Huaron (Hyaron) biorevitalizant. Reviews, description, price

Every year, a woman increasingly notices the appearance of new wrinkles. Homemade masks and professional remedies do not help everyone, and besides, all immediate effects remain temporary.

Huaron biorevitalizant is a new product that replaces hyaluronic acid and collagen, restoring youth and elasticity to the skin. Reviews from cosmetologists confirm the effectiveness of the oriental drug, which can replace Botox injections and the need for plastic surgery.

Who produces biorevitalizant Hyaron?

The drug was created in South Korea. The cosmetic product is presented on the market under the Dongkook Pharmaceutica brand in the form of syringes. Each of them contains a serum that needs to be injected under the skin. Injections help restore youth to skin cells, resulting in smoother, more radiant and firmer skin.

The first developments were created in 1967, when the brand just began its activities in the pharmaceutical field. The company has its own laboratory where high technologies are used to create innovative products.

Raw materials are taken only from the scientific institute with which the company cooperates. The company invests more than 6% of sales in the system for creating new cosmetic ingredients. Each time, products undergo certification, testing and clinical trials, after which they are allowed for sale in accordance with the international standard of product quality.

Comparison with analogues

To rejuvenate the skin, they resort not only to the help of Khiaron. Other drugs include Restylane Vital, Princess Rich, Stylage Hydro, Juvederm Hydrate, which are used to eliminate wrinkles and correct other age-related changes.

Compared to other brands, the Korean drug has better bioavailability and gives a faster effect.

Composition of the drug

Huaron biorevitalizant (reviews from cosmetologists recommend consulting with specialists before using injections) contains components that affect the skin at the cellular level. The most important ingredient is considered to be hyaluronic acid, which is an unstabilized, highly purified type.

Huaron biorevitalizant, reviews of which confirm the effectiveness of restoring metabolism, can help women and girls in the early stages of the skin aging process, as well as minimize the impact on cells from external irritants.

It also contains the following components:

  • sodium hyaluronate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • hydroxide;
  • hyaluronic acid obtained through genetic engineering.

The last component is a substance that stabilizes inside the skin. The acid molecules form a lattice that can shape the skin cells. The size of the molecules makes it possible to stimulate the process of fibroplast activity. This leads to pronounced and lasting rejuvenation. The maximum acid concentration is 25 mg/ml.

Hyaron (Huaron) First: biorevitalization for the face in Korean

Modern women are faced with a huge selection of procedures designed to provide beauty and youth to their skin. Choosing the one that is truly necessary and effective can be quite difficult. However, the most popular and in demand, according to cosmetologists, is biorevitalization.

Hyaron (Huaron) is not very well known among beauty salon clients, but quite popular among cosmetologists as a biorevitalization product. This procedure allows you to eliminate signs of aging and skin defects, as well as make it softer, firmer and more elastic.

The biorevitalization procedure is gaining popularity today. It refers to injections of hyaluronic acid injected under the skin for the purpose of moisturizing, restoring the epidermis and dermis itself, and tissue regeneration.

Hyaluronic acid in Hyaron is the most important structural element of connective tissue and epidermis. One molecule of the substance contains about 300-450 molecules of water, which allows it to retain moisture in the skin, thereby helping to maintain and restore water balance.

Hyaluronic acid injections can be carried out at any time of the year. However, it is advisable to carry out the procedure in the spring and summer - biorevitalization with Hyaron will help reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and prevent clogging of pores, reduce the appearance of acne and post-acne. This is why beauty specialists say that in the summer it is not only possible to do biorevitalization, but even necessary.


What does biorevitalization with Huaron provide?

Biorevitalization is, of course, not an alternative to injections of dermal fillers, and certainly not to plastic surgery, but biorevitalizants have completely different functions - their task is to moisturize the skin and create a rejuvenating effect, which it certainly copes with. Although American scientists and researchers in the field of cosmetology and pharmaceuticals have proven that after just a few such procedures you can notice a pronounced lifting effect (due to increased synthesis of collagen fibers).

Biorevitalization, figuratively speaking, revitalizes the skin, filling it with moisture, due to which the symptoms of dry skin and signs of aging disappear. In addition, hyaluronic acid helps fight dark circles under the eyes and age spots.

The classic version of biorevitalization involves the introduction of exclusively hyaluronic acid, but in modern practice, additional compounds are increasingly included in the composition of biorevitalizants that can enhance metabolic reactions in the skin, thereby starting the process of its active renewal. Guaron is used for biorevitalization of the décolleté, eyelids, neck, face and even hands. The only inconvenience from the biorevitalization procedure is papules. However, they pass quickly enough. The average period is 3-5 days, the maximum is 10 days. But if the skin is in good condition and has a high ability to regenerate, the papules become barely noticeable or disappear completely already on the 3rd day after the procedure.

Where produced

Manufacturer Hyaron is a South Korean cosmetic and pharmaceutical company founded in 1968 and has gained popularity due to the safety and predominantly natural composition of its products. The production is based on the use of high innovative technologies and modern scientific developments in the field of medicine and beauty. At the same time, the company invests a significant portion of its profits in regularly updating equipment and modernizing production.

Composition and release form

When you open the package, you will see 10 syringes containing 2.5 mg of transparent, viscoelastic, sterile gel. Hyaron consists of pure hyaluronic acid obtained by genetic engineering, it is a viscoelastic biorevitalizant, consists of unstable hyaluronic acid 25 mg, with a molecular weight of 1000 KDa. Excipients: sodium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, concentrated hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, water for injection.

Huaron is based on high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (glycosaminoglycan), which is part of connective, epithelial tissue. Contained in many biological fluids, in particular, synovial fluid (a decrease in its amount in the human body leads to the development of osteochondrosis and arthrosis). The human body is capable of producing hyaluronic acid itself, but with age this ability decreases, its content in the body decreases, causing the skin to become dry and flabby.

It is worth noting that preparations based on hyaluronic acid are successfully used to treat arthrosis as a filler of the interarticular space (temporarily replaces and replenishes synovial fluid), which helps relieve joint pain and improve their mobility.

The maximum acceptable concentration of hyaluronic acid in the drug is 25 mg/ml, but in practice it is used quite rarely. This drug can effectively affect the skin and even penetrate the deep layers of the dermis.

In addition to injection needles, the kit also includes a cannula.

At what age can biorevitalizants be used?

This drug does not imply the presence of an age limit (of course, it is not advisable for children and adolescents under 18 years of age to use it and, to some extent, it is even fraught with danger) - many use Guaron as a biorevitalizant to eliminate age spots, stretch marks and even post-acne, as well as to restore the structure of the skin after chemical peeling or plastic surgery.

In addition, the drug will help quickly restore the epidermis after burns and even slightly increase the volume of the lips (they become more hydrated, brighter and richer, firmness and elasticity increase).

There are two types of biorevitalization:

❶ Preventive biorevitalization (used to deeply moisturize the skin or eliminate minor defects, age spots or freckles; in this case, 2-3 therapy sessions are sufficient. Most often prescribed to women aged 27 to 35 years); ❷ Anti-aging, rejuvenating biorevitalization (its main goal is to eliminate, as far as possible, or at least hide significant age-related changes. Recommended for people aged 28 to 40 years). At the initial stage, the procedure should be carried out once every 10 days for 4-6 weeks (depending on the condition of the skin).

As mentioned above, biorevitalization has no special age restrictions. However, women over 40 require a more serious approach. They need correction of the facial contour, elimination of dark circles and bags under the eyes, smoothing out the network of wrinkles. Hyaron copes with this brilliantly - after the first procedure, the swelling and redness of the skin begins to subside, and it acquires a healthy ruddy tint. But to achieve full results at the age of + 40 years, at least 4 procedures will be required.

Benefits of Hyaron

It should be noted that the drug meets international standards, and its effectiveness and safety have been proven by numerous clinical studies. Guaron has become widespread in France, Germany and even Japan, which confirms the high quality of the cosmetic product.

The main advantage of this biorevitalizant is its high efficiency, pronounced anti-aging effect and long-lasting effect. Guaron does not harm the body, is easily excreted and almost never causes allergies (due to its natural composition).

Penetrating into cells, the drug saturates them with useful substances and vitamins, thereby promoting regeneration, and also triggers the body’s production of its own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. Due to the high concentration of hyaluron, keratinocytes slow down their maturation, and the repair capacity of the epidermis increases several times.

Restrictions and contraindications

Before using Hyaron, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, the main of which are:

  • Intolerance or hypersensitivity of the body to any component of this drug;
  • Deviation from the norm in the composition or condition of the blood and its formed elements;
  • Pregnancy, lactation and age up to 18 years;
  • Weakened state of the body (for example, after recent acute respiratory and viral diseases, surgery, stroke or heart attack);
  • Increased ability to form scars;
  • Diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Fungal infection of the skin at the injection site.

In addition, a week before the planned procedure, it is better to avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen and other antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is not recommended to do biorevitalization during menstruation, since during this period the pain threshold in women is reduced, and skin regeneration slows down somewhat, which increases the juices of the rehabilitation period.

Biorevitalization can be carried out in two ways:

❶ Injection administration of bioreparant. To do this, you can use a regular syringe (but it’s better to take a mechanical one - it allows you to inject an equal amount of the product to a certain depth with a given frequency) or an injector. The injections are made at a distance of approximately 1 cm from each other, a deviation of several millimeters is possible depending on the type, condition and characteristics of the skin. If the skin is hypersensitive (low pain threshold), it is better to use local anesthesia (Emla cream). As for the volume: a 1 ml syringe is usually enough for biorevitalization of the face; 3 ml is enough to treat the face, neck, décolleté and hands. Of course, the cost of the procedure also depends on the amount of bioremediate administered.

❷ Non-injection (hardware) administration. Iontophoresis is the effect of electric current (low strength and low voltage). It is worth noting that this method is widely used in physiotherapy, because the weak electrical discharge used during the procedure increases the permeability of the dermis to molecules of hyaluronic acid, organic substances, amino acids and vitamins.

Laser biorevitalization. Recently, the method of “cold” laser skin treatment has been rapidly gaining popularity. It is based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the dermis using seven cold lasers. The main advantage of this method is that the substance is distributed over the treated area more evenly than with iontophoresis or injection administration, and much deeper, which will reduce the frequency of repetition of procedures to twice every six months. To obtain optimal results, approximately 5-9 sessions will be required, depending on the individual needs of the client.

- The second method is safer - the skin is not damaged, therefore, there will be no puncture marks left on it (no toad skin effect), the risk of infection is reduced (or even virtually eliminated).

— If you choose the first method, you should remember that redness, rash, hematoma or swelling may occur at the injection site (when this appears, by the way, you can and even should apply cold compresses and anti-inflammatory ointments to your face) - this is a completely acceptable reaction body. But if the side effects do not go away within 3-5 days, you should immediately contact a specialist and subsequently stop using this biorevitalizant.

However, often it is not the drug that is to blame, but the client herself - many after the procedure do not properly care for their skin, which causes serious complications.

What not to do after biorevitalization

For several days after the administration of the drug, you should not use skincare and decorative cosmetics (you can only lubricate the skin with wound-healing cream); you should try to touch your face with your hands as little as possible. For at least 2 weeks after the procedure, you cannot use scrubs or perform peelings. If you do not follow the rules of skin care after the procedure, you can cause small pimples to appear around the puncture sites.

Some other procedures can be performed in combination with biorevitalization, but their compatibility should be checked with a specialist.

After Hyaron therapy sessions for 3-4 days, you should avoid sudden changes in temperature and direct sunlight (or cold wind if the procedure was carried out in winter), and also temporarily avoid visiting the bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium, and try to drink at least two liters of clean water per day, preferably mineral without gas.

How many procedures are needed?

The result becomes noticeable immediately after the first anti-aging measures: the color and oval of the face improves, blood circulation in the vessels and capillaries increases, wrinkles and many skin defects decrease, and even metabolism improves. However, to consolidate and maintain the positive effect in the future, it is recommended to do 1-2 such procedures per month.

On average, the duration of the Huaron rejuvenating biorevitalization course consists of 3-5 procedures, which should be done once every 2-3 weeks. Maintenance injections are given after the main course a couple of times with a break of 1 month, and then once every 6-8 months. In case of severe problems, it is recommended to repeat the entire course every six months. To smooth out small wrinkles and lighten age spots on the skin, you need to make 5-10 injections. How many specific sessions will be required in a particular case is decided by the cosmetologist.

However, more and more often it happens that the patient does not have time for a long course of procedures - an immediate, significant effect is needed. In this case, they resort to “biorevitalization in a cube.” This method was introduced in 2009 in Italy. It is based on the use of highly purified hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, high concentration and high molecular weight.

On average, one biorevitalization session with Hyaron takes from 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the number of skin areas treated and the method of administration of the substance. There should be no pain. After biorevitalization, the dermis is thoroughly disinfected and treated with a cream with an anesthetic effect.

Photos before and after a course of procedures.


The drug is simply great. In general, the drugs the Koreans make are mostly great, including Huaron. The main thing is to pierce it correctly, at the correct depth and with a sufficient amount of solution. I actually had bruises after it, it’s purely physiological. Some people get them, some don’t, the main thing is the result, but it made me happy. Vera Efimova, St. Petersburg

This drug is only suitable for women under 30 years of age. For those over 30 it is already weak. The drug is not bad and works, but after 30 years it only moisturizes the skin. Even the manufacturer himself writes that Huaron is intended for women under 30 years old. Tatiana, Simferopol

Injected biorevitalizant Hyaron First. One syringe with a volume of 2.5 ml is enough for me to treat my face. It gives skin tone, refreshes, and moisturizes. Result: smooth, dense surface. The effect lasted for a month. I will repeat. The drug is not bad, and the effect of biorevitalizants is especially noticeable on problem skin - dry, dull, asthenic. Larisa, Moscow

And I used Hyaron not as a biorevitalizant, but for joints, since it has chondroprotective properties and is prescribed for pain in osteoarthritis of the knee joint and periarthritis of the shoulder joint. Do not wait until the joint collapses - use products with natural lubrication - hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is also called “synovial fluid endoprosthesis”; it is a really good help. I was injected with this particular drug, relief came within a couple of days, and it should last for a year. The drug was administered once a week for 5 weeks. Daria Romanova, Lipetsk

What is better: biorevitalization or mesotherapy?

Biorevitalization is a procedure in which native hyaluronic acid is usually injected subcutaneously, in contrast to mesotherapy, where various meso-cocktails are used, including vitamins, peptides, amino acids, and microelements. For this reason, the effect of mesotherapy is much longer, but it occurs more slowly, unlike biorevitalization. Biorevitalization is indicated at a younger age, and mesotherapy is used to combat age-related changes in the skin after forty years.

Where to buy

You can order Huaron in online stores specializing in the sale of cosmetics, but do not let your guard down - it is advisable to request a quality certificate confirming the authenticity of the filler. In addition, it is very important that only a certified specialist performs such “manipulations” with your skin, and the clinic must have a special permit for services of this type. The client has the right to demand these documents, and the cosmetologist is obliged to provide them unquestioningly.

Thus, in our time, the biorevitalization procedure with the drug “Hyaron” is a kind of “elixir of youth”, a “lifesaver” for the fair half of humanity. However, before resorting to it, you should thoroughly weigh the pros and cons and consult with a specialist in this field.

Advantages and disadvantages

Korean fillers have a number of advantages:

  • allergic reactions and side effects are minimal;
  • 1 course replaces cosmetic procedures;
  • age and facial wrinkles, skin defects can be eliminated in several sessions;
  • fillers help even out skin tone by removing age spots;
  • the effect is achieved immediately and lasts for several months;
  • the drug is safe for the functioning of facial muscles and facial expressions.

Despite the obvious advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • A slight deviation from the norm of administration or storage conditions may lead to a change in the properties of the substance.
  • The likelihood of personal intolerance to components may be higher than with analogues.
  • If the specialist does not have experience working with fillers, has not previously performed injections, or has not sterilized instruments, the consequences for a person will be disastrous - pronounced skin defects may appear.
  • To get a lasting effect, one course is not enough, you need to complete all sessions.

The drug should not be used by women over 35 years of age, since at this age light moisturizing of the deep layer of skin will not be sufficient to neutralize defects and obtain all the benefits from use.

To make the effect more noticeable, you need to use a different form of hyaluronic acid (fillers), since biorevitalizants will not give the desired effect. If we compare fillers with other analogues, we can highlight several distinctive features:

Dermal fillers They are suitable for deeply moisturizing the lower layers of the skin.
Gel fillersBoth types are designed to smooth out deep wrinkles. On young skin, the effect will be noticeable immediately, but the skin will get used to such manipulations, and the aging process, as well as the need for them, will grow every day.
Mechanical fillers
HuaronIt is able to saturate the lower layers of the skin with hyaluronic acid, which prevents premature aging. They cannot completely rid the skin of deep wrinkles. The framework of the facial muscles does not improve, natural processes do not activate metabolism.

You can conduct self-therapy from the age of 18. To prevent aging, it is allowed to use Korean fillers from the age of 30. The facial rejuvenation program is also intended for women over 45 years old.

Pros and cons of Hyaron drugs

When deciding on a biorevitalization procedure with Hyaron gel, you need to familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of this drug. Among the advantages of using Hyaron are:

  • Skin moisturizing;
  • Increased elasticity of the epidermis;
  • Elimination of signs of aging;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Pronounced rejuvenating effect;
  • Lack of a long recovery period;
  • Hypoallergenicity of the drug;
  • Whitening pigment spots;
  • Improving blood circulation in the epidermis;
  • Activation of metabolic processes;
  • Skin restoration after burns;
  • Saturation of cells with vitamins;
  • High efficiency and guaranteed quick results.

Among the disadvantages of the drug are its cost, possible side effects and the need for a long course. First, the client must undergo an initial course, and then a maintenance course, which lasts:

  • The first course - five to ten procedures with a break of ten days;
  • The second cycle is one session every fifteen days (month) on an ongoing basis.

Thus, you cannot refuse the procedures; you will have to maintain biorevitalization throughout your life in order to continue to remain young and beautiful.

Indications for biorevitalization Huaron

It is recommended to carry out biorevitalization in the presence of the following age-related changes:

  • mimic shallow wrinkles;

  • sagging skin;
  • for correction of facial oval;
  • if there is post-acne;
  • uneven or bumpy skin texture;
  • dull and unhealthy skin tone;
  • hyperpigmentation and the presence of age spots;
  • high activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • wide pores.

If a woman has at least 2-3 symptoms, Korean fillers can be used. Prevention with their help is also recommended at the age of 18-20 years.

What to expect from the procedure

Huaron prevents the occurrence of age-related changes and has a healing effect on the skin.

At the clinic, the doctor determines the required amount of the drug in advance. To treat the face and neck, 1 syringe with gel is enough.

Main stages:

  • Skin cleansing;
  • Antiseptic treatment;
  • Anesthesia;
  • Biorevitalization of the Huaron face according to the method chosen by the doctor;
  • Repeated treatment with an antiseptic;
  • Use of post-procedure sedatives.

The session lasts less than an hour.


Biorevitalization courses are unacceptable for those who have conditional age restrictions. Since skin at 40 and 50 years old can look the same, fillers should be used if certain signs are present. There is no absolute age limit or prohibition.

However, there are restrictions that should not be violated:

  • If a woman is in the lactation period, the use of fillers should be avoided.
  • If you have an allergy, you need to exclude a specific type of filler.
  • Oncological diseases and chronic dermatological diseases are a conditional ban for all women of different ages.
  • Diabetes mellitus and exacerbation of acne - you should refrain from performing procedures.

Also, do not use hyaluronic acid if its expiration date has expired. If stored improperly, the composition also becomes unusable. Temperature conditions and transportation conditions should be observed even during the break between sessions.

For what age can it be used?

This method is considered quite radical, so people turn to it after 30. For those who are younger, the procedure is not recommended, since they secrete their own hyaluronic acid, and the skin is saturated, moisturized, smooth - otherwise the metabolism in the epidermal tissues can be disrupted.

Important: before the procedure, a cleansing session must be carried out to remove dead skin cells - this increases the throughput of the dermis. After the procedure, you need to apply a special sunscreen to the skin to moisturize the skin.

Methods of drug administration

The drug must be administered not just once, but in courses. It consists of several sessions. You can use injections for mesotherapy. A non-injection method can only be selected by a master who will carry out the procedure in a salon setting.

If fillers are used at home, there is a risk of infection. Incorrect insertion of the needle can cause rashes, irritation and bruises.


The procedure is carried out in a cosmetology salon. A 2.5 ml syringe is designed for treating the face and neck area. The procedure takes about 40-60 minutes. In this case, the volume of the injected solution is determined by the doctor. He also selects the method of administering the substance, the conditions for the procedure and the time of its completion.

Mesotherapy involves administering drugs in 3 ways:

  • Microinjections - the substance is injected to a depth of 1 mm under the skin. The distance between punctures should be at least 1 cm. The diameter of the puncture and the resulting papules depend on the type of skin, its condition and ability to heal quickly.
  • The acupressure technique involves injecting the drug along the wrinkle lines. Micropunctures are carried out with a thin needle, cut down to avoid residual irritation.
  • Linear technology for introducing a substance involves installing a pre-designed mesh or “fan”. The substance must be injected at a depth of 4-5 mm so that the drug can cope with deep wrinkles.

Biorevitalization is one of the injection techniques in the mesotherapy system. This means that such injections are carried out only in the face and neck area.

Non-injection method

Pulsed iontophoresis in physiotherapy involves the use of an electrical discharge in the range of 1-5 mA. Due to this, the skin's permeability to solid molecular particles increases. Amino acids and hyaluronic acid, together with vitamins, penetrate into the cells.

This type of rejuvenation can be chosen for those who are afraid of infection through punctures. The procedure is carried out within 30-40 minutes. every 2-3 weeks for 2-3 months. For a full course you need to do 6-7 procedures. Repeated non-injection mesotherapy can be performed no earlier than six months later.

Patient reviews

How many people - so many opinions. Naturally, everyone looks at the procedures and drugs used from their own point of view: cosmetologists - from a professional point of view, women - according to the results. Despite the fact that the opinions of cosmetologists about the biorevitalizant Hyaron differ significantly from each other, their clients mostly respond positively to the drug.

Valentina, 47 years old:

I have always suffered from skin problems. For a long time I tried to get rid of comedones and acne, and then, at the age of twenty, the first wrinkles appeared. I tried a lot of cosmetics, then switched to cosmetic procedures, including expensive ones. As a result, I decided to undergo injection biorevitalization. The cosmetologist suggested using Hyaron gel, made in Korea, and I agreed. After just three procedures I noticed stunning results! The “extra” years literally disappeared from my face, and now I look much younger. The contour and oval of the face were adjusted, the skin tightened, and deep wrinkles disappeared. The cosmetologist claims that it will get better in the future, but I am already very pleased with the result.

Margarita, 42 years old:

Not long ago I underwent a biorevitalization procedure using Hyaron gel. After the first procedure I decided to continue! I am a terrible allergy sufferer and was very worried that the drug would not suit me, but the result exceeded all expectations. There were no side effects in the form of itching, irritation or rash, everything went smoothly, although the procedure was performed under local anesthesia. With the help of Hyaron, I got rid of wrinkles around my eyes, my freckles became noticeably lighter and my skin began to look younger. Now I’m preparing for repeated procedures, I won’t refuse them for anything!

Juno, 35 years old:

Biorevitalization is far from new for me. I had already undergone a course of facial skin rejuvenation procedures, and in the end, I decided to undergo a special cycle for the décolleté area. However, instead of the drug I was used to, the cosmetologist suggested Hyaron. I also wanted to try out the new product. As a result, I was not particularly impressed with the effect; I expected more. The skin has smoothed out and tightened, but at the same time there is not the same amazing result as it was with facial rejuvenation. I'll have to continue the course, although I was hoping for a more pronounced effect. Maybe after all the necessary procedures it will be so.

Yulia, 50 years old:

I have always tried to take care of myself, carefully monitoring the health and condition of my skin, especially on my face. I support standard care procedures with cosmetic ones, and biorevitalization is one of them. After hearing a lot of negative reviews about this procedure, I decided not to give in to the majority and took a risk. We performed rejuvenation with Hyaron, which we selected in advance together with a cosmetologist. It was a little painful, but quite tolerable, and I made sure that the result was worth it. With the help of Hyaron, it was possible to get rid of deep wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and improve the overall condition of the skin. There are still a couple of basic procedures ahead, but I am already very pleased with the effect. In the near future I plan to carry out biorevitalization in the décolleté area with the same drug, despite its cost. Beauty requires sacrifice!

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

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What is the procedure?

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to analyze the individual characteristics of a person in order to choose a method of rejuvenation.

The following are the standard steps:

  1. Cleansing and application of surface peeling products. The skin should be clean, without makeup.
  2. The skin should be treated with an antiseptic to remove sebaceous fat and foreign particles.
  3. Ointments can be used for pain relief.
  4. Next, injection biorevitalization is carried out. A burning and tingling sensation may occur.

  5. After the procedure is completed, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic again. The solution helps relieve swelling and redness.
  6. Finally, you need to apply a mask and soothing cream.

The drug must be used in courses. Each of them consists of several sessions - from 4 to 10 procedures. The interval between them is 1 week. To maintain the effect obtained, the course should be repeated once a month.


Huaron biorevitalizant (reviews and recommendations from cosmetologists allow all measures to be taken in advance to carry out the procedure without negative consequences) is intended for conducting rejuvenation sessions that will require the woman to follow the rules of preparation.

The woman is advised to rest and get enough sleep. It is advisable to avoid physical activity and long workouts. It is also important to complete your course of antibiotics, as such medications can cause allergic reactions.


The process of introducing the substance is carried out under the supervision of a cosmetologist. He must apply a mesh or fan structure when choosing a linear or point method for performing the procedure. All punctures should be done at intervals of 10-20 seconds so that the facial skin is not subject to destruction and swelling. You need to make up to 12-15 punctures with one syringe, and then dispose of the remains.

Healing, care

After completion of the therapy session, the facial skin may be swollen. Bruising and hyperpigmentation are common. You should wear hats for sun protection for several days.

Make-up should not be applied in the first 2 days after administration of the substance. The washing process should be done using mild products for sensitive skin. Chamomile decoction compresses will help quickly neutralize inflammation and redness.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Reviews from cosmetologists about the drug Hyaron most often differ. There are ardent opponents of the gel and its supporters, but both agree that this product is very effective. To understand why some cosmetologists are against the drug, you should familiarize yourself with the opinion of the country's leading experts.

Maria, cosmetologist with 15 years of experience:

Biorevitalization is one of the most popular procedures among my clients. It so happens that I spend it more often than others, so I have to keep my finger on the pulse and always be aware of new products, especially those related to new drugs for rejuvenation. I became acquainted with Hyaron gel immediately, as soon as it was released into production. The first client, having learned about the innovation, wanted to use it. In general, the use of the gel does not differ from other drugs used in biorevitalization, but the result turned out to be more pronounced, although not significantly. I don’t consider Hyaron a breakthrough in the field of cosmetology, just a good quality product. The only thing worth noting is that it is not available to all clients in terms of price, so I use the gel extremely rarely.

Victoria, cosmetologist-esthetician:

I first took biorevitalizant Hyaron in the form of ampoules, at the special request of one of my clients, which I later very much regretted. The papules did not resolve after the procedure, and the bruises also went away with difficulty. She complained about the composition of the drug and was about to give it up when another client came to the appointment with a gel of the same brand, but in syringes. I tried to dissuade her, but it didn’t work, I had to carry out biorevitalization. And lo and behold! This time everything went smoothly, no complications, the effect was amazing. In the first case there was no result at all, but for the other client everything was fine. I no longer trust ampoules, I buy Hyaron exclusively in syringes and still have no problems with it!

Nadezhda, cosmetologist-dermatologist:

I had heard a lot about the drug Hyaron for biorevitalization, so when they asked me to carry out the procedure with a gel of this brand, I was not even surprised. The manufacturer has a good reputation and the composition is suitable. After the third procedure with Hyaron, the client’s skin tightness increased, crow’s feet and wrinkles smoothed out, and skin tone improved. For another client, the drug even helped enlarge her lips and perfectly corrected the shape of her face. However, I do not recommend using it for women under 50 years of age, since this procedure is quite long and will have to be carried out on an ongoing basis.

Side effects

With proper preparation, situations can sometimes occur when a person experiences discomfort after the procedure.

Mainly side effects include:

  • swelling and hematomas;
  • allergy;

  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of inflammatory reactions in the puncture areas;
  • scar formation.

These side symptoms can be prevented if the woman follows the cosmetologist’s recommendations using creams and ointments.

Is it possible to neutralize the effects of Huaron?

The cosmetic cocktail is intended for general maintenance of skin tone. Fillers do not eliminate uneven terrain or dryness. They are not intended to add volume to areas where filler is required. In this regard, side effects such as uneven distribution of the substance, the presence of lumps or migration of the drug are not observed.

If desired, you can neutralize the effect of the components . To do this, the cosmetologist prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures or injections based on natural ingredients. The technique should be selected by a doctor or specialist in the field of aesthetic medicine, taking into account the characteristics of the skin and its relief.

Cost of cosmetic services in the salon

In a beauty salon, 1 session costs 1,500 rubles. The cost may vary depending on the work of the master, the experience of the specialist and his qualifications. Huaron biorevitalizant is intended for rejuvenation in a beauty salon. The cosmetologist must choose the optimal method of introducing the substance.

Before this, he must clean and disinfect the skin, prepare it and begin the procedure. A woman can use Korean fillers to get a long-lasting effect, as well as to prevent skin aging. Positive reviews and the high-quality composition of the components allow you to choose modern mesotherapy technology.

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