Wen on the buttock: how to get rid of it and what are the reasons for its appearance

A lipoma is a lump formed from fatty tissue. Pathology can develop on the internal organs and under the skin of a person, regardless of his gender and age. When a wen appears on the buttock, patients, citing unjustified embarrassment, often delay a visit to a specialist and prolong the disease. Wen can be single or multiple. It rarely becomes malignant, but tends to develop and increase in volume. Sometimes lipomas reach sizes up to 25 cm.

Reasons for the appearance of a wen on the buttock

A lump on the buttock can occur for various reasons, and their development is accompanied by different symptoms. The following types of tumors on the butt are common:

  • a wen that develops in the thickness of the muscles is an intermuscular lipoma. Middle-aged and older people are susceptible to pathology. The formation develops slowly, which is the reason for the initiation of the disease. The patient notices the problem when it becomes large;
  • subcutaneous lipoma is a superficial neoplasm and is a movable wen with a round shape. More often it does not reach large sizes up to 1.5-2 cm and resembles a knot. It is removed surgically under local anesthesia. Subcutaneous wen does not show any other symptoms other than an unaesthetic appearance.
  • Erythema nodosum represents inflammation of blood vessels in the skin and fat cells. The disease manifests itself in the form of nodular formations in the shape of hemispheres, which become red in color and give the patient painful sensations when pressed. The cause of the appearance of pathology on the skin is a whole list of diseases: tuberculosis, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, histoplasmosis, ulcerative colitis, leukemia and others.

Medicine today can name the exact causes of the accumulation of fat cells and their pathological growth. Factors contributing to their development:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Immune system dysfunction.
  3. Wrong diet.
  4. Hormonal imbalances during the restructuring of the body during age-related changes.
  5. Taking certain hormonal medications.

Many have encountered the problem of a lump forming under the skin on the buttock at the injection site. The cause is the inflammatory process in the wound from the needle. The swelling is not dangerous and is often ignored by the patient. However, there is a reorganization of the injection wound into an abscess. The reasons for the pathological development of compaction after injections may be the following factors:

  • incorrect position of the needle, in which the medicine is injected not into the muscle, but under the skin;
  • puncture of a blood vessel, the inflammatory process begins in the resulting hematoma;
  • disruption of blood flow at the site of multiple injections;
  • weak immunity of the patient;
  • prolonged bed rest.

To prevent inflammation and abscess, you need to consult a doctor who will take measures to eliminate the compaction and inflammatory process after injections.

Diagnosis of the disease

Lipoma is a rather inert pathology and may not manifest itself for years. It is often diagnosed accidentally during the treatment of other diseases. A tumor can be detected by:

  • Ultrasound of soft tissues and internal organs.
  • X-ray.
  • Computed tomography and MRI.

Once the presence of a lump has been confirmed, the doctor needs to determine its nature in order to create an optimal treatment plan. Here's where they come in:

  • A biopsy to assess how cancerous the tumor is.
  • Blood analysis. To assess the general condition of the patient.
  • Additional tests prescribed if the patient has poor heredity or has other health problems (for example, an allergy to anesthetics).

Methods for getting rid of wen on the butt under the skin

The main thing in the step towards getting rid of the lump on the buttock is to seek help from a specialist. Self-treatment may not bring the desired results and may even worsen the situation.

The surgeon makes a decision: either get rid of it or not interfere with the pathology. It is worth regularly observing and monitoring the development of lipoma. This happens when the tumor is small and without symptoms. If the wen begins to grow and manifest itself in some way, removal of the formation may be prescribed in one of the following ways:

  • Injections.

A drug is injected into the wen by puncture, which helps destroy its structure. This therapy is acceptable for small lipomas. As a rule, they disappear within two months. The method has a disadvantage: only the body of the growth is removed, and the capsule in which it was located remains under the skin, which often leads to relapse.

We recommend reading:

  1. Adrenal myelolipoma
  2. Atheroma of the century
  3. Papilloma in the throat
  • Operation.

The surgical method to get rid of the growth is radical. The disadvantage of the intervention is the postoperative mark on the skin.

If the wen is localized in a closed area, you need to cut it out. The operation is performed under anesthesia and does not require serious preparation. Prescribed when the volume reaches more than 5 cm.

  • Laser removal.

Laser surgery is a unique opportunity to quickly and effectively remove benign neoplasms, including subcutaneous wen. To rid the patient of a lipoma, a carbon dioxide laser is used. The procedure is carried out under the influence of lidocaine and the neoplasm is removed along with the capsule, which prevents its re-development. Usually after such an operation the mark remains neat and unnoticeable.

  • Radio wave therapy.

The procedure for removing lipoma using radio waves takes from 10 to 30 minutes. Preparation for it takes place in several stages: puncture of the tumor body to take its contents for analysis, histological and cytological examination of the material, ultrasound. A thorough examination is necessary to make the right decision in each individual case. Then the operation itself is performed under anesthesia, before which the patient is prohibited from drinking alcohol and smoking. The method is effective; it is used to remove wen no larger than 5 cm in size.

  • Liposuction.

The method of extracting the contents of a lipoma by suction is called liposuction. This method of tumor removal is not effective due to the fact that the capsule containing the tumor remains under the skin. After liposuction, re-development of the wen occurs.

Prevention of lipomas

In most cases, the process of lipoma formation in the body is uncontrollable. Often the appearance of neoplasms is hereditary. However, there are some ways to influence the body's tendency to accumulate lipomas.

These methods include:

  • balanced diet with a low content of animal fats and sufficient physical activity;
  • taking statin drugs that reduce the amount of fatty fractions in the blood. Strictly only after consultation with a doctor;
  • timely treatment of demodicosis, which provokes blockage of the sebaceous glands;
  • skin hygiene.

You can live with a lipoma your whole life if it doesn’t bother you. But in the case when you feel obvious discomfort, the specialists of our clinic will relieve you of the disease in the most gentle and effective ways.

Diagnostic methods in surgery:

  • Doppler in surgery
  • Colonoscopy
  • Angiography
  • CT scan
  • Gastroscopy
  • MRI
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • X-ray
  • Endoscopy


CodeName of servicePrices
1Initial appointment1200
2Repeated appointment900
3Calling a surgeon to your home3500
4Abdominal ultrasound2200
5Ultrasound of veins and vessels2400
6Doppler 2-3 trimester1200

What treatment to take

Some patients, before turning to a surgeon to solve their problem, try traditional methods to get rid of lipoma. Self-treatment of a wen often does not bring any results, and sometimes, on the contrary, it provokes rapid growth of the tumor. By examining the condition of the tumor and determining its size, the attending physician decides on the method of removal. Subcutaneous growths usually develop slowly, and it is often not recommended to touch them at all. Especially if the seal is located in a closed area of ​​the body. In such cases, the doctor prescribes observation with regular ultrasound and histology studies.

When is it time to see a doctor?

Removal of a lipoma, although it is a radical measure, is the most effective mechanism with minimal risk of recurrence. All sorts of alternative versions of help, such as folk remedies or grandmother's recipes, at best, can work temporarily. In the worst case scenario, they will aggravate the course of the disease, which will be accompanied by negative consequences in the form of extensive inflammation or even suppuration.

Typically, lipoma removal is carried out according to a planned principle, which means setting a date for the intervention on a certain day, when all the tests have already been completed. But sometimes, if there is an increased risk of immediate damage to surrounding healthy tissue, the doctor may decide to immediately excise the affected area. Regardless of whether the manipulation is planned or emergency, you should not ignore the words of an expert who insists on removing the wen.

The main indications for going “under the scalpel” are the following pathologies and conditions:

  • change in shape or color;
  • redness of the skin above or near the wen itself;
  • pain not only when pressed, but also when simply touched;
  • tooth in the problem area;
  • even slight swelling;
  • suspicion of a malignant tumor.

Ancillary markers of deviation from the norm can be disturbances in the functioning of individual organs located close to the expected affected area. The localization of wen in an area of ​​high trauma is also a reason to remove them as quickly as possible.

No less dangerous is a formation that has taken root near a cluster of blood vessels and nerve cells, which can result in their extensive damage.

Therefore, as soon as the negative impact on surrounding tissues emanating from the lipoma is proven, then it’s time to sign up for the procedure of its excision using a scalpel and local anesthesia.

How does the removal process between the buttocks work in women?

Lipoma can appear on any part and organ of the human body. More often the neck, head, face, limbs, and buttocks are affected by pathology. It happens that a wen appears in a completely inconvenient place: between the buttocks. Inconvenient due to the piquant location of its formation, problematic removal for large sizes, postoperative treatment and dressing. The rectum is located nearby and surgical intervention threatens to damage it. There have been cases when complete removal of a large lipoma in such a place was not possible; most of the formation was localized deep in the body, near the rectum. Such a location of the wen is rare, and if a tumor appears between the buttocks, you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

Contacting a specialist at an early stage of the disease will prevent subsequent possible complications in treatment.

How to avoid relapse

The periodic appearance of wen on the body is called relapse. The main causes of the pathological process include the following situations:

  1. Incomplete cure.
  2. Incorrect home treatment.
  3. Violation of doctor's recommendations.
  4. Complications during surgery on the butt.
  5. Weak immune system.
  6. Many years of experience in alcohol abuse and smoking.

Following simple rules will help to avoid the recurrence of wen on the butt:

  1. Treat chronic diseases and visit your doctor periodically. Early diagnosis of abnormalities in health helps prevent cancer.
  2. Keep your hormone levels under control. Monitor the state of the endocrine system.
  3. Avoid hypothermia and overheating.
  4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Keep your weight normal.
  6. Do not squeeze out skin lesions yourself.

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When is a lipoma dangerous?

Lipoma is not a malignant neoplasm and does not pose a threat to human health.
Sometimes circumstances are not in the patient’s favor when a person tries to remove a wen on his own. The infection enters the wound and produces changes in the behavior of the growth, which begins rapid growth and development. Opening tumors at home is strictly prohibited. Without knowing the structure and nature of the tumor, you can doom yourself to irreversible processes in the disease. Only a specialist, through research and analysis, can determine whether the formation is malignant. How to treat and get rid of tumors must be discussed with a surgeon, whose knowledge and experience will help you find the appropriate method for each individual case. The article has been verified by the editors

Preparatory stage

To make sure that the manipulation can be carried out, the doctor must first conduct a diagnostic examination. This applies not only to palpation and visual assessment.

The specialist examines the medical history to determine the optimal technique for getting rid of the benign tumor. A number of diagnostic measures at the preparatory stage can help determine this. The appointment begins with the doctor determining the exact shape, structure and softness of the wen, recording the collected information from the medical card.

Next, the victim is sent to submit:

  • blood analysis;
  • biopsy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • MRI;
  • CT;
  • histology.

Classic ultrasound helps determine how quickly the problem area is enlarging and whether it is occurring at all. Also, a detailed, unique image will indicate the overall scale of the spread of the disease through adipose tissue.

In case of controversial situations, it would be useful to use images obtained using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Due to the obtained visualization through MRI or computed tomography, it is possible to determine whether the lipoma is in a life-threatening area.

The biopsy is designed to reveal the nature of the formation before surgery, and histology tells us whether there were metastases after surgery.

Regardless of how extensive the lesion turns out to be, it can only be gotten rid of in an inpatient hospital department, when the test results are already in hand.

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