Pimple on the clitoris: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

A white pimple on the clitoris indicates a blockage of the sebaceous shackle. Such formation on the skin causes a lot of inconvenience in daily life. Touching a pimple causes severe pain, and during bathing, a powerful burning sensation appears in the area of ​​the inflammatory process.

It is impossible to prevent the occurrence of such acne in the clitoral area. At the same time, every woman should be aware of the factors that provoke the appearance of pimples. Do not forget that the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment only after a thorough diagnosis.

Reasons for appearance

There are several reasons why a pimple may appear on the clitoris. These include:

  • overheating or hypothermia of the body;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • poor nutrition;

  • systematic stress and anxiety;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;

  • the appearance of infections that are transmitted during sexual intercourse.

Proper and balanced nutrition plays a special role. Experts recommend including only healthy foods in your diet that are rich in vitamins and essential microelements.

As medical practice shows, the most common cause of acne is decreased immunity. Due to the fact that the body’s protective function is too weakened, a person is unable to cope with various diseases without special treatment. You should know that there are both dangerous acne and those that do not pose a threat to human life.

Safe pimple

White pimples appear due to the development of an inflammatory process that arose due to an ingrown hair. This situation most often happens to those girls who incorrectly removed excess vegetation in the intimate area. Initially, a slight inflammation appears, which provokes the appearance of a purulent compaction.

A white pimple can also appear due to hormonal imbalance. This phenomenon occurs especially often during menopause. Allergic reactions to chemical compositions of drugs sometimes manifest themselves in the form of a rash. This type of acne does not require medication.

Red pimples appear due to wearing poor-quality underwear. The rash provokes the development of severe pain, which causes severe discomfort and interferes with active movement.

Dangerous pimples

To determine how dangerous a pimple is, you need to evaluate its appearance. For example, a cyst is a fatty lump under the skin.

Medicines and duration of treatment are determined strictly by the doctor. It is dangerous to self-medicate, as it often causes unpleasant consequences.

In addition to pain in the area of ​​the inflammatory process, a person’s temperature rises and a burning sensation occurs in the intimate area. Also, these symptoms often indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. If one of the symptoms appears, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a diagnostic test.

Pustular rashes most often indicate that a sexually transmitted infection is present in the body. If there is no competent therapy, the disease develops into a more complex form, and the person’s well-being worsens every day. Almost all infectious diseases are accompanied by sore throat and increased body temperature.

You should pay special attention to the health status of your sexual partner. If he has the same symptoms, then this should be a cause for concern. Most likely it is an infection.

When genital herpes appears, the pimple contains clear liquid. A person feels itching in the area of ​​the inflamed area. After some time, the pimple bursts and forms an ulcer on the clitoris.

The treatment process includes taking antiviral drugs, ointments and tablets. Rashes on the clitoris and labia indicate the presence of lice. If these signs are present, then you should definitely contact a specialist for help. Pubic hair should be removed and the area should be treated with antiseptics.

When should you see a doctor?

Sometimes you can cure a rash on the clitoris on your own, but if the following symptoms appear, then you cannot do without medical help:

  1. The rashes do not go away for more than a week, and their number is increasing.
  2. Severe itching, swelling and deterioration in general health appeared.
  3. The skin at the site of the rash is very peeling.
  4. The appearance of a large number of pimples with cloudy contents.
  5. The rash appeared some time after unprotected sexual intercourse.
  6. Lymph nodes have enlarged.
  7. The temperature has risen.
  8. Pimples become like ulcers.

Such rashes may be signs of the following diseases:

  1. Syphilis. It appears as a painless, hard pimple that has smooth and red edges with serous contents inside. Only primary syphilis can be cured, since its progression leads to damage to internal organs.
  2. Viral infections, which in most cases can be treated quickly and easily. The main thing is to observe the rules of personal hygiene and eat right.
  3. Herpes. A very dangerous infection in which a small, fluid-filled pimple appears on the clitoris. It causes a lot of inconvenience, including unpleasant pain. The reason for its appearance is infection through microcracks.
  4. Molluscum contagiosum. Most often it appears in children under 10 years of age. Its appearance is represented by a nodule raised above the skin with a pale or pink tint. There is a shallow depression in the center of the nodule.

Gynecologist's recommendation

A pimple on the clitoris is not as harmless as it seems, since its appearance often indicates the presence of a serious disease. It is forbidden to squeeze pimples, as this can only make the situation worse. The infection can enter an unprotected area, and then massive infection of the mucous membranes will occur. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should seek help from a dermatologist and gynecologist.

How to treat a pimple on the clitoris

What to do if there is a pimple on the clitoris?

First of all, contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Self-medication is unacceptable, as severe complications are possible that can even threaten a woman’s life.

Which doctor is most competent in treating this pathology?

Here the choice should be given to a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist.

In the latter case, the effectiveness of therapy will often be higher, since most acne on the clitoris is caused by sexually transmitted infections.

Treatment for a woman begins on the same day the problem is identified.

The most effective is a combination of antibacterial agents until the cause of the disease is clarified.

If the pimple on the clitoris is very painful, you can add analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  • metronidazole;
  • amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • ceftriaxone;
  • lincomycin;
  • Levofloxacin.

Only the attending physician can determine exactly which drug should be prescribed.

The treatment regimen includes drugs for systemic use and external use.

Fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin) are usually combined with local antimicrobial agents in the form of ointments and suppositories (usually metronidazole-based).

Mebeverine or ibuprofen are usually used as an analgesic, but for a short course.

Sometimes 1-2 days are enough, since when the pathogen is eliminated, the swelling quickly goes away and the pain subsides.

If a fungal infection is suspected, antimycotic drugs are added.

They also help to avoid side effects of treatment - the addition of a secondary fungal infection.

An internal pimple on the clitoris requires higher doses of antibiotics and a long course of therapy.

This is associated with a high risk of relapse with incomplete eradication of the pathogen.

The opening of the inflammatory element to the outside with the emptying of purulent masses is evidence of a successful choice of drug and a speedy recovery.

However, sometimes reinfection is possible.

The main causes of relapses are precisely related to incomplete eradication of the pathogen due to short-term use of antibacterial agents.

And also with the repeated entry of bacteria and viruses into the woman’s genitals.

In order to achieve a complete recovery, in most cases, when an STD is detected and the woman is contagious, the partner must be treated.

In this case, the risk of relapse is minimized.

What to do if the painful condition becomes chronic and new acne appears regularly?

In this situation, it is necessary to clarify the causative agent of the infection, change the antibacterial agent and increase the duration of the course of treatment.

It is mandatory to visit the doctor again, who will determine the tactics for treating chronic acne.

Treatment at home

Doctors do not recommend self-medication, since traditional methods of eliminating unpleasant symptoms can greatly harm a person. Before using any medicine or special infusion prepared at home, it is important to consult your doctor.

Considering the fact that acne often indicates the presence of a serious illness, it is better not to risk your health and not self-medicate. The most popular methods of therapy that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms caused by acne include:

  1. If a pimple appears on the clitoris, using a compression bandage with aloe juice will help. To do this, you need to cut the leaves lengthwise and apply them to the source of the inflammatory process. Using a patch, it is better to secure the aloe. It is advisable to do such compresses before going to bed. Thanks to the drying and antiseptic effect, itching and burning sensation are quickly eliminated. The procedure is repeated until the acne completely disappears.
  2. It is allowed to lubricate the affected areas with iodine. Thanks to the bactericidal effect, the general well-being of a person improves.
  3. Peroxide does not dry out the skin in the intimate area, so the medicine can be used in the fight against purulent neoplasms.
  4. If the acne is purulent, then Vishnevsky ointment helps a lot. She draws out the pus.

These recommendations will only help to temporarily mask unpleasant symptoms. First of all, it is important to establish the cause of the appearance of neoplasms. After which a comprehensive treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention measures

To prevent recurrence of the disease, you need to follow simple tips:

  1. Avoid wearing thongs all the time and give preference to loose underwear made from natural fabrics.
  2. Observe the rules of personal hygiene, using either baby soap or a special product with a harmless composition.
  3. If pimples appear on an intimate place and do not cause discomfort, they can be lubricated with brilliant green. This will prevent their further growth.
  4. Use a light depilatory cream.
  5. Panty liners should be unscented and should be changed once every 4 hours.
  6. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits.
  7. See a doctor in a timely manner and do not self-medicate.
  8. Take a vitamin-mineral complex that will strengthen your immune system.

  9. If discomfort occurs in the vagina, you can douche with herbal infusion.

Important! You should wash only the superficial part of the genital organ; it is undesirable to enter the vagina, especially using soap and other means. This can disrupt its microflora and cause infection.

It is very important to carefully monitor your health and visit a gynecologist every six months for a routine examination. Such simple manipulations will help to avoid serious consequences of any disease and begin treatment in a timely manner. Any discomfort should not be ignored; the first symptoms of the disease are easier to treat.

Doctor's actions

If small pimples appear near the clitoris, it is important to consult a doctor promptly. First of all, the specialist examines the patient and then writes a referral for laboratory tests. After the results of the study, based on all indicators, specialists prescribe complex treatment.

Diagnostics is necessary in order to identify the cause of the inflammatory process. If the appearance of acne is caused by an infectious disease, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed. In case of cyst formation, surgical intervention is performed, which lasts only a few minutes and is not dangerous or painful.

Types of acne and diagnosis

Based on the photo symptoms of the rash, its etiology can be indirectly determined. There are several types of acne depending on their appearance:

  • small red ones, which soon turn into pustules and hurt;
  • subcutaneous white or colorless bumps of the type that do not hurt or cause other discomfort, but after some time transform into cysts or wen;
  • large red ones that hurt, swell, and over time turn into ulcers;
  • white with watery exudate inside.

You cannot do without the help of a specialist if the following symptoms are present:

  • the growth does not disappear within 7 days, new rashes appear in nearby areas;
  • itching syndrome, swelling occurs, general health worsens;
  • peeling of the skin near the pimple is observed;
  • the growth contains cloudy exudate inside;
  • the rash occurred after unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • there is an increase in regional lymph nodes, an increase in general temperature;
  • the pimple turned into an ulcer.

After going to the hospital, the doctor first examines the area with the rash and palpates the nearby lymph nodes. Next, laboratory tests, smear examination, and ultrasound analysis of the genital organs are carried out if necessary.

Basic research methods

Many doctors are skeptical about traditional medicine. Despite this, you do not need to blindly trust all medications that are very popular at present. It often happens that expensive medications cause allergic reactions in the form of acne. The correct dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug should be determined by the doctor, based on the physiological characteristics of the patient’s body.

The most basic diagnostic methods for the appearance of acne are:

  • taking a general clinical blood test;
  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • taking a smear from the vagina for bacterial culture.

Thanks to these studies, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Treatment in a hospital is carried out in very rare cases. After removal of the cyst, the patient is allowed to go home a few hours later.

How to treat the disease

It’s worth considering how to get rid of this defect at home:

  1. You can apply a compression bandage with aloe extract. It is necessary to cut the leaf of the plant lengthwise, and then apply it with the inside to the source of inflammation. Secure the aloe with a band-aid. The compress is left overnight. The medicinal plant has a drying effect. The procedure must be repeated until purulent acne disappears completely.
  2. Lubricate the affected area with iodine, which has a bactericidal effect.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide will do an excellent job of treating purulent growths without drying out the sensitive skin of the genitals.
  4. Therapeutic ointment disinfects the inflamed area. For example, Vishnevsky ointment helps draw out pus in case of an abscess.

It is important to know what actions the doctor will take if you contact him with this diagnosis:

  1. Prescribe a diagnostic examination to identify the cause of inflammation.
  2. If we are talking about a sexually transmitted disease, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics.
  3. A gynecologist may resort to a radical method of solving the problem if you happen to encounter the formation of a cyst. The operation is painless and takes only a few minutes.

Not all doctors accept traditional medicine. But you should not blindly trust medications that are very popular. It is possible that the active components included in the products may cause an allergic reaction in you. Only a doctor can determine the exact dosage and time interval for taking it.

Acne in children

A white pimple on a child's clitoris should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. The most common reason for its appearance is failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene and poor-quality linen. For a small child, acne causes severe discomfort; the feeling of itching and burning interferes with normal movement. The pediatrician will prescribe special ointments or tablets that will quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Natural causes

If a single painless pimple appears on the clitoris, it is most likely harmless, but you should not squeeze or burn it to avoid complications. The reasons for the appearance of such neoplasms are:

  • Hormonal surges. They worry women throughout their lives, from adolescence to postmenopause. Exacerbations of rashes occur during PMS, during pregnancy and before menopause.
  • Features of hygiene. To prevent acne from appearing in the intimate area, it is important to maintain a golden mean. A lack of cleanliness leads to the accumulation of dirt and blockage of the sebaceous glands, an excess leads to thinning of the skin, its frequent damage and a decrease in local immunity.
  • Allergy. A reaction to detergents, synthetic underwear, and sanitary pads is possible. Chemicals and fragrances in the compositions provoke itching of the clitoris, rashes and inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  • Fordyce granule. Looks like a white pimple on the clitoris. It is small and painless. Sometimes several tumors appear. The phenomenon is non-contagious and does not cause discomfort. Removal of granules is indicated only for aesthetic reasons.
  • Microtraumas. Minor cuts and abrasions occur due to hair removal, lack of lubrication during sex, or wearing tight underwear. Dirt gets into them and minor inflammation begins. If the problem does not go away for a long time, there is cause for concern.
  • Molluscum contagiosum. A viral infection that does not cause harm to health. It affects only the skin and mucous membranes, manifests itself in painless pinkish nodules with a small depression in the middle. When pressed, a plug comes out of it. The virus completely disappears from the body after six months. No treatment required.

Pediatrician advice

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Many ointments can cause a severe allergic reaction and aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician. Only in this case the treatment will not harm your baby.

Children are very vulnerable to any kind of disease. To alleviate and improve the condition of the baby, it is important to immediately carry out a medical diagnosis. It is forbidden to touch or squeeze small pimples on the clitoris with your hands. In this way, you can introduce a serious infection into the body.

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