Plasmolifting - the effect will amaze you, but in the absence of contraindications to its implementation

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the plasma lifting procedure?
  • What are the indications and contraindications for the plasma lifting procedure?
  • How to prepare for plasma lifting
  • What are the stages of the plasma lifting procedure?
  • Are there possible side effects from plasma lifting?

Currently, in order to look younger, remove wrinkles and age spots from the skin, it is not at all necessary to use foreign drugs and resort to surgical interventions. The body receives help through injections of blood plasma. This method, developed recently, is called plasma lifting, the effect of which has already been appreciated by a large number of people. Injections done during the course activate blood circulation, promote rapid restoration of tissues and metabolic processes of the skin in general.

What is plasmolifting of the face

Plasmolifting of the face is a modern method of skin rejuvenation and regeneration, which is carried out without surgical manipulation. This procedure is not dangerous, since it is carried out using the patient’s blood enriched with platelets, from which the plasma is separated and injected into problem areas.

Plasma “restarts” metabolic processes, resulting in increased production of:

  • proteins (elastin, collagen);
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • stem cells;
  • fibroblasts.

These elements are the main components for skin renewal; they restore youth, elasticity and beautiful appearance to it.

In order to obtain platelet autoplasma, the blood undergoes specialized treatment when exposed to a centrifuge.

Plasma is known to be rich in enzymes, hormones and vitamins. And since it is part of the patient’s own blood, there are no “foreign” components in its composition, therefore it is not rejected by the body and the positive effect of facial plasmolifting is obvious. This method is suitable for those who do not accept any chemical exposure to the skin and are afraid of the negative consequences that may be associated with it.

Read material on the topic: Plasmolifting of the face - a breakthrough in domestic cosmetology

Plasmolifting helps eliminate post-acne

In severe cases or with improper treatment (especially when squeezing pimples, which is strictly forbidden to do), complications may arise. If a person has already experienced the negative course of acne, which left behind scars and unsightly marks, this can also be dealt with. The integrated use of plasma lifting and deep peeling allows you to achieve good results. In this case, it is important to start the process of replacing damaged skin with new cells, for which peeling is first used. And plasmolifting helps speed up the process of cellular metabolism, regeneration and normalize the functioning of skin glands. As a result, scars and age spots are significantly reduced and new, young skin is formed.

Plasmolifting is a real help for age-related as well as complicated forms of acne (acne) and eliminating their consequences. Moreover, along with its effectiveness, the method is characterized by safety and the absence of side effects (in comparison with hormonal and antibacterial drugs).

Indications and contraindications for plasma lifting

Age-related aging of the skin is an indication for this procedure, naturally, at the request of the client. In most cases, women resort to it after 30–35 years, and the effect after plasma lifting at this age will already be noticeable. This operation can be performed at any age.

Don't forget that every person is unique. Therefore, a procedure that brought an extremely positive effect to one person may be completely ineffective for another. Accordingly, before plasma lifting it is necessary to go to an appointment with a specialist in the specialized field to identify indications for it.

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A course of platelet autoplasma injections is recommended in the following cases:

  1. Decreased skin elasticity;
  2. Deterioration of the connective tissue fibers of the dermis;
  3. Small wrinkles;
  4. Sagging skin on the face;
  5. Peeling of the skin;
  6. Regeneration of the skin on the face after chemical or laser peeling;
  7. Acne;
  8. Consequences of sunburn.

This technique also has certain contraindications . Plasmolifting is prohibited if you have the following health problems:

  • acute stage of chronic pathologies of internal organs;
  • hepatitis;
  • viral infections;
  • diabetes;
  • pustular and inflammatory dermatitis;
  • blood diseases;
  • cancer;
  • mental disorders, depressive states;
  • decreased immunity;
  • low hemoglobin level;
  • taking antibiotics and antacids;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Problems such as deep wrinkles and severe sagging of facial tissues cannot be solved by plasma lifting; its effectiveness will be too low; in this case, plastic surgery can help.

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Treatment options

How to deal with such an abundance of different forms of acne? There are traditional treatment methods that include taking hormonal antibiotics or systemic retinoids. In many cases, they are indeed effective, but the risks of their use and side effects can overshadow all the positive results. In order not to act on the principle of “we treat one thing, we cripple another,” it makes sense to focus on more gentle methods in the treatment of acne and post-acne. One of them has proven itself to be the well-known method of plasma lifting, the origins of which can be traced back to autohemotherapy, known for more than 100 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the plasma lifting procedure

The most important advantage of the procedure is the effect of rejuvenation of the face (or other part of the body); In addition, it can help get rid of baldness. The technique launches natural skin regeneration processes using “native” components - namely the patient’s blood plasma; it turns out that no foreign elements are involved in the process. That is why, with proper plasma lifting, any complications of an immune, allergic or other nature are practically absent.


  • In any case, microinjections are a medical intervention.
  • If tubes and other equipment are reused, there is a risk of infection with serum infections, such as viral hepatitis.
  • Activation of “dormant” infections (autoinfection). For example, if a person is a carrier of a virus, for example, herpes, which does not manifest itself in any way, but when plasma lifting is carried out, the virus awakens, as its habitat changes.

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Simultaneous exposure

It is unacceptable to conduct plasma lifting and biorevitalization sessions one after another.

A competent combination of these techniques gives a high-quality result, because the two substances improve the absorption of each other in the body.

The combination of rejuvenation technologies occurs in two stages. First, three to four plasma lifting procedures are performed at intervals of a week, the course takes about a month. Another week is spent on skin restoration, after which the patient attends a contouring session using hyaluronic acid.

Skin care courses can be supplemented with mesotherapy procedures. This technology is also based on injections, but it is not natural components that are injected into the skin, but chemical cocktails. In some cases, mesotherapy causes allergic reactions, so consult your doctor before you begin such treatments.

Preparation for the plasma lifting procedure

List of actions that must be performed before facial plasma lifting:

  1. Consultation with a specialist to determine indications, exclude contraindications and identify problem areas.
  2. Increasing the amount of fluid consumed 2-3 days before the date of the plasma lifting procedure, as well as on the day of its implementation.
  3. Reduce physical activity several days before the procedure.
  4. Usually the operation takes place in the morning, so a light breakfast is allowed. The day before plasma lifting, you should not drink alcohol, coffee, or spicy foods.
  5. If there are individual characteristics of the client, the specialist develops a separate program of preparation for the operation.
  6. Taking tests (if necessary).

Read material on the topic: Skin redermalization: all the pros and cons

Cost of skin plasma therapy at DasClinic:

Injection areaPrice for 1 test tube, rubPrice for 2 test tubes, rubPrice for 3 test tubes, rub.Price for 4 test tubes, rub.
facial plasmolifting4 0006 800900012000
plasma lifting of the chest and décolleté4 0006 800900012000
head plasmolifting4 0006 800900012000
plasma lifting of the neck4 0006 800900012000
plasma lifting around the eyescheck with the administratorcheck with the administratorcheck with the administratorcheck with the administrator

Individual consultation

Methodology for plasma lifting

The plasma lifting procedure consists of several stages; it can only be carried out by a clinic that has the appropriate permit to work with blood:

Stage 1. First of all, the face is disinfected, all contaminants are removed with a special product and wiped with chlorhexidine. Next, a thin layer of an anesthetic substance (cream or gel) is applied to the skin. The face is covered with film for a while so that the effect of anesthesia is longer and more reliable.

Stage 2. Collection of 20 to 40 ml of the client’s venous blood and its transfer into specially treated tubes.

Stage 3. The blood is placed in a specialized apparatus (medical centrifuge), where it is processed for 10 minutes. Upon completion, plasma with a large volume of platelets necessary for administration is released from the liquid. It is a loose, translucent yellowish liquid that is easily injected under the skin.

Stage 4. Blood plasma is placed in a sterile syringe, using which a specialist injects the face according to a certain pattern. Her choice depends on the type of skin problem. During the session, the needle is replaced to reduce the patient’s discomfort. After completing the procedure, the surface of the face is treated with saline solution, dried with napkins, then a soothing gel or Traumeel S is applied.

The duration of the procedure is approximately one hour. After this, the face swells a little, but in general you can safely go out “into society” without decorative cosmetics, since its use is temporarily prohibited. What effect you get from plasma lifting will largely depend on how seriously you take the restoration of your skin after surgery.

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How does the plasma therapy procedure work?

The patient comes into the office and lies down on the couch. The cosmetologist cleanses the skin of the face and applies a special anesthetic gel to numb the injections. Then, the doctor takes blood from the patient’s vein (8-36 ml) and immediately places the tube with it in a centrifuge. After 10-15 minutes of blood being in the centrifuge, plasma is separated. During this time, the anesthetic gel has time to take effect. The doctor immediately draws the plasma into a syringe with a thin needle and begins to inject evenly throughout the area to be treated. The procedure takes 45-60 minutes. After this, the doctor treats the skin with a disinfectant, soothing and wound-healing composition.

Recovery after plasma lifting

Rehabilitation is necessary to avoid complications from plasma lifting.

Rules of conduct for obtaining maximum effect:

  • for the first 1-2 days, it is necessary to avoid contact of the face with anything (you cannot wash your face, apply makeup, or comb your hair if the procedure was performed on the scalp);
  • It is forbidden to heat the treated area (visit a solarium, bathhouse, or be in the sun);
  • if there is pain, you can apply a cool compress to your face without pressing hard on it;
  • It is not recommended to do massage or other physical procedures on the treated area for the next few days;
  • You should refrain from taking blood thinners and alcohol.

The number of plasma lifting procedures is determined by a cosmetologist. This depends on the following factors: the essence of the problem, the degree of its manifestation, the age of the patient, the primary condition of the skin. Typically the course ranges from 4 to 6 procedures. Between them you need a gap of 10–14 to 30 days. The result of plasma lifting is interesting when the effect of it is visible.

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Types of acne

According to the type of external manifestations, all acne can be divided into groups. The most common occurrence on the face is papules and whiteheads, which may be accompanied by itching and irritation. For the body (back, chest, shoulders, buttocks), red pustules (pustules) are most characteristic. They are dangerous because, with severe inflammation, they can leave behind marks (so-called post-acne scars). Special forms of acne are acne of a genetic type (with a predisposition) and steroid acne, which occurs due to taking pharmacological (usually hormonal) drugs (including to improve performance in sports). Finally, there are deep rashes in the form of inflammatory nodes - conglobate acne, characterized by a severe form and rough scars after healing.

The effect of the plasma lifting procedure

As a result of plasma lifting, the effect after the first procedure may not be so pronounced. However, a few days after it, you can notice a positive trend. The point is that the result is cumulative, since blood plasma enriched with platelets works in the tissues even after the end of the session.

Whether there is any benefit from a full course of plasma lifting can be determined by the following signs:

  • After a short period of time, facial wrinkles disappear, then deeper wrinkles are smoothed out, as a result, the face looks much younger.
  • The elasticity of the skin is restored due to the activation of cell division of the collagen and elastin layers, it looks toned and healthy.
  • Plasmolifting of the face, the task of which was to get rid of acne, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Effect – the skin is cleared of acne, new acne does not form.
  • Dark circles under the eyes disappear, crow's feet are leveled out.
  • Microcracks heal, which provoke various inflammations and thinning of the skin. It becomes denser and takes on a more toned appearance.
  • The level of moisture and nutrients increases, which leads to the disappearance of dryness, flaking and itching.
  • The microrelief and color of the skin becomes smoother. The effect of facial plasmolifting, which is aimed at getting rid of acne, is not only to remove the acne itself, but also the consequences of it.
  • As a result of plasma lifting, hyperpigmentation that was caused by prolonged exposure to the sun or other reasons is eliminated. Along with this positive effect, skin tightening often occurs.
  • Another beneficial effect is the lightening and smoothing of scars. This occurs due to the involvement of skin resources in the regeneration.

Information about plasma lifting, its effect, and patient reviews can be found on the Internet.

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The essence of biorevitalization

Another injection procedure that helps restore youth to the face is biorevitalization. Hyaluronic acid is the main component of biorevitalization preparations; thanks to it, the skin becomes more hydrated and elastic, and recovers faster.

A little about hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid keeps the skin hydrated because it retains moisture in its cells and creates an imperceptible protective film on the surface. Hyaluronic acid in the human body is found not only in the skin, but also in all other parts of it - in joints, bones, and nerve tissues. For the first time it was discovered in the eye, or rather in its vitreous body.

As a person ages, hyaluronic acid is removed from the body more actively, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. 25 years is still a very young age, but by this time the formation of the element in the body slows down.


During a biorevitalization session, not pure hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin, but a drug based on it. Some components of this drug may cause an allergic reaction. Despite the fact that the likelihood of such an outcome is low, performing biorevitalization on people allergic to the components of hyauronate is unacceptable. Those who suffer from cancer and autoimmune diseases, pregnant and lactating women will also have to refuse biorevitalization. If there is damage to the facial skin, the procedure is also not performed.

Does plasma lifting cause side effects?

One of the most popular questions: does facial plasma lifting have side effects? Indeed, it is considered a relatively safe procedure, but some complications can still arise. Therefore, you should be aware of these and know how you can avoid them.

Thus, this procedure is considered hypoallergenic, but there is a risk of an allergic reaction (albeit with a low probability), in particular, it can be to the metals from which the needles are made, and to drugs added to the blood to prevent the blood from clotting (anticoagulants ).

Such allergic reactions can be expressed in the form of swelling and redness of the skin, small bruises in the area where the drug was administered (hematoma). It is worth noting that they go away on their own in about a week.

Another more dangerous side effect is infection of the blood during donation for further centrifugation. A strong immune system can cope with this problem, but with a weakened immune system, suppuration may occur at the injection site. Naturally, theoretically, there is a possibility of more serious consequences of blood poisoning. According to statistics, there are practically no such cases, because the occurrence of unpleasant effects of this level directly depends on the clinic and the experience of the medical staff.

In the presence of acne of an infectious nature, an exacerbation of the disease may occur within a month after the plasma lifting procedure, and the effect occurs even later.

Another side effect of this procedure, which is related to blood, can occur with repeated use of the blood processing machine, as infection can be transferred from the blood of one client to the blood of another. But in order to allow such a complication, the clinic must not care at all about its reputation.

There is also a possibility of developing pigmentation, but this situation can be considered more of a side effect than a complication, and it can be easily avoided by not visiting saunas, swimming pools, solariums, or being in the open sun.

List of other possible unpleasant effects and problems:

  1. Worsening of chronic diseases;
  2. Autosensitization;
  3. Accelerated fibrosis;
  4. Short-term results.

An alternative to plasma lifting can be volumetric plastic surgery, which restores the elasticity and turgor of the skin through autoimplants made from the client’s fatty tissue. However, such a procedure is not a rejuvenation or a facelift; it only restores volume and has a completely different effect.

Your biggest problem may be contacting a clinic that does not have a specialized license and experienced cosmetologists on its staff. The effect of plasma lifting in this case is unlikely to please you.

To summarize this article, we will name all the pros and cons of plasma lifting, and also clarify how long the effect of it lasts.

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Any injection procedures are contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy, lactation;
  • With diagnosed oncological, autoimmune, and some endocrine diseases;
  • With a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • During the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • If there are rashes in the treatment area, inflammatory processes occur;
  • For bleeding disorders.

In addition, plasma lifting cannot be done within 3 to 4 weeks after an illness or surgery, in the presence of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How often can you do plasmolifting of the face?

Everything is very individual. The quality of plasma lifting performed and how long the effect lasts depends on many factors, such as the initial condition of the skin, its characteristics, and the natural speed of recovery.

So is there any point in the plasma lifting procedure? It is known that the effect lasts for at least one year (more precisely, from one to two years), but to consolidate it, repeated maintenance procedures are recommended - usually from four to six, depending on the doctor’s prescription.

The frequency of plasma lifting is twice a year. Before deciding to undergo this procedure, study in detail the information about facial plasma lifting, understand what effect you want to get from it and study the possible risks.

Keep in mind that the resorption time of the injected material is individual, which means that only a specialist can prescribe a repeat procedure.

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Skin care

Whatever rejuvenation technique is chosen, it is necessary to follow the rules for skin care after the procedure.

Rubbing your face with a chlorhexidine solution or another disinfectant recommended by a cosmetologist will help prevent infection. On the contrary, visiting swimming pools, saunas, baths is not recommended, because the risk of harmful bacteria getting into wounds in such establishments increases. Tanning in a solarium or sunbathing after a rejuvenation session can cause age spots to appear, so use sunscreen before going outside on a sunny day.

Sometimes after biorevitalization, noticeable marks from punctures appear on the face, they are called petechiae. They usually disappear quickly, but if petechiae remain on the skin for too long, it is necessary to apply a special product to the skin every few hours. A specialist will tell you whether it is necessary.

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