Effective and inexpensive Salipod patch: indications and use for calluses and spines

A prickle is a warty growth caused by the human papillomavirus. The active growth phase is caused by increased sweat production, decreased immune system defenses, mechanical friction and pressure. Localized on the soles of the feet, palms. Treatment is mandatory; the owner experiences constant severe pain and discomfort. The pharmacy offers many products, but the most convenient and effective is considered to be a patch for thorns on the feet. The main advantage is the rapid mechanical removal of the element.

About the drug with salicylic acid

The Salipod patch is designed to combat core and dry calluses, as well as corns, thanks to which the legs become healthy and attractive. The main components of the patch are the following:

  • salicylic acid (32%) - softens callus tissue;
  • sulfur (8%) - is a bactericidal substance, fights bacteria and fungus that develop in damaged layers of the skin;
  • auxiliary components (rubber, lanolin and rosin).

Important. Sulfur penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and softens them. After this, the bacterial or fungal microflora dies.

Infection often accompanies the appearance of corns.

Reliable tool

The combination of salicylic acid with sulfur and other substances gives Salipod several advantages:

  • the activity of harmful microorganisms will be reduced;
  • the zone of microbial activity will gradually narrow;
  • the virus will not be able to affect nearby areas of epithelial tissue that are located next to the formation.

Thus, with one application of the patch, you will immediately relieve yourself of several problems that accompany the spine.

After salicylic acid gets on the epithelial tissue affected by the wart, it will immediately begin to fight the formation, and sulfur will help to dry it out as quickly as possible. For this reason, the patch will not only relieve you of skin ailments, but will also prevent their occurrence.

Indications for use

The instructions for use indicate that the patch is used to combat:

  • calluses (dry and core);
  • corns;
  • warts;
  • and spines.

The Salipod patch is used as a local remedy. In addition, the drug can be used to soften the “bones” located on the big toes (usually they are formed as a result of constant walking in heels, prolonged standing, or excess calcium in the body).
For the treatment of warts, the Salipod patch can be used as an additional therapy.

Instructions for use

To achieve a quick positive result, you should strictly follow the rules for using Salipod, set out in the Instructions attached to the product, as well as the recommendations of your doctor.

The algorithm for carrying out treatment procedures is as follows:

  1. Before applying the patch, the area where the spine is located is carefully pre-treated. It should be steamed well in warm water and dried with a soft towel.
  2. It is necessary to cut off a small piece of the medicinal plaster. It should be slightly larger than the size of the growth to avoid damaging a healthy area of ​​skin.
  3. Salipod is a plate covered with a thin film, which must be removed before use. After applying Salipod to the spine, it is secured with a strip of ordinary medical adhesive plaster included in the kit.
  4. It is recommended to leave the medicine applied in this way on the growth for 2 days.
  5. After two days, both layers of the patch are removed. An easily removable spine remains under them, which has turned white. It is not recommended to remove the softened growth immediately, as this can injure the surrounding tissue and cause inflammation.
  6. Young growths die off after the first procedure, and to remove old spines, the procedure is repeated 4 to 5 times. After repeated treatment, the old growth is carefully removed with small scissors treated with disinfectant solutions or alcohol.
  7. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to use the salipod patch in combination with the preliminary application of ointments or creams designed to soften the spine.

Steaming is a procedure before using salipod for pimples.
According to the instructions, an unopened package of the drug retains its properties for 2 years (the date of manufacture is indicated on the package). The applied patch must be stored in a dry place at a temperature of no more than 30°.

Application for calluses and spines on the feet

How to use for dry and other calluses and corns?

The standard option for using the patch is as follows: separate a strip of the required size of the patch from the adhesive cellophane covering and stick it on the affected skin (callus).

Attention. To increase the effectiveness of Salipod, it is recommended to steam the skin in a bath with herbs before using it.

In this case, pay special attention to removing dirt from the affected area; everything should be perfectly clean.

After the bath, wipe the skin dry (remains of even small drops will cause the patch to quickly peel off).

Next, you will find out how long to keep the patch on the callus. You need to wear the plate for two days. The manipulation is repeated at least four times a week. During this time, the callus will soften and separate from the skin. To secure Salipod, it is recommended to use a regular adhesive on top.

Instructions for the adhesive plaster for the spine

The method of using Salipod to get rid of a spine is similar to the case with calluses.
Only the duration of wearing the therapeutic patch is reduced to 24 hours. After a day, the patch is removed, and the spine is cut off with sharpened nail scissors. In this case, it is not recommended to use pumice, as it damages healthy skin. In order for the wound to dry and the damaged skin to come off, the manipulation with “Salipod” must be repeated three times.

Important. To completely get rid of the spine, “Salipod” is recommended to be used together with cauterizing drugs.

They are needed to burn out the roots of the spine, which are located deep in the dermis. You can completely get rid of the human papillomavirus, which causes the appearance of spines, by laser treatment or medications (“Superchistotel”, “Duofilm” or “Solcoderm”).

Review of popular patches

Many effective means have been developed for self-removal of spines at home. The patches are easy to use and highly effective. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products to combat plantar flat warts, differing in composition. A doctor who can take into account the nature of the development of the disease and the size of the elements will help you choose the right one. In some cases, in addition to keratolytics, antiviral therapy is required.


An over-the-counter, inexpensive drug sold in any pharmacy. Eliminates painful subcutaneous papilloma in a few days. In the case of new growths, it can help in just 1-2 applications.

Salipod from the spine on the arm and on the leg produces strips of different lengths. The active ingredients are salicylic acid and sulfur. The acid softens the surface callus layer, making it soft and exfoliated. After removal, it can be quickly and easily removed with pedicure tools. Sulfur disinfects and dries.

Salipod should not be applied to healthy skin. This can cause burns and irritation.

The main advantage of the product is the complete absence of pain. This sets it apart from alternative surgical removal.

To remove large heel bunions, an average of 2 weeks of regular use is required.

The medication has a number of contraindications and side effects. Using Salipod for the spine, carefully monitor the reaction of the skin and body all day long. If itching, burning, redness, or exacerbation of dermatological diseases occur, discard the drug and replace it with a more gentle treatment option.

Chinese plaster

Chinese medicine has unique knowledge. In this country they know how to treat complex, serious diseases. Here, effective medicinal plasters were created that can remove old dry callus without pain or trace. Among the large assortment, the most trustworthy among consumers were:

  1. Salicylic Acid and Phenol Plasters. Quickly eliminates thorns thanks to the impregnation of salicylic acid and phenol. The substances disinfect, instantly suppress pain, relieve unpleasant itching and inflammation. The main advantage is the fight against fungal infection. After sticking the patch, the substances penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis and peel off dead cells, replacing them with new healthy skin. The sore spot heals quickly without scarring.
  2. Urgo. Its action is due to the high concentration of salicylic acid. Has an anti-inflammatory, drying effect. Under the influence of the product, compacted corns and viral warts become soft and elastic. Dangerous pathogenic microorganisms die at the site of application. You should use it carefully, without touching healthy areas.
  3. House. An easy-to-use medicinal product. It is distinguished by its ability to quickly remove any formations on the skin, restore the affected area without the risk of spreading the virus to healthy skin. Unlike many analogues, it has a safe design - the active substance is applied to a special disk, which prevents it from getting on surrounding tissues.

The Chinese patch for the spine will quickly solve the problem and protect against infection. When purchasing, trust your foot health only to trusted manufacturers whose products undergo certification and control. Do not order funds from unknown sites.


In pharmacy chains you can find any of the products - leaders in this category and analogues that are in demand, but have relative disadvantages related to price or ease of use. These disadvantages do not in any way affect the outcome of the treatment.

  1. Mozolin is a product with a pronounced keratolytic effect. Widely used for the treatment of spines and corns. Therapeutic impregnation has a softening effect on the site of treatment, which allows you to quickly remove keratinization after removal.
  2. Inexpensive medical product with salicylic acid in the central part. It acts strictly on the affected skin without harming healthy tissue. Application is carried out until the problem is completely eliminated. One bandage is worn for 2-3 days, which greatly simplifies use and makes the treatment convenient and unnoticeable.
  3. The manufacturer's line includes several products that differ in their scope of application. The patch for the removal and treatment of spines has a note on the packaging “for dry calluses.” The composition contains hydrocolloid particles that prevent the growth of scar tissue. Compide actively absorbs all discharge from wounds and prevents them from drying out. For production, a special moisture-resistant material is used, which provides an optimally moist environment for steaming the coarsened callous layer.

Each of these remedies has its own indications and contraindications for use, which are indicated in the instructions. Don't ignore useful information to avoid unintended consequences. Before purchasing, it is recommended to consult a doctor to choose a safe product.


"Salipod" cannot be used in the following cases:

  • increased sensitivity of the skin to the components of the patch (manifests in the form of skin irritation);
  • allergies to the components of the product;
  • the presence of moles in the area where the drug is applied;
  • renal failure;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • healthy skin;
  • children under 10 years of age;
  • the presence of wounds on the skin, cracks, ulcers and pimples;
  • open calluses with fluid inside.

Important! The patch cannot be used simultaneously with zinc oxide and resorcinol.

If the list of contraindications is ignored, side effects may occur. This is itching, redness of the skin and burning. Usually all reactions pass quickly. If red spots develop, we are most likely talking about contact dermatitis. To avoid worsening the situation, use of the patch should be stopped.


  • Sergey, 28 years old: “In the winter, I wore uncomfortable shoes for a long time, which is why I developed a spine. At first I didn’t pay attention to the tumor, but over time it began to bother me and cause discomfort. The pharmacy advised me to buy Salipod.
    The patch was worn for two days at intervals of one day. During the break I cut off the dry areas. I was lucky that the spine was small, so I didn’t have to see a doctor.”


  • Anastasia, 31 years old “I constantly wear high-heeled shoes, which is why corns began to appear.
    When they just start to appear, I don’t have time to fight them. Therefore, it is necessary to remove already very rough skin. This is not the first time I have used Salipod, so when corns appear I immediately purchase the product. The patch is removed along with the rough skin. It becomes perfectly smooth and soft.”
  • Ekaterina, 27 years old: “A small wart appeared on my hand.
    It didn’t interfere with work, but it looked ugly and made me hide my hands and feel insecure. On the recommendation of a friend, I decided to try the Salipod patch. I stuck a very small piece on the wart and walked like that for a day. After use, the wart became smaller. But I applied the patch two more times. In the end, it was still necessary to cauterize it with Super Clean so that all the roots disappeared. As a result, after a week I got rid of my tumor.”
  • Kirill, 45 years old: “A spike appeared on the heel.
    I myself did not understand the reason for its occurrence. My wife recommended using a patch to soften it, and then cutting off the spine using nail scissors. When gluing, I applied too much of the product and touched healthy areas of the skin. Almost immediately I felt pain and burning and went to the doctor. I had to cut out the spine with a laser. But I forgot about her forever, everything went quickly and painlessly.”

"Salipod" is a product for external use. But to completely get rid of calluses, corns and warts, you need not just to use a patch, but also to know the cause of skin problems and deal with them.

Can defeat go away

It is not surprising that in some cases the spine goes away as suddenly as it appeared. The same is observed with other types of formations. But this can only happen in those patients who have excellent immunity.

If you have problems with your immune system, you shouldn’t wait for a miracle. Take action. And first of all, go to the doctor.

If, when contacting a specialist, the patient has painful warts that do not allow him to live in peace, he is prescribed medications that improve the functioning of the immune system and therapy to remove the formation itself. Otherwise, a person will not be able to live a normal life.

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