Psychosomatics of acne: what emotions lead to acne

Causes of acne on the back and shoulders

Before treating acne on the back, it is necessary to find out the causes of the disease. They can be endogenous or exogenous, that is, acne can be provoked by both pathological processes occurring inside the body and external factors. The main ones include the following48,49:

  • Changes in hormonal levels. Often found in adolescents, women during menopause, pregnancy and before menstruation.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, consumption of fatty, sweet, spicy foods.
  • Stress, prolonged depression, which occurs, including against the background of the development of acne, and forms a vicious circle.
  • Mistakes in hygiene. The back can be called a hard-to-reach area. Some of its areas are difficult to reach, but if you do not pay enough attention to them, bacteria can accumulate on them and insufficient exfoliation of cells can occur.
  • Comedogenicity of components included in skin care products. If rashes begin to appear after shower gel or soap, you need to study their composition; it may contain ingredients with a high risk of comedogenicity.

Treatment for back acne is prescribed not only based on the causes of the disease, but also its form. For example, cystic rashes most often indicate severe acne and require the prescription of systemic medications.

How do acne appear?

Acne usually first appears in teenagers. To a greater or lesser extent, acne affects 100% of boys and up to 90% of girls during puberty. By the age of 25-30, the number of people suffering from acne decreases significantly, but in severe cases, acne can bother a person even into adulthood.

Acne goes through several stages of development. Initially, small bumps or bumps form on the skin. They are small sebaceous plugs. Often, the sebum of these plugs oxidizes, so-called “black dots”, that is, comedones, are formed.

A gland clogged with a sebaceous plug is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, pimples often become inflamed: they turn red and develop suppuration. The pustule then ruptures and the skin gets rid of accumulated sebum and infection. However, the consequence of this can be unsightly enlarged pores and scars on the skin. Therefore, it is imperative to treat acne.

Examination of women and men with acne on the back

The tactics for examining patients with acne depend on the following factors:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • family history;
  • the presence of gynecological diseases (in women);
  • duration of acne;
  • severity of the disease;
  • the effectiveness of previously prescribed treatment;
  • general condition of the patient;
  • constitutional status;
  • presence of other dermatoses, etc.

When acne appears on the back in women, treatment includes a visit to a gynecologist-endocrinologist. The specialist will tell you what tests to take. During the examination, the doctor may prescribe tests to detect polycystic disease, hirsutism, anovulatory menstrual cycles, pituitary adenoma, and adrenal hyperplasia. If there is resistance to treatment, additional studies of the ovaries and adrenal glands can also be performed to exclude tumor diseases.

Treatment of acne on the back in men is preceded by examinations of the thyroid gland, studies for the presence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, androgen-producing tumors, and thyroid diseases. If acne is combined with rosacea, men may be referred to a gastroenterologist for a gastrointestinal examination.


It has long been known that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out prevention:

  • Always cleanse your skin thoroughly and also moisturize it;
  • Follow your diet , excluding harmful foods;
  • Do not be under prolonged stress , this has a negative effect on the skin of the back;
  • To improve the general condition of the skin, take a bath with a series or decoction of chamomile;
  • Wear clothes made from natural fibers and choose quality bedding.

It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, move more, walk in the fresh air and play sports.

Types of acne* on the back

American scientists gave acne on the back a separate name - bacne. The forms of its manifestation are the same as in other zones9:

  • Comedones. Clinical manifestation of the accumulation of sebum (sebum), keratin, cosmetic residues and dust in the hair follicle. There are open ones in the form of black dots and closed ones - a small light rash.
  • Papules. Small inflammatory nodules of hemispherical or conical shape with a diameter of 2-4 mm.
  • Pustules. Cavity elements of the rash filled with pus. They are transformed papules or appear primarily.
  • Knots. Most often they occur on the back and neck. Their consistency is dense at first, then it becomes softer. The skin becomes thinner, acquires a blue-pink tint, and holes appear through which pus comes out. Sometimes the nodes are combined into infiltrates with fistulous tracts and cavities filled with granulations.

It is impossible to cure acne once and for all, but you can fight the disease and take control of it. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time, since as the disease progresses, it can leave behind scars (post-acne). Getting rid of them will not be easy; you will have to resort to cosmetic procedures, which are carried out only during periods of acne remission. This means that you must first visit a dermatologist who will prescribe a course of drug therapy.

Hygiene and additional care for men's backs

Dirt and dead skin cells increase the inflammatory process, and they also infect healthy areas of the skin surface.

To get rid of acne as quickly as possible, you must strictly observe hygiene:

  • Disposable towels - use these to prevent bacteria that accumulate on the towel from spreading throughout your body. If you prefer ordinary ones, then they should be changed after each use;
  • Cream - when using cream, do not touch it with your hands, this will only promote the growth of bacteria. Scoop up the cream using cosmetic spatulas;
  • Cleansing the skin - it is necessary to cleanse the skin thoroughly, so that dead cells will not accumulate on the man’s back and multiply bacteria;
  • Cleansers - do not use skincare products that contain heavy fats. This helps to clog pores.

How to get rid of acne on your back?

Remedies for acne on the back, face, décolleté, and forearms should be selected by a specialist. For mild to moderate acne, Azelik®5 gel can be prescribed. The main active ingredient in its composition is azelaic acid5. Thanks to its micronized structure, it easily penetrates the skin, providing a therapeutic effect7. The drug has the following properties5:

  • contributes to the normalization of keratinization processes in the canals of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduces the concentration of free fatty acids on the skin;
  • has antimicrobial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • the anti-inflammatory effect may be explained by a decrease in the metabolism of neutrophils and a decrease in the volume of free radical forms of oxygen produced by them.

Azelik® must be used twice a day – morning and evening5.

Treatment of acne and blackheads


from 2,500 rub.

Only a dermatologist-cosmetologist can prescribe the correct treatment for problem skin. At the same time, acne treatment should be comprehensive.

Acne examination

The first step in dealing with acne is always an examination. People who are concerned about acne, first of all, need to visit a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist and rule out problems with the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. For girls and women, consultation with a gynecologist is required.

A number of tests and studies may also be required:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test with determination of glucose levels and lipid profile;
  • blood tests for sex hormones and thyroid hormones;
  • stool analysis for intestinal dysbiosis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs.

All this will help specialists understand the underlying causes of acne and most accurately select the measures necessary to restore skin health. In the presence of pathology of internal organs, restorative procedures for facial skin are carried out while taking medications such as vitamins, antibiotics, and in severe cases, aromatic retinoids (both for external treatment and for systemic therapy). The course of treatment with retinoids (dosage, duration of treatment) is prescribed by a dermatologist strictly individually.

Local effect on acne

Removing pimples and comedones by a cosmetologist does not lead to unpleasant consequences. You shouldn't squeeze out pimples yourself. The infection may spread and the situation with the face may worsen: the formation of age spots, scars, and in severe cases - keloid scars.

The dermatocosmetologist at the medical center has a powerful arsenal of tools and a wide selection of methods for treating acne and correcting skin changes: he carries out cleansing procedures for the skin, makes face masks, recommends disinfectant lotions and creams.

All this allows us to create an effective individual treatment program for each patient.

Therapeutic cosmetics for acne

Currently, there are entire lines of cosmetics designed to care for problem skin, prevent and treat acne. It differs from the usual one in that it is produced according to drug production standards. Accordingly, a doctor should recommend it.

Therapeutic cosmetics penetrate well into all layers of the skin, providing complete treatment and care, while standard cosmetic products “work” only on the surface of the skin.


An important point in the treatment of acne is diet. To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin, it is necessary to exclude sweets, spicy, salty, and very fatty foods from the diet. Your menu should include more vegetables and fruits, lean poultry and fish, and cereal dishes.

Decorative cosmetics

If you have acne, you should use ordinary decorative cosmetics, especially foundation and powder, with great caution. These remedies in most cases have a negative effect on acne.

Firstly, cosmetics may contain mineral oils, which worsen the condition of the skin due to acne. Secondly, small particles of powder or foundation clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, resulting in the formation of more and more pimples.

Therefore, if you have acne, it is best to avoid using decorative cosmetics for your skin. If you absolutely need it, consult your doctor about choosing a remedy.

Salon treatments

If necessary, modern hardware cosmetology procedures are used to treat acne.

Phototherapy may be used. Pulsating light penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, destroys bacteria and improves blood microcirculation. A laser beam has no less powerful effect on acne. It is used for all forms of acne, even in the acute stage. Laser therapy normalizes the fat balance of the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and prevents the formation of scars. Eels can also be “frozen”. Cryotherapy is a very effective procedure. It cleanses the skin well and helps reduce redness and inflammation. Other physiotherapeutic techniques are also used, in particular, darsonvalization through vacuum or glass electrodes. Mesotherapy, ozone therapy, and chemical peels have also proven effective in treating acne. Practice shows that in most cases, only visiting a cosmetologist helps to remove acne for a long time and make the face clean.

Psychosomatic causes of acne

During stressful situations, the body produces active biological substances that affect the formation of a rash. The psychosomatics of acne is caused by the following processes:

  • With emotional disorders, the production of hormones such as adrenaline, testosterone, and corticosteroids increases.
  • Hormones provoke increased metabolism in the body. The temperature in the muscle tissues rises and sweating occurs.
  • Corticosteroids reduce the level of the immune system. This situation becomes favorable for bacteria, which easily penetrate the skin. In addition, this hormone negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system and disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • The pathological process inhibits the production of thyroid hormones, which leads to the formation of a subcutaneous fat layer. As a result, the pores on the skin become clogged and acne occurs.
  • When blood sugar levels increase, suitable microflora for the development of harmful bacteria.
  • The production of adrenaline ensures a rush of blood to the skin. In this situation, the pores expand and microbes penetrate there.

In addition, nervousness may cause special behavioral reactions that contribute to the appearance of acne. Such behavior often remains invisible to the person himself. For example, during emotional upheavals, touching the face with one's hands often occurs. This becomes an additional reason for the spread of bacteria on the skin.

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