Apricot oil: properties and use in cosmetology, medicine, home use
Natural oils are gaining popularity thanks to adherents of a healthy lifestyle. They are used in medicine instead
There are only two situations in which Vaseline does not harm our skin - Om Activ
For diseases and damage to the skin, dermatologists prescribe petroleum jelly and cosmetics containing it to patients with
girl before fighting acne
Anti-aging components in cosmetics. Part 2: Peptides: cosmetics of the future
What are peptides? Peptides are messenger assistants that fight for beauty, youth and radiance of the skin.
Simmondsia chinensis branch
What can jojoba oil be used for? Properties and use of jojoba oil in home cosmetology
One of the most popular and at the same time expensive base oils in cosmetology is
Castor oil for the skin around the eyes: say no to the early appearance of wrinkles!
The unique properties of natural castor oil have been used by humanity for many millennia. They treated burns
Plasmolifting - the effect will amaze you, but in the absence of contraindications to its implementation
From this article you will learn: What is the plasma lifting procedure? What are the indications and contraindications?
The need for skin care around the eyes
Top cosmetic procedures for rejuvenating the eye area
It contains virtually no subcutaneous fat, which is why it ages earlier than other areas of the body.
Heel problems
How to make your heels smooth: 10+ ways to get rid of cracked and rough skin
Cracks in the feet rarely appear suddenly. As a rule, the appearance of such a crack is preceded by the following symptoms:
Clindovit for acne
Use of Clindamycin for acne, acne and post-acne
To treat acne and pimples of various types, a complex of drugs based on antibacterial agents is used.
Methods for removing papillomas, moles, condylomas, warts, polyps
From this article you will learn: What moles on the face “say” Why they appear
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