How to use burdock oil for facial beauty: against wrinkles, acne and other skin imperfections

Today, most people are trying to replace purchased cosmetics with homemade products. Most often, such experiments concern the face, since no one wants to feel the harmful effects of mass production on their appearance. One of the natural products that is gaining popularity in the field of skin, lip, eyelash, eyebrow and even beard care is burdock oil. But before using the squeeze, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the nuances of its use, and most importantly, with the contraindications.

general description

Burdock oil is obtained by extraction. The raw material, the roots of a young plant, is infused with a fatty base fat of vegetable origin. The result is an oily liquid from light yellow, almost transparent, to thick brown, with a characteristic plant aroma. The general characteristics of the substance largely depend on the base used.

Burdock oil extract is popular for hair and scalp care. The remedy is considered the most common option for this purpose. The product is rarely used in home cosmetology. Many people underestimate the positive effects of burdock oil or simply do not know what it is for.

How to select and store a product

Burdock extract is considered one of the most common oil products. The substance is cheap, but is still subject to counterfeiting. To protect yourself from purchasing a fake product, pay attention to the following points:

  • Purchase method. Try not to purchase oil on the Internet. The fact is, in this way you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to evaluate the color, aroma and consistency of the product. All this, in turn, is of great importance when purchasing quality oil. Give preference to simple cosmetic stores that have samples of the product.
  • Name. Burdock oil can be described as “a squeeze from the rhizomes of burdock.” This designation is synonymous.
  • Marking. If you purchase foreign-made oil, then a good sign will be the inscriptions: “burdock oil”, “arctium lappa” “bur oil” and “burdock root oil extract”.
  • Compound. The product obtained by extraction may contain other types of pomace. The label should indicate which ones exactly. If you buy a product with the addition of nettle or other ingredients, then make sure that they are natural. Extracts must be listed in the composition. If you suddenly find flavorings and colorings instead of, say, ground red pepper, do not take such oil.
  • Date of manufacture. Good pomace is usually prepared in the fall. The fact is that it is during this period that the raw materials for the oil are collected - burdock rhizomes.
  • Lifetime. Must be labeled for both sealed and open oil.
  • Package. As a rule, the product is produced in dark plastic containers. But a glass bottle is also acceptable. It is important that the bottle is sealed and has a dark shade. The fact is that the interaction of burdock substance with oxygen and light has a detrimental effect on its properties.

    Burdock oil should be sold in containers made of dark material with a tight-fitting lid

  • Color. Good burdock oil should have a yellowish tint. Brown or darker color indicates that the product is tampered with or has expired.

    Burdock oil has a yellowish tint

  • Aroma. Barely perceptible, reminiscent of the smell of sunflower oil. If the aroma is too pronounced, then the likelihood of the presence of flavorings in the composition of the product increases. These substances, when constantly interacting with the dermis, have a bad effect on its functioning.
  • Consistency. Burdock pomace has a denser texture than other oily products. The product should gradually slide off the walls of the container when tilted, and not quickly flow out of the bottle.
  • Price. Burdock oil usually costs about 40 rubles per 100 ml of squeeze.

The product is stored in a dark place (for example, in a closet). The temperature should not be higher than 25°C. Sealed pomace retains its properties for two years, open - 2-3 months.

Historical reference

Burdock, better known as burdock, grows in the temperate zones of Europe and Asia and was introduced to America. The plant, given the unpleasant ability of ripe inflorescences to cling to animal fur and people’s clothing, is often classified as a weed.

Burdock has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Not only powerful roots are used, but also seeds and leaves. The benefits of decoctions and infusions for the treatment of kidneys, gall bladder, intestines, diabetes, rheumatism, gout, wounds, and eczema are known. There is evidence that burdock-based products are effective in the fight against malignant neoplasms. The roots and stems of the plant are also used for food.

From time immemorial, burdock roots have been infused with fatty vegetable oil. The resulting product is ideal for hair treatments. You can also use this option for facial skin care. The product helps get rid of excess fat, inflammation, sagging, and wrinkles.

What effect can you expect from masks based on burdock?

Burdock in the oil has a positive effect on any skin type.

The main thing is to use this component correctly.

Masks based on it are not able to eliminate old problems or remove deep wrinkles in a short time, but with long-term use they bring benefits: the face is smoothed, minor defects disappear, the epidermis is moisturized, and the protective forces of the skin are activated.

Masks eliminate inflammation, acting as an antiseptic.

The benefits for the face are undeniable, since after prolonged use it is toned, renewed, smoothed, and takes on a healthy appearance.

Composition and beneficial properties

The composition of burdock oil is determined not only by the content of substances characteristic of burdock roots. The fatty acid basis is determined by the base fat used. The predominant ones are oleic and linoleic acids. The presence of burdock roots enriches the composition with palmitic and stearic acids. The content of burdock in the product also diversifies the composition:

  • inulin of natural origin - powerful absorbent effect;
  • glycosides - participation in water metabolism, smoothing the skin texture;
  • sitosterol and stickmasterol - barrier, anti-inflammatory functions, tissue strengthening, inhibition of cell destruction processes.

The finished oil also contains vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, minerals (iron, zinc, selenium, copper, boron, manganese, phosphorus), vegetable proteins, and tannins. The components saturate the tissues, stimulate blood circulation, maintain firmness and elasticity.

Attention! All components of the product are aimed at ensuring high regenerative, antiseptic, antioxidant, and protective functions of the product.

The oil helps to effectively cleanse tissues, maintain or partially restore skin youth. Is this so - rather than doubt it, it’s better to check it personally.


When used externally, burdock oil has no special contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components of the product.

If the product causes irritation, spots or itching upon contact with the skin, its use must be stopped immediately.

You should be careful when using undiluted burdock oil in the eye area. If it gets on the mucous membrane, it causes redness and swelling, and if this happens, rinse your eyes thoroughly with cool water and, if possible, instill decongestants or apply a lotion with tea leaves.

Indications for use

Burdock oil is considered a universal care product not only for hair, but also for skin. This option is ideal for:

  1. Dry, aging skin. The substance has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. The components of the oil have rejuvenating and regenerating abilities. The product will act as a means of prevention or correction.
  2. Oily epidermis. The substance improves blood circulation, stabilizes sebum secretion, and tightens pores. The product’s abilities are manifested not only when using the composition in its pure form.
  3. Problem areas. Oil has high antiseptic properties. This option will help in the treatment of inflammation: acne, pimples, dermatitis. The product also has calming properties.
  4. Seasonal care. The substance will protect against adverse environmental influences. This option has natural UV filters, soothes and nourishes the burned, chapped, overcooled surface of tissues.

Burdock oil is allowed to be used continuously in mixtures. To achieve a pronounced result, cosmetologists advise performing intensive courses of treatment.

Benefits of burdock oil for the face

When caring for the face, a squeeze of burdock rhizomes has the following effects:

  • Helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Only relevant when mixing the product with other ingredients, for example, lemon juice or fermented milk products.
  • Accelerates the metabolism inside the cells of the dermis, due to which the skin color significantly improves and its tone increases.
  • Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. With regular use of oil, the skin renews itself faster, making it look younger and fresher.
  • Saturates tissues with moisture and nutritional components.
  • Forms a thin film on the surface of the dermis. The latter not only protects the face from wind, ultraviolet radiation and other aggressive environmental influences, but also helps the tan to go on more evenly. In addition, the product prevents the formation of burns during prolonged exposure to the sun, which is especially important for residents of warm countries.
  • Effectively relieves minor inflammations. This is facilitated by arctigenin, which is present in the pomace.
  • Smoothes out wrinkles. Of course, the product will not cope with deep ones, but with small facial expressions it will do just fine.
  • Helps quickly eliminate peeling. The latter cause significant discomfort to owners of dry skin, especially during the cold season.
  • Helps tighten pores. This property only works when the oil interacts with other components.
  • Soothes irritated skin. Burdock squeeze quickly and effectively relieves redness of any nature (except allergic).
  • Accelerates blood flow. Increased supply of moisture and nutrients to cells improves their functioning.
  • Provokes increased production of collagen and elastin. These substances are responsible for the elasticity of the dermis.
  • Tightens the skin. The effect is noticeable only with regular use.
  • Helps remove waste and toxins from tissues. The latter, accumulating in cells, impair their functioning.
  • Stabilizes water-fat balance.
  • Cleanses the skin surface from dead particles of the dermis.
  • Intensively softens the skin.
  • It fights bacteria on the surface of the dermis, due to which it is used in the fight against acne.
  • Awakens hair follicles.
  • Increases the thickness of eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • Makes hair stronger and thicker.
  • Prevents thinning of eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Eliminates chapped lips.

Video: benefits of burdock oil

Features of purchase and storage

Burdock oil is considered the most common option for sale with an acceptable price (Mirrolla product will cost 30–100 rubles for 30–50 ml). The option can actually be found in a pharmacy, widely sold. The product is widely used for hair care.

Many manufacturers (for example, a product under the Mirrolla brand) make special mixtures with nettle and pepper. For skin care, it is recommended to purchase the substance without additives.

The oil form of burdock root is often packaged in economical plastic containers. It is advisable to choose dark packaging. The product should be stored away from light without air access to the substance at room temperature. How long the substance will retain its beneficial qualities depends on the storage conditions (usually from 2 to 5 years).

Spoiled butter runs the risk of thickening, acquiring an unpleasant aroma, and changing its original color. It is better to avoid using this option.

Who is it suitable for?

Cosmetologists recommend using burdock oil for the face to solve the following cosmetic problems:

  • acne, comedones, excessive oily skin;
  • aging skin that has lost its elasticity.

The product belongs to the universal category, it is suitable for any type of epidermis.

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Terms of use

Burdock oil can be used pure or in mixtures. An option can really replace your usual cream, makeup remover or sun product. The substance is applied to the entire surface of the skin or specifically to problem areas. You must use the product correctly to get the expected result.

The oil form of burdock roots is added to finished cosmetics or masks. The product is easily combined with other components. There is no need to worry about a possible conflict of components. The substance can be used as a base or as a minor addition.

Cosmetologists recommend individually determining the frequency of using burdock oil for the skin. For those with oily, problematic skin, you can spot-lubricate problem areas during the period of exacerbation of the problem, and apply maintenance masks 2-4 times a month. For dry, mature skin, it is better to carry out intensive courses of 1–1.5 months with a frequency of exposure 2–3 times per week.

Important point! Adding the product dropwise to care products is acceptable on a regular basis.

How often to apply

Even homemade masks using natural ingredients are medicinal products, so they must be used wisely. Experts advise not to exceed the permissible number of procedures, that is, make masks no more than 1-2 times every 7 days.

The maximum duration of therapy is two months.

The procedures need to be repeated after a few months. This frequency is due to the large number of vitamins found in the oil.

Oversaturation can provoke the appearance of pigment spots on the skin.

Application options

Burdock oil is recognized as a leader in hair care. There are many recipes, among which it is easy to find a suitable option. In terms of skin care, the choice of treatment methods is also large.

The substance is suitable for delicate tissues on the eyelids, lips, areas with inflammation, sagging, and wrinkles.

Facial beauty recipes

There are many options for using burdock oil extract. You just need to choose the appropriate methods of treatment, taking into account your skin type and the existing problem. Before using the option, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions. The following methods of cosmetic use of the product are common:

  1. Makeup remover Burdock oil can be used in its pure form, but for cleansing purposes it is better to mix it in equal proportions with chamomile or calendula cosmetic oil. The product is simply applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face. After this method of removing cosmetics, it is recommended to wash your face in the usual way and perform any additional methods of treatment.
  2. Against acne. Burdock oil is applied pointwise. You can add a couple of drops of tea tree ether to the product. Before exposure, the skin must be cleansed. If there are no pustules, you can take a steam bath, otherwise, simply wipe the surface with warm chamomile infusion. Do not wash off the treated spots: wait for the composition to be completely absorbed; the remains can be carefully blotted with a napkin.
  3. Cleansing mask with antibacterial effect. White clay powder is diluted with burdock oil until a thick mass is obtained. Additionally add the contents of 2-3 aloe leaves or 1 tsp. prepared plant extract. If you intend to affect oily skin, you can add 5-10 drops of cognac or vodka. The homogeneous mixture is carefully distributed over a clean face; there is no need to smear the eye area or lips. The mask should be kept on for 15–20 minutes. After time, the composition is washed off, the skin can be treated with moisturizer or spot-dried acne.
  4. A refreshing mask with a whitening effect. Grind 50 g of parsley to a puree. Add 1 tsp to the mass. aloe juice, burdock oil. The mixture, brought to homogeneity, is applied to clean skin and wait for a quarter of an hour. After the session, wash your face and apply cream to your face.
  5. Rejuvenating mask. Mix 1 tsp in a water bath. coconut and burdock oils, liquid honey. Add a drop of lavender and rose esters and 1 fresh chicken yolk to the cooled mixture. The mass is distributed over previously cleansed facial skin. After 20–30 minutes, wash and use cream.

For the skin around the eyes, it is recommended to make warm lotions from a mixture of olive and burdock oils. The fatty components are combined in a steam bath; it is permissible to add a drop of rose and lavender esters. Moisten gauze napkins with a warm, but not hot mass, and apply to closed eyes. After the procedure, the tissue lotions are removed, and excess product is removed with a paper napkin. There is no need to wash your face.

Attention! A ten-minute session every day for a week is enough for a visible reduction in crow's feet.

Care for eyebrows, eyelashes, lips

Daily removal of decorative cosmetics with an oiled sponge will help improve the condition of eyebrows and eyelashes. To achieve the result, simply add 3-5 drops of oil to your regular makeup remover.

It is useful to treat hairs with burdock oil extract at night. The main thing is to ensure that the substance does not get into your eyes. For this procedure, use a pure product or various mixtures with other fatty plant bases and esters.

For lips, burdock infused with vegetable fat will also be useful. When cracks appear, sticking in the corners of the mouth, or herpes rashes, the substance is applied locally with a cotton swab. For regular use, prepare a protective balm from 20 g of coconut butter, 5 ml of burdock oil. The components are combined in a water bath and poured into molds. As it cools, the balm will harden. The option is convenient to use.


Burdock oil is not intended for internal consumption. Externally, the option is suitable for the treatment of old wounds, eczema, mastopathy, radiculitis. To obtain beneficial effects when taken internally, decoctions, infusions of roots and green parts of the plant are used.

Oily skin and oil: yes or no

Is it possible to apply concentrated burdock oil to the face if you have oily skin?

It is not advisable to do this . It is better to spot-smear problem areas, only pimples or blackheads. Apply diluted to previously cleansed skin, wipe the face, and take steam baths.

Anti-inflammatory masks are allowed to be used if there is no allergy. You can make a chamomile steam bath, then apply a little oil to cleansed skin and massage. After such a massage, you should not wash off the residue.

Advantages and disadvantages

Burdock oil is a cosmetic solution for all occasions. The option is suitable for hair, face, and is universal for those with different skin types. The product is characterized by a low price and excellent compatibility with other products.

The disadvantage of this option is considered to be the low awareness of potential consumers about the beneficial effects of the substance. The product is often focused on hair use: sold in mixtures. When using, we must not forget about the possible negative impact on some consumer groups.

Why do wrinkles appear on the face?

There are many reasons why facial skin loses its elasticity. Wrinkles appear in women as they age, but young girls are not immune from them. The main factors that accelerate the aging process of the skin include:

  • Environmental influence (dust, air pollution, poor water);
  • Frequent stress;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Lack of fresh air;
  • Sudden changes in weight;
  • Frequently tense facial muscles (cause of facial wrinkles);
  • Heredity;
  • Wrong lifestyle, bad habits;
  • Use of low-quality cosmetics.

Regardless of age, a person needs to monitor his health and take care of his body and face.

Feedback on effectiveness

Most reviews about the use of burdock oil concern the results on the hair. Sometimes the product is used to care for eyelashes. For skin, this option is not used so often.

I like the effect on eyebrows when using burdock oil to remove makeup.

No results were noticed when used on eyelashes.

Side effects and precautions

Despite the presence of a large number of useful properties, burdock squeeze can still provoke the occurrence of certain unpleasant consequences:

  • small rash,
  • itching sensation,
  • black dots,
  • pimples,
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands (which means the appearance of an oily sheen on the skin),
  • hair loss from eyebrows and eyelashes.

To avoid side effects of using burdock rhizome oil for the face, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Do an allergic reaction test: apply a small amount of product to the inside of your elbow or wrist. If after several hours redness, rashes and other side effects do not appear, feel free to use the oil. It is necessary to do a test every time you try to use a squeeze from another manufacturer or prepare an unusual composition based on the product. The fact is that in some cases allergies to certain combinations of products appear.
  • Do not use the product on a regular basis. The continuous period of using burdock oil for facial care should not last longer than 8 weeks. The constant presence of a film on the surface of the skin, which the product forms, contributes to the disruption of the water balance of the epidermis. This often causes acne and blackheads to appear.
  • Do not add oil to creams and other purchased cosmetics. The fact is that thanks to squeezing, the active substances from the purchased product penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin. Creams and other mass-produced products most often contain ingredients that negatively affect the health of the dermis. This is why you should not allow cosmetic products to penetrate too deeply.
  • If your skin is oily, do not use burdock extract in its pure form. Recipes for compositions for the care of this type of dermis must contain the following components: citrus juice,
  • low-fat classic yogurt,
  • kefir 0.1%,
  • other ingredients that regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

    When using olive oil for oily skin, mix the extract with classic yogurt or other ingredients

  • Apply the product to a damp (after washing, just lightly pat the skin with a towel) clean face. This applies to both the dermis and eyelashes with eyebrows. Also, do not apply the squeeze to areas where decorative cosmetics are present.
  • Do not use expired oil. The latter tends to oxidize and go rancid. Such a product will not bring any benefit to your skin, eyelashes, lips and eyebrows.
  • Making at home

    To get a quality cosmetic product, you don’t have to run to a specialized store. It is quite possible to prepare a natural, high-quality product at home. People have been using such recipes for many decades.

    To make homemade burdock oil you will need 20 grams of burdock roots and 200 grams of olive oil.

    Burdock root is grated on a fine grater. The crushed raw materials are poured with olive oil. The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath and heated at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees for an hour. Then the entire mixture is poured into a dark glass bottle and left for a week in a cool, dark place. The oil is also stored in a dark, dry place.

    Before use, it is filtered through gauze or clean cotton cloth.

    If you don’t have olive oil on hand, it’s perfectly acceptable to use almond, sunflower or rapeseed oil.

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