Which mask is more effective against wrinkles around the eyes: proven recipes

Having discovered wrinkles under her eyes, almost every woman wonders how to get rid of them or make them less noticeable. The skin around the eyes and on the eyelids is very thin, mobile and sensitive to external influences. There is practically no subcutaneous fat in this area, and the thickness of the skin itself does not even reach a millimeter. Therefore, various influences, tissue stretching, lack of care, chronic lack of sleep, health problems, eye strain provoke the appearance of wrinkles in the eye area.

The benefits of honey masks

Anti-wrinkle face mask with honey
Honey has been used as a cosmetic product for a long time. When there were no other cosmetics other than natural substances, women used honey for external and internal rejuvenation.

Face masks made from honey against wrinkles were a popular cosmetic product 3 thousand years ago, in the ancient states of Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Interesting fact: if you completely replace sugar with honey in the menu, you can delay old age and prolong youth. Who said you can't look 25 at 50?

Replacing artificial sugar with honey will make you not only look, but also feel 25! The natural gold of honey will help fight wrinkles on the face.


The benefits of honey for the skin around the eyes

Honey masks were also used by beauties in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, noting its effective effect against wrinkles and swelling. Indeed, this miracle product contains a complete list of vitamins, organic amino acids with enzymes, hormones and minerals. The beneficial substances of the beekeeping product help proper metabolism. Thanks to malic and citric acid, pimples and blackheads disappear. Skin filled with moisture is smoothed, wrinkles are leveled, elasticity increases and a lifting effect is instantly visible.

In addition, the sweet product:

  • tones;
  • stimulates the growth of new cells;
  • increases blood flow;
  • evens out and refreshes skin color;
  • delays wilting;
  • provides the skin with additional nutrition;
  • relieves swelling and removes bags.

Some people use a honey mask around the eyes without adding other products, but the effect will be greater if additional components are added to the composition, and the risk of allergies becomes less.

Homemade masks with honey for the skin around the eyes will help maintain beauty and youth

How does honey work against wrinkles on the face?

The effect of a honey mask against wrinkles is determined by its composition.

This is a real elixir of youth and health, which contains:

  • Vitamins (these are natural antioxidants).
  • Microelements.
  • Enzymes and phytoncides are natural antibiotics.

The beneficial properties of honey for the skin, the ability to rejuvenate and heal, are manifested in the following:

  • Honey activates metabolism and provides skin cells with vitamin and mineral nutrition.
  • Clears away decay products.
  • Stimulates subcutaneous blood flow.
  • Leaves a film on the surface of the skin that retains moisture (moisturizing effect).

The film after honey does not impede skin breathing. Loss of moisture is the main cause of aging.


Honey applied to the skin is often associated with causing allergic reactions. Therefore, before using masks, it is recommended to do a reaction test: drop it on the inside of your arm and wait for several hours; if there is no irritation, you can use it.

It is not advisable to use masks with honey:

  • women with spider veins;
  • if the skin is thin;
  • with a tendency to edema;
  • if the inflammatory process is pronounced;
  • for diabetes mellitus and exudative diathesis;
  • for bronchial asthma;
  • with dilated vessels;
  • in the presence of wounds or burns.

The main condition for contraindication is associated with individual intolerance to bee products.

Rules for using honey masks

How to use bee product when fighting wrinkles?

There are several important rules that must be followed during medical treatment:

  1. Honey is one of the possible allergens. It should not be used by people with an atypical reaction to bee products.

  2. If the anti-wrinkle face mask made from honey has a complex composition (in addition to honey, it contains other components), it should be used immediately in its entirety, without further storage.

  3. Honey for the face against wrinkles should not be overheated. You can slightly heat it in a water bath, but you cannot completely overheat it. You must understand that the amount of useful substances after remelting will be noticeably less.

Face masks with honey for wrinkles are made based on liquid or paste honey. By spring, any honey is sugared - even early acacia and linden.

There is only one way to keep natural honey liquid - leave it in the comb. Bees do not eat the crystallized product; in the honeycombs it will remain liquid until spring.

After opening the honeycomb, the honey flows out and hardens within 24 hours.

Hardware procedures for removing facial wrinkles

This group of procedures is aimed not so much at eliminating crow's feet, deep nasolabial folds and other similar troubles, but at improving the condition of the skin in general. Smoothing out wrinkles, however, also occurs in the process. This means that the effect of hardware methods is more global and durable than, for example, injections. But less fast - although 70 percent of our clients notice improvements after the first sessions.

In cosmetology, hardware methods based on physical effects on tissue are also widely used. The effect from them is not as fast as from injections. Often more than one course is required, as well as supporting procedures. The combination of injections and hardware techniques works especially well.

“ProfAesthetics” has in stock a whole list of hardware methods for working with skin:


This procedure is based on a directed high-pulse light flux that penetrates all layers of the dermis, right down to the deepest. And it provokes more intensive work of skin cells with the subsequent production of collagen and elastin. Because of this, the skin becomes more elastic, smoothes out, and pigment spots disappear. That is, photorejuvenation triggers the natural mechanisms of your body.

RF lifting

RF lifting is a method that works on the basis of radio wave stimulation and also triggers the body’s own regenerative reserves. When choosing a method, it works due to approximately the same biological principle as photorejuvenation. Both of these methods of how to remove expression wrinkles and make facial skin more attractive, both methods are suitable as they stimulate more intense production of collagen and elastin. Only RF lifting uses other physical principles to work - here electromagnetic waves are used.

Microcurrent therapy

As you can easily guess from the name, this therapy is a local effect on the skin using pulsed current. Depending on the selected parameters, currents can act superficially to stimulate the dermis; more deeply - to stimulate the facial muscles, as well as drain subcutaneous fat. The result is smoothing of wrinkles, reduction of swelling, and a clearer oval of the face. In addition, microcurrents are widely used during post-surgery, installation of threads, injection procedures accompanied by the appearance of hematomas. Bruises resolve much faster. The decongestant effect of this procedure is also indispensable after botulinum toxin injections, if swelling under the eyes suddenly develops temporarily.

Non-injection mesotherapy (electroporation)

Conventional mesotherapy is the introduction of nutrients into the deep layers of the dermis through injections. Microcurrents - stimulation of facial muscles and blood vessels using current. Electroporation is a “two in one”, a combination of both of these methods.

In practice, it looks like this: a special hydrogel mask is applied to your face, containing active substances selected taking into account your characteristics, a cream for wrinkles around the eyes or mouth. Then electrodes are connected to the mask, and when exposed to electrical impulses, the substance from the mask is delivered to the deep layers of the dermis. And, in parallel, your cells and tissues are stimulated, increasing their tone and triggering regeneration. After such exposure, the cream against wrinkles around the eyes or mouth works especially effectively.


The instrument of this procedure is a device with many microneedles, which make injections at a high speed (several hundred thousand punctures per minute) to a small depth (from 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm). As a result, He performs mechanical stimulation of the skin, which can even be called “microtrauma,” stimulating the production of its own collagen. The microchannels from the punctures receive active substances applied to the skin during the procedure. These microchannels are then closed. One of the undeniable advantages is painlessness and absence of bruises. The result is radiant skin even after one procedure!


The effect of this method of stimulating facial skin is absolutely similar to microneedling (its simplified modification). Here, too, there are a lot of small needles that penetrate the upper layer of the dermis and deliver nutrients there, deep down. And, at the same time, they stimulate tissues to recover more intensively on their own. The difference between microneedling and a mesoscooter is the tool needed for this procedure - in the first case, it is quick and painless, in the second case, manual treatment of the facial skin is done with a special roller, which takes longer and feels stronger.

Honey mask for wrinkles

The first anti-wrinkle mask with honey is just liquid honey. It can be applied and washed off after 30 minutes or left on the face for several hours (until completely absorbed).

You can do a honey massage (lightly pat your cheeks and forehead, smeared with honey, with your fingers). In this case, honey will work as a scrub and cleanse the top layer of skin.

If you try really hard, you can lighten a tan that is too strong.

The next option for a mask with honey for wrinkles is a tonic for daily care. To prepare it, the bee product is diluted with water in the ratio of 3 teaspoons of honey per 250 ml of water. This tonic should be stored in the refrigerator.

Daily use of tonic maintains a healthy complexion and prevents wrinkles and skin aging.

Recipes with honey for bags and dark circles under the eyes

The skin under the eyes is very thin, it is often translucent, prone to swelling, bruises and bags appear. And here honey will help to cope with the problem. There are several effective recipes.

Potato mask

To remove bags under the eyes with honey, you will need raw potatoes; sometimes juice is used for such a mask. This remedy effectively relieves swelling and swelling that has formed due to the abuse of salty foods and alcohol the day before. Compound:

  • 25 g honey;
  • 20 g potatoes.

Grate the potatoes finely, combine with melted honey, and lubricate problem areas. You can spread it on a napkin and apply it to your eyelids. After 15 minutes, remove and wash the skin with cold water or wipe with ice.

Parsley mask for bruises

Parsley is known for its lightening properties. It can be used to remove not only freckles, but also dark circles that usually form around the eyes. People call them bruises. Compound:

  • 1 tsp. parsley juice;
  • 2 drops of lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Chop fresh herbs in a blender; you can also use twigs. Squeeze out the juice, mix with honey and lemon. Apply to bruises and let soak in for 15 minutes. Remove the remains with a napkin and wipe the skin with tonic. The same remedy can be prepared with grated cucumber or its juice.

Honey will also help with a black eye caused by a blow. To do this, 0.5 teaspoon of the product is mixed with the same amount of cream with badyagi, applied in a thick layer to the bruise. The procedure is carried out up to four times a day, the remaining product is removed with a damp disc.

Anti-wrinkle masks with honey and other ingredients

Other useful ingredients are added to honey face masks for wrinkles - aloe juice, onions, egg yolk or white, cinnamon.

Honey and egg white

Honey mask with egg white – composition for normal, unproblematic skin. You need to beat the whites, add 1 teaspoon of flour (preferably coarse) and 1 tablespoon of honey. Flour provides the thickness of the creamy mass. It is recommended to apply this mask, keep it until dry and rinse with water.

A similar mask can be made from honey and egg yolk. The components are mixed and beaten until a homogeneous mass is formed, without flour.

Honey for oily/dry skin

Honey for wrinkles
Honey against wrinkles is an excellent component of nutrition and recovery. This is a universal base for caring for any skin - dry, oily, problematic.

A honey mask for wrinkles provides nourishment to dry skin if you add vegetable oil to the composition. The classic nourishing cream uses olive oil, but burdock, castor, and flaxseed are also suitable. The oil is mixed with honey and applied to areas of dry, tight skin. Additionally, sour cream or warm milk is added to the composition (1 spoon of sour cream per 1 spoon of honey).

For oily skin, add lemon juice (freshly squeezed, 1 tablespoon) to honey. It tightens pores and reduces sebaceous gland secretions, reduces redness and gives the skin a healthier color.

A honey mask for wrinkles also treats problematic skin.

Recipe No. 1 Tonic
No.Components for the maskProportions/dosesUnit.
1 Honey 3 Tea spoon
2 Water 250 ml.
Preparation procedure:Dilute with water in the specified proportion
Application:Steam your face. Apply the mask to your face. Rinse with warm water.
Time of action:30 minutes
Storage:In a refrigerator
Recipe No. 2 Honey and egg white
No.Components for the maskProportions/dosesUnit.
1Egg white1 Egg
2Flour1 Tea spoon
3Liquid honey1 Tablespoon
Preparation procedure:Mix ingredients until smooth
Application:Steam your face. Apply the mask to your face. Keep until dry. Rinse off with warm water.
Time of action:20 minutes
Storage:Used immediately

How to make this mask?

The main feature of honey-based masks is that they can be used on any skin type.

Allergy test

Before adding honey to the mask, the skin must be checked for allergies.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the crook of your elbow and wait about an hour. If during this time there is no irritation, redness, itching or any other reaction, then honey can be included in the masks.

Application rules

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  • Under no circumstances should you use expired products for masks. You must choose only natural honey.
  • It is necessary to prepare the mixture for one use only. It cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than one day.
  • To prepare a mask, you can use not only liquid honey, but also candied honey. Only in this case it needs to be melted.
  • They should be applied only to cleansed facial skin using massage movements. It is best to apply the mass after a hot bath or shower. Only in this case the prepared skin is ready to absorb a large amount of nutrients.
  • The only condition for storing honey is a temperature from -6 to +10 degrees. The jar of product must be tightly closed.
  • You don’t need to walk with the consistency, but rather lie down.

Regularity of use

The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes, and after that the mixture must be washed off. To achieve good results, the mask must be done every day for three weeks. After this you need to take a break of two weeks.

After the first course of using masks, you can already notice the result.

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