Keratosis, Follicular keratosis
Keratosis: what it is, types, causes of appearance and methods of removal.
What is keratosis? Let's start with the fact that cutaneous keratosis is a collective term for
Eel: what kind of fish, where it is found, description, photo, benefits and how to cook
Eel fish Good afternoon, dear readers! Eel is a fish popular among gourmets. Her
Doctor conducting consultation
How to treat lichen versicolor in humans: 12 best folk remedies
Initial appointment with a dermatologist 1200 ₽ Call of a dermatologist at home 4000 ₽ Pityriasis versicolor –
moisturizing cream for dry hands
Cream for very dry hands: the best effective and moisturizing remedies for dryness
Unfortunately, many resort to cosmetics only when they really need help. But
Defects on the face and body
Scars after surgery: what to do and how to remove them. Types of scars after surgery
Scars and scars - what are they? Not only ladies suffer from scars on their skin.
Laser hair removal of the deep bikini area. Contraindications, photos, price of the procedure
Introduction For any modern girl and woman, a perfectly smooth skin surface in the area is important.
Uroderm anti-callus cream
Ointments for calluses - a list of effective drugs for the treatment and healing of calluses
The appearance of calluses is a common problem. Most often they appear due to wearing uncomfortable, low-quality shoes.
What to do if your face itches: possible causes and methods of treatment
When a person experiences itching or itching in any part of the body, coping with the phenomenon is quite simple. Enough
Microsporia - sources, routes of transmission and disinfection measures in outbreaks
Microsporia and its prevention Microsporia (more popularly known as “ringworm”) -
types of acne on the back
Psychosomatics of acne: what emotions lead to acne
Causes of acne on the back and shoulders Before treating acne on the back,
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