Botox Allergan: why cosmetologists and patients trust the drug

Most women, when the first signs of aging appear, prefer to begin performing procedures that maintain youth. These are not necessarily manipulations that actually improve the quality of the skin. The most popular is Botox, which provides a quickly achievable but temporary change in appearance. You can achieve the desired results using different drugs. Botox Allergan is considered a classic option that does not lose prestige. The manufacturer became a pioneer in the field of application and gave impetus to the development of injection cosmetology.

Description of the drug

A drug called Botox, which gives its name to the injection procedure for temporary correction of wrinkles, is produced by the American company Allergan. The manufacturer works in the field of creating medicines, known since the 50s of the 20th century. As aesthetic medicine developed and the popularization of external perfection, the company developed the field of dermatology, released a line of weight loss products, and patented a substance based on botulinum toxin. It was Botox that brought Allergan worldwide fame and gave impetus to the development of injection aesthetics.

Currently, many analogues of the famous remedy have appeared. Developments in different countries can achieve similar results. Botox is considered a classic, authoritative drug. Many cosmetologists strive to work with him. Botox allows you to cope with small and large expression wrinkles, ptosis, and various cosmetic defects depending on the work of the muscles. The product is used for aesthetic and medical reasons.

Composition of the substance

Botox is considered a reliable substance with a composition that has been tested many times in practice. The drug includes:

  • botulinum toxin (900 kDa);
  • albumin (500 mcg);
  • NaCl (900 mcg).

The high molecular weight of the active substance limits unplanned diffusion into adjacent tissues. Botox is gentle and takes time to show results. The effectiveness of the drug is noticeable 2–7 days after injection.

The maximum severity of the results of injections lasts 1–2 months. Full development of strength occurs 2-3 weeks after the procedure. The result lasts 4–6 months. Complete elimination of the effect of the drug allows you to contact a cosmetologist for repeated procedures.

Botox analogues allow you to achieve results in a shorter time, the duration of action increases. Many manufacturers of botulinum toxins rely on improving the preparations: the ability to widely cover tissues, maintaining natural facial expressions, and the absence or minimization of protein additions.

Note! Cosmetologists practice different versions of botulinum toxins; the classic product remains the standard of the substance.

What is the procedure for administering Botox, Dysport, Xeomin?

At the first stage, a consultation with a cosmetologist is held, during which indications and contraindications for the procedure are assessed. In addition, the area of ​​wrinkle correction is determined. For this purpose, the client is asked to perform normal facial movements, for example, frown, smile, close his eyes, etc. Based on the results of the examination, markings are applied to the skin according to which injections will be carried out.

Next, the skin is disinfected and the drug is administered using a microneedle according to a previously developed plan. The client remains in the clinic under the supervision of medical staff for another 10-30 minutes. In order for the drug to have the stated effect, it is necessary to periodically make intense facial movements throughout the day - 3-5 minutes every 2-3 hours.

The effect of botulinum toxin injection does not become noticeable immediately, but after a week, when the muscles relax slightly. The final effect of smoothing facial wrinkles occurs on average after 14-16 days and lasts 3-6 months. Then you can repeat the procedure.

IMPORTANT to note: “According to a study from Oregon Health & Science University, patients can reduce the frequency of Botox injections after about 2 years of consistent use. The effectiveness of the drug for smoothing wrinkles is not reduced.”

Indications for use

Botox is valuable in medicine and cosmetology due to its ability to temporarily immobilize target muscles. The drug relieves muscle hypertonicity, relaxing spasmodic areas, and provides a pronounced lifting effect. Traditionally, Botox is used to solve problems:

  • muscle spasm (torticollis, cerebral palsy, consequences of strokes, dystonia);
  • ophthalmological disorders (strabismus, blepharospasm);
  • increased sweating (hyperhidrosis);
  • cosmetic defects (wrinkles, ptosis, asymmetry).

The drug can be used for medicinal purposes in adult patients and children over 2 years of age. Cosmetic interventions with botulinum toxins are available to those over 18 years of age. Doctors recommend anti-aging correction from the age of 25, taking into account the individual characteristics of age-related changes. Botulinum toxins are popular among women and men aged 30–55 years.

At what age should you start getting Botox?

Although this drug is approved for patients over 18 years of age, most doctors recommend starting its use between the ages of 20 and 30 for “pre-aging.” Regular treatments can delay the formation of new wrinkles.

Darmed Clinic's patients include many young patients who undergo Botox as a preventative measure, and the results are remarkable. In fact, treating patients at a younger age prevents the appearance of deeper lines and wrinkles in these areas.

Efficacy of the drug

Botox is often used to solve cosmetic problems. The greatest effectiveness is noticeable when eliminating age-related defects of the upper third of the face: wrinkles, folds of the forehead, eyes. For using the drug in “difficult” areas of the lower third: lips, nasolabial folds, chin, the result depends on the skill of the cosmetologist.

Botox is used to eliminate excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). Injections of the substance are performed in problem areas: armpits, palms, feet. Immobilization of muscles by the drug affects the functioning of the glands. The problem of increased sweating is eliminated for 6–9 months.

To treat spastic conditions, individual areas of the muscles are immobilized. By fixing the tissue, the existing defect is minimized. The condition is alleviated and the problem is corrected: the motor activity of the limbs stabilizes, speech and viewing angle change.

Indications for botulinum therapy

The main indications for Botox injections are:

  1. elimination of facial wrinkles that appear during active muscle work:
    • Eyebrow wrinkles;
    • Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead;

  2. Crow's feet - wrinkles in the corners of the eyes;
  3. Wrinkles at the corners of the lips;
  4. Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.
  5. In addition, with the help of Botox injections, you can lift the tip of the nose, smooth out the hump, and correct the shape of the nostrils.
  6. Botulinum toxin can block not only muscles, but also the nerve endings of the sweat glands. Therefore, it is also used to treat hyperhidrosis - increased sweating in the palms, feet, and armpits. The effect of such treatment can last 8-12 months.

Purchasing botulinum toxin

The system of selling drugs containing botulinum toxin through a limited number of pharmacies, which requires presentation of a license to work with the substance, helps to stop the spread of counterfeit products. By purchasing Botox in this way, cosmetologists remain confident in the quality of the substance. There are many offers on the Internet for the sale of botulinum toxins. You will be able to find any product at an attractive price without guaranteeing the quality of the product. This is dangerous for doctors and patients

The cost of a tube of Botox Allergan 100 units can be purchased for 10–13 thousand rubles.

Important point! The substance is in the state of lyophilisate (dry powder). The granules need to be dissolved. The cosmetologist mixes the dry substance with saline solution in a certain proportion. The doctor uses a syringe to inject liquid through a closed stopper. The collection of the substance by a cosmetologist is identical.

About buying Botox and its counterfeits

Botox from the Allergan company is available for sale today, and you can buy it in offline and online pharmacies or cosmetic stores. The price of one bottle of 100 units is approximately 12,000 rubles.

In most cases, it is not advisable to purchase Botox on your own - the clinic may simply refuse to use it (and they will be right).

At the same time, purchasing the product yourself cannot be called advisable. In any case, the injections will have to be done by a doctor in the clinic, and the clinics themselves purchase original certified Botox in large quantities at wholesale prices.

On a note

Due to the fact that not a whole bottle, but a small amount of the drug is administered to one patient, its cost for one procedure is low. For example, the elimination of one glabellar wrinkle in Moscow costs about 3,500-5,000 rubles, and the elimination of “crow’s feet” costs 5,000-7,000 rubles.

Allergan's production facilities are located in several countries around the world. Botox produced in Ireland is supplied to the European market and Russia; a drug produced in California is sold in America. The company also has its own factories in Turkey, but whether Botox is produced there, including for the European market, is unknown (the company produces other pharmaceutical products in addition to Botox). It is dangerous to try to buy cheap Botox because you may encounter counterfeits. Moreover, patients with “their” drug are not given injections in serious clinics.

Trying to give yourself injections on your own in order to save money is strictly prohibited. This can lead to damage to nerves and blood vessels, and theoretically even allow the toxin to enter the bloodstream and develop symptoms of botulism. Therefore, all procedures with the drug should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist who is well aware of the anatomy of the face, instructions for using Botox, and also understands the specifics of administering the drug in each specific case - the depth of needle insertion, dose, area. Without this knowledge, injections can be dangerous and useless.

What to prefer: American Botox or French Dysport?

Preparing for injections

The Botox injection procedure does not require complex preparation from the patient. It is important to pay close attention to your well-being. Any ailments are unacceptable. The cosmetologist assesses the general condition of the patient and the possible presence of contraindications.

Before the procedure, they strive to maintain the cleanliness and integrity of the skin. There must be no inflammation or irritation. The skin should not be damaged or thinned by other manipulations (plastic surgery, resurfacing, peeling).

Before injections you should not:

  • drink alcohol;
  • take antibiotics, anticoagulants;
  • perform actions that increase blood circulation, provoking a rush to the intended work areas (physical activity, massage, active bending down).

It is recommended to adhere to restrictions of 1-2 days before the procedure. It is advisable to increase this period to 1–2 weeks. It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid on the day of injections. It is better to come to the procedure without makeup (with a minimum of cosmetics on your face). Before the session, it is not advisable to smoke or participate in stressful situations.

Carrying out the procedure

The meeting between the doctor and the patient begins with a consultation. The cosmetologist asks many questions that influence the decision on the possibility of injections. The patient’s health status, lifestyle, and external appearance are important.

The doctor compares the information received with the client’s expectations, selects a course of action, calculates the dosage, and prescribes the procedure.

On the day of injection, the patient sits in a cosmetology chair. The procedure takes place with the body in an upright position. The skin in the affected areas is cleaned and an antiseptic is used. No significant anesthesia is provided. It is enough to use the ice cooling method. It is possible to use a local anesthetic before the procedure.

The cosmetologist examines the prepared skin and makes markings. Injections are made at the planned points. The doctor works with a solution prepared in front of the patient. This guarantees the patient the freshness of the drug. Additionally, it is advisable to request a tube for examination. The packaging must be undamaged and within the expiration date.

The doctor works with a thin insulin needle. The punctures are accurate and the impact does not cause pain to the patient. Depending on the chosen administration regimen, the doctor injects into the muscle or subcutaneously. The competence of a cosmetologist is important. Insufficient experience of the doctor often leads to undesirable consequences from the procedure.

To obtain the intended result, it is important to choose the correct dosage of the drug. The number of required units of botulinum toxin is selected individually. There are generally accepted maximum possible quantitative limits. The smallest dose needed for eyebrow lifting and nose correction is 5 units. To affect the area of ​​the chin and lips - 6 units. For essential areas the following restrictions apply:

  • crow's feet - 15;
  • forehead - 20;
  • between the eyebrows - 25;
  • neck - 50;
  • oval lift - 60.

After performing the injections, the doctor monitors the patient's condition. The state of health is monitored and the external picture is monitored. Minor ailments (headache, weakness), swelling and bruising are possible. There may be a feeling of heaviness and pain at the injection sites. After 30 minutes, the condition stabilizes, the doctor gives recommendations and releases the patient.

The procedure lasts about 30 minutes. At the end of the session, the patient can go to work and do everyday activities. External traces of injections are minimal and do not affect the quality of life.

Important! After 2 weeks, the doctor prescribes a follow-up examination after the procedure. Achievements are assessed. If the result is insufficient, correction may be made.

Instructions for use: preparation for the procedure and procedure for injections

As a rule, Botox injections can be performed at the first visit to a cosmetologist. It is first necessary to diagnose the causes of certain wrinkles, check the interaction of antagonist muscles, develop a regimen for administering the drug, and plan its consumption by the doctor.

Before injecting the drug, the cosmetologist must understand the reasons for the appearance of certain wrinkles in the patient and have a good understanding of exactly where botulinum toxin should be injected and to what depth.

On a note

In some cases, disagreements may arise between the patient and the doctor. For example, the patient wants the number of injections and the amount of the administered drug to be minimal, and injections should be given only to those muscles that cause wrinkles. But a specialist who is well versed in facial anatomy understands that inactivation of only these muscles can lead to even more severe cosmetic defects due to the activity of antagonists - this is how “Mephistopheles eyebrows”, some variants of ptosis, and a “sad face” appear. To avoid such situations, you should contact a highly qualified specialist for botulinum therapy, and then completely rely on his professionalism.

After the initial consultation, the doctor informs the patient about possible side effects and gives him informed consent to use Botox to sign.

It is also useful to read: The benefits and harms of Botox injections

Directly during the injections, the patient is seated in a chair in which it is convenient to adjust the tilt and height of the head.

The doctor reconstructs the Botox solution from the powder, taking into account the specifics of the specific procedure. Each bottle of Botox contains 100 units of the active substance, which are normally diluted in the bottle itself with pure saline solution (sodium chloride solution) with a volume of 2.5 ml to obtain a final concentration of the drug of 4 units per 0.1 cm3. However, in some cases, to eliminate wrinkles or to treat certain pathologies, dilutions may be different, and the value in each specific case is determined only by a doctor.

The photo below shows a 100 unit bottle of Botox (Allergan):

Botox (Allergan), 100 units

On a note

The form, on one side of which is informed consent for the use of the drug Botox, on the other side usually has a form describing the use of the drug, with a map of injection points, as well as a description of the patient’s condition before the procedure and a listing of standard dilutions - 1.25 IU / 0.1 ml, 2.5 units/0.1 ml, 4 units/0.1 ml, 5 units/0.1 ml, 10 units/0.1 ml. The doctor emphasizes here what he will use, or enters a unique meaning. It also indicates how many units of the drug will be administered at each point.


  1. The doctor draws the drug solution into the syringe;
  2. The face is treated with frozen gel or a special anesthetic for mild local anesthesia;
  3. The doctor begins to inject the drug into the muscles. The site of each injection of the product is lightly pressed with a finger. The drug may be injected into some muscles several times during the procedure. The amount of product is determined by the strength of muscle contraction, dilution of the drug, the severity of wrinkles and some other factors. On average, for example, 5 units of Botox are injected into the corrugator brow muscle per injection, and 17-20 units into the depressor brow muscle - 17-20 units.

At the end of the procedure, the skin is wiped with a damp cotton swab, and the doctor monitors the patient’s condition. If there are no signs of an allergic reaction, the procedure is completed. Its duration is usually 10-40 minutes.

After the procedure, barely noticeable red dots remain on the skin at the injection sites, which disappear the very next day.

For 3-4 days after botulinum toxin injections, it is extremely important to carefully monitor your condition, and if there are signs of generalized side effects, consult a doctor.

Rehabilitation period

To obtain the expected effect, not only the skills of a cosmetologist are important. Compliance with the restrictions of the recovery period will help minimize the risk of undesirable consequences and facilitate the administration of the substance. After injections it is prohibited:

  • 4–6 hours lie down, bend forward, down;
  • touch, rub, knead the skin in the puncture area;
  • physically strain;
  • sleep on your stomach;
  • take certain medications, alcohol;
  • warm up, steam the skin (do a massage, visit a bathhouse, sauna, take a hot shower, be exposed to ultraviolet radiation).

It is enough to follow the restrictions until you get a full result. After 2 weeks, it is permissible to gradually abandon the prohibitions. It’s good if you can comply with the restrictions for up to a month.

After injections, it is recommended to refrain from performing cosmetic interventions (masks, peelings, surgeries). It is not advisable to become pregnant 2–4 weeks after the manipulations.

Appearance after the procedure changes slightly. Possible swelling and bruising. To prevent the situation from worsening, it is not recommended to drink excessive amounts of liquid.

No special skin care is required. Careful cleansing is a must. Avoid overexposure to injection areas. It is advisable to temporarily give up cosmetics (limit the amount).

The effect of Botox injections lasts 4–6 months. The result disappears gradually. The procedure can be repeated in agreement with the cosmetologist after complete regression. The next intervention is not performed earlier than 2 months later.

After the procedure

To avoid undesirable consequences and achieve the expected effect, it is recommended to adhere to several rules:

  • During the first 4 hours after the administration of botulinum toxin preparations, it is not recommended to touch the treated skin surface with your hands, not to take a horizontal position, and to reduce physical activity on the first day.
  • During the first two days, it is not recommended to do sports and household chores with your head down: vacuuming, washing the floor, ironing. This can lead to increased blood circulation and improper distribution of the drug.
  • During the week, it is advisable to avoid exposure to high and very low temperatures and direct insolation; it is not recommended to visit baths and saunas so that the administered drug does not become inactivated.
  • It is not recommended to perform hardware cosmetic procedures or massage in the injection area for 2 weeks, as this will speed up the process of restoring muscle innervation.

Cost of injections

Botox injections must be performed by an experienced doctor who has the appropriate license to work with botulinum toxin.

It is recommended to seek the services of cosmetologists working in well-known clinics with a good reputation. The cost of Botox-based procedures is 300–400 rubles. per unit of drug.

Nowadays, a home system for receiving cosmetologists is common. Such specialists rarely have a license to administer botulinum toxin injections. At home, it is difficult to achieve the required sterility. It is necessary to take these nuances into account when choosing a performer.

About the Botox injection procedure - what is botulinum therapy?

Botox injections are a procedure for injecting drugs based on the neurotoxin botulinum type A under the skin. It is produced by the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum and has a neuroparalyzing effect. In cosmetology practice, highly purified toxin is used in extremely minimal dosages, in which it is absolutely harmless to the human body.

Botulinum toxin is a protein that blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles. In other words, the command comes from the nerve fiber, but the muscle cannot respond to them, so it is blocked. If you inject this toxin into the facial muscles, the contraction of which causes wrinkles - expression lines - to appear, this will temporarily immobilize this area during facial expressions and smooth out expression wrinkles.

The effect will last about 6 months, after which the injected botulinum toxin is completely inactivated, and innervation will resume, and accordingly, facial muscle activity will resume. Therefore, repeated injections are necessary in the future. If you repeat the procedure 3-5 times, the habit of wincing while expressing emotions will be lost, which will prevent the formation of deep wrinkles and folds in place of facial wrinkles.

In cases of pronounced deep expression wrinkles, the effect of the drug may be limited to 2-3 months. In this case, our clinic’s specialists recommend combining Botox administration with contouring procedures, laser resurfacing, etc.

How to speed up the elimination of the drug

If you receive negative consequences, it will not be possible to immediately remove the drug from the body. Botulinum toxin remains in the tissues for a specified amount of time. Additional actions will weaken the effect of the drug, softening the effect. In unforeseen situations, doctors recommend:

  • performing massage;
  • a course of physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • carrying out drug treatment.

These effects help reduce muscle fixation. The effect of botulinum toxin gradually decreases, negative manifestations are minimized. It is recommended to carry out “treatment” under the supervision of a doctor. Wrong actions can cause harm and enhance the effect.

Note! At home, heat is used to remove toxins. A hot shower, bath, sauna in combination with self-massage can quickly eliminate unwanted consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

The clear advantage of Allergan Botox is its classic composition and its action, which has been tested many times. Cosmetologists and patients trust the manufacturer and the product. No surprises are expected with Botox. The drug rarely causes side effects.

The disadvantage of Botox is its short action. Drugs have been created with longer retention of results. You will also have to wait longer to receive the first changes than with other means.

The effect of the classic remedy is rough. There are softer analogues.

What problems does Botox not solve?

Despite the visible results that occur, Botox is not considered a rejuvenation tool. This drug is assigned many properties that are not inherent to it:

  • Launching restoration processes for cell rejuvenation. Despite changes in the composition of the drug, such properties are not given to it. The observed result is achieved by blocking nerve impulses. In this case, some of the cells die, and the muscle cannot restore its functions. Studies indicate the appearance of wrinkles after cessation of treatments.
  • Gives elasticity and a healthy appearance. All changes resembling rejuvenation are associated with skin tightening. This causes the disappearance of folds and wrinkles. Its properties, in fact, do not change.

After the drug stops working, the skin returns to its previous state and new wrinkles appear. Indicates the absence of additional anti-aging effects.


You will have to reschedule Botox injections or refuse the procedure if:

  • acute forms of diseases (chronic, systemic);
  • failure of neuromuscular functions;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • blood diseases, endocrine disorders;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the injection substance.

The decision to carry out manipulations is made by the doctor. The patient is obliged to answer the cosmetologist's questions honestly, without concealing information about his or her health status. Cosmetic procedures are not performed on minors. Interventions are not recommended for persons with neurological disorders. It is advisable to postpone the procedure on menstrual days.

Contraindications to Botox injections

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Myasthenia gravis and myasthenic-like symptoms.
  • Tendency to bleeding and the need for regular use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.
  • A history of neurological diseases.
  • The presence of manifestations of skin diseases and inflammatory elements in the area of ​​the proposed injection.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In addition, Botox injections are not recommended for patients over 60 years of age, due to the high risk of developing asymmetry and other aesthetic complications.

Side effects

The possibility of side effects depends on the skill of the doctor, compliance with restrictions during preparation and recovery. An inexperienced cosmetologist does not always perform injections correctly and makes mistakes in calculating the dosage. The fact that the drug did not rise or did not take may be the fault of the patient who does not comply with the prescription. There may be:

  • Difficulties with well-being (gastrointestinal upset, problems with breathing, swallowing);
  • swelling, pain, numbness at the injection sites;
  • asymmetry, excessive tissue coverage.

When injections are administered correctly and recommendations are followed, side effects rarely occur. Possible minor headache and weakness. The symptoms go away on their own. Cosmetologists warn about the possibility of individual unforeseen reactions of the body.

A few words about possible side effects and how to react to them

Side effects from Botox can be divided into local and systemic.

Local include various disorders of facial expressions and the condition of the muscles of the treated areas of the face and body, which affect the appearance and some functions of the patient’s body. Among them:

  • Drooping of the eyelid (blepharoptosis), sometimes with complete closure of the eye;

    An example of eyelid drooping in a patient after wrinkle correction with Botox. Fortunately, this is reversible, and there are methods to speed up the restoration of normalcy.

  • Distortion of facial features, violation of symmetry, including during various facial movements - smiling, sardonic raising of eyebrows;
  • Raising the corners of the eyebrows;
  • Paresis or paralysis of the treated muscles (most often occurs due to medical errors, but can also occur with a correctly performed procedure);
  • A decrease in the strength and frequency of eye blinking, sometimes an inability to close the eye, which subsequently leads to drying out of the cornea and the need to instill moisturizing drops into the eye;
  • Dysphagia (inability to swallow);
  • Impaired functioning of the jaw muscles and associated problems with pronouncing sounds and eating;
  • Swelling on the face.

Today, there are botulinum toxin antagonist drugs that can correct side effects. However, in most cases, a good doctor’s understanding of facial anatomy and the absence of errors when administering Botox are reliable prevention of such phenomena.

Systemic side effects from Botox include:

  • Headache after injections;
  • Respiratory and influenza-like syndromes;
  • Nausea;
  • Allergic reactions.

They occur rarely, but they do occur, so both the patient and the doctor should be prepared for their development. Of these, allergies and headaches develop the fastest - usually during the injection process. Moreover, the allergy develops rapidly and requires the doctor to have adrenaline to prevent the dangerous consequences of anaphylactic shock.

All other systemic effects usually disappear 3-4 days after the procedure.


“I decided to have Botox at 31. I have wrinkles almost from my college years, my face is too emotional and my facial expressions are moving. There were most of them on the bridge of the nose and forehead; at one time I even wore bangs to cover them. In the end, I decided on Botox because I have a cosmetologist friend who specializes in this procedure. Since then I have been injected 7 times, every 12 weeks. The effect is amazing, no wrinkles at all! Moreover, even the very deep ones are completely gone. For each procedure I receive 19 units. This is very little. There are no side effects, nothing hurts, I raise my eyebrows normally, there is no feeling of a waxy face. I think that if a specialist does it, he will inject as much as necessary and where necessary and there will be no side effects.”

Inga, Moscow

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors speak positively about American botulinum toxin. The classic drug is used by beginners and experienced doctors. There is a lot of information about the substance. He is easy to work with. The drug allows cosmetologists to cope with complex tasks. Patients have more confidence in a known substance.

Cosmetologists trust classic botulinum toxin, get positive results, and recommend the substance to patients.

Compared to strong analogues, Botox is rated higher.

Many are betting on the drug's popularity. Patients trust the classic version of botulinum toxin more.

Patient reviews

Botox injections have been tried by many patients. Most cosmetologists prefer to begin introducing clients to botulinum toxin with this drug. Patients trust the brand, the well-known name, and are guided by numerous reviews about the substance. Recently, there have been patient complaints about a decrease in the effectiveness of the product.

Many people complain that Botox has gotten worse over time. The muscle blockade does not last for the stated amount of time.

Botox is considered a powerful remedy with a good reputation.

Some people are dissatisfied with Botox's ability to strongly lock muscles. It is not possible to obtain live facial expressions using botulinum toxin.

Which parts of the face can be corrected with Botox?

When you hear the word Botox, what comes to your mind? Frown in front of a cosmetologist to emphasize your eleven wrinkles? Tiny spots decorating your eyebrows after a beauty injection? A quick needle prick into every crease of your crow's feet? For most, botulinum toxins are a means of correcting the upper part of the face, such as Botox for the forehead, glabellar area and area around the eyes. This is the most popular way to prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time by calming the muscles that move when we are surprised, worried or genuinely happy.

Also now very popular is the correction of the entire oval of the face, full face (full face) with Botox, to alleviate age-related or stress changes, increase the durability of fillers and literally transform our gloomy faces. Officially, the drug can only be used on the upper part of the face; all other areas are considered prohibited. However, many doctors have been injecting Botox around the mouth, into the chin and chewing muscles, under the jaw and into the neck for over a decade.

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