Why does a wen appear under the armpit and how to get rid of it

A lump under the arm can be a lipoma or atheroma, sometimes the lump is an enlarged lymph node. Lipoma is a benign neoplasm that grows in a capsule in layers of loose connective tissue. If the duct of the sebaceous gland in the armpit is blocked, a cyst (atheroma) is formed. An inflamed lymph node can reach 3-5 centimeters in diameter, visually it can be confused with a lipoma. Differential diagnosis is carried out by an oncologist or surgeon after examination, palpation, and ultrasound. With multiple compactions under the arm, other diagnostic measures will be required to determine the lesions and fusion with other tissues.

What does a wen in the armpit look like and feel like?

The wen looks like a rounded lump, painless on palpation. The size of the formation can be different, most often like a small tennis ball. If the tumor grows to 7-8 centimeters or more, the boundaries become less clear, the tumor protrudes above the surface of the body. The skin over the wen should not change, that is, turn red or peel. When pressed, the wen easily moves slightly to the side under the skin. It must grow in the capsule, without merging with the subcutaneous tissue and adjacent tissues of other organs.

The lipoma under the armpit cannot be felt for a long time; it begins to be palpated when its diameter is more than two centimeters. In cases where the wen reaches a large size, it compresses neighboring tissues. The patient constantly feels discomfort, it becomes difficult to move his hand.

Why do lipomas appear?

Fatty deposits in the armpit appear due to internal problems in the body and genetic predisposition.

The main reasons for the appearance of a wen in the armpit:

  • Changes in genes on chromosome 12 that are responsible for fat lysis.
  • Metabolic disorders in the layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Disruptions in the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Menopause, taking incorrect doses of estrogen.
  • Eating unhealthy fatty foods and fast food.
  • A sedentary lifestyle causes a slowdown in blood supply to small vessels, which can trigger the deposition of fat cells into the capsule.
  • Wearing tight clothing that puts pressure under the armpit causes mechanical injuries in this area.
  • Strong radioactive exposure of the body.

Harmful substances in food and polluted environment can indirectly cause wen. Toxins and heavy metal compounds suppress the immune system, so the body’s defenses do not recognize the emerging lipoma in time and do not destroy it.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measure is to strengthen the body's defenses. You should walk as much as possible, play sports and eat right. If there are signs of hormonal imbalances, you should make corrections and find the cause of the malfunction by consulting a specialist.

In addition to everything, it is recommended to monitor your weight. At the slightest skin manifestations, you should consult a doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia and injury. If a small lipoma appears, you cannot squeeze it out or open it yourself, as this can cause infection and serious consequences.


The first symptoms of a wen under the armpit are the appearance of a rounded lump, over which the skin easily moves. An axillary lipoma is primarily composed of fat cells, but other tissues may be added to its composition.

Depending on the presence of different types of tissue in the capsule, the following types of lipomas are distinguished:

  • Lipofibroma. It is the most common among wen under the armpit. This tumor is 99% fat cells. In women with hormonal imbalance, a lipoma under the arm can grow to a very large size - 7-10 cm. It rarely degenerates into a malignant tumor.
  • Fibrolipoma. It consists of about 70% fibrous (connective) tissue, the remaining 30% is occupied by fat accumulation. This type of lipoma grows slowly, but is more prone than others to malignancy, that is, degeneration into cancer.
  • Angiolipoma. Half of its contents are represented by connective tissue, 45% are allocated to fat cells, and the remaining 5% are small blood vessels. Due to the direct blood supply, the tumor grows quite quickly. When removed, heavy bleeding often occurs. This type of lipoma is dangerous to injure or squeeze out on your own, as it is easy to provoke internal bleeding and the spread of pathological cells to neighboring organs.
  • Myelolipoma. It rarely appears in women under the armpit; only isolated cases are known in men. Its growth can be provoked by hormonal changes in the body during menopause. This type of wen consists of muscle fibers. This type of lipoma is considered low-risk, never becomes malignant, and can go away without treatment.

Lipoma removal with laser

More modern technique. Its essence is the same, only a laser beam of a certain spectrum is used as a cutting tool. At the same time, thermocoagulation of the blood vessels occurs with a laser. The laser is completely safe in terms of bleeding and possible wound infection. With laser removal of lipomas, the skin receives less traumatic impact, but each node must also be removed through an individual incision. After the procedure, internal and external sutures are applied.

Are wen dangerous?

In most cases, lipoma is not life-threatening. For a long time it is not felt at all. The appearance of redness and pain indicates that the wen is inflamed. The cause of inflammation can be uncomfortable clothing, when the tumor under the arm is constantly injured. Infection through wounds on the skin also leads to an inflammatory reaction. In this case, surgery may be required.

If a wen that appears under the armpit reaches a large size, it begins to compress the blood vessels and affect the muscles. The patient experiences pain under the armpit and difficulty moving the arm. Such complications require immediate treatment.

A child may develop a lump under the armpit at an early age due to a genetic predisposition. The baby's hormonal background is aimed at the rapid growth of all organs and systems. This leads to a strong increase in lipoma. If lumps appear under the armpit of a child, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist. In most cases, the doctor removes the tumor so that it does not spread deeper into the mediastinal organs and does not interfere with the normal development of the baby.

The danger of a wen is that there is a possibility of its cells degenerating into atypical ones, which lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the dynamics of the neoplasm. If the tumor quickly grows, hardens and becomes immobile, then a suspicion of a malignant oncological process arises. In this case, it is necessary to do a biopsy, that is, taking material from the tumor for examination.

Treatment prognosis and consequences

The prognosis for treatment is favorable in most cases. The main thing is to pay attention to education in time and undergo the necessary examination. It should be remembered that the armpit is often subject to friction, so the wen will often be injured, and this is dangerous due to the consequences of infection, because this area is favorable for the growth of bacteria, as it is equipped with sweat glands.

In addition, if you constantly touch a lipoma, then there is a risk of its malignant degeneration, which occurs due to constant trauma.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out by a surgeon or oncologist. He examines and palpates the pathological area under the arm, and, if necessary, prescribes ultrasound and MRI. These studies help determine the exact boundaries and size of the tumor, the presence of invasion into other tissues and organs.

A round lump that appears under the armpits can be a linden tumor, atheroma, or an inflamed lymph node. Atheroma is a cyst formed due to blockage of the sebaceous duct. It accumulates sebum, which is actively produced by the glands under the armpit.

Unlike lipoma, atheroma has a duct and can open on its own, with the contents coming out.

Lymphadenitis appears in the form of bumps under the arms and on the neck, similar to lipomas. Unlike lipomas, inflamed lymph nodes are painful on palpation, and the skin over them is hyperemic (red). As a rule, with proper treatment, lymphadenitis compactions decrease after 2 weeks from the start of therapy and completely disappear within six months.

Features in women and children

Lipomas in women often form under the influence of hormonal disorders. This may occur after an abortion, during pregnancy, or other similar conditions. The course of the disease is the same in men and women. In children, it is quite rare for a wen to form, but if such a phenomenon occurs, then quite often it goes away without a trace on its own. In this case, sometimes it is enough to apply an aloe leaf to speed up resorption.

If the formation does not go away for a long time, but does not change its size, then it is monitored. When the tumor site is frequently subjected to friction, the lipoma is removed using a laser.

How to get rid of wen under the armpit

You can cure a lipoma that appears under the arm, when its size is no more than 3 cm, using home medicine recipes. Self-medication can be done for no more than two weeks. If no significant positive dynamics are observed, you need to seek help from specialists. Doctors observe many types of wen for several years and are in no hurry to operate.

It is necessary to treat an inflamed wen under the supervision of a doctor. In cases where the tumor has grown (more than 5 cm) and interferes with the movement of the arm, radical surgical treatment will be required. The tumor under the arm is removed traditionally, using a scalpel or using hardware methods, such as a laser.

Surgical intervention

The removal of the wen is carried out by an oncologist or surgeon. Before the operation, blood clotting time tests and a number of other necessary studies are carried out to prevent complications.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. After preparing and treating the surgical field, the doctor injects the tumor with painkillers - novocaine or lidocaine.

After anesthesia, the doctor uses a scalpel to cut the skin over the wen. The lipoma grows in a capsule, so it is easily separated from the surrounding tissue and removed. Next, sutures are placed on the incision.

The extracted tumor is sent for histological examination. The conclusion provides information about the tissue composition of the neoplasm, the presence or absence of changes characteristic of the cancer process.

Drug therapy

To date, there are no pharmaceutical products that can completely get rid of lipoma. The adipose tissue in the tumor is not susceptible to the action of enzymes and drugs that lyse lipid substances.

Lipoma cannot be completely cured with medication, but its size can be reduced.

Injections of fat-dissolving medications are made into the base of the wen under the armpit. Medicines help reduce fat cells and prevent capsule growth.

Warming solutions are applied to the inflamed wen under the armpit. Dimexide can reduce signs of inflammation. This drug must be diluted in half with warm boiled water. The resulting solution is used as a compress twice a day and at night.

Treatment at home

Traditional methods of treatment are indicated for the first symptoms of a wen under the arm, when the size of the tumor is no more than 2 cm. Onions are often used in home medicine recipes, but they can cause irritation and inflammation. At the first painful symptoms, you should consult a doctor for help.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of lipoma:

  1. Golden mustache. This product helps to dissolve small lumps under the skin. It is necessary to finely chop the golden mustache leaf with a knife or grind it with a blender. The resulting pulp is spread on a gauze napkin and applied to the skin in the projection of the tumor. You need to put a bag or oilcloth on top of the napkin. The compress is fixed with a bandage and left overnight. The procedures are repeated for about 10 days.
  2. Onions and laundry soap. It is recommended to bake the onion in the oven and grind it in a meat grinder. Laundry soap, previously grated on a fine grater, is added to the resulting slurry in the same quantity. A compress with this remedy must be done every day for 4-5 hours.

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out only on the entire skin. Do not apply compresses if there are abrasions, scratches or ulcers under the armpit.

Alternative lipoma removal methods

A lipoma in the armpit can be removed using a laser. This method is considered the most effective, since relapses at the site of the operated tumor rarely appear. Patients do not experience pain during laser removal, but only a slight feeling of discomfort. There is no scar deformation left at the operation site.

Another alternative way to remove lipomas up to 5 centimeters is electrocoagulation. An electric knife carefully cuts through the skin and immediately coagulates damaged blood vessels. After peeling the wen, an inconspicuous scar remains.

What not to do

When a wen is discovered, some people try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. As a result, they make a number of mistakes that lead to the enlargement and proliferation of the tumor.

Involuntary injury to the seal can have serious consequences. Therefore, you need to be careful and wear comfortable, loose clothing.

Absolutely forbidden:

  • Try to squeeze out the wen under the arm yourself. A small tumor after compression can increase significantly, as its vessels are damaged.
  • Scratch, independently cut the skin over the wen or try to pierce it. All these actions will lead to infection of the tumor, which will provoke painful inflammation under the armpit.
  • Get involved in self-medication when there is no positive dynamics already after 1-2 weeks of using various means.
  • Warm and massage the armpit where the lipoma is. These actions will lead to the spread of pathological cells to neighboring lymph nodes and underlying tissues. The tumor can develop into cancer.
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