Apricot oil: properties and use in cosmetology, medicine, home use

Natural oils are gaining popularity thanks to adherents of a healthy lifestyle. They are used in medicine instead of potent ointments and gels, and in cosmetology instead of expensive luxury products. The culinary community also could not stand aside and uses natural oils to prepare drinks, food products and real restaurant masterpieces.

Among natural oils, it is necessary to pay special attention to the product made from apricot kernels. This is a translucent spreading liquid that has a crazy fruity smell and has a number of beneficial properties.

The capabilities of the product were known to our most distant ancestors and were successfully used in almost all areas of life. Why is oil so attractive and how can it serve a modern devotee of natural ingredients?

General characteristics of the product


  • General characteristics of the product
  • Brief historical background
  • Useful properties of the ingredient
  • Features of the composition
  • Use of the ingredient in cooking
  • Use of the ingredient in cosmetology
  • How to choose the right oil
  • Product storage conditions

The oil is obtained by cold pressing from ripe apricot kernels. The process is completely unremarkable and is used to produce most vegetable oils. In some cases, to increase the final yield and further enrich the product, plum or cherry plum seed oils (or two components together) are added to it.

Apricot kernel oil is a base oil.

Base oils are significantly different from essential oils. They are obtained not from the plant itself, but by squeezing the seeds, seeds or nuts. Basic products contain a high content of vegetable fats and healthy natural ingredients.

Base products have a stronger odor and are not subject to evaporation under heat treatment.

Over time, the basic components become bitter, but do not lose their beneficial properties, and essential oils oxidize and become completely empty in terms of nutritional and vitamin composition.

“Yellow gold” has a pronounced pleasant fruity aroma, a transparent light yellow tint and an absolutely unique taste. It reveals both the pleasant viscosity of apricot and a special plant component that refreshes and envelops it with delicate shades of flavor.


To find out about the experiences of people using the product, just enter the words “apricot oil application” in any Internet search engine. So, after analyzing the nature of the reviews, we can conclude that the product has acquired the greatest importance in the field of cosmetology for the care and improvement of the condition of hair, nails, facial skin, eyebrows and eyelashes. People note mainly the positive properties of the product. There are practically no supporters of the food use of oil, and there are also no reviews on this topic.

Brief historical background

The first mention of the medicinal component dates back to 3000 BC. Information about apricot kernel oil is most often found in Chinese chronicles. There the ingredient acts as one of the most important medicines. Everyone is treated with it: children, pregnant women and brave warriors. The important thing is that absolutely all categories of the population are quite satisfied with such therapy and note a real medicinal effect.

Later the oil came to Armenia, and from there to Italy and Greece. It only took a few years and a couple of intrepid nomads to bring this amazing ingredient to Europe. European society was delighted: diseases were treated with oil and strong alcoholic drinks were prepared from it. The current situation is not much different from the European one at that time: the oil is still used for healing and fine alcohol is still prepared on its basis.

Useful properties of the ingredient

The modern cosmetology and medical industry has moved away from the primary methods of using apricot kernel oil. If earlier they used to treat ulcers, hemorrhoids and heartburn (as well as pain syndromes in the ears and nasopharynx), today the focus has shifted to joint pain, age-related changes in the skin and damage to the upper layers of the dermis.

English society of the 16th century considered medicinal apricot liquid almost gold. Their value on the market of that time was almost identical, and it was almost impossible to get the ingredient without connections in high society.

Today, the material value of the product has fallen, but its medicinal and cosmetological abilities are valued even more. The oil makes the skin soft and elastic, eliminates inflammatory processes and promotes rapid healing of wounds. The product is used in its pure form to help the skin recover from cracks, abrasions, burns and cuts.

Pharmacists use “liquid gold” as a solvent for a certain list of drugs. Before administration subcutaneously/intramuscularly, the medication is diluted in apricot oil and then administered to the patient. The oil is also used as a base component of ointments and medicinal gels.

Modern pharmacology uses oil in remedies against joint pain. The ingredient strengthens bones, relieves pain and muscle tension, followed by harmony and desired relaxation.


High-quality apricot oil has virtually no contraindications for use. The exception is individual intolerance.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the product when purchasing for oral administration. The kernels of the fruit contain amygdalin, which, after entering the body, turns into a toxic substance. Its overdose can lead to serious health consequences. Responsible manufacturers eliminate harmful elements from the oil composition at the production stage. Purchasing oil from trusted retail outlets and pharmacies guarantees safety for any method of use.

Features of the composition

The main “trump card” of the product is the presence of poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids in the composition. The predominance of oleic (60%) and linoleic (30%) acid has an antioxidant effect, creates a special barrier around the skin and mucous membranes, which protects against pathogenic microflora and nourishes the dermis from the inside.

The mineral composition of the product is replete with potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) salts. They are the ones who make skin that is dry, like Sugar, moisturized, beautiful and healthy. Moreover, both of these elements are the key to successful, fast and high-quality cellular metabolism. If the peeling marks on your face provoke tears for the hundredth time, and not a single greasy cream fights the problem, try a course of apricot kernel oil (after agreeing on the specifics of treatment with a dermatologist).

Liquid yellow gold contains everything our demanding skin needs. Retinol (vitamin A) combats the problem of large pores and indecent amounts of sebum. Retinol soothes irritated skin, relieves swelling and redness. Such relaxation is especially important for problem skin. Acne, which does not give rest for a second, can really leave your face and life with the right apricot care.

Due to B vitamins, the peach-yellow liquid protects the face from pathogenic microflora. Infections that lurk even on your favorite pillow will face a real Berlin Wall of vitamins. Not only viruses or infections will fail, but also ultraviolet radiation.

Another important component of the composition is ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The acid stimulates the production of natural collagen, which is dulled by stress, age and the environment.

Moreover, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, thanks to which the ungodly process of aging will affect your face several years later.

Apricot kernel oil regulates fat and oxygen metabolism. The skin becomes smooth, matte and truly healthy. The natural glow should be truly natural, and not the result of 2 hours of strobing. Fans of natural cosmetics note that after using oil, the skin does not turn red, does not flake or become tight.

The benefits of the ingredient are available not only to your beautiful face, but also to your hair. The effect is identical: protection from ultraviolet radiation, nourishing the scalp, combating dandruff and imperfect hair structure.

Use of the ingredient in cooking

Due to its specific consistency, taste and aroma, apricot kernel oil is rarely used for cooking. Most often it is used as a salad dressing or one of a series of ingredients in puffed confectionery products. But the component “joined” the alcohol industry easily and naturally. Apricot-based liqueurs are an example of luxurious alcohol that does not kill with sweetness (like Pina Colada), but amazes with the harmony of taste and alcohol component.

Oil is used as a food ingredient in the Italian culinary tradition. Given the high cost, it is used to add aroma, and not as the leading flavor note of the dish.

Product rating

To make it easier to navigate and quickly choose the best apricot oil, we have compiled a rating of the most popular products.

Manufacturer Purpose/volume Price, rubles Recommend, %
Zeitoun Cosmetic/100 ml. 650,0 100,0
Spivak Cosmetic/50.0 250,0 98,0
Aromatics Cosmetic/50.0 250,0 98,0
Botany Cosmetic/50.0 250,0 98,0
Natural oils Cosmetic/30.0 50,0 96,0
Aspera Cosmetic/50.0 100,0 96,0
A.R.S. Cosmetic/50.0 350,0 90,0
Shams Natural Oils Food/250 ml. 1400,0 90,0
Galenopharm Cosmetic/250.0 130,0 90,0

According to the data presented in the table, the highest rating is for the Zeytun brand, which is not overpriced when compared with volume.

Use of the ingredient in cosmetology

The product is best suited for aging skin that needs double hydration, a lifting effect and maximum softening. Apricot kernel extract is hypoallergenic, does not contain toxins and works equally well on different skin types. Regular use of the component will lead to:

  • lifting;
  • normalization of fat metabolism (thereby reducing excessive sebum production);
  • skin elasticity;
  • uniform complexion;
  • elasticity;
  • minimizing the inflammatory process and combating its root cause.

Since “liquid gold” from apricot is a base product, it is used with other oils in equal proportions. The selection of the second or more oils is based on skin type and needs.

Apricot kernel oil can be used even by babies. The soft product delicately moisturizes the skin and does not cause redness or an allergic reaction. The product can be used for excessive dryness of the baby's dermis or diaper rash. Before using any cosmetic or natural products, you should consult your physician.

Dermatologists advise including more nutritional components in the winter and autumn. Dry and dehydrated skin during cold weather is the main problem of our unstable climatic conditions. Care products should become richer and more nutritious. There is no need to be afraid that the oil will leave a greasy film or clog pores. On the contrary, the skin will absorb exactly as much oil as it needs, and everything else can be easily collected with a dry cloth and set off to conquer another working day.

When treating acne, you should also pay attention to apricot kernel oil. The component fights hyperpigmentation, eliminates the cause of acne and disinfects the skin surface. Due to natural acids, the oil has a light exfoliating effect.

The oil is great for makeup removal. Use two cotton pads and a few drops of golden liquid. Gently move the moistened disc along the massage lines, then proceed to the main makeup remover. You will need to apply some effort in the eye and lip area, but there is no need to frantically rub your eyes. Just press lightly on the sponge and the makeup will instantly be washed off the skin. After removing makeup, wet a cotton towel with warm water and walk along the massage lines again. The skin will relax, cleanse and be ready for the subsequent application of care.

How to choose the right oil

Every chain supermarket now has shelves with natural organic products, which is good news. On these attractive colorful shelves you can see the apricot kernel product. When choosing oil, you need to pay attention to only 2 things: container and storage location.


The product must be sold exclusively in glass containers. The stopper should fit snugly to the base of the neck and not allow air or harmful components to pass through. If the container is not airtight, then all the benefits will simply evaporate from the bottle. Choose the heaviest bottles with a thick layer of glass. The denser the container, the better the quality of the product in it.

Responsible producers always leave labels with the Latin name of the plant. This is a kind of quality mark that marks the highest quality products from responsible manufacturers.


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Oil should be stored on a separate shelf that is not exposed to ultraviolet radiation. A product that has been in contact with sunlight for too long loses most of its beneficial properties and nutrient composition.

Directions for use and precautions

A natural, high-quality product does not pose a danger to anyone:

  • Even mothers of babies, pregnant and lactating women, and older people can use it. A refined (that is, additionally purified) product is suitable for them.
  • The oil is considered hypoallergenic, but personal intolerance is the only risk factor when using it. Therefore, on the eve of the first use, testing is carried out.

Apply the product to an area of ​​skin, monitoring its condition. If after 25-35 minutes redness, burning, and swelling do not appear, the product can be used.

You need to study the packaging. It indicates whether the product is external or internal.

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