Castor oil for the skin around the eyes: say no to the early appearance of wrinkles!

The unique properties of natural castor oil have been used by humanity for many millennia.

They treated burns, wounds and abrasions, fought acne and warts, prescribed them to women to stimulate labor and used them as a laxative.

In Egypt, it was used to illuminate homes and temples, and food was cooked on it. More than one generation of women has known that castor oil is also highly effective against wrinkles.

And manuals on home economics, published in the last century, recommend it as a means for caring for leather products.

Today, castor oil is still used to create medications, and is also part of cosmetic creams, masks, and balms.

And, fortunately, it can be purchased without restrictions at any pharmacy to test on your own skin how effective castor oil is against wrinkles.

What is castor oil?

Castor oil is a unique mixture of fatty acids - recinoleic, palmitic, sterolic, oleic, and linoleic, supplemented with an excellent vitamin cocktail.

  • Stearic acid is an excellent moisturizer for hair and skin. It helps restore dry, brittle hair and perfectly restores the natural balance of the skin, making it elastic and fresh.
  • Olein significantly speeds up metabolism, effectively nourishes the epidermis and helps restore its functions.
  • Recinoleic acid makes castor oil effective against wrinkles. It wonderfully smoothes out both crow's feet and rather deep wrinkles, helps maintain the tone of the eyelids, and makes the skin young and radiant.
  • Linoleic acid successfully combats flaking of the epidermis, moisturizes it and eliminates blue discoloration, which makes it possible to effectively use castor oil for eyelids against wrinkles. Reviews from the majority of women who have tried this method of combating wrinkles in the eye area indicate its effectiveness.
  • Palmitic acid is an excellent conductor, ensuring rapid penetration of beneficial substances into the cellular structure of the skin.

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