use, but usually the procedure is carried out no more than three to four times a day . The course of treatment is seven days, but when using this remedy, both recovery and complete lack of effect can be observed).
  2. Ointments containing natural ingredients. In this category, the main drug is Vishnevsky ointment , which is applied in small portions to the formations. The procedure should be performed in the morning, after waking up, and before going to bed. Such products should not be used for a long time, since swelling and various types of rashes may appear as side effects of use.
  3. Preparations based on trace elements and acids, including salicylic ointment . This is a gentle remedy that destroys bacteria, but will not help get rid of papilloma itself.

Although such drugs have undergone clinical trials, they may have side effects.

Therefore, before using them, you should carefully read the instructions and consult with your doctor.

Alternative medicine against papillomas

There are some effective methods for excision of papillary lesions using folk remedies.

The recipes for small papillomas contain the following ingredients:

  • celandine juice;
  • Castor oil;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • garlic-onion juice.

The course of treatment for papillomatous lesions at home is always long, but “grandmother’s” methods do not eliminate the main cause of the rash.

It is unacceptable to use aggressive methods of disposal, such as:

  • dressing with silk thread:
  • cauterization with fire, concentration of acetic acid, gasoline and other toxic substances.

All these barbaric methods only worsen the clinical picture, leading to injury and serious damage to the skin and mucous tissues.

Disease prevention

The simplest rules that can be followed to prevent the appearance of papillomas are:

  • timely treatment of the slightest wounds , injuries and scratches in the eye area;
  • maintaining personal hygiene rules;
  • maintaining the body's immunity at the proper level.

Be careful! Most often, it is not possible to prevent the appearance of such formations, but in this case it is important to contact a specialist in time to remove the growth.

This will help preserve your eyesight and prevent the appearance of cosmetic defects.


Acetic essence can burn out papilloma along with the root. Apple cider vinegar has a milder effect. The product should only be applied to the wart itself and should not be allowed to come into contact with healthy skin. Pure vinegar is not recommended.

There are several recipes for medicinal tinctures with vinegar:

  • Vinegar with lemon. The cut fruit is kept in acid for 2 weeks. Then lemon slices are applied to the wart and secured with a bandage overnight.
  • Vinegar and flour. They are mixed until thick and used for application to papillomas. After complete drying, the mixture is removed.
  • Vinegar and wood ash.
  • Vinegar and garlic. The cloves are marinated in malic acid and applied to the growths.
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