Foot fungus - symptoms, effective treatment options, causes of the appearance and development of the disease (105 photos and videos)

Hello, dear friends!

Today we are starting a conversation about fungal foot diseases.

According to the World Health Organization, every fifth person on our planet suffers from mycosis of the foot.

Perhaps some of you also cannot get rid of this infection, despite the assurances of the manufacturers of antifungal drugs that mycoses of the skin of the feet are a piece of cake in our time. Like: “smear it on for 2 weeks, and the fungus will be over.”

But it was not there. The itching and peeling of the skin does not stop. And soon, oh horror: yellow stripes appeared on the nails, which slowly but surely moved towards the root of the nail. And you understand what this threatens.

But we will talk about fungal nail infections another time, since this topic needs to be thoroughly understood.

And today’s conversation will be devoted to how to get rid of foot skin fungus once and for all.

What are the types of mycoses of the feet? How does foot fungus grow? Why is his treatment not always successful? What questions should you ask a customer who asks “anything for fungus” and what should the antifungal complex be?

So, let's go!

What do you need to know about pathogenic fungi?

Do you know why fungal infections are called “mycoses”? The word "mycoses" comes from the Greek "mykes", which means "mushroom".

Mushrooms are not plants, animals, or protozoans. These are MUSHROOMS.

Unlike plants, they cannot synthesize nutrients on their own, since they do not contain chlorophyll, without which photosynthesis - the formation of organic substances from carbon dioxide and water - is impossible.

Mushrooms feed on READY organic matter.

Those mushrooms that cause an unpleasant sore to a person are brothers to the mushrooms that we collect in the forest. They have a very similar structure and reproduce in the same way.

However, there is a big difference.

Cap mushrooms (aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, etc.) are needed in nature to participate in the formation of humus, serve as tasty and healthy food for us humans, help nearby plants live, live and gain nutrients. These mushrooms are hard workers.

But, as the famous proverb says, every family has its black sheep.

There are mushrooms that absolutely do not want to work. Everything is like people!

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