Lipoma (facial fat) on the face: what to do?

For the treatment of lipomas (lipomas) on the face, it is not expensive drugs that are effective, but a method that has been known in folk medicine for a long time. Even at home, hydrogen peroxide is effectively used for lipomas. This liquid was studied by specialists under the leadership of Professor Neumyvakin as a tool for healing the body.

Wen can be treated with peroxide to stimulate their convergence and disinfection.

Efficiency of peroxide

Oxygen, which is released when cell tissue comes into contact with hydrogen peroxide, causes oxidation. This process is accompanied by the release of foam, which has a disinfecting effect for inflammation of the oral cavity and for washing wounds, for gynecological diseases and to stop bleeding. Hydrogen peroxide can protect against infectious, viral and fungal diseases. The drug is successfully used to remove accumulated fat from the walls of blood vessels and to restore the immune system.

Manifestation of individual intolerance

There are few contraindications for the use of the drug. Rarely do patients experience such manifestations of individual intolerance to a substance as:

  • skin rashes;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness.

Sometimes the use of peroxide when processing wen can cause allergic reactions.
Scientists say that signs of intolerance to this drug can only be observed in 1-2 percent of people. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide is recommended to be taken not only for external local cleansing, but also for internal oxidation of the body. In this case, mandatory consultation with a specialist and a balanced combination of medicinal treatment methods and methods of cleansing the body are necessary.

Remove wen with iodine

There are a considerable number of non-traditional remedies that help resolve and eliminate lipomas. Here are some effective ones

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Iodine-acetic solution

Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy in folk medicine because it can cure a wide variety of ailments. Healers even use vinegar against cancer, and in combination with iodine it can cure wen. Required components:

  • apple cider vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • iodine – 1 tbsp. l.

Preparation and use: obtaining the medicine is quite simple; to do this, you just need to thoroughly mix all the above ingredients and burn the wen with iodine and vinegar. The resulting composition must be treated with the problem area 3 times. per day and there until the lipoma completely disappears.

You can fight lipomas by using this chemical component in its pure form. Basically, a 5% alcohol iodine solution is used, but a 10% solution can have the greatest effect. If the growth is small, then you need to apply the neck of the bottle with the solution to it and cauterize it. The procedure is best performed 1 p. a day before bedtime and then the solution will have time to dissolve and will not leave any traces. Therapy should be continued until the lipoma disappears. Large growths can also be treated directly from the bottle or with cotton wool soaked in the solution.

INTERESTING fact: The healing properties of valerian and contraindications

However, it should be remembered that you need to smear the wen with iodine very carefully so that the substance does not get on the skin around the growth, as this can cause a burn to the skin.

Health to you!

Method of using hydrogen peroxide from wen

Metabolic disorders as a result of hormonal changes or diseases of the nervous system can provoke the manifestation of lipomas. Traditional healers claim that treatment should begin with cleansing the clogged body. Therefore, an effective way is comprehensive healing, which is aimed at cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

Experts do not recommend removing lipomas surgically, since an unresolved cause can cause the wen to appear again. For a cosmetic effect when a lipoma appears on the skin of the face, a compress can be an effective procedure. The oxidative capacity of hydrogen peroxide is an important factor in which a lipoma can be eliminated mechanically by acting on skin cells.

Castor oil and peroxide for treatment

Castor oil in combination with peroxide is used in many recipes for compresses against wen.
The use of hydrogen peroxide and castor oil for treatment has been repeatedly described in collections of traditional medicine. This procedure is effective, simple and painless if you need to cleanse the skin of several wen on the face. You need to prepare all the necessary components and be patient. You will need 1 glass of water, potassium permanganate crystals, castor oil, 10% hydrogen peroxide solution, sterile gauze swabs, tweezers, bandage. The procedure can be carried out in the manner described in the table:

Sequence and duration of manipulations
1Dilute 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate in a glass of boiled water until a pink liquid is obtained.For a few minutes
2Disinfect small lipomas with the resulting solution
3Lubricate the surface of the wen ball with castor oil
4Treat the skin with a 10% hydrogen peroxide solution20 minutes after applying castor oil
5Strengthen a gauze swab with hydrogen peroxide over the surface of the lipomaLeave the compress for 6 hours
6Remove subcutaneous fat from the torn surface using sterile tweezers.For a few minutes
7Treat the skin with a solution of potassium permanganate
8Fix sterile swabs in place of removed lipomas

Hydrogen peroxide is deservedly called a panacea by modern researchers.

Hydrogen peroxide as a healing substance can not only resist many diseases, but also have a preventive effect, as well as protect the human body from many diseases. The main postulate when using the drug is to cleanse the body of toxins.

Lipoma (facial fat) on the face: what to do?


A fatty tissue ( lipoma ) is a common benign formation that can be located on any part of the body. Wen on the face is mostly a cosmetic problem. An unpleasant feature of wen is the ability to increase in size or merge with each other.

Wen is a white or yellowish-gray formation that can be located in any part of the face . There are milia - single formations without a duct that appear on the cheekbones, forehead, area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, and xanthomas - wen, prone to fusion, which can be found on the eyelids , in the area around the eyes .

The exact cause of the occurrence of wen has not been determined. But some factors provoking their appearance are known:

  • nutrition – excess carbohydrates in food, alcohol;
  • heredity - a certain genetic tendency in the family to the appearance of wen;
  • diseases – diseases of the digestive, endocrine, metabolic systems of the body;
  • hygiene facial skin care .

Since wen often appears in diseases of the stomach , pancreas , liver , stool disorders, poor diet, before contacting a surgeon, it is necessary to diagnose the condition of the digestive system and adjust the diet. Often the appearance and growth of lipomas is provoked by hormonal problems in the body. These can be both diseases with impaired hormone - diabetes mellitus , thyroid , and physiological issues - pregnancy , adolescence, age-related geriatric features. Every person should know the features of facial skin care - timely carrying out skin cleansing procedures, using special products that are currently available.

Not all wen should be removed; only those formations that have begun to increase in size, change color, become inflamed, or cause discomfort or pain should not be left. In case of single small lipomas, removal is not recommended.

They describe removing lipomas at home using a needle from an insulin syringe, alcohol for disinfection, and lidocaine for pain relief, but the manipulation is quite complex and painful to perform at home without professional training. The danger when performing this procedure is the introduction of dirt and infection into the skin, damage to small blood vessels located nearby, technical inconvenience when performing the removal yourself, and the lack of special tools. Since all manipulations must be carried out in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, having a certain skill, it is better to entrust the removal of lipoma to a qualified surgeon.

Published in Surgery Premium Clinic

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