Apple cider vinegar for the face in cosmetology: for wrinkles, acne

Apple cider vinegar for face and hair: UGC We often don’t even know that the product at hand has unique properties and can be used not only for food, but also for cosmetic purposes. Apple cider vinegar is very useful for the face and hair, so it is included in many masks. The main thing is to use it correctly, calculate the dosage and frequency of use of ready-made mixtures. This determines whether its use will be beneficial or harmful.

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Attention! The material is for informational purposes only. You should not resort to the treatment methods described herein without first consulting your doctor.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a leader in amino acid content, each of which is responsible for the beauty and health of our skin. Their action is complemented by vitamins A, P, C, E and B, microelements and enzymes. For external use on the face:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • waste and toxins are removed;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • wounds, scars and wounds heal;
  • cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • inflammation is relieved;
  • the skin gains elasticity and tone;
  • sebum secretion decreases.

Apple cider vinegar is an effective remedy against insect bites and inflammation

Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat skin dermatitis, the initial stages of burns, wounds from snake and insect bites. All products are available for preparation at home. However, it is recommended to use them only for their intended purpose, having first done an allergy test.

Exfoliates dead cells

“Since time immemorial, natural beauty followers have considered vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar, to be the best way to combat everything from dandruff to age spots,” says Imelda Burke, author and founder of natural beauty store Content Beauty. “The modern beauty industry remembered this universal ingredient, and it ended up in face toners.”

No surprise: malic acid is similar in composition to an alpha hydroxy acid (or AHA). These are natural biological substances that are found in sour milk, old wine and sugar cane. They weaken the connections between the scales of the epidermis, which facilitates the process of their separation. Thus, malic acid gently exfoliates the top layer of skin, giving the face freshness and radiance.

Application in facial skin care

Having learned how to use apple cider vinegar correctly, it can replace most cosmetics intended for facial care. The product is an excellent alternative to anti-aging, toning and mattifying lotions. Before use, vinegar must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. Otherwise, skin treatment may result in rashes, blemishes and even burns.

Before applying to the face, the aqueous solution of apple cider vinegar must be shaken to distribute the components evenly.

One of the stages of skin cleansing is toning. The product is applied with a cotton pad along the massage lines.

Against age spots

The substances contained in apple cider vinegar remove dead cells and refresh the complexion. To prepare anti-aging tonic: 1 tbsp. l. The products are diluted in 125 ml of water. Using a cotton swab, apply the solution to a cleansed face. After half an hour, the skin should be rinsed with clean water. The procedure should be repeated daily for 6 weeks.

Against acne and blackheads

The problem of acne worries not only teenagers, but also adults. The causes may be different: hormonal disorders, infection, excessive sebum secretion. And if the treatment from the inside can be different, then the external way of dealing with rashes is the same. It is enough to wipe cleansed skin daily with an aqueous solution of apple cider vinegar, and acne will gradually disappear. The product normalizes the acid-base balance, opens pores and allows the skin to breathe.

Apple cider vinegar goes well with green tea essential oil, witch hazel, and aloe vera gel.

To increase the effectiveness of acne lotion, add essential oils or extracts of various plants to the solution. The best choice is essential oils of green tea, eucalyptus, lemon, lavender, witch hazel, tea tree, as well as aloe vera gel, chamomile or calendula extract. Optimal dosage: 2-3 drops of oil or 2 tbsp. l. vegetable component per 200 ml of vinegar solution.

To increase elasticity

A solution of apple cider vinegar will keep the facial contour clear and the skin elastic. To do this, apply a simple remedy before going to bed: 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, diluted with two glasses of water. The face should be clean and dry before the procedure. The lotion does not need to be washed off, it should work throughout the night. There is almost no aroma left, but the result is visible already with the first use.

Experts' opinion

The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily skin care of children with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted. The products are recommended by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.


  1. Molochkova Yulia Vladimirovna, Dermatology. Brief reference book, publishing house: GEOTAR-Media, 2017
  2. Baumann Leslie, Cosmetic Dermatology. Principles and practice, publishing house: MEDpress-inform, 2016
  3. Ratner Desiri, Avram M.R., Avram M.M., Procedures in Dermatology. Clinical cosmetology, Publishing house: GEOTAR-Media, 2019

Beauty recipes at home

Apple cider vinegar is a universal and accessible remedy suitable for any skin type. It can be used in combination with a variety of components.

Anti-wrinkle mask


  • 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 chicken yolk;
  • 1/2 pcs. cucumber


  1. Heat the olive oil to 40–60 degrees.
  2. Add apple cider vinegar and beaten chicken yolk.
  3. Grate half a cucumber or pass through a juicer (the cucumber can be replaced with grated potatoes).
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to clean skin for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. Repeat twice a week.

Rejuvenating toner


  • 1 tbsp. decoction of any herb (according to skin type);
  • 0.5 tsp. apple cider vinegar.


  1. Pour 40 g of dry crushed leaves (mint, calendula, chamomile, string) into a glass of boiling water.
  2. When the product has cooled, strain and mix with vinegar.
  3. The toner is applied morning and evening after cleansing the skin. Further care is no different from usual.

A tonic made from herbs and apple cider vinegar frozen in ice cube trays can replace your morning wash.

Steam bath for acne

Regular baths will cleanse pores and rid the skin of toxins, sebum and dead cells. Before the procedure, the face must be cleansed with gel or foam for washing.

Add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to a pot of boiling water. You need to keep your face above the steam from the pan. To enhance the effect, cover the head with a towel. Breathing vinegar vapor is not recommended, so periodically raise your head to get fresh air.

Antibacterial Herbal Lotion


  • 4 tbsp. l. chopped thyme herb;
  • 200 ml apple cider vinegar.


  1. Take a convenient 200 ml container and pour 4 tbsp into it. l. chopped thyme herb.
  2. Add apple cider vinegar to the container and close the lid.
  3. Leave the product for 14 days in a dry and dark place, shaking daily.
  4. Once prepared, apply to affected areas morning and evening.

Anti-pigmentation lotion


  • 1 tsp. onion juice;
  • 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar.

Mix apple cider vinegar and freshly squeezed onion juice. Wipe pigmented areas of the skin with this lotion several times a day. The product can be stored in the refrigerator.

All age spot remedies can also be used to treat bumps and bruises. They promote rapid resorption of tumors

Anti-pigmentation mask


  • 60 ml natural yoghurt;
  • 30 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • juice of 1/4 lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice


  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture to the area of ​​skin with pigmentation.
  2. When the mask dries, wash it off with water.
  3. Moisturize your face with cream.

Lotion for scars

The appearance of scars is often caused by improper treatment of acne. But you can get rid of them with regular use of a special lotion.


  • 1/3 tbsp. clean water;
  • 1/3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. green tea.

Mix all ingredients and apply lotion to scars 2 times a day. It is best to do this after washing your face - morning and evening. The skin will improve within a week, microcracks will heal and scars will smooth out.

Green tea is a powerful antioxidant that, when consumed regularly, improves skin condition and removes toxins from the body.

Rub for seborrheic dermatitis

If seborrheic dermatitis is left untreated, it can leave deep scars. The skin itself in the affected areas becomes very sensitive and painful.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that manifests itself in the form of purulent inflammations on the skin. Manifests itself in the form of white and yellow scales and redness.

The face rub is prepared from apple cider vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:4. Acne is treated with lotion in the morning and evening. A normal reaction is a slight burning sensation that goes away quickly. Gradually, the amount of water in the lotion can be reduced to a ratio of 1:2.

Compress against spider veins on the face

Cuperosis is broken capillaries that require not only external, but also internal treatment. Apple cider vinegar only helps to hide spider veins on the face and improve the condition of the skin in general. A cold compress is very simple to do: soak a cotton pad in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the sore spot for 1-2 minutes. After this, the skin is washed generously with warm water. After the third procedure, some of the red veins will disappear.

The properties of apple cider vinegar are similar to grape cider vinegar. The latter can also be used to combat rosacea and other skin imperfections

Mask against rosacea


  • 4 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 2 tbsp. l. yeast.


  1. Apple cider vinegar needs to be warmed to room temperature.
  2. It is then mixed with other ingredients and the mixture is applied to the face.
  3. The mask acts for 10 minutes.
  4. Afterwards, you need to rinse it off with water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

This mask not only eliminates rosacea and inflammation, but also mattifies the skin.

Honey mask for freckles


  • 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. May honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mineral water.

It is necessary to mix all the components, then apply the mask to the face for 20 minutes. The skin will acquire an even tone, and freckles will gradually fade. It is recommended to carry out such procedures no more than 1–2 times a week.

Purposes of use

Apple cider vinegar does not treat just one problem, but several at once. Therefore, it helps to cope with various skin problems.

Age-related changes

With age, pigment spots, wrinkles appear, and the skin becomes less elastic. Vinegar helps restore cell structure, regenerates and restores them. Thanks to this, age-related problems reflected on the face are smoothed out, and the skin becomes fresher. However, it is impossible to completely eliminate them using this method.

Pimples and blackheads

Pimples and blackheads are most often observed in teenagers. But sometimes the problem persists into adulthood. If the cause is not related to hormonal levels, then apple cider vinegar will help cope with it. It cleanses pores, removes harmful substances and toxins. As a result, acne is not only removed, but also does not reappear.

Spots and scars

Active cell regeneration, which begins after using malic acid, eliminates age spots and scars. This result will be achieved only if you do the rubbing regularly and without skipping.

Acid is only effective if it is of natural origin

Rubbing the skin can be replaced with a face mask with vinegar, find out how to do it correctly.

Precautions, contraindications and side effects

When applying something as potent as apple cider vinegar to your face, you should be extremely careful.

  1. The high concentration of acids contained in apple cider vinegar can cause burns. The product is never applied to the skin in its pure form.
  2. People prone to allergies are advised to conduct a test before using vinegar. The procedure does not take much time: a little product is applied to the chin or the inner bend of the elbow. If irritation does not appear within 5 minutes, you can safely use other areas.
  3. If apple cider vinegar gets on your mucous membrane, rinse the area with plenty of water.


The skin of the face is very delicate. Therefore, in order to avoid errors in the process of using this treatment method, it is better to familiarize yourself with the answers to frequently asked questions in advance.

Is it possible to smear every day?

Yes, some toners, masks and lotions are intended for daily use.

Is it possible to use pure vinegar for wiping?

No, it is prohibited to wipe your face with pure vinegar.

What happens if you use vinegar-based products frequently?

If you use vinegar solution too often on healthy skin unnecessarily, it can lead to peeling and irritation.

Is it possible to make a remedy using acetic acid instead of vinegar?

Can. But in this case, the acid must be added in a very small amount so that it does not cause a burn on the surface of the skin.

You can use store-bought apple cider vinegar.

Yes, you can. But in this case, pay attention to the composition and manufacturer in order to purchase natural acid and not its synthetic derivatives. It’s better to make apple cider vinegar yourself.


Apple cider vinegar is a miracle cure for acne! It is enough to apply compresses of diluted vinegar to your face every night! Acne disappears, the skin is moisturized and smooth, the complexion is evened out, scars are smoothed out. The result is in the photo)

Apple cider vinegar is an inexpensive and versatile remedy.


My grandmother recommended natural apple cider vinegar for stains. We didn’t expect it, but it helped! I’m sharing the recipe: mix apple cider vinegar with water (1 to 3, respectively), and wipe the damaged skin with this solution in the morning. The result will be surprising. I'll be waiting for reviews.

Treatment of acne with apple cider vinegar can be combined. For example, daily wipes with a mask once a week

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I buy a bottle of apple cider vinegar (6%) and use it in full: before toner and cream, I apply it to my face with a cotton pad. The face tingles, sometimes turns red due to the rush of blood, and after a minute the skin literally transforms. For the sake of this effect, you can endure a not entirely pleasant smell and a prickly sensation... I use this method most often in the evening.


Natural deodorant against unpleasant sweat odor

If you are tired of fighting the unpleasant odor of your feet, then know that apple cider vinegar has an antimicrobial and bactericidal effect, that is, it successfully fights various types of fungal infections. Try the apple cider vinegar bath recipe detailed here.

And then, a recipe on how to prepare a natural deodorant for the unpleasant odor of armpits and feet:

Wash your feet or armpits with soap. Rinse with clean water. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water 1:2 in a small container. Soak a towel in this mixture, wring it lightly so that it does not drip, and wipe parts of the body with it. Do not rinse, let dry.

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