Kefir face mask: beneficial properties, recipes, instructions for use

Today, beauty salons and online stores offer a great variety of different miracle ointments, gels, creams and scrubs for facial skin. Without disputing their merits, let us still ask ourselves one single question: “How did our grandmothers previously maintain their youth and delicate complexion?!!” After all, they didn’t have all these miracles of the chemical industry and super-creams from exotic plants and animals.

Homemade beauty recipes are simple but effective. Let's talk about the benefits of kefir face mask.

The benefits of kefir for facial skin

This drink is a universal facial skin care product. It is suitable for owners of any skin type. What is so good about this fermented milk drink?

  • Kefir perfectly cleanses the skin, removes excess fat and combats facial shine. That is why people with oily skin types like to use this product as a cosmetic product.
  • If you want to whiten your skin or slightly tone down the color of your freckles, don't rush into buying expensive creams and lotions. Regular kefir will help whiten and even out your skin tone. Just apply kefir to your face and the effect will not take long to appear.
  • Fans of cleansing masks should definitely try a kefir face mask. Kefir has an excellent cleansing effect, cleanses and tightens pores, and lactic acid also moisturizes the skin.
  • This product can also be used as a cleanser by wiping the skin with a cotton pad. This procedure does not take much time, but has an excellent effect.
  • Kefir for skin after 50 years can be used as a tonic. The skin tightens and becomes more elastic.

Does a kefir mask help against blackheads*?

Kefir masks for blackheads* do not help. To understand why this does not happen, you need to understand what open comedones are. They are clots of sebum, dead cells, dirt, and cosmetic residues that clog pores. Kefir is credited with whitening properties, so many people think that it can lighten blackheads. But their color is associated with oxidation; they do not need to be lightened, since they are essentially plugs that create anaerobic conditions in the pores, favorable for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria31.

In order to cleanse the pores, the active substances must penetrate them and dissolve sebum, as, for example, AHA acids do.

Washing with kefir

Have you ever heard of washing with kefir? Cleansing the skin with kefir is a very common procedure. However, you should remember that such manipulations are best done if you have combination or oily skin. Kefir has an anti-inflammatory effect, dries the skin perfectly, kills bacteria and germs. Simply apply the product to your face with light massage movements. The lactic acid contained in kefir will quickly remove dirt and sebum.

But for those with dry and sensitive skin, it is better not to resort to such a procedure. Kefir dries out the skin and can cause irritation.

DIY kefir masks: composition and properties

Kefir contains milk protein, fatty and organic acids, carbohydrates, vitamins B, C, A, PP, minerals (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.). Here is the effect they have on the skin150:

  • Vitamin A. Antioxidant effect, slowing down skin aging processes, accelerating regeneration.
  • Niacin (RR). Protection from the harmful effects of the environment, improving complexion, increasing skin immunity.
  • Vitamin C. Strengthens blood vessels, stimulates collagen production, increases skin elasticity,
  • Biotin. Preventing moisture loss, increasing elasticity and smoothness.
  • Thiamine. Relieves inflammation, has a calming effect.
  • Riboflavin. Increasing skin firmness and elasticity, smoothing wrinkles.
  • Vitamin B12. Enrichment of skin cells with oxygen.
  • Vitamin E. Prevention of the aging process, premature appearance of wrinkles.

It would seem that such a killer composition should heal the skin, so why doesn’t this happen? Firstly, during industrial processing of milk, some of its beneficial properties may be lost. Secondly, kefir can only affect the top layer of skin without penetrating into the deeper layers, so the effect of the mask is superficial and does not last long.

Kefir for acne on the face

Does kefir help with acne? Let's figure it out. Kefir is a product with a slightly acidic pH, and as you know, with such an acid-base balance, the proliferation of harmful microbes and bacteria is impossible. It is for this reason that kefir is great for fighting acne. In addition, regular use of kefir removes blackheads on the face and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You can use kefir for acne in the form of cleansing masks or regular washing. For greater effect, you can add herbal tinctures to kefir. For example, tincture of calendula and sage together with kefir has a good anti-inflammatory effect. If you want to make a kefir mask for acne, just add a little flour or starch to the mixture.

Microcurrents for the face - what is it?

Kefir face mask: a selection of recipes

By successfully combining a lactic acid drink and various additives, you can get quite simple but effective skin care products. There are a lot of recipes for masks with kefir. Let's look at some of the most popular ones.

Video on the topic Mask for narrowing pores on the face with kefir and oatmeal

Cleansing with rolled oats

Suitable for: For oily skin, this mask can be used every other day, for dry skin - once a week. Especially if you use a large amount of cosmetics, foundation, powder. The product will help deeply cleanse the epidermis, while moisturizing and nourishing.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Grind 100 g of rolled oats in a coffee grinder or blender.
  2. Warm half a glass of kefir 2.5% fat.
  3. Add 5-20 drops of any vegetable oil depending on the oiliness of the skin.
  4. Stir, add oatmeal.
  5. Keep for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove with cool water.

For oily shine and enlarged pores

Suitable for: A mask with lemon juice is suitable for oily skin. To prevent the product from drying out the epidermis, oil is added. This mask can only be used on healthy skin, without redness or inflammation.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Place three tablespoons of kefir in an enamel or porcelain container.
  2. Keep at room temperature until warm.
  3. Pour in a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil.
  4. Add a pinch of salt.
  5. Add a little flour to make a thick mass.
  6. Keep for 20 minutes
  7. After rinsing, use night cream.

Whitening with garden gifts

Suitable for: Kefir has a slight whitening effect. You can enhance it by introducing some vegetables. This product will be effective after several uses. At the same time, reviews from those who used the recipe claim: bleaching with kefir and vegetables is completely safe.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Grate a fresh cucumber weighing 100 g on a fine grater or grind in a blender.
  2. Chop three branches of parsley as finely as possible or also place in a blender.
  3. Mix the vegetable component with two tablespoons of kefir.
  4. Spread on a gauze napkin and apply to your face, avoiding the eye and lip area.
  5. Hold for 15 minutes for the first time, later you can increase the time to 30 minutes.
  6. Remove with cool water.

Herbs against acne

Suitable for: Kefir dries and relieves inflammation, thus helping against acne. Its beneficial effect is enhanced by honey. And healing plant materials help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thus protect yourself from blackheads.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Take a tablespoon of dry herbs of chamomile, calendula and sage.
  2. Pour 100 ml of boiling water and cool until warm.
  3. Strain.
  4. Combine two tablespoons of this infusion with the same amount of kefir.
  5. Add a teaspoon of liquid honey to the mixture.
  6. Mix well, continue stirring, adding flour little by little. Until you get a creamy mass.
  7. Apply generously and leave for 20 minutes.
  8. Remove with warm water.

Video on the topic: Mask against wrinkles on the face with kefir, starch and egg

Fruit and honey lifting

Suitable for: A mask with honey and egg white will help tighten your skin and get rid of wrinkles. These are well-known smoothing and toning agents. Banana will make your face velvety and fresh. The product is especially recommended for women over 40.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Mash half a banana well with a fork or chop in a blender.
  2. Beat one egg white until light foam.
  3. Heat a tablespoon of kefir and honey together.
  4. Combine with banana mass and protein.
  5. Beat everything lightly.
  6. Wash your face with kefir and only then apply the resulting product.
  7. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Video on the topic: Super face mask made from cottage cheese, kefir and honey for different skin types

Carrot healing

Suitable for: Carrots and cottage cheese - such additions to the main ingredient will help nourish the skin with moisture, vitamins and amino acids. Recommended for dry and aging skin, it will help get rid of redness and flaking.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Peel one medium carrot and finely grate it.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of it, you will need a tablespoon of juice.
  3. Combine it with three tablespoons of kefir.
  4. Add a tablespoon of fresh cottage cheese there.
  5. Pour in a teaspoon of olive oil and mix well.
  6. Keep for up to 30 minutes.
  7. For better health, you can wash it off with chamomile decoction, and not just water.

Daily meals

Suitable for: The yolk in the company of kefir can do a lot - moisturize, dry, and fill with useful substances. The alcohol component will disinfect and counteract the appearance of inflammation. This mixture can be used every day to care for normal or oily skin. If the epidermis is dry, it is better to remove alcohol from the recipe.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Lightly beat the yolk of one egg and 50 ml of kefir.
  2. Pour in a tablespoon of vodka, alcohol, herbal alcohol tincture will do.
  3. For a more convenient consistency, add a spoonful of bran.
  4. Apply to face for 25 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.

From teenage problems

Suitable for: Yeast preparations are recommended for use by adolescents to relieve and prevent problems typical at this age. These are greasiness, inflammation on the face, acne, ulcers. The kefir-yeast mask also works in this direction.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. It is better to take brewer's yeast; it is sold at the pharmacy. You need a teaspoon of dry yeast. If they are in tablets, then five pieces are enough.
  2. Add dry yeast to half a glass of kefir.
  3. Place in a warm place for half a day, stirring occasionally.
  4. You should get a homogeneous fluffy mass.
  5. Soak a napkin with this liquid and place it on your face.
  6. After half an hour, remove the napkin. You don’t have to wash your face until the morning to increase the effect time of the composition.
  7. Apply twice a week.

To consolidate the result and more extensive effects of the healthy drink, it is recommended that after using the mask, drink a glass of kefir at night.

The main advantages of hand-made cosmetics made with kefir are cost-effectiveness and high efficiency. A kefir face mask is prepared simply and quickly. At the same time, the fermented milk product goes well with various ingredients, and can also be used independently and every day.

Kefir for tanning on the face

Another wonderful property of kefir is its calming effect on sunburn. If you need to get rid of a red and painful tan on your face, then kefir will provide you with first aid. This drink will quickly relieve pain and itching of the layers of the epidermis, accelerate regeneration processes and soften the skin. Simply apply kefir to damaged areas of the skin and leave until it dries. Remove the remains with a cotton pad. You need to repeat this procedure at least 5 times a day.

How to clean pores

Kefir: benefits and harm for the skin


  • Folic acid;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Essential beneficial bacteria;
  • Organic acids;
  • Biotin.

The combination of components makes the product effective for cosmetic purposes. Its main positive feature is that it can be used against acne even by those with “capricious” and sensitive skin.

Additional properties:

  • Increasing natural collagen production;
  • Prevention of rashes of various ethologies;
  • Refreshing, softening and moisturizing;
  • Lightening pigmentation;
  • Elimination of irritation;
  • Reducing the number of acne elements;
  • Saturation of the integument with essential nutrients;
  • Maintaining the tone of the dermis;
  • Increasing local immune defense;
  • Elimination of wrinkles;
  • Elimination of inflamed acne;
  • Protection from the effects of negative environmental factors.

When consumed internally, fermented milk drink removes toxic substances and toxins from the body, stimulates general immunity, and helps maintain normal body weight.

Kefir is a neutral product that causes allergies and negative reactions in the body in extremely rare cases. Accordingly, harm from use can only arise due to violation of manufacturing technology and storage rules.

Recommendations for selection:

  • Products with a long shelf life should be avoided - this indicates the presence of chemical preservatives that negatively affect human health;
  • It is important to correlate the oil content percentage with your skin type. For dry skin, 3.2% kefir is useful, for normal skin - 2.5%, fatty skin should be treated with a product with 1% fat content.

The ideal solution is to prepare it yourself or purchase it in the village from residents who produce “milk” at home.

Folk recipes

Face mask kefir starch and protein

This mask nourishes and tones the skin. It is good to do before any events, as it has a good lifting effect. To prepare, mix 1 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 tbsp. l. starch and 1 beaten egg white.

Kefir mask for face brightening

The combination of kefir and cucumber will perfectly whiten your face and improve your skin turgor. Simply mix kefir with chopped cucumber and apply to skin for 15 minutes.

Parsley and kefir also give good results. Finely chop the parsley, mix with kefir and apply to the face. Rinse off with warm water.

Remember that if you have dry skin, then it is better to apply such masks to areas of pigmentation or freckles.

Acetylsalicylic acid for acne

Kefir facial serum

Kefir facial serum also has a good effect. V can buy a ready-made product at the store or make the serum yourself. Freeze the kefir package. After complete freezing, remove the kefir and place it on cheesecloth. The kefir will slowly melt and you will get natural kefir serum, which can be used as a lotion to cleanse and whiten the skin.

Kefir and soda for face

If you want a gentle facial exfoliation, try this gentle scrub. Take the required amount of kefir and add soda to it until you obtain a homogeneous thick mass. Apply the scrub to your face and cleanse your skin with gentle movements.

Question answer

  1. Is it possible to apply kefir to your face at night? You can do this procedure at night, but only for those with oily skin or combination skin. It is best to apply to individual areas of the skin so as not to dry out the entire face.
  2. Can kefir cause acne? They can only if you have an allergic reaction to this fermented milk product. Those with delicate and sensitive skin should carefully handle various manipulations with this drink.
  3. Is it possible to wash your face with kefir every day? If you do not have an allergic reaction and your skin is prone to oily skin, then you can perform this procedure every day.
  4. How to relieve facial swelling with kefir? In order to quickly remove excess liquid from the layers of the epidermis, you can make any mask from this dairy product. It’s good to add dill to such a mask; it perfectly removes excess liquid.

As you can see, there are many simple and proven recipes with kefir that will help you take care of your skin at home. Be sure to try our recommendations and share your results .

Rules for preparation and use

In order for a kefir face mask at home to have the maximum beneficial effect, you must follow a number of rules. For example, all foods, including the main ingredient, must be warm. Kefir can be kept at room temperature for several hours or slightly warmed up. You need to act carefully so that it does not curl up. It is better to use a microwave or water bath. What else should you consider?

  • Dishes. For cooking, you cannot use uncoated metal utensils - you need enameled or glass or earthenware. The same applies to the stirring device: spoons, spatula.
  • Preparation. Before applying, you need to wash your face. It would be a good idea to steam it a little by standing over the steam or placing a napkin soaked in hot water.
  • Application. Usually the kefir-based product is kept on the lyceum for 20-30 minutes. Some recipes require up to an hour. There are options where the mask can be left on even overnight. However, before keeping it for a long time, you need to do a test for five to ten minutes. To be sure of safety.
  • Storage. These masks must be used immediately and cannot be stored.

Apply kefir cosmetics with a brush or spatula. If the mask is quite liquid, you can soak gauze pads and place them on your face.

With green tea

An effective remedy for pigmentation. For a quarter glass of kefir, take a tablespoon of ground green tea, a few pinches of oatmeal, and a spoonful of olive oil. It is recommended to apply the composition at night and wash off in the morning.

With carrot juice

A few tablespoons of 2% kefir are mixed with a tablespoon of carrot juice and the same amount of olive oil. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes. You can use grated fresh carrots instead of juice.

The mask is washed off with water or a decoction of herbs. You can wash your face first and then wipe your skin with the same chamomile infusion.

Masks in the form of a paste are convenient to use; the main thing is to lie down during the procedure.


  • Oleg, 32 years old: “ Since childhood, I have been an adherent of a healthy lifestyle and natural methods of treatment. Therefore, I behave very carefully with my face. I recommend kefir masks to anyone who suffers from oily, shiny skin on their face. They expel sebum from the pores and normalize the acid-base balance. Making such a mask is not at all difficult. To do this, a few spoons of slightly sour kefir, half a teaspoon of citric acid and the same amount of honey are enough. It should be used in the morning, preferably before meals. Two or three times a week.”
  • Olga, 25 years old: “My neighbor is allergic. She cannot tolerate most creams, is afraid of scrubs and constantly goes to doctors in search of a universal skin and hair care product. A year and a half ago, she began making herself kefir masks with various additives - wheat and oat flour, olive oil, cucumber, raspberries, currants and rose hips. Having seen the result, as they say, on my face, I also followed in her footsteps and now I always have kefir masks in my refrigerator for two occasions. With the help of one (kefir, honey, egg white and lemon) I fight dark spots on my face. The second (sour kefir, starch, lemon juice and egg yolk) eliminates wrinkles and invigorates. I recommend to all! Moreover, now finding a recipe for your specific skin is not a problem - the Internet makes this matter quick and real. Kefir mask is the simplest mask! There is no need to cook, grind or mix anything. Add honey and lemon juice to warm kefir - and you can safely rub it on your face. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise I got carried away at first and ended up with a very white face. Once or twice a week is what you need.”
  • Svetlana, 28 years old: “ For many years, my problem was acne and pimples on my face. Small, but still nasty. Several years ago I declared war on them. I tried everything - gels, sprays, swallowed pills, sunbathed in a solarium, meditated and limited myself in fatty foods. Then I read that sour kefir helps in this matter. I tried it once, then again, and today every week I cleanse my face with a mask based on kefir and oatmeal. There are no pimples, no blackheads, the skin “breathes” and is not so oily. I advise you not to delay and start fighting this scourge right now!”

Contraindications for use

Key contraindications to the use of kefir usually relate to its ingestion:

  • Hypersensitivity to the constituent components;
  • Gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • Increased stomach acidity;
  • Disorders of intestinal motility;
  • Epilepsy.

If you are prone to diarrhea, you should drink kefir that has been standing for at least 3 days. For constipation, it is important to drink a fresh drink.

The use has no other contraindications. If there is an allergic response, local intolerance to other components should be clarified, especially for honey or citrus fruits.


Kefir masks have virtually no contraindications. Precautionary measures:

  • rosacea, vascular network;
  • individual intolerance to dairy products.

Kefir itself does not cause allergic reactions, but they can develop to other components of the mask - especially citrus juices, honey, cinnamon. To ensure that the beauty procedure gives you only beauty, first do a test of the tolerability of the composition on a separate area of ​​the skin - if doubts and concerns arise, red spots or rashes appear, it is better to look for another recipe. Kefir itself can also be applied to the skin.

The most allergenic kefir masks are those with lemon and honey.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

A kefir mask prepared at home should be used correctly. There are some rules that, if followed, will help avoid unpleasant effects and bring great benefits to the skin. It is recommended to use in the spring, it is at this time that the skin is most in need of vitamins and nutrients.

Useful recommendations for using kefir include:

  • It is necessary to choose kefir with the correct fat content. If your skin is extremely dry, you should choose a product with a higher percentage. But for preparing masks for oily skin types, a product with a low percentage of fats is suitable. For normal skin type, a product with a fat content of 1% is suitable;
  • It is worth paying attention to the quality of the fermented milk product. The drink should be fresh; it can whiten the skin, eliminate age spots and refresh the face. Too sour is suitable for treating problem skin;
  • The comments of many cosmetologists often indicate that before applying the mask, the skin should be treated with a special lotion or tonic without alcohol;
  • If an allergy occurs when using a mask with kefir and other ingredients, it is better to wash off the mask completely. It is advisable to check which ingredient the reaction occurred to, because the fermented milk product itself is harmless and does not cause allergies.

Important! A kefir mask can be used not only for the face area. Don't forget about your neck and décolleté. They are in plain sight and can fade and age over time, so they need proper care.

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