Where do acne on the back come from and how to get rid of it

Nothing can beautify a woman more than smooth, healthy facial skin. Unfortunately, many factors lead to the fact that young girls are faced with the problem of enlarged pores, blackheads and acne. And if it is not difficult to get into such trouble, then to correct the consequences you will have to put in a lot of effort, and often money.

Today I will talk about the causes of this scourge, and also reveal the secrets of how to clean and narrow the pores on the face at home and whether it is possible to get rid of them forever.

A little theory: recognizing the enemy by sight

By their nature, the familiar “craters on the face” are ducts of the sebaceous glands. Through them, the skin receives a much-needed secretion, which forms a thin film that protects the surface from the aggressive influence of the external environment. However, if the body malfunctions, the glands can begin to produce excess amounts of sebum, which leads to enlarged ducts and deformation of the skin. This causes their expansion.

And that's not so bad. Fat, dirt, epithelial scales or cosmetic residues can accumulate inside, which creates excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria. As a result, blackheads and pimples appear, and in the worst case, inflammatory reactions.

How to fix the problem?

In order to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to improve skin tone, make it strong, elastic, and ensure normal moisture. In addition, you need to thoroughly clean the surface of dead cells and improve metabolic processes.

Depending on the main cause of the problem, a qualified cosmetologist at our clinic draws up one or another treatment plan that provides the desired result.

Zhmurina Natalya Borisovna

Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

The main factors contributing to the appearance of this cosmetic defect

  • Hormonal surges

In women, in general, three “dangerous” periods can be distinguished: puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. It is at this time that maximum changes occur in the hormonal background, which affects the entire body and the condition of the skin in particular.

  • Heredity

Of course, although enlarged pores can occur in any skin type, those with oily and combination skin are most prone to this problem. Unfortunately, this tendency is passed on from one generation to the next.

  • Nutrition

As you know, we are what we eat. And if, instead of healthy foods containing complex carbohydrates and proteins, your diet contains an abundance of buns, or even worse, chips with soda, then you can only dream of beautiful skin. This organ also performs an excretory function. Accordingly, all the waste that comes with food will sooner or later end up on your face.

  • Ultraviolet

Despite the fact that vitamin D is formed under the influence of these rays, excessive exposure to the sun will not be beneficial. Excessive use of solariums or tanning procedures causes noticeable harm - the skin ages faster, age spots appear and, of course, pores enlarge.

  • Wrong lifestyle

I remind you that drinking and smoking are harmful! Both alcohol and tobacco contain poisons that poison the entire body, leading to diseases and cosmetic defects.

  • Cosmetics

And I don’t just mean decorative products, which many of the fair sex forget to wash off before bed. This is one of the grossest violations of the rules of personal care! Foundations and powders left on overnight are especially harmful. This is a direct road to blackheads. But even medications that are intended to care for your face, if chosen incorrectly, can only aggravate the situation. And, of course, it’s not even worth saying that you can’t use cosmetics that have expired.

  • We do not write off stress and overwork, lack of sleep and diseases of internal organs, especially the digestive system.

The first step in eliminating the problem will be to get rid of the cause that led to its appearance. Of course, nothing can be done about heredity and hormones, but a proper lifestyle and proper skin care will help bring your face as close to ideal as possible.

Treatment of acne on the back

According to Natalya Gryazeva, you should consult a doctor if there are a lot of acne on your back, they hurt, increase in number and size, fester, or leave scars.

“A dermatologist will confirm or refute the diagnosis, conduct diagnostics, determine the form and severity of the disease, and select the necessary treatment,” continues the dermatologist. “These can be products for external use in the form of gels, creams, ointments, or systemic preparations.”

According to the doctor, in severe cases, drugs with isotretinoin can be used. These are very powerful drugs that can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. “Before prescribing systemic isotretinoin, you need to conduct an examination and take a biochemical blood test. Only a dermatologist can choose the correct dose and duration of treatment. It is necessary to take such drugs under the supervision of a doctor, since in addition to their positive effects, they also have significant side effects.”

Source - RBC

How to shrink enlarged pores on the face: what to do to achieve the best result

Before you start narrowing your pores, you must first cleanse them of sebum and dust. Despite the fact that modern cosmetology offers many salon procedures, this can also be done at home.

Naturally, I do not encourage you to squeeze out pimples. In advanced cases, it is still better to consult a specialist. However, proper daily care is available to everyone and is not difficult to carry out. In this case, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Always wash off your makeup before going to bed! To do this, it is better to use special makeup removers suitable for your skin type. But not soap. You should forget about it in relation to your face.
  • Wash your face twice a day. In the morning we cleanse the skin of its waste products; in the evening, in addition to makeup, we wash off all the dust and dirt floating in the air of the metropolis.
  • Tone the skin. For these purposes, lotions with micellar water, special tonics, and herbal decoctions can be prepared.
  • Use a scrub. A very effective cleansing event. However, you should not get carried away with this procedure, because... you can achieve the opposite effect by forcing the glands to work with double force. Twice a week is enough.
  • Choose cosmetics according to your characteristics. Of course, for certain types, namely oily and combination skin, products with a mattifying effect are needed, but alcohol content in them should be avoided. It is not right to overdry the covers.

A black mask is also suitable for cleansing pores at home. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 tablet of activated carbon;
  • 1 teaspoon gelatin;
  • 1 teaspoon milk.

Crush the coal into dust, pour the gelatin with milk. Place the mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds, then stir and heat in the oven for another 3-5 seconds. You will get a viscous mass. We wait until it cools down a little, then we apply it to problem areas - nose, forehead, chin, cheeks - and leave for 15 minutes. After drying, a film appears on the face. You need to carefully pry it with your fingernail and remove it. It is better to apply this mask to steamed skin.

Among professional cosmetics for cleansing, I can recommend the Lemon gel scrub. It has a mechanical effect on dead skin particles thanks to polyethylene granules, enzymes obtained from papaya stimulate cellular renewal, and lemon essential oil, which narrows pores on the face, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and restores damaged capillaries. The result will please, especially those with oily skin.

Why should you contact specialists?

It is very important that any procedure is performed by a professional. He knows all the nuances of the procedure and its implementation. Additionally, it is important to consult with a professional before performing any work.

After all, it is important to know whether this procedure is suitable for your skin, whether it will be effective, whether it will give the desired results, whether it has contraindications or side effects. All these points are discussed during the appointment. A cosmetologist will always explain the situation and tell you which procedure is best to correct the defect.

What do experts offer?

In a cosmetology salon, you can try different procedures using both special devices and chemicals that will quickly solve your cosmetic problems on the face after cleansing, including on the nose and cheeks:

  • Chemical peeling

The effect on the skin occurs due to enzymes or fruit acids. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to raise the bottom of the recesses and make them less noticeable. These products are quite gentle, so visible results can be achieved only after several procedures.

  • Mechanical peeling

In essence, this is grinding the face using different influences - brushes, nozzles, a stream of air, water.

  • Cryotherapy

The effect is caused by exposure to cold from liquid nitrogen. Naturally, it does not touch the skin directly, but the contact will be quite close. Due to this, the depressions reflexively narrow, reducing the production of sebum (cold water or ice cubes have the same effect).

  • Mesotherapy

The point of the procedure is to deliver useful compounds - vitamins, nucleic acids and amino acids - to the dermis. This is done by injections, the composition of which is selected individually based on the problem.

  • Microdermabrasion

A very effective effect, in essence, is a delicate mechanical peeling performed using various microcrystals (diamond, aluminum dioxide, salt, organic). At the same time, the pores are deeply cleansed, the upper keratinized layer of cells is removed, and collagen synthesis increases.

There are others - the use of laser, darsonvalization, photorejuvenation. It’s impossible to list everything. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of the problem forever, but you need to make as much effort as possible to organize comprehensive ongoing care from a cosmetologist and at home, which will help minimize the appearance of this defect on the face, including on the nose, forehead and cheeks.

Microdermabrasion - a cosmetic procedure

Skin microdermabrasion is very popular because it has its own benefits. It is painless, soft, delicate and can provide the desired result. We can say that microdermabrasion is a mechanical peeling of the skin, but it is quite delicate and pleasant.

With microdermabrasion you can:

  • remove epidermal cells that are dead;
  • stimulate skin regeneration;
  • align, smooth out the dermis;
  • give the skin smoothness and a pleasant shade;
  • smooth out fine wrinkles;
  • reduce hyperpigmentation that appears as a result of age-related changes;
  • stimulate the production of elastin and collagen;
  • give your skin a new boost.

The entire procedure is carried out using a special device; microcrystals of aluminum oxide are applied to the skin through its tip. The effect can be noticed after the first procedure. And if you do a full course (it can consist of 4-6 sessions), then you are guaranteed a rejuvenating effect. It will be internal and external. As a result, the skin will bloom and smell.

What can you do at home?

Modern pharmacology answers the question of what products there are that narrow the pores on the face and can compete with salon procedures, but at the same time they can easily be used at home. The Alpika company offers a whole line of care for acne-prone skin. In addition, a wide selection of multi-acid peels is offered. I can recommend Peeling LACTOBIONIC WHITE 5%. It contains a complex of useful acids in low concentrations, which makes it convenient for home use. At the same time, lactic acid has a moisturizing effect, which is especially important to consider when caring for oily and combination skin.

Insufficient skin cleansingAn alternative to salon treatments. AHA acids exfoliate dead skin particles, propolis extract improves microcirculation, tea tree and lavender essential oils regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, restore skin balance and improve complexion.
Enlarged poresA professional mask that tightens pores, which can be used at home. Kaolin helps reduce sebum production, echinacea extract soothes the skin and improves its immunity. Pro Quick View

Pig-constricting mask, 200 g

Only for PROF

Lack of hydration for oily and combination skinReduces oiliness, moisturizes and increases skin turgor. A complex of marine plankton and diatoms promotes the renewal and regeneration of epidermal cells, and arnica extract cleanses the skin, reduces oiliness, and has an antiseptic effect.

Publication date: May 10, 2017

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Clinical manifestations

Enlarged pores on the face appear as visible round or irregular crater-shaped depressions on the skin ( Fig. 1 ). Their number on the cheeks varies on average from 10 to 90 pcs/cm2. In the literature, the facial topography with enlarged pores is sometimes compared to the surface of a golf ball ( Fig. 2 ).

There are very few studies on this topic, but there is data on the density of enlarged pores among various ethnic groups, obtained from a survey of more than 2,500 women aged 18–80 years from various countries around the world ( Table 1 ).

Table 1. Average number of enlarged pores per square centimeter of skin depending on the ethnicity and age of women (Flament F., Francois G., Qiu H., et al. Facial skin pores: a multiethnic study. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol 2015; 8: 85–93)

Ethnic group 18–29 years old 30–39 years old 40–49 years old 50–59 years old 60–69 years old >70 years
Europeans 63,96 62,22 64,49 59,93 61,13
Brazilians 91,26 81,75 68,7 61,73
Indians 82,68 79,91 77,12 77,53 73,56 71,19
Chinese 21,13 23,24 20,77 24,51 20,20 21,66
Japanese 67,41 69,64 69,78 72,44 69,75 68,83

As you can see, the skin of women living in China has the fewest enlarged pores, while women living in Brazil have the most enlarged pores. Women in European countries occupy an intermediate position. You can also notice a tendency for the number of enlarged pores to decrease with age.

Rice . 1. Enlarged pores on the face (American Academy of Dermatology, AAD)

Rice. 2. Skin with enlarged pores resembles the surface of a golf ball.

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