Why does it appear and how to cure a wen (lipoma) on the lip?

Lipomas, or lipomas on the lips, are a disaster for any woman and a most unpleasant occurrence for every man. You can theorize, convincing that there is nothing terrible, that of all neoplasms, wen is the most harmless. But those with lipomas on the most visible part of the body do not think so. Lipstick will not hide this cosmetic defect; it will rather highlight it. Lips and eyes are those parts of the human face that attract the attention of other people. All people want to be liked, and lipomas are a serious obstacle to this. If they appear, what should you do? Why do they occur and how can you prevent their occurrence?

What is a wen

A fatty growth on the lip is a small convex lump. Lipoma is soft and has a clear outline. The tumor does not cause pain.

A distinctive feature of a lipoma is its ability to grow. The fatty growth increases slowly, reaching significant sizes.

A lipoma on the mucous membrane of the lip spoils a person’s appearance and causes discomfort during eating and hygiene procedures. Damage to the lip wen often leads to complications.

Rehabilitation period after lipoma removal

Depending on the size of the lipoma, its location and the complexity of classical surgical removal, the length of hospital stay can be 1–3 days. After laser removal of a small tumor, the patient can go home immediately after the procedure. If non-absorbable sutures were applied during the operation, they are removed after 7 to 10 days. Within a week, the wound heals completely. During this time, it is necessary to avoid exposure of the removal site to sunlight and water.


The main reason for the appearance of wen on the lips is metabolic disorders. The provoking factors for the development of fatty growths are considered to be:

  • Heredity.
  • Infectious pathologies that reduce human immunity.
  • imbalance .
  • Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, abortion.
  • Injuries to the lips, resulting in disruption of the fat layer.
  • Excessive content of toxins and wastes in the body.
  • Disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicine cites smoking as one of the most common factors that provoke the appearance of wen on the lips.

Preventive measures

Since after removal of the wen it can reappear, it is important to follow a number of simple rules to avoid recurrence. These rules will help healthy people prevent the development of wen. The first and basic principle that will help prevent the appearance of bulging formations is nutritional control. It is important to adhere to a healthy and balanced menu, in which fatty foods are limited. Doctors recommend leading an active lifestyle and taking walks in the fresh air more often. It is important to monitor your immune system and take vitamin and mineral complexes in winter and autumn.

In addition, special attention should be paid to lip hygiene. It is recommended to use hygienic lipstick daily, which will relieve dryness and tightness of the lips. It is important to use only high-quality and proven cosmetics, since products containing bad components can clog pores, causing wen. It would also be useful to perform a facial massage in the nasolabial area. This will help increase blood circulation. If the wen has already appeared, it is under no circumstances recommended to squeeze it out. Squeezing is fraught with infection, so patients often note that the wen is inflamed inside. In this case, it is important to go to the doctor and treat lipomas using the medications that will be prescribed.


To prevent the active growth of a lipoma with painful sensations, you should recognize the early symptoms of the pathology:

  1. A growing wen on the lip does not affect healthy tissue.
  2. If is injured on the inside of the lip during eating or cosmetic procedures, pain is observed.

Wen itching

When a lump itches and grows, it is important to immediately consult a specialist and determine the causes, since a benign tumor can develop into a malignant one.

If the first symptoms of the disease are ignored, serious consequences can occur in the absence of adequate therapy. Seeking medical help is mandatory if symptoms are detected:

  • Violation of the integrity of the fatty growth.
  • Accelerated growth of the wen.
  • Presence of discharge from the neoplasm.
  • Redness of the skin area above the wen.
  • Itching.

Even mild pain in the area of ​​a fatty growth should prompt a decision to consult a doctor.


Very often, bumps on the labia appear due to inflammation of the Bartholin glands. They are localized at the entrance to the vagina and are located in the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the labia majora. The Bartholin gland synthesizes a mucous secretion that forms in the vagina on the eve of sexual intercourse. Blockage of the excretory ducts of these glands leads to an inflammatory process in the organ, resulting in neoplasms in the form of small bumps. This disease often occurs in women who do not pay due attention to personal hygiene.

How do symptoms develop?

  1. The specificity of the disease is such that symptoms do not appear immediately;
  2. 1-2 weeks after the onset of the inflammatory process, a seal forms on the inside of the labia majora;
  3. The ball begins to hurt and cause discomfort, especially when wearing tight underwear;
  4. The large lips swell, there is a burning sensation and pain in the perineum;
  5. Suppuration and effusion of exudate are possible, but more often this does not happen.

Bartholinitis does not require specific treatment, however, in its complete absence, women experience frequent relapses of the inflammatory process. At the same time, a new disease begins - a Bartholin gland cyst. In this case, surgical treatment is used, since alternative therapeutic methods become powerless. If the lump begins to suppurate during bartholinitis, there is a sharp deterioration in general well-being, pain during sexual intercourse, and an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees. It should be emphasized that bartholinitis during pregnancy can provoke spontaneous abortion.

If you have been diagnosed with bartholinitis, our experienced specialists will select a course of gentle antibiotic treatment for you or use surgical tactics to excise the cyst. Do not forget to maintain your health after treatment, maintain good personal hygiene and use contraceptives when changing partners. Know that bartholinitis can also develop due to parasitism of pathogenic microorganisms in your individual microflora. Often the disease is a consequence of trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Can a wen develop into cancer?

Official medicine regarding the possibility of transition from a benign neoplasm to a malignant tumor on the lip clearly gives an answer - it cannot. But the above symptoms may indicate that an unrecognized malignant growth is hiding under the mask of a lipoma. Diagnostics

If a patient complains of tumors on the lips, differential diagnosis is necessary. To do this, laboratory tests are carried out on a sample of lipoma tissue, which makes it possible to clarify the benign or malignant nature of the neoplasm.

To perform the study, the doctor makes a superficial scraping of the growth with a special tool and obtains a sample of the contents from the capsule.


Treatment of wen on the lips is carried out using methods of removing growths and using ointments.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

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Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

Methods for removing wen

There are various ways to get rid of the pathology, in which the wen can be removed during one session. The procedure is accompanied by mild pain, which is neutralized with painkillers.

Puncture-aspiration method

A needle is inserted into the wen to suck out the fat. After the procedure, the resulting material is sent for histology. The method has a significant drawback: the remaining lipoma can lead to the formation of a new lipoma in place of the removed one.

Acid peeling

Acid applied to the lipoma destroys the keratinized scales. As a result of the use of technology, skin regeneration occurs much faster. Other positive aspects are anti-inflammatory effects and activation of collagen synthesis.

Lipoma dissolution

If the lipoma is small in size, it can be dissolved. A medication is injected into the fatty growth, allowing the lipoma to completely resolve. Usually, this happens within 2 months.


Method of cauterization of tumors using a current source. After treating the wen, a small crust remains on the lip, which becomes invisible over time. With electrocoagulation, it is possible to obtain material for a biopsy.

Radio wave method

Radio wave coagulation is a less dangerous method that eliminates thermal burns. Small lipomas can be removed using the radio wave method, which has the following advantages:

  • Painless procedure.
  • No complications.
  • Rehabilitation period – 5 days.

The procedure takes 5 minutes, after removal the patient can go home. It is also important that there are no scars or stitches after removal.

Laser therapy

Before laser removal, confirmation of the diagnosis of wen is mandatory. The laser removal session lasts no more than 15 minutes.

After the procedure, the patient can count on the irreversibility of the fatty growth. With this procedure, postoperative relapses are excluded, there are no scars.


The procedure for removing a wen involves heating the growth, which leads to inhibition of leukocytes. The skin area is regenerated and collagen synthesis is activated. To remove a wen, 10 sessions are required.

Treatment with ointments

Therapy of fatty tumors with ointments is an effective method, the results of which depend on the characteristics of the body and the stage of the disease. In the early stages of pathology, the use of ointments gives positive results.

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Over other types of fat removal, drug therapy has significant advantages:

  • Availability of treatment.
  • Elimination of violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Carrying out treatment at home .

What does a wen look like on the body?

A fatty tissue (lipoma) is a benign neoplasm that almost never develops into a malignant tumor.

The disadvantages of drug therapy are long-term use and the possibility of allergic reactions.

Treatment of wen with ointments at home is carried out after consulting a doctor.

How is a lipoma removed?

Treatment begins with diagnosis. The doctor conducts a visual examination, determines the size, structure and shape of the formation. In order to understand what effect the lipoma has on surrounding tissues, an ultrasound examination is performed. If the lipoma is localized in a potentially dangerous area, an MRI or CT scan may be prescribed.

The lipoma removal procedure itself begins with the administration of anesthesia. In classic surgical removal of a tumor, the surgeon performs an excision, that is, makes a small incision, then cuts out the fatty tissue along with the capsule in which it is contained. At the final stage, the tissues are sutured using self-absorbing sutures, and an antiseptic bandage is applied.

For laser removal, local anesthesia is most often used. The directed laser beam simultaneously performs two functions: a coagulator and a scalpel. Laser removal is bloodless, healing is faster, and the risk of swelling is significantly reduced.


The possibility of developing a lipoma on the lip can be reduced to a minimum by following recommendations for the prevention of pathology, which include:

  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  • Using high quality cosmetics.
  • Providing a balanced diet.

When a lipoma is first detected, you cannot mask the defect with permanent makeup, which can cause infection of the affected tissue. Attempts to squeeze out or cut off the wen yourself are strictly prohibited.

If the appearance of fatty growths is associated with internal diseases, therapy should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. The appearance of wen in the lip area can be not only a facial defect, but also a signal of a dangerous pathology of the body that requires urgent treatment.

Effect of lipoma removal

Removing the capsule containing the fatty tissue minimizes the risk of disease recurrence, unlike alternative lipoma excision techniques. After surgical excision of a large formation, a small scar remains, which, in agreement with the doctor, can be made less noticeable using special creams/ointments and hardware procedures. As noted earlier, laser removal does not leave scars or scars, which is especially important for the patient when the formation is localized on the face/head/neck.

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