Causes and causative agent of plantar warts

The causative agent of warts on the foot

HPV provokes the appearance of growths on the body, mucous membranes, and hollow organs. Currently, 170 different types of papillomaviruses have been identified. About 40 infect humans.

The cause of plantar warts, spines, and horny papillomas on the feet and palms is caused by strains No. 1–4. Outwardly, they look like calluses. They are characterized by rapid growth and resistance to treatment.

The classification of HPV strains is based on the principle of oncogenicity, the possibility of a neoplasm degenerating into a malignant tumor.

The type of virus that causes the appearance of the spine belongs to the low-oncogenic group. The likelihood of a horny wart degenerating into carcinoma is low; such growths are benign in nature. The strain does not provoke the appearance of condylomas and papillomas in other parts of the body.

Treatment of such neoplasms on the leg is carried out using complex methods. Drugs that suppress HPV are used: Groprinosine, Isoprinosine. Take according to instructions, as prescribed by a doctor.

The popular Akriderm ointment is not used to treat tumors. The drug is a topical steroid and is used for allergic diseases. Papillomatosis is not mentioned in the indications for use.

Can contact with a frog cause warts?

Based on all of the above, it becomes completely obvious that the “frog” etiotropic factor is nothing more than a myth and prejudice. It is interesting, however, that not only in our country warts are associated with contact with frogs and toads. For example, in Britain, frogs, on the contrary, are considered a means of getting rid of skin tumors such as warts.

A modern person should be familiar with the main factors why warts appear on the body in order to choose the optimal and appropriate method for removing such defects. The specialists of the NEOMED clinic in St. Petersburg, who have extensive experience and the necessary skills to effectively combat skin tumors, will tell the patient how to get rid of warts quickly and painlessly.

Find out the cost of the procedure “Removal of tumors”

How they appear on the sole

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The route of infection with human papillomavirus infection is contact. This can be any discharge - sweat, blood, ichor, the smallest flakes of skin - a carrier of HPV.

The virus penetrates through the smallest breaks in the skin. The skin of the legs and feet is injured when wearing low-quality, ill-fitting shoes. In some cases, the absence of shoes is expected - on the beach, in the bathroom, children play barefoot on playgrounds in the summer. Once a certain age is reached, parents cannot fully control the child’s movements.

HPV is a latent pathogen. Can remain in orgasm for a long time without expressing itself. When the immune defense decreases, the virus attack begins. The pathogen is embedded in the cells of the dermis, disrupting the natural processes of division and death.

Skin cells actively divide and an unpleasant growth forms. Plantar warts are distinguished by a dense structure, reminiscent of a dry callus, a dense growth. They can go deeper into the layers of the dermis. When pressure is placed on the sole, unpleasant symptoms, pain, and discomfort when walking occur.

HPV and warts

HPV is a whole group of viruses that infect humans. Several dozen strains of HPV can live in the body of one person, but this does not pose any threat to health if you have a strong immune system and do not have serious chronic diseases that weaken it. HPV does not manifest itself in any way until the body’s immune functions decrease to a certain level. If you notice warts on yourself, you should think first not about the aesthetic appearance of your skin, but about your health.

It is worth understanding that HPV is not some rare disease. It occurs in at least half of the world's population, it simply does not manifest itself, and is dangerous only in a number of cases.

Infection with the human papillomavirus occurs during sexual intercourse or kissing, when sharing personal hygiene items - towels, washcloths, nail scissors, etc.

Causes of appearance on the foot

The causes of warts lie in the quality of the human immune system. There are a number of factors that reduce the body's defenses. Once eliminated, the likelihood of a spine appearing is low.

External factors

External factors of warts are various events that have a negative impact on human skin.

Infection occurs in the following cases:

  • frequent injuries to the skin of the feet - wearing poor-quality shoes, cuts, abrasions, calluses;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • failure to comply with the requirements for the treatment of any penetrating injury to the skin - cut, abrasion, callus;
  • attempts to independently remove dry calluses, premature measures to open ordinary calluses;
  • excessive use of antiseptic drugs for foot treatment and peelings;
  • pedicure with insufficient treatment of tools;
  • wearing shoes, socks, tights of an HPV carrier;
  • household contacts with an infected person;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules when using a bathhouse, swimming pool, or on the beach.

External causes of papillomatosis on the feet are associated with poor hygiene. The overwhelming majority of patients with plantar tumors are children. Their local immune defense is lower than that of adults. As you get older, the likelihood of infection decreases.

Internal factors

Internal factors include the presence of various chronic diseases and acute pathological conditions in adults and children. Endogenous processes contribute to a decrease in immunity. The HPV virus multiplies uncontrollably, and growths appear on the feet and toes.

Internal factors contributing to the appearance of warts:

  • chronic fungal infestations – candidiasis, other mycoses;
  • Dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract system - a violation of the ratio of pathogenic and beneficial flora;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach, pancreas - against the background of pathology, a lack of nutrients and vitamins occurs;
  • pathologies of the biliary system - hepatitis, diseases of the bile ducts;
  • chronic diseases of the reproductive system in men, in women - HPV infection occurs through sexual contact, and a violation of the immune defense facilitates easy penetration of the pathogen into tissues;
  • viral diseases of any origin in the acute stage;
  • treatment with aggressive drugs – antibiotics, drugs that suppress the body’s immune defense, chemotherapy drugs;
  • bacterial inflammatory processes in the acute stage - tonsillitis, otitis, pneumonia;
  • parasite infection.

However, HPV infection occurred in the recent past. And the presence of endogenous factors helps to reduce the body’s defenses, and the virus begins to attack.

What is psychosomatics and how does it manifest itself: the opinion of a psychologist

One of the main requests with which people often turn to the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service is anxiety and stress. Experts note that it is imperative to work with these negative emotions, since they can have a serious impact on human health. Psychologist Elena Gerasimova talks about what psychological causes cause somatic disorders, what psychosomatics is and how it manifests itself.

In life, we constantly accumulate mental stress, and our body reports that something is wrong with it. This phenomenon is called a “psychosomatic disorder.” Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine and psychology that studies how feelings and experiences affect a person’s physical health.

Psychological reasons that can cause somatic diseases:

  • Lack of positive emotions (low mood, anxiety, depression, stress). A person needs positive impressions no less than vitamins.
  • Negative destructive thoughts directed at oneself or at other people: “everything is bad.”
  • Repeating certain phrases that provoke health problems (for example, the phrase “I can’t see you” can lead to myopia).
  • Voluntary “transfer” of the illnesses of someone close to you (identification).
  • Exhausting feelings of guilt, self-flagellation.
  • Self-hypnosis under the influence of sources that are authoritative in a person’s opinion (information from encyclopedias, the Internet, television).
  • Manipulation of a non-existent, fictitious illness (with the help of an illness a person tries to organize the actions and feelings of other people).

When your heart hurts

25-year-old Muscovite Margarita turned to a psychologist. The girl dated a young man, Ivan, for two years. She dreamed of getting married and starting a family. Ivan, on the contrary, was happy with everything. He was in no hurry to formalize the relationship legally, because he believed that there was no need to rush, he needed to live for himself. The girl more than once raised the conversation about marriage and having children, but the young man answered irritably: “Why do we need formalities? We feel so good together! Are you ready to be a mother at all? These baby diapers, screams and all that? You yourself are used to silence, but the child will constantly demand attention. If you want, babysit your niece.” This answer, which was not received for the first time, did not suit the girl, and another scandal broke out between the couple. Accusations of Ivan being frivolous and irresponsible began. But he continued to stand his ground.

The young people decided to separate for a while. Everyone thought about their own. Margarita was very worried, she began to suffer from frequent headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite and heart rhythm disturbances, and her blood pressure periodically increased. My health worsened and I had to see a doctor. The examination did not reveal any pathology. The doctor recommended that she see a psychologist.

“Functional heart rhythm disturbance is a reaction to conflict situations, anxiety, when a person takes everything to heart. There is a connection between fear and heart rate. Blood vessels regulate the autonomic nervous system, which is connected to our emotions and directly interacts with feelings,” notes the psychologist.

Mental stress, conflicts and worries lead to contraction of smooth muscles, changes in the condition of blood vessels and, as a result, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, and chest pain. Fear can cause increased heart rate and heart pain, and conversely, pain with an altered heart rate can cause fear. Both processes increase their impact on each other and uncontrollably turn into an attack.

How can you help yourself

At the moment a familiar pain occurs, remember all the details of the situation: what actions you performed, what you looked like, what sensations you felt, what you thought. If you were talking with someone at this time, be sure to remember the words of your interlocutor and your thoughts about them. This will help you analyze and determine what exactly you are reacting to.

The following psychosomatic disorders are distinguished:

  1. diseases:
      cardiovascular system (hypertension, coronary heart disease are the most dangerous, as they lead to strokes and heart attacks);
  2. gastrointestinal tract (gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis);
  3. endocrine (diabetes mellitus, Graves' disease - thyrotoxicosis);
  4. respiratory system (bronchial asthma);
  5. skin system (neurodermatitis, scabies on certain parts of the body);
  6. musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis);
  7. headaches (tension pain - muscle pain in the neck, back of the head, temples, pressing dull pain, combined with other pain, for example, pain in the legs; pain that covers the “whole head”, paroxysmal, sharp, throbbing, not combined with other pain; pain unilateral, sometimes covering both sides);
  8. oncological diseases (tumors, neoplasms);
  9. vegetative neuroses — in the first place are vegetative symptoms (no organic lesions):
      cardioneurosis - extends to the cardiac system;
  10. hyperventilation syndrome - a pathological condition similar to asthma, without organic damage, spreading to the respiratory system (with all organs intact);
  11. panic attacks - manifested in a powerful vegetative shift (impaired cardiovascular activity, gastrointestinal tract, feeling of lack of air, increased blood pressure, feeling of fear, anxiety, tremors, etc.);
  12. hysterical conversion - hysterical symptoms can be manifested in any disease; they arise when a person wants to achieve a certain goal through demonstrations and manipulations.

When a fictional disease becomes reality

27-year-old Victoria, at the insistence of her mother, received a higher education in economics, but did not want to work in her specialty. Her boyfriend offered various employment options, but the girl found any excuses and reasons not to work. She liked a carefree life, and she didn’t want to change anything. The young man was sent on a business trip for a week; he recommended that the girl find a job, as she might have financial difficulties. Having promised to look into this issue, three days later Victoria became bored. She spent most of the money left for groceries on an expensive dress and decided to ask to visit a married friend: “there will always be something to eat there.” Victoria quickly grew tired of the gatherings, since her friend’s four-year-old daughter required constant attention. Vika began to get irritated, because she came to share her problems, but here the child does not allow her to talk calmly! The girl left the house.

When the young man returned, the first thing he did was inquire about Victoria’s progress in finding a job, and was involved in a colorful story about fruitless unsuccessful interviews with a demonstration of a new dress. The young man was angry at the prank, and he gave an ultimatum: either Victoria looks for a job, or they separate. The girl did not expect such a turn of events. What to do?

The next morning, Victoria complained of feeling unwell, citing pain in the heart, weakness, dizziness and nausea. Victoria feigned illness, deciding to stall for time. After a week of continuous “poor health,” the young man took Victoria to the doctor for examination. The results showed complete health. Having confirmed the deception, the man decided to leave. Vika tearfully begged him to save the relationship, claiming that she was “really bad” and needed help. The young man gave her a second chance. After some time, one morning the girl woke up from severe pain in the chest and shortness of breath. She got scared and went into loud hysterics. An ambulance was called. This time Victoria did not pretend, real symptoms appeared. She was sent for treatment to a neurosis clinic with a diagnosis of psychosomatic disorder. After successful treatment, Victoria turned to a psychologist.

Exercises that will help improve your condition:


Imagine that there is a large candle in front of you. You need to take a deep breath and try to blow it out with one exhalation. Repeat. Once again.

Now imagine that you need to blow out five small candles. Take a deep breath and blow them out one by one in small portions of exhalations. Repeat. Once again.

“My illness in the drawing”

Draw and tell it to yourself or someone close to you:

  • How did you find out about the disease?
  • How did you change when this happened?
  • What is the worst thing you imagine about your illness?
  • What happens when you recover?
  • What does being healthy and strong mean to you?
  • How do you see yourself in the future?


Draw a sun with rays and write your positive qualities on these rays. Read them out loud to yourself or someone close to you.

See how many positive qualities you have! There is something to praise and love yourself for. Do this often!

You can learn more about psychosomatics and get answers from a psychologist to your questions from specialists of the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service, both in individual consultations and during webinars. You can sign up for consultations and online classes on the website.


Press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow

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