Bepanten against wrinkles why cosmetologists increasingly began to use it for cosmetic problems

Dry skin, scratches and abrasions, redness and irritation - these symptoms appear to each of us from time to time. When choosing drugs for their treatment, you can encounter problems: some drugs dry out even more, others fight inflammation, but are not suitable for long-term use.

Bepanten guarantees quick and safe elimination of all unpleasant manifestations. The drug is available in several dosage forms, and everyone can choose the ideal one for themselves.

Briefly about the drug

This is a German pharmaceutical product that appeared on the market back in the 19th century. Bepanten combines a number of medical products, the most common being cream.

Bepanten cream is a medicine that has pronounced healing and restorative properties. The main active ingredient in the composition is dexpanthenol - a B vitamin. It activates metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis and mucous membranes, promotes the production of collagen, and also increases the natural regenerative functions of cells. Other components provide an antibacterial effect, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Release form bepanthen cream
In other words, the cream activates the metabolism of skin cells, moisturizes them, which leads to a refreshing result on the face. Cosmetic procedures are only one aspect of using the product. The spectrum of effects of Bepanten drugs is quite wide.


Bepanthena is sold at any pharmacy and is available without a prescription. As for the cost, the price of the product depends on the manufacturer, the region and its markup used in a particular pharmacy.

Average cost of Bepanten:

  • Cream 30 g - 420 rubles ;
  • Ointment 30 g - 400 rubles ;
  • Lotion 200 ml - 760 rubles .

Of course, as the volume of the tube or bottle increases, the price increases.

Indications for use

The ointment has a complex composition of predominantly natural ingredients, among which there are no hormonal substances. Due to this, Bepanten becomes an almost universal and harmless drug. It is prescribed by doctors of various profiles in the following cases:

  • dry thin skin, peeling, microcracks;
  • irritation due to allergies, dermatological diseases;
  • shallow cuts and abrasions on the skin;
  • acne scars;
  • diaper rash, urticaria and other irritations in infants;
  • cracked nipples in women during breastfeeding;
  • burns of various types, including sunburn;
  • bedsores;
  • smoothing stretch marks;
  • insect bites, etc.

Ointment helps smooth out cracked nipples

What problems does it solve?

The cream solves only medical problems for which it is intended:

  • skin damage and irritation;
  • burns of any origin;
  • cuts, cracks in the skin;
  • diaper rash in children;
  • inflammation and hyperemia of the skin (for example, after tattooing).

Girls, where will the reduction of wrinkles come from? Once again we look at the composition of the cream - well, there is nothing there that affects wrinkles! No collagen or elastin hydrolyzate, no hyaluronic acid.

You can just as well spread yourself on sour cream - the result is the same, but much tastier and cheaper.

How can you treat teenage acne with Bepanthen? The skin is already oily, and is additionally covered with a film of cream, as a result of which acne blooms in a “lush color”, new pimples and blackheads (comedones) from clogged pores appear every day.


Dexpanthenol, or provitamin B5, is the main component of Bepanten, providing its restorative abilities. Having penetrated the skin cells, it becomes pantothenic acid, which acts from the inside.

In addition to dexpanthenol, the ointment includes additional ingredients, including:

  • lanolin – antibacterial effect, moisturizes the skin and prevents moisture loss;
  • almond oil is a powerful antioxidant, refreshes the skin, slows down its aging;
  • stearyl and cetyl alcohols are an emulsifier and thickener that soften dermal cells, making them more elastic.

The remaining components of the composition make the consistency of the ointment the correct structure and viscosity.

How does Bepanten work?

Dexpanthenol, on the basis of which the drug works, is provitamin B5. This substance easily enters the skin, where it is transformed into pantothenic acid.

In turn, thanks to pantothenic acid, skin healing processes occur, cellular metabolism is normalized, and collagen fibers are strengthened. Due to these effects, the cream and other forms of the drug promote active hydration and regeneration of the skin.

Dexpanthenol is a substance related to skin cells, so Bepanten can be used on any area of ​​the skin. In addition, the product can be used by children from birth.

Line of drugs Bepanten

Initially, German factories produced only an ointment, which was used exclusively by doctors to treat skin diseases. Over time, the range expanded and a cream, lotion, and a special series of facial skin care products appeared.

  1. Ointment. It is in demand among young mothers, copes well with infant diaper dermatitis, and quickly heals cracked nipples. Dermatologists also advise using the ointment as a moisturizer for dry skin with flaking, chapping, cracks, as well as burns, abrasions and other damage.
  2. Cream. It has a softer consistency and better absorption compared to ointment, and does not leave a greasy residue. Widely used for cosmetic purposes. Promotes deep hydration and nutrition of the dermis, triggers cell regenerative processes, therefore it is used to combat wrinkles and other consequences of natural aging.
  3. Antiseptic cream Bepanten Plus. It contains an additional component - chlorhexidine, which has a disinfecting effect and also promotes rapid healing of damaged dermis. It helps well with burns, soothes pain. Suitable for wounds, cuts, for the treatment of boils, etc.
  4. Spray. Convenient for spraying on areas with burns or abrasions, reduces pain, prevents the spread of inflammation to adjacent areas of the skin, and is quickly absorbed.
  5. Bepanten Derma series. These are specially developed cosmetic preparations to improve the condition of dry skin. This includes nourishing and moisturizing lotions, restorative lip balm, hand balm, and foot cream.

Experts promised to consider creating a special cosmetic product for the face that would prevent early skin aging and wrinkles. Until this product appears, women use the existing products in the line, adding them to a variety of face masks.

Description of release forms and composition

The manufacturer of this drug is the well-known company Bayer. The drug is manufactured in various forms, their composition is completely the same, the only difference is in the additional components included in it, which give the drug the desired consistency and viscosity.

The release forms are as follows:

  • Ointment 5% - has a thick consistency, while it is absorbed longer and leaves greasy marks after application. Bepanten ointment is available in a tube of 30 g;
  • Lotion 2.5% - has a light watery texture, applied using a spray. It is produced in bottles of 200 ml;
  • Cream 5% - also has a light creamy texture, is quickly absorbed and immediately penetrates the site of inflammation, leaving no traces after application. Presented in the same way as the ointment, in the form of a tube of 30 g;
  • Bepanten Plus is a separate product in the form of a cream, which is combined, it helps to actively stimulate the development of new dermal cells. Available in a tube of 30 g.

Bepanten ointment 5% Bepanten lotion 2.5% Bepanten cream 5% Bepanten Plus
In all dosage forms of Bepanten, the main components in the composition are dexpanthenol - provitamin B5, as well as chlorhexidine, which is the antibacterial component.

It also contains cetyl and cetearyl alcohols, which dry out acne.

The minor components of the drug include the following ingredients that soften the skin:

  • Almond oil;
  • Mineral oils;
  • Lanolin;
  • Beeswax.

Bepanthen has a pure white or yellowish color, without aroma.

Truths and misconceptions about Bepanten products

Despite the widespread use of German brand drugs and their practically harmless composition, we must not forget that this is a medical drug, and it must be used carefully and in consultation with a specialist.

Smoothing facial wrinkles

Sometimes buyers purchase a product knowing about its positive effect, and use it thoughtlessly where it is not entirely effective or may even aggravate the situation. Let's consider the most common areas where treatment with Bepanten is possible, and the ratio of expected and obtained results.

Side effects

If a person is allergic to any component found in Bepanten, it may cause the following side effects:

Hypersensitivity can cause the following reactions:

  • Anaphylaxis;
  • Asthma;
  • Cardiorespiratory failure.

To avoid the above symptoms, you need to know exactly your body, namely which components can cause a negative reaction.

If any adverse reactions occur, you should stop using the drug and consult your doctor.

Wrinkles on the face

After about 30 years, the repair mechanisms in skin cells slow down and collagen production decreases. The skin becomes less elastic, dry, thin, and wrinkles appear. The appearance of wrinkles can be caused not only by age, but also by external factors: active sun rays, wind, bad habits, unbalanced diet, insufficient water consumption, stress, fatigue, etc.

The use of Bepanten for wrinkles is practiced among many cosmetologists. Numerous reviews indicate a positive effect from use. Different forms of release of the product help to moisturize the skin, restore its freshness and velvety, and even help smooth out wrinkles.

Creams and lotions are most often used for these purposes, applying them 1-2 times a day to cleansed facial skin.

It is worth noting that this is not a cosmetic product, and it is not aimed specifically at smoothing facial wrinkles. And while light wrinkles may disappear due to hydration, this remedy is ineffective for deep age-related wrinkles.

Smoothing wrinkles around the eyes

The area around the eyes should be treated with particular care. Although Bepanten preparations do not prohibit any areas of application, nevertheless, some reviews indicate adverse reactions in the eye area. Apply the cream in a very thin layer only after testing on a small area.

It is also important to consider your skin type when choosing a product. For example, a viscous, oily ointment is not suitable for oily skin and can make the situation even worse by clogging the pores.

Which release form should I use for which types of acne?

Bepanten, thanks to its extensive composition of active ingredients, will easily and quickly eliminate different types of rashes.

Namely such as:

  • Blackheads are open comedones;
  • Prosyanki - closed comedones;
  • Papules;
  • Pustules;
  • Boils;
  • Knots.

Different forms of Bepanten act on skin rashes with different intensities.

Judging by the numerous reviews of Bepanthen, we can conclude that cream and lotion are more preventive agents that will help in the fight against acne and millet.

Thanks to their light textures, these release forms are absorbed faster and penetrate into the inflammation site, without leaving marks on clothing.

The ointment is better known for its pronounced healing properties, so it is recommended for use for severe types of rashes, such as papules, pustules and boils. Its fatty consistency envelops existing inflammation and reduces its intensity the very next day.

Pimples and acne

There is an opinion that Bepanten treats acne and helps get rid of acne. There is some truth in this, but the therapeutic effect for this problem should not be exaggerated.

Bepanten products help cope with minor rashes and single pimples when applied to the spot, especially if combined with other medicinal products. The line contains very little alcohol, so it does not dry out the skin like other similar products.

Helps with sebaceous glands on the face

The big advantage of these drugs is their double action: they help heal problem areas and immediately smooth out pits and scars, which often leave behind problems with the sebaceous glands on the face.

It is worth considering that hormonal acne rashes in adolescence cannot be treated with Bepanthen alone. This requires a more serious integrated approach, and always under the supervision of a dermatologist. The same applies to advanced stages of acne. German brand ointments and creams can clog pores, causing inflammation. Therefore, it is better to choose other drugs specially designed for such problems.

Those with oily skin should use Bepanten ointments and creams with caution, so as not to further aggravate the situation; for a safe effect, consult a dermatologist.


Bepanthen has become a very famous and popular medicine. This is a high-quality foreign product with an appropriate price.

But domestic manufacturers are not lagging behind and produce good analogues of this drug, their cost is much cheaper.

Let's consider the main analogues of Bepanten:

  • Pantoderm - the product has a restorative, metabolic effect on the dermis. Fights simple skin damage, dermatitis. The drug is used by applying to damaged, inflamed areas of the dermis twice a day. The main component is dexpanthenol. The average cost of 30 grams is 200 rubles ;
  • Dexpanthenol – has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. The main component is pantothenic acid, which supports the proper functioning of the epithelium. If the skin or tissue is damaged, a deficiency of pantothenic acid occurs, and this is where Dexpanthenol comes to the rescue. The product in the form of a gel quickly penetrates through the layers of the dermis and brings a good therapeutic result. The price for a tube of 25 grams is 130 rubles ;
  • Alantan plus - treats skin defects: wounds, cracks, scratches, pimples. It also helps with sunburn, prevents diaper rash in babies, and fights various types of dermatitis. The average price for 30 g is 150 rubles ;
  • Drapolene is a product with antiseptic and antimicrobial effects, used to combat acne. The main components of the drug are cetrimide and benzalkonium chloride. Using Drapolen, the dermis is softened and moisturized. The cost of this product varies from 40 to 60 rubles .

Pantoderm Dexpanthenol Alantan plus Drapolene

Dry skin and flaking

Dryness of the upper layers of the dermis can appear for various reasons: negative external factors, lack of drinking, nutrition, bad habits, etc. The natural components of the Bepanten series really have a beneficial effect on dry skin:

  • moisturize the epithelium and help retain moisture in the cells;
  • promote rapid exfoliation of keratinized scales;
  • improve metabolic processes at the cellular level, which activates the growth of new cells.

Long-term use can lead to the opposite result - peeling, since the process of cell renewal under the influence of the cream can occur too quickly.

Helps with dry skin on hands

Applying the product twice a day, it should be used for no more than 2-3 weeks, then you should take a break and evaluate the condition of the skin.

How to use it correctly to fight acne?

When treating acne, experts recommend using Bepanten, following the following steps:

  • Stage 1 – it is necessary to cleanse the skin of impurities, cosmetics, dust and other things;
  • Stage 2 – treat acne with alcohol-containing products: tinctures, tonics, lotions. These products dry out the skin, while Bepanten will nourish and moisturize the dermis.
  • Stage 3 – 30 minutes after the second stage, Bepanten should be applied pointwise to the area of ​​damaged skin.

Let's consider the features of using various forms of the drug:

  • Bepanten lotion - used against small pimples, will provide an excellent result in cleansing the skin of the face and will relieve existing irritations. The lotion is applied to a cotton sponge and wiped over the face; the product dries quickly and leaves no traces;
  • Bepanten cream copes well with acne caused by allergies. This form quickly restores the epidermis and relieves irritation. The cream should be used several times a day, applied to the affected skin, until the allergic rash disappears completely;
  • Bepanten ointment - when fighting severe types of acne, should be applied to the affected areas twice a day, and so on for several days, until a positive effect is obtained.

With prolonged use, the drug may lose its antimicrobial property, which leads to loss of sensitivity of microorganisms to the components that make up Bepanten.

How to properly use to combat acne marks and scars?

Bepanten effectively acts on imperfections such as scars, scars, and acne spots. In this case, the drug must be used 2-3 times a day.

Bepanten should be used as follows:

  • Clean the skin in the area of ​​the scar;
  • Apply the drug to a clean and dry area of ​​the scar in a small layer, while lightly massaging;
  • Leave until completely absorbed by the skin.

Bepanten is well absorbed by the skin, toning and moisturizing it, which ensures the compaction of collagen fibers and the skin becomes elastic.

Use for acne during pregnancy and lactation

The presented product has absolutely no contraindications; even women during pregnancy and lactation can use it.

Since the drug does not contain hormones or parabens, it will not harm the baby.

Therefore, pregnant women and nursing mothers often use Bepanten in the fight against imperfect skin.

But it is still better to get a full consultation with a specialist in the use of Bepanten in order to avoid various allergic reactions to the existing components in the drug.

For Bepanten to bring maximum benefit, it should be used according to the instructions:

  • Cleanse the skin before applying the drug;
  • Apply the drug externally, 2-3 times a day;
  • Apply only to imperfect areas of the skin, in a thin layer, leaving until completely dry.

Bepanten is simply irreplaceable for women in labor, as it heals wounds and cracks on the nipples well during lactation, but this remedy should not be used just before breastfeeding.

Use in childhood

When used for children, Bepanten receives good reviews from mothers. It also quickly and effectively treats pimples on children's skin.

So, the drug is used for the following types of rashes:

The drug will prevent the appearance of new rashes in children, and will also reduce the number of existing acne on the skin. The product will help the pimple to mature, and after it ruptures, it will easily restore the damaged epidermis.

What is worth considering when using this drug in childhood is that it is better to use Bepanten lotion or cream. It is these forms that do not clog the pores, as the ointment does, which subsequently leads to new manifestations of acne.

Manifestation of allergies on the face

Bepanten is an assistant in eliminating allergic rashes, but not the main medicine. It does not act on the causes of redness, but only eliminates the consequences: itching, irritation, peeling.

To treat allergies, it is necessary to use special drugs of a certain direction that act on the mechanism of the allergic reaction. Also avoid contact with allergens. Bepanten is used only as an adjuvant to eliminate the consequences.

Beginner mistakes

Bepanten is very popular among nursing mothers. Firstly, the product effectively copes with diaper dermatitis in newborns. Secondly, this same remedy quickly heals cracked nipples, which are often encountered by young women who are breastfeeding.

Fearing that during breastfeeding the baby will “eat” part of Bepanten, women carefully wash off the ointment with soap before each feeding. And there are usually several such applications per day. This leads to even more irritation and the healing process is delayed.

The packaging states that the composition is absolutely harmless to the baby, so there is no need to wash it off the breast. Numerous reviews confirm the safety of this use for children.

It is also worth warning those who purchase Bepanten to combat acne. Most often, this is an external manifestation of some kind of internal disease, it may be associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, problems with the genitourinary system, etc. First, you need to find out the cause of the rash, treat it, and then remove the consequences, including , and with the help of drugs Bepanten.

Contraindications and consequences

According to the instructions, Bepanten is quite safe and harmless, there are no contraindications, and is even suitable for infants and pregnant women. It can be combined with other drugs without fear of adverse reactions.

The process of applying cream to hands

Undesirable consequences can only appear if you have an individual intolerance to certain ingredients, but this happens quite rarely. To check the reaction, apply a little product to the skin of your hand and evaluate its condition for half an hour.

Too frequent or prolonged use of Bepanten can lead to oversaturation with vitamin B, which is just as undesirable as its deficiency.

Recipes for effective masks

To improve the condition of your skin, you should use effective masks based on bepanthen:

  • From wrinkles. To prepare it you need to take 10 g of olive oil and oatmeal. Add 1 drop of ginger essential oil. After this, you can add bepanten to get a fairly thick consistency. The product is applied for half an hour.
  • For acne. Combine 10 g of bepanten cream, honey, avocado and apricot kernel oil. You should also add a drop of orange essential oil. This composition is applied for 20 minutes.
  • For hydration. Combine bepanten cream and kaolin in equal parts. Add some water. Keep the product for a quarter of an hour.
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